Mothin Ali; Green Party Councillor for Gaza

Time was when local elections were about ‘bread and butter’ issues of import to residents and council tax payers; schools and housing, bin collections, litter, stuff like that.

Not so much these days, at least if the example of a certain Mothin ‘The Mouth’ Ali is anything to go by. After winning a seat on the council in Leeds, the Green Goblin went off on one, yelling ‘Alluah Akbar’ and gobbing off about his win being ‘a victory for Palestine, a victory for Gaza’ etc and so forth. I’m sure that will be reassuring for those of his constituents concerned about potholes and keeping the library open.

Islamification. Coming soon to a local authority caliphate near you.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

68 thoughts on “Mothin Ali; Green Party Councillor for Gaza

  1. Dammit RK, I was about to have a corned beef and pickle roll.
    Now I feel a bit nauseous after seeing that filthy pakı piece of cancerous rectum.

  2. I see he’s a qualified mufti in Leeds.
    I’d rather he was an unqualified pufti in Gaza.

    Alluah Akbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


    • I’m pretty good at muff-diving, is that any good to you?

      I don’t have a certificate, but I have got a fair few letters of recommendation.

  3. Hopefully someone will let a couple of pigs loose on his allotment.
    Those flesh-eating pigs from Hannibal.
    He’ll be a pakı Mason Verger.

  4. After giving careful thought and consideration to the poor, disadvantaged and discriminated against people who voted for Mothin Ali, I have arrived at the following conclusion; Fuck ’em.

  5. Is he the pàķi superman in the header picture..

    Look to the benefit office.. is it a rat? Is it a pile of dog shit? No it’s superpàķì..

    Able to subdue anyone with his appalling stench..

  6. When you have brainwashed, fuckwitted, Oxford “students” campaigning against things they neither know, nor understand, is it any wonder cunts like this get elected?
    Why is the anti British motherfucker allowed to stand for election in the first place?
    A dog born in a stable doesn’t make it a horse, and filthy, child molesting Pakis born in the UK just means they are the shit that should be thrown out of Great Britain.
    We’ll see how much the students, and left wing morons appreciate Sharia law before much longer.

    • I think that there’s a growing concern that the Greens are becoming a haven for more and more weirdos and extremists.

      This cunt Ali is a prime example.

      Morning all.

  7. Harehills Leeds,
    Islamic shithole…..💩
    Be careful what you vote for….🔥

  8. The Lentil Lovers hijacked by Islamic fanatics.

    The new style of democracy for our once proud land..

    By way of Islamabad.

    I vote Oven.

  9. There are that many cunts of this ilk allowed in now by cunts who should’ve had the sense when enough was enough. I’m glad I no longer live in the big cities, but it still galls me.

  10. Creeping around towel heads will not save any spineless lefty cunts in the meeja, arts and politics. When the time comes they will be put to the sword, or raped and then stoned to death. Piss be upon them.

    • Well, at least there’s that to look forward to. Maybe stuff like this will be on PPV.

    • You couldn’t possibly pay me enough to conjugate with one of these badly shaved apes.

  11. It’s comforting to know that even terrorists are eco-conscious these days.

    I dare say that when he immolates himself and a playgroup full of young disabled kids, he’ll do so whilst wearing a hessian soo-iss-ide belt, with some low carbon footprint Semtex made locally from recycled plastic explosives, ploughing into the crowd on board an HGV converted to run on used cooking oil.

    Makes you feel great that they’re doing their bit for the world.

  12. Sorry Ron, not my local authority..

    Mine is the only 100 percent independent council..
    No tory cunts, no Muslim loving Labour, no lib dem pòòfs and no green retàrds..

    We are Royston vasey..🤣

  13. There it is! The result of mass immigration and multiculturalism. He’s only interested in Muslims, the ones in Leeds and the wider Muslim world.

    Dogs don’t become cats because there are more cats in the house than dogs.

    It’s not his fault, he’s what he is, where ever he lives he will be the same. It’s predictable and there’s no excuse for those who allowed and encouraged this.

    When you go to vote, if you bother to vote at all, if you vote for LabCon you’ll be voting for more of this!

    The biggest weakness of democracy is that of you allow alien ideologies into your country in any number they will use democracy to reshape and eventually destroy said democracy.

