Holliblobs in Spain

(Transwimminz and blokes will probably claim the same deal. Equality, innit! – Day Admin)

Women working in Spain are now entitled under new laws to have 5 day’s fully paid leave in any 28 day period.

If they say that they experience period pains then they are now able to take up to 5 days off work.
I can’t see many women just taking 3 or 4 days off, so 5 days will be the norm.

They will need a doctors certificate, but as their period pains are so debilitating they would not be expected to endure a trip to the doctors every month.

Instead just one visit will be enough to register their condition followed by the occasional online consultation.

I can guarantee that no woman is going to have a period stretching into the weekend.
They will all miraculously come on the blob on a Monday, have terrible pains through to the Friday and then back at work the following Monday.

For most, if they don’t work on a weekend that will give them a 9 day break.
Every fucking month.

Of course airline stewardess will manage to start their periods the day that they are due to leave a nice location.
Five extra days laying in the sun in The Seychelles at the airlines expense.
What’s not to like?

Waitresses will be taking the busiest nights off.

Apparently this is a step forward in Women’s Rights.
It will actually be a huge step back when companies will not employ them.

A normal, natural process that women have put up with since human life began is now so debilitating that they can’t do anything at all.


Nominated by: The Artful Cunter

46 thoughts on “Holliblobs in Spain

  1. This madness will only end when everybody is sitting on their arse’s, and the well has run dry..

    Can you claim for painful bleeding hemorrhoids?
    Asking for a friend.

  2. Leading on from admin’s comment……

    Trans rights in Spain.

    The Guardia Civil are a tough bunch of guys.
    Armed to the teeth.

    In the Spanish enclave of Ceuta they are really up against it.
    The place is situated in Morocco and is under constant attack by asylum seekers.

    It must have been a bit of a surprise when the Corporal turned up one day with his hair too long and wearing earrings.

    He declared himself as a woman.
    He has said that he always knew that inside he was actually a lesbian.

    No questions are allowed to be asked.
    If he says that he is a woman that’s good enough.

    He secured a 15% pay rise for being a mother and the opportunity for earlier retirement.
    He also has now got his own private quarters and private bathroom.

    40 of his officers have now followed suit and they all identify as lesbian women too.

    Only four have changed their names.
    They all wear male clothes and some have kept their beards.

    When you make silly laws then people will take the piss.


  3. Morning one, morning all,

    From personal experience, the Spanish are idle fuckers anyway. Anything to shirk from an hour’s graft.

    White Africa. Oven.

  4. It’s just the same here since the imaginary ailment ADHD rendered ‘sufferers’ eligible for PIP benefits of up to the better part of £200 per week. In the town where I live there are more people either already pretending to have ADHD or awaiting a diagnostic appointment with a GP than there were people in Nagasaki and Hiroshima with radiation sickness in late 1945. I despise the wankers who decided that ‘sufferers’ are eligible for handouts as much as the Oscar winning deadbeats who put on an act to pretend that it exists. For different reasons, both groups of these shithouses urgently need a fucking good hiding to cure them once and for all. I’d dish it out until I collapsed from exhaustion.

    • ADHD is, in my experience, very real, though not in a clinical sense.
      In general, IMHO, it simply means an unruly, disobedient brat that is in desperate need of a damn good thrashing with (usually) a single mother as ‘parent’, who herself is still a child and is not accustomed to either hearing or using the word ‘No!’

  5. This is disgusting, how can trans women achieve true recognition as real women if they can’t take time off for their periods.

    Woman – ‘Doctor, my period is really painful’
    Doctor – ‘Not surprised, passing blood through your Willy, take 5 days leave’

    Men should get the same deal, if the wife is moaning like fuck over her period pains a nice beach holiday out of her way for a few days, paid for by the company ?

  6. I woke up this morning to find I was on my beeriod; symptoms were intense nausea, thumping headache, extreme irritability, a general desire for the world and everyone in it to fuck off.

