UK Border Force (6) – Manchester Airport

The UK Border Farce are cunts. This isn’t, as you might expect, a nomination regarding the hundreds of illegal immigrants that cross the English Channel on a daily basis, eagerly assisted by the authorities.

No, this is a nomination for Border Farce staff at Manchester Airport, who allegedly detained, demeaned and aggressively questioned two Israeli citizens that had survived the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack.

They’d come to Manchester to talk about their ordeal to the local Jewish community.

The British establishment and its institutions are so infiltrated and brainwashed by the mudslime propaganda machine, aided and abetted by its white, lefty running dogs, that anything and everything is scrupulously analysed for the slightest hint of islamophobia.

Two fucking hours they were detained for.

At the conclusion, one officer said they ” had to make sure that you are not going to do what you are doing in Gaza over here ”


No doubt as to where the priorities are then.

Pity they don’t exhibit the same level of zeal against mudslime terrorist supporting marches, rag head stabbers and bombers and all the other enrichment that the followers of allaaaaah have brought us.

The fucking traitorous cunts.

Border Farce. Fit for purpose ?

Answers on a Blighty bound rubber dinghy.

Get To Fuck.

BBC News

Times of Israel

Nominated by: Jack The Cunter

77 thoughts on “UK Border Force (6) – Manchester Airport

  1. Border force should be vigilant that the vermin they welcome are not Jewish.

  2. Border force what fucking border seems to me all you need is a prayer mat and a mouth full of bullshit to get in

  3. There are still programmes on the telly about how the country saved and welcomed thousands of Jews in the 30s.
    What bunch of cunts their great grandchildren turned into.
    Sieg Heil.

  4. The sorry state we are in ……fuckin political clowns
    Hang em all…….

  5. Boarder Force’s new theme tune From The River To The Sea Gaza Will Be Free ??
    Won’t be long now before all Jews will have to wear the Yellow Star on their clothes same as they did under the Nazis These two cunts should be sacked straight away an utter disgrace
    We want our Country back fuck off back to Gaza and take all the traitors with you ??

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