”OPINION – Knife crime in London is ignored because it disproportionately affects black people”
This by someone called Nimco Ali. Who goes on to say:-
”But the reality is, irrespective of recorded levels of knife crime, the public perception is that crime is on the increase. Within black communities, who are the most impacted by knife crime, that feeling is even stronger and deeper. If people don’t feel safe, that’s a big problem.”
So, black communities are ‘impacted’ by knife crime. There is no mention in this chip on the shoulder bollocks that ‘impacted’ actually means perpetrators.
Until these bleating victim fuckers stand up to the realities of their savage fucking ‘communidees’ fuck all will change.
Racism innit.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
Racist if you’re quick enough to get away from the stabbing black cunts.
Let themcarry on with their stabby ways its only when they target proper people I get concerned. Black on black is the way forward.
‘Racism’ as preached by these brainless fuckwits is a perfect example of the aphorism usually attributed to Karl Popper…
“A Theory That Explains Everything Explains Nothing.”
They are a scourge,a massive drain on society and of no fucking use whatsoever.
Appying Occam’s Razor to this problem, I’d conclude that the reason black communidees are ‘most impacted’ by knife crime is that they go around stabbing each other frequently.
Morning all.
Apply Occam’s razor (I do know what it is) to the cunts throats.
Ali bongo should stick to magic tricks.
Ape killing apes, caesar won’t be happy..
But I couldn’t care less..
Why can’t we ringfence the niggy nogs in London, weaponise them all and then have a pay per view event to watch the carnage unfold – bit like the hunger games but the prize at the end is a bucket of fried chicken.
If you let chimps live in the country don’t be surprised if it turns into a jungle…!
Welcome to the jungle
We got fun and games
We got everything you want
Lots of knives and stanley blades
We are the people that can find
Chicken shops as you please
If you got no money, honey, stab them up and flee
If the silly cunts want to stab themselves and other members of their communidees so fucking what. Fuck all to do with me. Sort your own shit out; sure there is loads of government money to aid worthy causes like mass knife sharpening, custom handles and the like.
Stop and search is also racist.
Catch 22…innit.
I was shocked to learn that it is mainly black people who are the perpetrators and the victims of stabbings that are spiralling out of control. Apparently most terrorist incidents involve Muslims.Who’d have thought it? However, you never hear about it on the BBC news so it is probably just made up by the far right party. Nothing to worry about. Jolly good show.
Good morning, everyone.
‘hurry up you’ll be late for school’
‘chill, ize just choosin me blade,innit’
‘oh, respec son,respec’
This is such a surprise. I thought it was middle class white kids killing each other like fucking feral animals.
This new insight sheds a new light on things. Clearly we need to give the stabby demographics bigger houses and more money rather than locking them up, after all it’s clearly all our fault innit.
Look deez yoofs hav nuthin to do.
So they run around stabbin each other innit?
Perfectly reasonable.
The problem here is a desperate attempt to deny that, especially in London, da soot carry de knife and da soot stab da soot.
I assume the police have reduced stop and search is a strategy to reduce crime by reducing the number of soots.
Leave it to that fucking Ken bloke who seems to be in touch with da communidee and uses the mantra that the police don’t understand da communidee.
Here is the reality Ken, no one understands why cunts go around stabbing each other because they have disrespected someone’s turf, tag or fucking rap, the cunts have regressed further back than cavemen.
I is da gangsta innit bro. Wanna see me blade?
Black people committing crime, well there’s news.
If Nimco Ali thinks that knife crime is being ignored in London, she should complain to the British white hating cunt Sadiq Khan. I’m sure he’ll find some way to blame the far right white people of the UK.
That’ll put a stop to it.
I don’t know what Nimrod Ali’s going on about?
London black knife crime doesn’t impact my live whatsoever?
Maybe, and this is just a suggestion,
If you stop.fuckin stabbing each other?
Or if you don’t want to stop.having fun, go the next level= cannibalism.
The south London bloods will.be envious if the North London crips are eating the footsoldiers.
Escalate or fuck off.
Still the same as ever, sooty is as criminal does.
All this after Blm woke and starring in just about everything on tv, ad’s included!
Empire Windrush my arse!
Should have been Empire torpedoed mid Atlantic!
Knife crime in London is ignored because it disproportionately affects black people.
Give her her due, she’s dead right there.
Give em more knives. Lots more.
They aren’t wiping each other out at a fast enough rate for my liking.
Running about with zombie knives and machetes, common as muck.
Use some initiative.
Buy a rapier
Be the black Errol Flynn!
Grow a pencil moustache like Kid Creole,
A jaunty hat
Your away..
‘The Met Police are doing their best in difficult circumstances’,a spokesperson said.
“You’re obviously openly black and causing anxiety to other customers in this fried chicken shop so we are asking you to leave the area for your own safety”…said no copper ever.
Too busy learning to be antisemitic nazis, the cunts.
Yeah P.C plod ran all over town and he still couldn’t find a shop that sold rainbow coloured bootlaces?????
Her solution to this issue?
” take the politics out of policing”
That’s sure to work. Overnight, stabbings will disappear entirely if the Mayor no longer has a say in policing.
Stop hiding behind drawn curtains and empty rhetoric. Is she really so naive, or is this just posturing for media likes?
Bimbo Ali also alludes to knife crime and the weather and dreads summer because apparently this is London’s stabby season when all the architects and aspiring footballers come out of hibernation from their sink estates and stab each other.
Does anyone remember when using one in a fight was regarded as cowardice?
One wonders how many crimes would simply not have happened, indeed how many lives would have been saved (not to mention countless s.x crimes, mugging etc etc etc) if we didn’t allow mass immigration?
Diversity is our strength is a spit in the face to countless victims.
Al la Stephen Lawrence apprentice dealer and gangster,still going on about the chippy cunt 30 years on.
The BBC’s idea of a wet dream is a white kid being a stabby cunt.
You’ll know his name, address, shoe size and the political affiliation of his parents within an hour of the crime being committed.
Why? Because it’s always a certain demographic who shan’t be mentioned or criticised who are always the stabby cowardly cunts.
Cultural enrichment or what.
Successive governments and countless bastard politicians have screwed this country well and truly up the arse.
Roddy McDowall must be spinning In his grave, on how far the simian community has fallen..
Always smartly turned out in their leather jackets, could ride horses and use lasso’s.
Nowadays they can’t use a knife and fork to eat their dinner..
Fuck me, low and behold black jesus is on the radio now..
Worn carpet head doreen has got another apology from the met police.
And probably a knighthood to come..
She looks like a black Uncle Fester
There was a black schoolgirl stabbed on a bus in London last year by a black teen and apart from cursory media coverage there were no protests from BLM, no celebrities whining on social media, no Lammy flinging his shit around in the HoC…….meanwhile not long after an uppity sheboon gets into a fight with a shop owner in Peckham over a fucking wig and is caught on some cunts phone and within hours a couple of thousand people turn up outside accusing the owner, a peaceful, of racism and demanding the place is shut down.
THAT is why people are indifferent.
This sums it up in terms of who’s doing the violence and to whom. Who would have thought it – when cross referenced for ethnicity of offenders and ethnicity of victims, the data reveals that what’s happening in reality is actually an overwhelming majority of blacks committing violence against white people.
But why let facts get in the way of a good bit of victim role-playing.