    If I move to Spain do you think I could get signed off for the week?

    • Morning, Balsamic,

      There’s a bit of dipthbeeria hanging around CC Manor this morning, actually.

      Beans on toast. Hair of the dog – no more than two, though – and a nap. You’ll be good to go.

      • Afternoon Cuntis, I’ve sweated it off filling up these stupid fucking ballasts for a new garden parasol with soggy playsand that has to be fed in a grain at a time through a hole that’s tighter than a virgin gnat’s twat.

        Make no mistake, I shall soon be back on it, and I apologise to the IAC forum in advance for the incoherent shite I shall be incontinently posting by 4pm

      • Good man! The Boss has decided we’re having a BBQ today and has invited some friends over.

        What this actually means is that The Men will be tanked up by about 4, no food will get cooked, I’ll say something racist, and we’ll end up having a pizza.

        Ah, The Great British Summer! ?

      • ‘Having a bar b q’ and ‘invited’ friends over…… Careful, that sounds like a ‘Eurovision Gayness’ party.

        You’ll be telling us all how you painted your gates all country cream soon.

  7. Any chance the Swedes could introduce the same thing in order to shut the fucking Turdberg gargoyle up for 9 days at a time? As the world slowly wakes up to the climate scam, this product of foetal alcohol syndrome turns its ire on Israel, the Left’s latest cause du jour.
    Would someone please shove a pack of ladies’ sanitary products into its gob?

  8. If wimmin’s entirely deserved period pains miraculously disappeared overnight, would they still moan like fuck?
    Yes. Yes, of course.

    • Ah Thomas, It’s the crying screaming etc when they are up on blocks. No wonder it’s called a period drama.

      My ex was a bigger cunt on holy week than she was any other time of the month.

      • My ex’s ‘time of the month’ started about a week before the actual event, obviously another week of bitching and whining as though it was an illness, then followed by another week of ‘recovery’.

        I was lucky if I got 5 days out of 30 where she was relatively normal, which she usually spent shopping for useless tat because she’d been so ‘poorly’.

        Ffs, I must have been insane to have tolerated it.

  9. Mrs Cunter’s friend has a restaurant here.

    She has been told that as well as the blob day’s off women can also take paid day’s off to look after sick relatives as well as day’s off for moving home.

    I didn’t add those things to the nom as I couldn’t find a link.

    He friend is anticipating the day when she is the only one turning up at the restaurant, a business that she has been working hard to build over the past several years.

  10. Being married to a Portuguese woman with a typical latin temperament, I can confirm this is probably a good idea on grounds of health and safety.

  11. Loved Spain as a young teenager, on holiday with my parents in the 1960s.

    Perfect weather on tap every day. Villa with pool, cheap booze, cheap fags, gorgeous half naked bitches showing out everywhere. Pablo Picarsehole, scrummy paella for tea. Generalissimo Franco, Salvador Dali, flick-knives on sale legally (still have two which I use regularly), lively bar just a few hundred yards down the dirt road…

    And not a single Watneys Red Barrel in sight! What more could you fucking ask for?

    Now look at it. A woke infested basket case same as every other God-forsaken so-called Western democratic country.


    • I’ve never been to Spain.
      And never will.

      Which all parties are happy with.

      • Alright, MNC,

        Don’t bother. Too hot. The food’s muck. They’re WAY too loud. The language sounds like a bag of pigs being thrown down a flight of stairs, which – I hasten to add – is probably a national sport in that flyblown khazi.

        Lying, cheating cunts, who are greasy. Bearded women, too.

        Best stick with rambling in our verdant Peak District.

      • Apparently it’s full of dagoes Mis, why anyone would go there is beyond me.

      • I’d like to see La Sagrada Familia but, since it involves going to Spain, it’ll never happen.

      • Alright, MNC,

        Don’t bother. Too hot. The food’s muck. They’re WAY too loud. The language sounds like a typewriter being thrown down a flight of stairs, which – I hasten to add – is probably a national sport over there.


