The Middle East – On The Brink

Quick cunting here. Not my usual novel.

Anyway, the UN has stated that the Middle East is “on the brink.” For as long as I can remember during my lifetime, this fly-blown, primitive, sand-filled shitpit of a region has been “on the brink” so what makes things different now?

Why should anyone who’s been around a bit (see, over 35) give a ha’penny jizz about what’s happening over there yet again? Obviously the KiddlyWinkles will get upset over “mUh PalEsTinE” and get their knickers in a twist over WW3. Again. Probably something about climate change, too.

Attention seeking Camel Enthusiasts, the lot of the Middle Eastern – that goes for the Israelis, too.

Link here if anyone cares a toss: You Tube

Nominated by: Cuntis_Cuntis

68 thoughts on “The Middle East – On The Brink

  1. We sure they said “on the brink” and not “fuck me what’s that stink”?

  2. Go ahead, Middle East.

    I’m sure some civilised country will donate a nuclear device, or three, if you ask nicely, but don’t be asking me for donations for food, etc.

    I see there’s been another earthquake,
    Just waiting for the appeals for cash to start.

    Funny how it’s never food, clothing, tents, bedding or medication, innit?

  3. As a fellow cunter pointed out the other day, these cunts with their begging bowls out were overjoyed by 9/11.

    • Brown shitty lands not green and pleasant ones.
      Far too hot , no cooling Atlantic breeze and constant eyefuls of dust. I would want to fight everyone too if I lived there.

  4. Quite right CC.
    The desert people just can’t get along with each other.

    Eternally fighting over a sandpit.

    I was watching those idiotic student protests in the US on the news.
    Some speccy little splitarse in one of those Palestinian neckrags,

    She said they’d not had any dinner☹️
    Or a drink of water!!!
    She asked for a glass of water as.. humanitarian aid!!

    • No, they were not eternally fighting over a sandpit. It kicked off when we decided to give 1/2 of their sandpit to the jews, who promptly invaded another 1/4. I wonder what prompted us to do that?

      Whatever else we need to remember about what’s happening in that shit hole, the most important is that we are the cunts that caused it when we made Jewish a nationality.

      Of course you can’t say that now or you’re an antisemite. Well I’m sick of the hypocrisy, both sides are murderous nutters and we are responsible for the fucking mess in the first place. The peacefuls are anything but and the Jews should know better having been on the other end so many times.

  5. I think I’ll try that next time I’m in the Whippet Inn.
    Pint of Landlord mate. Humanitarian aid innit.

  6. It’s Iran. They’re supporting, funding, and escalating all terrorist organisations as well as their own armed forces with the stated goal of removing the west from the area, but more importantly the genocide of every Israeli and the destruction of Israel.
    It’s almost like a backwards religious dictatorship isn’t good for stability in the world. Who knew?
    The sooner we had these paedo worshipping animal raping flip flops loving their ass the better. It’s about time the world woke up to the islamic threat to the world. Their way of life is incompatible with any other in the word, and they won’t stop until every country is an Islamic state.

  7. The UN are like the WHO.
    A scare mongering bunch of useless cunts who’ll do the square root of fuck all if anything does kick off.
    I’m my 50 odd years on this earth it’s been kicking off every day, and quite frankly, I couldn’t give a shit.
    Fuck em!

    • It was the UN who last year issued the official statement that we are all now going through the stage of “Global Boiling”

      They might as well wonder around with “The End Is Nigh” sandwich boards on, bunch of low-grade amateur con artist cunts that they are

  8. Root of the problem is religion. Religious belief in general and Islam in particular are severe mental illness. People who propagate such views should be in a rubber room for their own and our safety instead of which we pass laws defending their right to spout such shite. Why should we be surprised by folks being stabbed at random when large numbers of nutters are imported and left to roam the streets unmolested?

    • Amen to that arfur – and Islam is the most lethal manifestation of the theocratic delusion in the modern world. In the 1930s it was Catholicism and its alliance with Nazism. They take turns at being the baddest cunts.

      But modern political Islam is the culmination of the eschatological impulse of religion. Its manifesto and its current means have meant there has never been a more dangerous religiously organised terror in history; it earnestly and desperately wants to bring about the end of the world so that the faithful can accede to paradise while they gleefully watch the rest of us being cast into the pit. And with Pakistani and (prospectively) Iranian nuclear capabilities it certainly poses the very real risk of doing it.

      Lovely people, well worth the pity of our bright young students.

      • I think “Lovely people, well worth the pity of our bright young students” may be the most consistently sarcastic sentence I’ve ever read. Every word is working hard.

        Top prose, many congratulations.

    • I totally agree. Organised religion is a ludicrous concept. Imagine if someone turned up declaring themselves to be the son of god nowadays, they’d be treated with a chemical cosh in a loony bin, and rightly so. Humanity is doomed whilst ever the myth of religion is perpetrated.

