Universal Credit Gang



Bet you all think this is a cunting for the above gang of scum.
But you`d be wrong.
No, I`m cunting the “system` which didn`t prevent it happening in the first place:
Clearly run by gen-z adolescent pre-pubescent clueless cretins and probably the same morons who run the admin for the NHS etc, etc, etc.
Oh – and they are all totally accountable to …
I rest my case, m`lAdmin.

It beggars belief C.A.

67 thoughts on “Universal Credit Gang

  1. Agreed – the fact that, given their names, they’re all Romanian or Bulgarian so there’s no point even pointing the finger at them. Stealing to them is like legitimately working to us.
    This pathetic country is as soft as soft can be. And later on this year, we, collectively will vote in Kwėer Starmer and his not-so-merry band of faģs and Jew-haters to accelerate the unending process of accepting and financing the world’s dross.
    What sad cunts we are.

    • Morning TCE.

      Not me, I shall never vote for any of the cunts again, won’t give them the perceived legitimacy.

      And if anyone says ‘well you didn’t vote so you can’t complain’ I shall tell them to fuck off, as it’s been proven that all main stream politicians are corrupt, lying, venal chancers who do the complete opposite of what they say and are in fact engaged in a visible and open agenda to destroy England and the English indigenous population along with its culture and history.

      • Your description of main stream politicians is accurate Len and your decision not to vote for them is sound. Therefore vote for someone outside the main stream. When enough of us do they will take notice.

      • Same as me I WILL NEVER VOTE as they are ALL BOLLOCKS.The “MP’s” want introducing to the gibbet.All traitors.

      • When enough of us vote for someone out the mainstream, they will get banned or cancelled.

  2. What the article says, more or less is….

    “These convictions demonstrate our commitment to tackling fraud”

    Yes, after you have paid out more than £50 million of tax payer’s money over a five year period. Which you will never get back.

    Useless cunts.
    Sack everyone involved.

    • That’s the thing isn’t it?
      They sound almost triumphant, like a major victory has be achieved.
      It might have worked with something like Dunkirk, but on this occasion, it doesn’t wash.
      Still, lessons will be learned and all that bollocks.

  3. Don’t get me started on this fucking system. In my mind benefits are so people don’t starve and have a roof over their head. Therefore it is vouchers, want Netflix? Fuck off and get a job. My sister in law has part of her benefits given to her for ‘entertainment’. I’m not joking. Oh, and benefits for people who are unable to work for serious reasons, not faux mental health issues.

  4. Five week wait to see a doctor, pot holes in the roads, council services near non existent yet taxation the highest since WW2 and I was wondering where all the money went.

    • And BBC radio currently wanking themselves silly over the breaking news that there is a proposal for UK troops to be the ‘boots on the ground’ delivering aid to Gaza from the floating dock the US are currently building.

      For fucks sake.

      Good morning all.

      • Perhaps the troops will all be like the one we see stopping to pray in the army adverts?

      • Our troops will be handing food and medicine to the sort of people who celebrated the deaths of thousands of civilians on 11th September 2001.

        Let’s not forget those scenes.

        That sort of reaction tells you it isnt just the Israelis they hate, as the homegrown fans of Hamas often include the US and UK in their bloodthirsty chants while marching through British cities.

  5. Here lies the problem, cunts in charge think benefits and handouts show kindness..
    No it shows weakness, and vermin will play the system..

    If you don’t pay in, you don’t take out..

    Like all government departments, there are no consequences..
    Get fleeced out of 50 million, don’t worry the mug taxpayers will pick up the bill.

    Everyone involved in that case, should have all property seized and sold to repay the taxpayers.

    And they wonder why third world scum rock up every day..
    The first thing dinghy rats should get when they step on the beach, is a four by two across their face..

    • They shouldn’t get as far as the beach BZ, it’s gone too far now.

      A round or two from a GPMG or 1/2inch M3M into the dinghy whilst mid channel is what’s needed.

      Harsh possibly, but this country is sliding to oblivion faster than a fat lass down a water chute.

      • Hi Barry.

        My son was in the Royal Navy until recently.
        Their directive is that they cannot open fire on anyone unless they are fired at first.

        Yes, you did read that right.

        Hopefully whoever fires a gun at a sailor will miss and that will give the sailor an opportunity to retaliate.

        How the navy could get involved is by picking up every illegal immigrant that lands on the beach, putting them directly in a transport ship and taking them back to France.