    • Because Islam isn’t just a religion. It’s a whole life ideology. It dictates every aspect of a Muslims life. If the Nazis had been a religion instead of just a political movement they would have been Islam.

  14. O/T but related
    A woman stabbed to death on Bournemouth beach. As another woman was also attacked and seriously wounded it looks unlikely to be a crime of passion.
    Add to that the fact that the Police have not issued a description of the attacker, and does anyone begin to smell a rat?

    More cultural enrichment?

  15. This cunt should be defrocked and his dress be taken from him too. This bearded lady should’ve stayed on Blackpool’s golden mile, making the kids laugh.

  16. People have been trying to warn those in power for years, like with most things they always leave it until it’s too late.

    Fucking P*ki scum will always be fucking P*ki scum

  17. They dont seem very concerned about Yemen, Eritrea, Nigeria and anywhere else Muslims are murdering Muslims and others do they? No councillors for dead Arabs.
    Surely not antisemitism and support for terrorists?

    • There was nothing about ISIS, the ‘British’ Muslim didn’t seem to be too upset over the murdering death cult.

      All the crying over ‘ordinary’ Palestinians, not a fucking peep about the thousands dead in Syria, the battle for Aleppo cost 30,000 lives, not a fuck given by the rag heads.

      What the fuck is special about Palestinians, if it was one mob of rag heads killing another bunch of rag heads over the beach front real estate, no one would give a shit.

      • Real Estate is stretching it a bit Sicky.

        Still, Israel have made millions of dollars worth of improvements recently.

      • Potential beach from real estate, throw out all the Palestinians and it could be a nice little holiday destination

        I agree, flattening the place is a good start

  18. I think you’re all being harsh.on Mothball Ali.

    Hes livening up boring local politics.
    Green issues and islam go hand in hand.
    Are these vegan rolls Halal?
    Pyjamas made from hemp.
    Both wear sandals.

    Down on.the allotments having target practice.

    Vegetable rights and death to the Zionists!! ✊🏽

  19. You can bet your bollocks that civil servants and the leftie media are scouring the activities of Reform candidates and members, in search of signs of racism.
    They’re looking in the wrong place.
    The Greens and indeed, Starmer’s disparate gang of park keys and other pieces of shit are where racism is at.
    And why is there suddenly this love in with dirty, filthy, inbred, revolting little park keys?
    I though even the woke found them distasteful.
    Fucking rats on two legs.

    • I don’t see racism as a sin, or flaw.
      I 🤎racism.
      It’s character building,

      And recent scientific study shows racists live on average 10years longer than Bennetton types.
      Not sooties like.
      They die early no matter what.

      • Joking apart Mis, we dog owners live 2 years longer on average than non-dog owners.

        Does that mean if I get 10 dogs I’ll live 20 years longer?

      • It’s God’s justice Geordie.
        Gods a dog owner too.

        If someone mentions they have a dog to me I instantly like them.

        Let’s be honest,
        People who don’t like dogs deserve to die earlier😂

      • That means dame keir could be immortal with all the old dogs in his party..

    • You can bet your bollocks that civil servants and the leftie media are scouring the activities of Reform candidates and members, in search of signs of racism.

      I think Reform are doing that all by themselves.

  20. I must admit I’ve become EXTREMELY racist towards the Mudslimes. I like Sheffield but there’s far too many of the vermin here.

    • Having said that a friend of mine (who’s white I should mention) grew up with Islam but not necessarily THAT sort.

    • Can you be ‘racist’ towards moshlims?

      It is an imperialist and Arab supremacist worldview, but not a race (even if it privileges Arabic and the Arabs).

  21. OT

    I hope someone has the urge to cunt James Corden after the fat cunt was forced out of America so has come back to tell us what a bunch of retards we are for Brexit.

    • He really is fat, obnoxious wanker, extremely low T, overgrown sense of his own importance. A complete man-baby.

      Don’t know where he went to school, but he would have been battered to fuck if he went to my old place.

  22. Anyone who votes green is totally deranged. The cretinous cunts have zero concept of reality.
    Most of the cunts have huge houses and cars.
    Come the revolution, all of them to the wall.

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