are retarded cunts. Check out this stupid shit in the link.
They call it phaze 1 of trying to fuck up Cardiff, but I think they are really on phaze 8 or 9 already, because Cardiff and Wales is FUBAR, fucked up beyond all recognition.
These stupid fuckers are slowly but surely fucking up hundreds of businesses due to road organisation that looks like it’s been organised by a 4 year old on a sugar rush, 20 mph speed limits further fucking up business, tourism, costs in general and actually raising emissions in the process, all the while fucking up its police, fire service, NHS with cost cuts and stupid rules.
We have traded one useless, incompetent retards for another, except this latest cunt is known for accepting bribes as well as being a cunt.
Honestly what are these retards trying to achieve, they are already 4ated by all of Wales.
Then there’s this latest cluster fuck, they are going to spunk 5 mil up the wall creating 500 meters of cycle path around a park that is already used by cyclists anyway and has been for years, on top of that they are going to finish the already struggling business in the area after the last road design debarkle, roads closed for a year probably should just about finish everyone.
Well done you bunch of useless, incompetent bunch of cunts, good job, return Cardiff beck to the stone age….. Cunts
Nominated by Fuglyucker.
‘Return Cardiff beck (sic) to the Stone Age’.
I wasn’t aware it had ever left the Stone Age.
And once the peacefuls take over, we’ll all be back there.
It’s a toss up which will win the race to the bottom under a ethnic leader.
Wales , England and Scotland.
Although the porridge wōgs are possibly ousting Cat Stevens.
Daft cunts
Indeed MNC.
Looks like Mr Useless is fucked.
However, if the jocks decide they’ve had enough of the SNP at the next election, the only viable alternative is Scottish Labour, who’s leader is also a park key, so that’s another branch of the caliphate sorted.
How the fuck does that work FMC, anyone? How is Scotland, hundreds of miles from home counties wokeism and 96% white in a position where the top job is inevitably held by a parkey?
That’s what I can’t work out Arfur.
Out of all of the UK, you’d assume the average Scot to be the most quietly racist and insular of the lot.
Yet they appear to have the potential to send their country down the same route as London.
If you shout white privilege and racism long and loud enough. That’s the outcome.
I’m sure it’s just a contest to see who can waste the most money..
5 million for 500 yards of tarmac seems a bit pricey..
I’m sure yosser,chrissie and dixie could do it cheaper..probably do a better job running wales..
“Gizza job. Go on, gizza job. I can do that.”
Good morning
You really think for that sort of money there are some serious backhanders going on.
I have connections with the Swansea area and spend a lot of time there. Plan A was to retire down there. Due to medical problems, which have blown up in the last week or two, that is now on the back burner. I have always found to be friendly, funny and good company. Many however, have a large lefty chip on their shoulders and that has resulted in voting in of Welsh Labour, Plaid Cymru, and the Greens who are a bunch of miserable cunts. Moreover I think Drakeford, who has the appearance of being too boring to do anything to drastic had a fundamental streak of political dishonesty running through him. He pushed through voting for 16 year olds on the first Friday of Covid lockdown and held votes on Covid vaccination cards without giving sufficient notice to those he knew opposed it. He had little experience of real life, having had a career in 2nd rate academia and imposed his socialist ideals on everything he touched.
The 20 MpH speed limit cost £34million to install and now, 6 months later, is being rescinded. Personally I would send the cunt the bill.
apparently, the Welsh conservatives supported the 16 year old vote thing to get it through. Stupid cunts – kids never gonna vote conservatives. Twats.
£490,000 for project management.
Too many greedy grasping cunts,purposely complicating what should be a fairly simple project, in order to line their own fucking pockets.
Been there – done that! ’til my conscience got the better of me.
20mph speed limits.
It’s up to the motorists to complain.
Businesses being fucked up.
It’s up to them to protest.
Every week there are protest in the streets about one thing or another.
But it’s always the nutty left wingers on their marches.
Never normal, tax paying people who are affected by these silly policies.
You take the piss out of the French but the introduction of a speed limit or lengths of cycle lanes which affects businesses would see the lorry drivers blockading the roads.
It’s not just that they know how to protest, it’s the fact that they are prepared to.
In the UK, and in relation to this nom Wales, the farthest that the affected people go in protesting is writing a ‘strongly worded’ email to their local newspaper.
Not good enough.
The French set fire to stuff.
We hold candles and sing Don’t Look Back in Anger.
Nation of spineless muppets. The sooner my brother takes his children out of the country the better.
agree….maybe the silent majority shouldnt be quite as silent nowadays. seems to be who shouts loudest get policies changed. not right
As I’ve said here many times before Chuff, sometime later this year the “silent majority” will have the opportunity to shout hard and loud. Let’s see if they do.