        Of course, government approval is required.
        I can’t see them doing that.

      • I think the Manchester Arena bomber was picked up by the RN on a boat in the Med, whilst floating away from Libya.

        Wonderful how they repay our kindness…

      • @Artful

        Lets hope the rinky dinks don’t develop an accurate missile that can ‘one-shot a carrier or the RN will be on the bottom of the sea without having fired a shot.

      • It’s amazing isn’t it.
        Some cunt is aiming a gun at you and you can’t fire first unless you want to be facing criminal charges.

        I’m sure that there is a nomination in the pipeline about the SAS officers who are under investigation for protecting us, so I won’t add to these few comments.

  6. This country has gone downhill unbelievably quickly and has worsened since they made children of us all by telling us to hide in the house over a cold and millions dutifully obeyed. No wonder half the country is now infantalised and has mental elf ishoos while Johnny Foreigner cleans up.

    • Agreed Mr Helmit, and good morning.

      The UK is a nation full of trannies and sissies.
      Every day I see nothing else on English TV except effeminate men.

      My opinion is that dating apps carry most responsibility for this.

      Young men no longer have to interact with girls in a normal way.
      The way that we used to.

      They think that to be attractive to a girl they must act like a girl.
      They must be one of them.

      Anyway, of topic but my opinion anyway.

  7. What a racist nomination, using factual evidence to prove foreigners are playing a corrupt and useless system.
    Just because we can all see the agenda of replacing white people across the western world with a single mixed race and that the wealthy elite are using cheap imported labour to keep wages down and costs high so they can make money for themselves and their mates.

    We’re going to keep seeing the eastern Europeans breaking our laws stealing everything they can, the peacefuls establishing sharia, grooming white girls, and ghettoizing our cities, immigrants raping and assaulting children, and fried chiggun loving tree swingers stabbing everyone. One day the liberal tards of the country are going to realise that there’s no-one left to protect them from all this, and when they’re victims of mass theft, assault, rape, and murder I’ll be laughing my balls off at them.

    • https://amp.dw.com/en/new-years-eve-in-cologne-5-years-after-the-mass-assaults/a-56073007

      It happened ten years ago in Germany when hundreds of young women were assaulted and raped in Cologne by peaceful immos and not one conviction. Ten years later, the “far right” (I.e. anti open borders to scum) AFD is now attracting 25% of the vote of young people who are sick of living in a country where they’re not safe and foreign shite get all of the state’s indulgences while they have no prospect to get ahead.

      It’ll probably take another ten years in this country for today’s young people to stop thinking with their emotions and to start sussing out the truth of the situation. By which time will it be too late, as the black flag of the Caliphate flies over Buckingham Palace?

  8. The benefits system has had it’s Arse ripped out by ethnics since the sixties, I have friends who worked at the dhss and they knew that ” me no speaky English” mohammed and his chums used other peoples children to claim family allowance, used other ethnics to take driving tests, it’s in their nature to defraud everyone.

    Now, a whole new ” boatload of the same scrounging robbing cunts are being allowed to set up home.

    Politicians, may a curse be upon the spineless cunts.

  9. Sir Kweer may accelerate still further the collapse of the country, but make no mistake, the Tories have presided over the past 14 years. As Blair becomes a memory, what the fuck has happened since…The Tories have fucked the economy, fucked Brexit, made Britain an open house for foreign scum. Even worse, they murdered our grannies. Soon we will be fucked by Sir Kweer who will bring in a bill to legalise euthanasia (a cornerstone policy of Nazi Germany) – so a continuity of sorts.

    Euthanasia (together with DNR notices) is seen as the way to save the NHS. Let’s face it, it is already its main stock in trade. Calling it assisted dying doesn’t change what it is. And all for what? To be able to afford to pay for pieces of filth like those highlighted in this excellent nom. If all this sounds bitter, it is because I am.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Kweer is a meer puppet for his paymasters.Once he’s in EVERY union will strike and hold our country to ransom.We are toast ☹️

      • I agree. They’ll all want a 100% pay rise whilst working from home, even if that’s not possible.

  10. Diversity is our strength.Whatever.Line these scumbags up against a wall and fire at them at point blank range and afterwards microwave the remains.

  11. The other side of this coin is of course the genuine British people who are not receiving the help they need and deserve. In round figures £20 billion pounds per annum is not paid out. You may hold the view that adults shouldn’t get themselves in this situation but a third of children, four million, many of them under school age, are in this position which is quite beyond their control.