        Best stick with rambling in our verdant Peak District.

      • Only time I’ve been to Spain was when I was contracting for British Airways. I bummed a ride down to Barcelona one Sunday afternoon in 92 or 93 on the jump seat on the flight deck of a BAC111. I’m afraid I didn’t even step on Spanish soil, I stayed on the flight deck during the turn round. Interestingly the plane was Romeo Tango, which was the one which had a window blow out on the flight deck over Didcot on 10th June 1990. On short finals the captain remarked it looked wet down there and switched on the ABS on the brakes. On touching down the ABS hammered away nearly all the way down the roll. The captain turned to the first officer and me and asked if we had heard ATC warn the runway was wet. They had not. Spanish ATC eh?

        Oddly, our elder has a qualification to teach English as a foreign language to Spaniards. She trained in Seville and said it was as hot as fucking Hades.

  12. Let’s face facts, shall we! The Spanish are and always have been a bunch of cunts, idle or otherwise. Along with anyone who bastardises the English language with words like ‘hollibobs’. This is a cunts word, and only cunts use it!

    • Holliblobs however, could possibly be a new word that describes fucking lazy Spanish women trying to blag an extra weeks holiday per month whilst ‘up on blocks’.

  13. My ex never had a blob strop in all the time I was with her.
    She was always a stroppy cunt!
    In her defence most of it was down to me but you know what they say, if you can’t stand the heat Fuck off!

  14. They get cramps and tummy ache when on the blob.
    Let em stay home I say.

    They’re a fuckin nightmare when they are bleeding.

    I stay out the way.
    I upset people at the best of times nevermind when menstrual.

    • The country will still run if women stay at home. Oil will still get drilled, nuclear reactors will still work, the electricity, gas and water utilities will all carry on and wars will still be fought.

      Nearly all run by men who will just carry on running the country as they always have done.

      If men took the best part of a week off due to ‘issues’ then you would notice a difference. Karen from HR is recovering at home due to period pains? Who gives a fuck?

  15. Here’s a thought.

    A while back the BBC did an interview with a ‘trans breast feeding mother’ and obviously there was quite rightfully a backlash.

    The interviewer was Nagga Munchetti I think (btw is it just me or is she the spit of the Master from Salems Lot) and from the footage I saw it was all being taken very seriously.

    So I’m just wondering how the BBC would handle the same freak if it worked at Jimmy Saville House and kept calling in sick with Period Pains?????

    Genuinely would love to know how that would pan out.

    • It would be director general by Christmas..

      And I always thought naga monster munch was trans?

  16. Eureka!
    I simply identify as a pan gender poof of half African and half Asian origin, wait for all my wonderful benefit payments to arrive then spend the rest of my days sat on my fat white entitled arse with my feet suitably raised!
    Of course I’ll need a back up discrimination claim lest my scheme is rumbled.

  17. Spain already has high levels of unemployment and take the afternoon off. Still they get subsidised by the North Europeans in the EU.

    More socialism.

  18. Well I fancy this nom has turned into a bit of a bloody mess.

    Southern European countries such as Spain and Italy should be good for nothing but hosting holidays.

    As for Spain, they can fuck off. Keep banging on about Gibraltar, well how’s about you dirty dagoes hand the North African enclave of Quetta back first, set and example an all that… ?

  19. People say that the lifestyle in Spain is slow and relaxing.
    I suppose that if you are retired then that is mostly true.

    But hardly anything here is computerised.

    Everything is done with bits of paper, and to get the correct bit of paper means running yourself ragged around dozens of places to get the necessary paperwork for that bit of paper.

    Then there are the several appointments that you have to make and attend in person.
    Wrong bit of paper?
    Do the whole process again and queue up for another fucking appointment.

    The authorities make it as difficult to do anything as they possibly can.
    Not just for foreigners, but for their own people too.


    The video is true to life.

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