I somehow doubt it.
£388,000 for design ?
Tony Blair; the gift that keeps on giving. I hate that man on a cellular level for setting in motion the destruction of the U.K.
I second that. He is the cunt baseline.
I do agree Artful, the French really know how to organise a good riot. Now and again the authorities do something normal French folks don’t like and then we see the show on the telly. CRS deploying with tear gas and rubber bullets, burning piles of tyres, the crowd ripping up the paving stones and throwing them alternating with Molotov cocktails! It’s heartwarming.
The rot started when they introduced those signs in English and Elvish.. i mean Welsh.
The Welsh Government couldnt irganise a kid’s birthday party.
Anyone who voluntarily lives in that miserable, rain-sodden shithole has only themselves to blame.
Why the fuck anyone listened to Drakeford is beyond me.
Why listen to someone whose son is a convicted pædo?
Yet another area of the British Isles controlled(!) by a NigNog. This one looks like an effeminate ladies hairdresser.
5 million for a cycle path.
5 million to reinstall some 30 mph signs.
These are only estimates, and we all know how they end up.
Who do they use as their contractor?
Zak from the local traveller site?
But hey, no need to shop around, it’s only public money.
Devolution is fantastic isn’t it?
For some reason the motto ‘Diversity is our strength’ has become accepted.
Unity is strength.
Why would anyone think anything different?
Never heard of ‘Divide and conquer’?
When you divide a nation into seperate countries that nation is weakened.
When you introduce diverse cultures into a country, that creates resentment.
Diversity is our strength?
Fuck off!
Try winning a war with that attitude.
There can only be one boss, and that boss should be, for all it’s faults, Westminster.
Devolving power at the levels we have currently, has given us Sturgeon, Khan, Drakeford and a host of others who should never have risen beyond the fringes of their local council chamber.
Let them have a tiny bit of autonomy, but they should do as they’re fucking well told.
I like Wales.
Not at 20mph though.
Prefer it at around 50mph.
It’s the in place for a ‘ Dine and dash’ eating experience.
Those of you on here that steal Deadpool nominations should take your families,
Have a steak, pudding,
Then just say to the thick as fuck waiter
” All ten of us are just going to the cash point,
We forgot our wallets.
Back in a minute.
We’ll give you a big tip!!”
Waiter ” oh righto boyo,”
More Dine & Waddle. Fast bastards.
The cuisine of Swansea is the doner meat and hot wing combo, served up in the finest kebab houses of Sketty. For fine dining try the Walkabout at the end of Wind Street, washed down with 36 different variations of vodka cocktail at Revolutions vodka bar, followed by dragging your 5’5” host off the bonnet of a Welsh police car.
There’s one of these idiotic lanes just 2 minutes from me suffice to say it’s rarely used by the intended participants ?….in fact more people walk on the new tarmac rather than on the potholed/uneven part ?….but the wankers at the town hall probably know this as the ?lane runs right past and underneath the office windows, no doubt the smug officials will be looking down and smirking at their ‘ save the planet’ credentials because a dozen ? used it yesterday….??
That Wales online site needs a cunting of its’s got more pop-ups than a meerkat sanctuary .
I use to be on that a lot Barry, it was always first with the news about what was happening at Swansea City but I stopped using it because of the pop-ups as well as the news about Swansea FC getting a bit depressing.
As are all the various UK governments,these cunts are actually economic terrorists.
Johnsone the terrorist called for Jihad on small businesses on 23/03/2020,the two other cunts followed immediately after,they waged a two year campaign of fear and terror on business and individuals.
The authorities do not seem interested in stopping these terrorists or bringing them to justice.
It was the revelation, exposed at the Covid enquiry, and to no-one’s great surprise that Sturgeon and Drakeford were in regular touch to make sure they were acting differently from the UK government and thereby undermining any efforts to get the Covid response coordinated and effective. Not that that will be highlighted when the report is published. How you can expect an independent enquiry with Sue Hallett, Brexit hating , anti Conservative judge in charge? TCB (That Cunt Blair) has a lot to answer for when he politicised the judiciary.
It is truly fucking extraordinary to consider how far politicians have fallen over the years. From consummate leaders and social reformers like Lloyd George, to spineless chiselling “Asians” and dick sucking mongs. It has all happened since WWII ie, well under a century. Of course the generation lost in the Great War was the beginning of the end. The Roman Empire crumbled just like the British Empire and the barbarian invaders dragged the world back into darkness. The same is happening again. Our only hope is that The Donald becomes Emperor and puts together an army of elephants to crush the gay mentals and hottentot cunts…
Good morning, everyone.
