TW is currently almost £20bn in debt and is one of the worst water supplier companies in the country. As a consequence the company is close to going into liquidation and its investors refuse to bail it out with an injection of £500m.
Instead TW has demanded domestic water bills should be increased by almost 40% and that fines for massive sewage spills should be radically reduced, while also insisting that dividends should be continually paid to its investors and stockholders!
The watchdog, OFWAT, monitors the performance of all UK water suppliers, but has refused to backdown on the TW demands of raising water bills by 40% (from an average of £436 to £609).
If this stand-off persists there is every chance the company will be renationalised to the tune of £5bn being paid out to owners and investors of the company, courtesy of the Taxpayer.
In other words, the investors of TW want it both ways – either raise domestic bills or let the Taxpayer foot the sell-off while they themselves cream even more money from the debt pile before walking away from the disaster they started!
And an extra cunting for OFWAT, who should have seen this coming right from the very moment these investors took over TW and created a debt pile they knew they couldn’t make good.
As always, its the taxpayer or the local consumer who will face the big bill, while private equity companies grab the dividends, fuck off and nothing is said!
Nominated by: Technocunt
Does that mean Thames Water haven’t a bucket list and still letting rain run away?
OFWAT blocked a 40% increase? Oh yeah? Thames Water has just raised our monthly DD from £29 to £45.
Stop paying it.
That’s not a 45% increase – it is a 55% increase!
Excellent nom!
Can’t really add anything beyond saying that all involved are cunts of the first water.
Morning all.
Morning Ron. One thing you should be thankful for is your mains water supply. One thing I miss is that soft Welsh water in Brum. If the water down here was any harder it would come out of the tap in lumps.
Aye up arfur.
When I was a teenager I used to go and spend some time with an aunt and uncle in Margate.
The inside of a kettle used to look like a subterranean cavern with all the limescale. Tea lasted awful.
Tap water in Southampton is horrible. I used to buy the bottled stuff for drinking.
A worthy nomination indeed.
The brittle veneer of our institutions is just about worn out…nothing works anymore and the inept bureaucratic system just doesn’t seem able (or possibly want to) To cover it all up anymore.
OFWAT are just another insanely expensive paper tiger..add it to the list of utterly useless govt departments,quangos and committees.
They let foreign pension funds and banks leverage huge dividend payments out of what they knew to be a giant Golden Goose..they’ve bankrupted the company knowing full well they can walk away and let hopeless cunts like Sunak renationalise it at our expense..
Just another sob story of idiocy by civil servants who should face prison.
It’ll all get bailed out just like the banks did,with funny money,another disaster waiting to fall on our heads.
What they should do is let it collapse but guarantee the wages of those who maintain supply,weaponise regulation with automatic jail time for board members of these utilities and prosecute everyone involved in allowing the pillaging of national assets.
Drown the filthy cunts in their own sewage.
Drown the owners in a bucket of raw sewage..
Lots of big talk.. taxpayers picking up the bill as usual.. NEXT!!
And the chant went up…..
‘water waste of money,water waste of money’ ??
Its time they started selling famous people’s piss in jam jars, to make up the shortfall from the the groin to the pisspot. It makes sense.
Don`t get me started on waterholes.
Anyway, since integrating into this fine & fertile land I now only drink Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani.
But I bathe in Perrier.
This is on sale Sam, a taste of home
Yes, thanks for that, Sickie.
Comes in handy as a cleanser to remove this …
Quality product ?
And the only thing that still works I imagine
It’s always fucking raining, what are Ofwat going to do about that.
After the annual boat race Oxford claimed they lost because of all the shit in the Thames ?
The twats want people to cut back watering their gardens due to “a water shortage”.Drown OFTWAT in buffalo piss.
Not surprising given the last major reservoir was built back in 1991. Too much of the firm’s profit being carved off to feed voracious shareholders as opposed to it being ploughed back into maintaining and extending the networks.
Thames Water represents the worst possible outcome so far of a truly disgraceful and dishonest willingness of the UK Government to allow corruption at all levels in the UK infrastructure integrity to persist for decades.
Foreign owners have been allowed to buy up grossly undervalued assets and commence to leverage loans based on true value.
Asset stripping and rewarding shareholders year after year while begging taxpayers for ever greater maintenance funds.
Make no mistake, OFWAT are 100% complicit.
The last person OFWAT has the interests of is the consumer / taxpayers.
Both OFWAT and the Tories have blood dripping from their grubby, grasping hands.
Won’t be long before we’re forced to buy all our water online from Tesco.
(Free delivery on orders over £300).
Fuck them.
Chris Weston — Current Chief Executive Officer
Appointed: January 2024
Here`s Chris`s CV which I`m sure he`ll be touting around before long, if anyone`s interested …
?Relevant skills.
Strong operational and strategic leadership expertise.
Turning round business performance.
Improving customer experience.
Working in regulated environments.
?Relevant experience.
Chris Weston has held many senior leadership roles in the energy and infrastructure sectors. This includes CEO of Aggreko, an energy company operating in 45 countries.
?He also worked at Centrica, parent company of British Gas. He was responsible for British Gas and Direct Energy, Centrica’s North-American subsidiary. Chris Weston had several leadership roles during his time there, including as Managing Director. Before this, Chris held senior roles in the Australian and UK telecoms sectors.
Chris Weston served in the Armed Forces in the Royal Artillery. He was a non-executive Director of the Royal Navy. He’s been a non-executive director of Barratt Homes since 2021. He also has a PhD and MBA from Imperial College London.
I wonder what his thesis was for his PhD?
Buoyancy of human waste?
What is the colour of water?