  12. This will be the tip of the iceberg.

    A quick search will find many such cases..


    The benefit system is utterly vast with so many rules it would make a human rights lawyer weep,its obviously wide open to abuse on an industrial scale and the gyppo cunts and raghead cunts have been at it for decades.

    There is zero accountability and the punishment if caught is derisory.

    Theft on this scale should be considered a national emergency and those at it should hang.

    Good morning.

  13. The benefits system…..I would class it as a job these days, in fact if I was just leaving school I’d be telling the careers person that I aspired to be a ‘universal fraud investigator’ so I could clean up with a legitimate wage a well as taking the country to the cleaners…mugs of the highest order…. champions?,champions?,?

  14. I’ve never met anyone claiming it who isn’t fiddling it in some way, and via my pondlife staff I get exposed to this strata of society a lot.

    As of November ‘23 there were 6.27 million people claiming it. When it comes to the size of the biggest gang of fraudsters abusing this system, I estimate that to be in the region of 6.27 million.

    • Very true.

      I have never known anyone who relies purely on benefits.
      The old trick was to park your work van some distance from the benefits office before going in to ‘sign on’.

      I don’t think that is necessary now.
      Just do what you want and your benefits get paid directly into your bank account.

      This is why a national identity card is vital.
      You can’t control fraud without it.
      The introduction may be unpopular but it would save the UK billions.

      Other countries have them.

      Imagine if the scruffy protesters on the street had to produce their national identity card when asked.
      Their details could be sent to the benefits office.
      If they don’t declare that they were unavailable for work on the day of the protest then their benefits would be frozen.

      See how many of them ‘Just want to Stop Oil’ or want to attend another anti Israel protest under those circumstances.

      • I’ve mentioned it before, but whenever we advertise a job, we get dozens of “applicants” who send us their CVs, talk with enthusiasm over the telephone interview, accept a job trial for which we email the details to them, then they never turn up.

        Turns out these shite are hoodwinking the email out of us so that they can go down the DSS and produce evidence that they’ve been actively looking for work, then claim that having attended the trial they weren’t offered the job. All the DSS would have to do would be to contact us and we could verify the claim to be fraudulent. But it’s easier to just dish out other people’s money than to remember that they work for the tax payer and should be protecting the interests of their employer. It would be like working for Tesco and letting people leave without paying for their groceries. You wouldn’t last long in that job so why the fuck do these lazy ignorant shite that “work” in the dole office get away with it?

  15. It’s not just the DWP who are the victims of fraud, we all are.
    I feel like I’m being conned when I visit my local shop in the mornings on the way to work.
    Guaranteed there will be some obese, pyjama wearing wimminz in front of me in the queue, spunking £20 or more on scratch cards and other unnecessary shit, with the latest iPhone sticking out of their back pocket.
    This is why a voucher system is absolutely necessary.
    It’ll still be open to fraud of some sort, like ration books once were. But we need to come up with something.

    • Vouchers are the nailed on solution – don’t give these bastards money, give them access only to the essentials.

      That means no vouchers for scratchies, cigs, beer or iPhones.

      They’d soon get themselves jobs when they realised their lives were based on subsistence rations only, with none of the luxuries they currently take for granted.

      The trouble is, especially with the incoming administration, such a scheme would be deemed “dehumanising” so it has as much chance of being implemented as Diane Abbot becoming Playmate of the Year.

      • Pákí corner shops will be cashing in vouchers for 50% of their value.

        Vouchers and food stamps will not work.

      • Food vouchers would be assigned in colour coded batches. yellow for dairy, brown for carbohydrate, red for meat and fish and green for fruit and vegetables. Over half of tbe fortnightly reel of vouchers should be green.

      • Understood CP.

        But to investigate only Pákí shops would be racist.
        All grocery shops would have to be scrutinised.

        They would need to find out that the amount of goods allegedly sold does not exceed what they had/have in stock.

        This would be an horrendous task.

        It would be much easier for the benefits offices to just hand out vouchers to try and show that they are doing something.

        Of course I agree that vouchers for essentials are a good idea, but the proposed system is wide open for abuse.

        I don’t think that it would achieve anything other than making the owners of corner shops a lot more money.

        With the very occasional slap on the wrist for a Pákí shop owner who didn’t know that he was doing anything wrong.

    • With inflation, cash has become like a voucher system. I consider a tenner to be a red drinking voucher (exchangeable for around 2.6 pints) and a twenty is a purple drinking voucher. Fivers are latte vouchers.