This is just a small piece of the hopelessly muddled jigsaw that are the smug corrupt communist “devolved governments”.
They’d last a day without the billions we stupidly pour into their woke cesspits.
A bigger set of cunts you will not find,and just another tool for the filthy raghead cunts to get their greasy hands on the levers of power.
Fully expensed Oven.
I read lots of posts here that put the blame for almost everything on Tony Blair.
If I just believe a tenth of what is written about him then he was and still is an enormous cunt.
This is in no way defending him.
I know very little about him or his policies.
But what I do know is that he has not been Prime Minister for the past 30 years.
How many Prime Ministers have there been since this cunt who have done absolutely nothing about reversing his policies?
£500,000 for project management? shows where the money is wasted as usual at management level same as the fucking health service, overpaid, overblown, over important cunts. Very rarely is the loot lost by the buggers with the shovels.
I’ve travelled pretty much all over the world with the exception of a few middle east shit holes. Everywhere I’ve been I was welcomed and would return, with two exceptions. Wales and Londonistan.
Fuck em both, they got what they elected.
There won’t be a peasant uprising until they try to ban sheep love, Iechyd da!
I am an expat Welsh cunt. And believe it or not the state of Wales is Thatcher’s fault. (Oh, and Brexit) Industrial Wales was so devastated by the war against the miners, with the south particularly ruined that it is very hard not to vote Labour, even though they are fucking useless. The alternative is the sheep shagging inbreds of Plaid.
So Thatcher and then devolution effectively installed these cunts. So lets add Blair as well.
Of course, a true Welshman would have that Welsh town name tattooed along the length of his old man.
The dickless, castrati wankers who voted for this shit, the majority wouldn’t have room for Swansea in 6 point condensed characters, even had they been joining the horn section of the local sheep appreciation society. And they’ll vote for them again, mark my words.
My place of birth tattoo goes the entire length of my erect knob.
But, but, but……. They’re “saving the planet” and returning Wales to the green and poverty ridden tribal shit hole it was a couple of centuries ago. What’s the betting that the control freak cunts ban wood burning and keeping warm while setting the Welsh Ploddlu GestaPlods on anyone daring to try and avoid hypothermia.
This is ALL initially down to Tony Fucking Blair and his “devolving power” down to the local fascists, dressed up as spreading regional democracy and definitely not carving the UK up into squabbling “regions”. I. a cynical, fracture, divide and rule exercise. After all of these years you’d have thought that a supposed “conservative” government would’ve gotten rid of a lot of these bureaucratic scumbags, but no, like all of the rest of the Blairite shit, the Civil Contingencies Act that removed our freedoms, THE RIPA snoopers charter and the thing that kicked it off, the caveat ridden Human Rights Act that actually removed our rights. But no, governments never give up power and the current and future cunts are going to make it worse, with “saving the planet for the preshhhussss chillllldrennn” the strategy for turning the cuntry into communist fucking China on steroids. Damn them all to a level of hell even Satan doesn’t qualify for.
I really must get off the fence…
It’s the same everywhere. Leicester City Council have just spunked 10 million on altering a junction. It now has less traffic lanes, restricted turns, bike lanes that start on one side of the road then cross over it. Less parking for local businesses. And queues everywhere.
It’s described by the media as an improvement
The extent to which this country has fallen makes me want to burst into tears. Or reach for the brandy bottle.
As Yoda would put it, ‘fucked we are’.
Morning all.
What do you expect from a nation who shag sheep.
I’ve been watching the future happen decades ago, in the films of the Swedish director Roy Arne Lennart Andersson. With titles like, “A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence”. He recently retired. Happy miserable sarcastic viewing.
The Welsh will still vote Labour. Must be gluttons for punishment.
They are ?
Read your nomination a few times, get the gist of of it. But did you go to school in Splott??
Now then Harry, John Humphrys was born in Splott. Cardiff isn’t as bad as some would paint it. I took and passed my morse test at the coastguard station in Cardiff though I have to admit that was in 1969.
In the 1980s I used to pay the occasional visit to the Royal hotel on St Mary Street to fix their IT system. I well remember at around 9pm the duty manager throwing the whores out of the reception area. One day I had a phone call from a woman in our office who was in a panic about a system down in Worcestershire;
“Where are you Arfur?”
“I’m in Cardiff.”
“Is that in Worcestershire?”
The WEF and Uncle Adolf have a lot to answer for.Stick their heads on spikes.