Go hunting Sam and see what you can find.
‘Turning round business performance.’
He takes a perfectly profitable company and fucks it?
Sounds a right cunt.
So does Oftwat
(Saw Oftwat printed in a paper once, probably the Mirror or Star. Imagine how much fun it would be working at the Star)
Sounds like a directed energy weapon
OFWAT OFCOM OFCUNT OFFUCKOFF, all useless Quangos that the cunt Cameron was going to burn.
The only burning is tax payers money, the useless worthless cunts.
In The Spoons having a quiet IPA, everybody else can do one.
Have a pint for me!
This is what happens when you privatise moopolies. Fucking madness. Mostly foreign owned and dont give a fuck. Add a useless regulator and pollute the country while pay and dividends go up.
Another legacy from the 80’s from you know who, although for once, and once only, the Home Counties are affected.
I thought a Regulator was a clock.
Arthur Negus told me so. All other regulators are fake.
It was also a gun for hire in the Lincoln County Wars.
It’s also a fantastic tune by Clutch.
I’m more worried about my own water works than your money grabbing schemes. The urethral sphincter is fucked. Where you can repair the damage by not charging us the privilege of rain water, you robbing bastards.
Cuntbubble has it right.
Good man,Cuntstable.
The fad for privatising anything and everything has reaped rich rewards for the managers, shareholders and foreign companies that have swallowed up British businesses.
No doubt many brown envelopes have ended up in politicians back pockets too.
I can see the sense in privatising something like British Airways. But gas, leccy, BT, water, Royal Mail / Post Office, British Rail, etc ?
Do Fuck Off.
And don’t get me started on pit closures.
Whole communities devastated, even after forty years. I see it every fucking day
Selling council houses off cheap. Now, local authorities are buying them back at full whack. Courtesy of the ‘ housing crisis ‘. Stop importing fucking immigrants then. It’s not fucking rocket science.
Fuck politicians, from Thatcher to Blair and all the fucking rest .
Gobshites all
Get To Fuck.
Post Office remains 100% Government owned.
Morning Jack.
(not that you’ll read this)
This sort of shit began with the idea that selling public utilities could benefit ordinary Joes who could buy shares. Of course the scam also meant that within months of public flotations all the shares were owned by corporations. This was achieved by offering over the odds for shares owned by Joe public. Natural greed meant they soon sold their shares and, hey presto, the corporations were in full control of utilities. Current and future generations are now paying the real price ie serfdom.
Afternoon, Jack. Must have been typing the above as you typed your post! Good to see that we both remember how we got to this point and who the culprits are. Cunts.
And don’t getme started on fucking PFI!
Afternoon, Twenty ?
We’ve been royally ripped off.
Freedom of choice my arse.
Water companies have the easiest business in the world:
Water falls out of the sky for free.
They charge you to take it away.
They clean it up and sell it back to you.
They charge you to take it away again.
And yet, they still fuck it up.
Cunts of the first water indeed.
And it’s not like they go house to house with a fucking bucket to take it away.
If everyone decided not to pay their water rates, companies wouldn’t know whether to have a shit or a haircut and couldn’t afford to take us all to court. But there’s not enough solidarity amongst us and its never worked. That’s why they have us by the short and curlies.
I’m withholding payment Sammy and as long as the property has inhabitant/s there’s no way for water to be turned off.
These cunts can’t even tell me where my meter is so they’re sending me what, in reality, is an estimated bill (their estimation) but stating that I’ve used X amount of units along with a diagram of a meter.
That’s fraud.
Why not take a physical reading and a picture at the same time as proof ? Because they’re lazy and they know the majority of people won’t question it, even my neighbours, in the same situation won’t question it, the mug, chicken shit wankers.
Fuck ’em, two DCA visits and 2 letters later, still here, still flowing.
I’d like to see she shareholder list and I bet there’s fuck all white british people there.
All, dakis, rag head sovereign wealth funds, slitty eyed yellow COVID belly cunts but no niggy nogs, they can’t count.
You’re not far wrong. Canuks, Chinks, Arabs, Spics, Dutch….and so on.
We could always beg on African TV for Wateraid UK
I can see it now across TV sets in Africa.
“For just £1 you can give water to a UK child for a whole year”.
Camera pans round to Lenny Henry doing some niggy nog sketch, while an unshaven Michael Sheen, all looking rough and ready for action interviews a child drinking out of the Thames.
Pigs at the trough oink oink oink ???.Wankers to the max.Push them all over a cliff.
Thames fucking water all they do is dig holes in the fucking roads and hold all the bastard trafic up with 4 way cuntryflows useless fucking morons run by cunts who employ brain dead cunts fuck erm
Probably sick of swimming in shit tainted rivers.
I was on a fixed rate.
My IT ( Younger) consultant had a water meter installed. Result, bills reduced by over half.
Not all meters are bad.
We pay far less with our meter than we did on fixed rate.
Another dazzling success by a combination of greed and incompetence. One has to pay
Chris Weston — Current Chief Executive Officer
Appointed: January 2024
Despite all his qualifications and experience in running big companies they didn’t ask him the crucial question:
Can you handle the speedy removal, filtering, storage and disposal of 4000 tonnes of shit a day? Also, can you fix all the water leaks, blocked drains and rebuild parts of the old Victorian sewer system?
Why don’t they appoint Paula Vennells as CEO of Thames Water?
Instead of pumping shit into rivers, they could pump it into her house, garden, driveway etc. Her punishment for fucking up the Post Office should be sorting out the water supply and sewage treatment for the Thames Water area. I don’t think anyone would want to see Paula Vennells giving a Cleveland Steamer.