  16. I would love to be in charge of a benefits office……

    ‘Good morning Mr Patel. Still not got yourself a job?’

    “Me no speeky da inglish”

    ‘Do you think that you may have a better chance of getting work if you were not so obviously Pákí?
    Try having a wash, dressing in normal clothes and wearing shoes instead of leather flip flops’
    Come back to see me when you have sorted yourself out and I will give you 6 weeks to get a job before I stop all of your benefits.
    Now fuck off’

    ‘Good morning Mr Slob. I see that you have a new tattoo. It’s on your face. You have made yourself unemployable so I am stopping your benefits until you get it lasered off.
    Now fuck off’

    No cunt would get anything out of me.

    • ‘Good morning Mr Izzard. I see that you are pretending to be a woman.
      This has reduced your prospective employers down to circuses and The Labour Party.
      You are virtually unemployable so I am stopping your benefits.
      Go away. Dress like a man. Get rid of the wig and cheap earrings and you will find that your false tits are much cheaper to have removed than you paid to have them put in.
      Then I might consider that you are serious about being a job seeker.
      Now stop pouting at me and fuck off’.

    • I’m liking the training manual you’re putting together here – can you talk us through how we should deal with Chanel, 22, fifteen kids, with four more on the way?

      • Blimey no matter how many times I try to put up my suggestion for trimming down the family size and cashing in in the process, WordPress is having none of it. The moderator obviously wears cords and works down the job centre.

    • ‘Hello ms Price.’
      ‘Seventh kid by sixth dad?
      Well there’s no money for that due to our new policy, as with all areas of public spending now guided by policy now having been drafted by men who’ve worked in business or industry for 50 years and paid in over £99,999 in income tax.’

      It’s under ‘Can’t feed ’em, don’t breed ’em

  17. I am shocked – shocked, I tell you, about the apparent nationalities of the two men. Cads and bounders. Well, bounders, I don’t suppose either would be in the cad class.

  18. Both the Marxists and Nazi’s had a hralthier attitude to benefits than the sick west.
    The Marxists believe in ‘from each according to his ability to each according to his need
    Not whims, but need. The state will give a job if you don’t have one, unless you are actually sick.
    The Nazi’s had ‘Arbeit macht frei’ above the concenttration camp gates However, compared to the life many in this country live, their entire lives are dependent on jumping through government hoops for pittance.
    Work would set them free but they are too stupid or lazy to realise it.
    When the government pays for everything in your life they effectively own you.

    • I was offered a job at the contractor dole office call centre, I wouldn’t have lasted 10 minutes.

      Methanie Bludgewell: My payment has been cut off because I missed an interview, it’s not my fault as I didn’t have money for busfare.

      Me: As an unemployable junkie you are to be transported to Antarctica to mine ice cubes for RSL clubs. But don’t worry you might find some Pervatin at the old Nazi base. Oh and pack a coat it gets quite chilly.

  19. Universal Credit shouldn’t exist. A governments job is to steal from everyone. Instead they are like a great big fucking cash machine for useless people.

    All this gang had done is steal the cash machine. Good initiative. My kind of cunts.

  20. What grinds my gears as a business owner and taxpayer is the way that you are summarily milked for every penny they can possibly get.

    The largesse shown to people who have never paid a penny in income tax is truly fucking staggering and wholly wrong.

    The UK taxation and welfare systems are completely unfit for purpose.

  21. A few years ago there was a documentary on channel 4 or 5 about Romanian cunts coming to the UK just to claim benefits.

    What an eye opener, how fucking easy it was to get on the gravy train, there was one woman (loose description) who was sanctioned by the dole office, an hour later her ‘lawyer’ was on the case and she was straight back on the gravy train.

    It’s not like the DWP don’t fucking know what is going on.

    We are a fucking joke!

  22. When the police are taking mugshots, do they use a special camera with an “extra ugly” function?

    Just one glance at those faces and the words ” criminal” and ” guilty” immediately spring to mind.

    Not that I’m one to talk, these days I’d be labelled ” mass murderer” at first sight.

  23. The UK is known as the land of the free.

    Free money
    Free house
    Free from responsibility

    Free loading cunts

  24. Everyone’s on the fiddle, just don’t be greedy. It will last longer that way.

  25. The biggest free loading cunts in the country are in parliament and the lords no wonder the country is fucked they only let these shitbags in to take your eyes off the money grabbing cunts that run this fucking circus

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