      • Very true, most of humanity has realised that religion is utter bollocks while these backwards cunts can’t grasp the concept.
        As for you do-gooders who think we can all live as one, we do become one but not in life.
        First we must throw a seven then eventually we return to dust.
        Only then are we truly as one.

    • That’s absolutely right, Arfur.

      There is far to much importance given to the spoutings of people who have imaginary friends, the sort of thing most people grew out off when we were 8 or 9.

      I am stuck in hospital at the moment and they have a multi-faith room near the entrance. I have put a note in the suggestion box that they should turn this room into an animal support room where people could bring their dogs in and give and receive a bit of love and attention. I will let you know what the response is! I am in the best NHS hospital in the country but I do miss my dogs.

      • ATB Wanksock – and superb suggestion; celebrating what we can in reality, not resorting to the empty desperation of fantasy. All best wishes for a speedy recovery

      • Especially bringing dogs in, Wanksock…then the muźzıes will steer as clear as if they had shower gel near them.

  9. Mussolini had the right idea when it came to sorting out the sand wógs..

    Plenty of hangings and mustard gas kept them quiet.

    The whole of the Middle East and North Africa is a complete cesspit,never ending war and far more trouble than its worth.

    I like the Israelis giving them some hard lessons in becoming dead.

    Good morning.

  10. Bunch of paki cunts the whole lot irrespective if they actually come from Pakistan or not.
    Middle east = planet earth’s arsehole!
    Fuck em all to hell and take Africa with you!

    • Nice one, TCIS…I love referring to all asians as ‘pakıs’ despite knowing full-well that they’re not.
      Fuck them.

      • I think its one of the greatest insults the British gave the world.

  11. Sits at work wondering about how big a window pane we would get if we dropped all our nukes on the shithole

    • Well I wouldn’t want to clean that window but I’m up for the nuking

  12. Agreed.
    If the earth was an arsehole, they`d stick the tube in Gaza.

  13. Another heavy drinking session and trying to shoot the sun down yet again. Hold the World Cup there every time to shut them up and that way we can keep tabs on them.

  14. How interesting is it that millenia ago this part of the world was the cradle of civilisation. The creme de la creme or art, science, medicine and astrology. Deep, pensive thinkers with philosophy a rich part of the culture.

    Then that twat prophet mohammed died around 1,400 years ago and things went to pot. One could argue, when the sand-niggys counquered parts of Europe, their advancements in technology allowed the west to re-invent itself after the fall of the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome but now they are a bunch of thieving, rapey, stabby kebab and corner shop owners, desperate to get to the UK for a better life, then helping themselves to what we have and our trying to force their way of life on us.

  15. The whole fucking planet has been on the brink of nuclear armageddon for all of my life.

    That doomsday clock creeps ever nearer towards midnight; well, according to the cunts who keep moving it nearer to midnight.

    I’ve more or less given up worrying.I just hope that I’m right under the first one to hit, and that we fucking well send that Russki cunt Putin a few nice hot ones back.

    Morning all.

  16. Fear not, a one-world government will mean we all get along with each other.

  17. It’s Princess Charlottes birthday today, she is nine….

    In the shiholes of Mohammed she would be fair game.

    Just off to do my civic duty and vote, still not sure if it will be for the bag of shite or steaming turd.

  18. The ‘ lord” played a cruel game when ( he,she,it, whatever) put copious amounts of oil beneath the sand nooogers feet…. ?️

  19. I remember we were “on the brink” (BBC Home Service) in June 1967 when Moshe Diyanm had his six day war. We were on the brink fore and aft – it helps newspaper circulations and BBC news reporters to feel “important”. It might be 2024 but they are back in Munich in 1938.

  20. If the 4 x 2’s had just stuck to banking, Hollywood, the porn industry and stayed well away from the “Holy Land” maybe the Middle East would be more “peaceful”

    Nudge nudge wink wink.

  21. The Middle East on the brink of war? World war three is bubbling up. War in the Middle East is ongoing, war in Europe is on the go, Pakistan is ready to lash out and if China looks like it’s going to Taiwan for some better quality chips all bets are off.

    The media can make a small war look like Armageddon and the start of WWIII look like a non event.

    Where’s Allan to comment on the Biden administration’s rush into multiple wars? If it was Trump something would be said!

    • Yes it’s interesting how the world is generally in a far worse more unstable place since Big Don was removed from power.

      Mean Tweets and a few off hand comments made in private years ago or multiple wars and sky rocketing prices?

      Which is it to be?

      • Notice how it was the BBC and WEF-loving liberals who wanted the UK to bomb Russian troops and send fighters into Russian airspace. The globohomo brigade claim to be against ‘hate’ and war and yet celebrate the likes of Obama and escalation of war in Ukraine.

        Perhaps Emily Evis should book the CEO of Raytheon or Lockheed to give a rousing speech at Glasto on how it’s important to keep exporting democracy through airstrikes.

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