Jesus wept (was he Melanin Rich?) the latest woke euphemism for the Black/White situation being aired by wokos on Al Jazeera (yes I watch Al Jazz from time to town to get a laugh out of its totally biased ant-Israeli and UK reporting) is to judge racial standing by Melanin content. IE Black people (including the Qataris who own Al Jazz) are no longer Black, they are “Melanin Rich” and the Woes of the World are no longer down to Whitey any more, they are down to those Low in Melanin.
For the elucidation of thick Melanin Low cunts out there, Melanin is a pigment found in the skin, a chemical that provides shades of brown to black and is instrumental in skin colour and the tanning process. Immediately The Laws of Unintended Consequences start to operate. The Whitey Karen on a sun bed who overstays her time can thus legitimately attend Black Only events until her skin peels.
Want to apply for Black Only Arts and Business Grants and theatre tickets or fancy appearing as a talking head on telly? Slap on the old Hawaiian Tropic and boost your Melanin cunters. Funnily enough this old punter grew up thinking it was a type of plastic popular in the ‘50s and ‘60s for making dinner ware, table tops and mugs. (Oh Melamine) All goes to show. There must be life in the dog yet because our trendy life-style gurus are in there monetizing the product:
I suppose we shall also start hearing about Melanin Transitioning to be inclusive about our Chinese and Asiatic friends. This leads on to Melanin Theory, a racial doctrine that asserts that Whitey is inherently dumber than darker people due to lack of Melanin. The theory also claims that inter-racial couplings occur because the Whitey half is looking to get smarter off-spring with more Melanin.
And this is a bit of fun from The Mail about a BBC journalist who gets in a Melanin froth:
All these Hot Ticket theories but there is nothing new about them. Just a product of the usual academic recycling. Back in the ‘70s it emerged from the swamp as Pigment Envy:
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
I`ve always endorsed this viewpoint. Way ahead of the curve.??
Very rarely see a full 100% melanin loaded bird that is gorgeous, the lovely ones all seem to have a touch of the distemper brush in them, gets rid of the bed spring barnet and feckin huge flat feet with a bit of honky in em.
Melanin Rich, isn’t she the BBC disinformation correspondent..
Benefits of a melanin rich skin:
Free cross-channel transport service
Free hotel board and lodging
Free food, entertainment and pocket money
Free lawyers and interpreters
Free CoE false conversion to Christianity service
I was just thinking, Geordie (referring to your `free cross-channel transport service`) that perhaps if the intrepid dinghy sailors might like to alleviate their circumstances by plagiarising in chorus with an alternate libretto. So, to the tune of that glorious boy-scout camp-fire ditty, Michael, Row The Boat Ashore, … May I suggest: ♪ ♪ ♫ “Mohammed, Row The Boat Ashore, Allahu Akbar !”.
*Having a fucking attitude
Melanin rich, contribution to human advancement poor.
Snatch your consolations where you can.
The benefits of melanin rich skin- Chicago family gathering turns deadly after gunfire erupts; child killed, 7 others wounded.
It’s obvious that those with low melanin are further along the evolutionary chain and look less like the tree swinging ancestors than those with high melanin.
Anyone in a mixed race relationship is just delaying the process, time to ban them and sterilise the high melanins.
? If I were a melanin rich man
Du du du du du du du du dupidee doo.
I’d find myself at the front of the queue
For benefits and houses and a starring role in advertising too.
Oh if I were a melanin rich man ?
Next years brit awards.. oh wait! ?
It let’s you play live action Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out in New York with no repercussions..
Melanin-rich, but Vitamin D-poor in non-tropical latitudes.
Not helpful in British winters.
The amount of melanin in an individual’s skin is almost always inversely proportional to their IQ.
Thankfully, darkıes are easy to spot (during daylight) and can be avoided but if one corners you, have a piece of KFC handy to throw as a distraction.
When cornered by a pakı, two jumbo sausages held in the shape of a crucifix ought to enable your escape, coupled with flinging some shower gel on what little bit of face isn’t covered by a filthy beard…burns ’em like holy water.
and a Lynx Africa gift set.
Funny you should mention lynx. I saw the latest ad for that abomination a few days ago. I turned to the wife and said ” why would a white man buy that, advertised by grows, for grows. I don’t want to smell like a inner city grow. Lynx can fuck off” The ad of course shows a simian with a white chick fawning for his 99p fragrance. Get to fuck!
I’d rather be thought of as a pansie and use Dove than that vile shite.
Haha Cunts!
High melanin high crime.
Plus high stabbing,general savagery,corruption,idiocy and every other malady that we stamped out.
Until our Great Leaders decided more blek cunts would “enrich” us.
In reality they are a fucking deadweight round our necks,a disaster and a fucking pain in the arse.
Fuck Off into Oven.
Melanin is kind of a double-edged sword though you see. Because it acts as a natural sunscreen, having very dark black skin also reduces vitamin D synthesis which has always been understood to aid in immune system strength – except for some reason during the coof pandemic… apparently vitamin D stopped performing this vital function during that time. Weird.
Melanin is a defect you have some Control over.
Take jug eared Bollock Obarma.
I’ve got more melanin than that cunt!
He’s sort of jaundice yellow?
Too heavy banana diet.
But if you want to be more melamin rich you can ‘ top up’.
Black jelly babies*
Black pudding
Black jack sweets
Black eyed peas
All rich in melanin.
Eat only these foods and you’ll soon be stealing the child benefit for crack money.
* I don’t eat the black jelly babies.
Some one told me it can get you pregnant like Katie price did.
I segregate them out
Stamp on em
Set them on fire to be safe.
Black jelly babies can be lynched on gallows made from lolly sticks and a tooth floss noose.
I like to jam a 100 of them in a small wooden box and remember the transatlantic slave trade.
Here’s a jelly baby version of the woman from Tom and Jerry:
It looks like David Lammys blow up doll.
Absolutely splendid!
The craftsmanship!
The subtle colouring!
The shaded nuance of the features!
This is definitely an early example of Banksies work.
My advice to you, is smash it with a lump hammer and throw the pieces in a bin!
However, please video it, and post it on TikTwat. It’ll be ‘performance art’, will get you a gazillion likes and you will become famous, and super rich.
Stop it the pair of you, you’re giving me paroxysms of mirth. They’re dangerous at my age.
Lammy is very dark?
Di Abbott
ISAC’s very own Black Biscuit bought to life:
And these sweeties are literally David Lammy:
You could buy a packet and make a diorama with a cardboard doll’s house and some bbq lighters, your very own miniature Grenfell!
He could use it as his passport ?
David Icke is scared of Green Jelly babies. He places them on the top tier of his Stickle Brick ziggurat.
She will be, when she finally divorces trump .
Give me strength I despair ?
No knife proof however.
Michael Jackson refuted the benefits of melanin. Obviously these days he’d probably do black face, which would be perverse but that never bothered Michael.
Blowing bubbles took on a whole new meaning in Neverland.
The White Man’s Burden!
The black man’s bredren.
I read that book.
Unbelievably tedious.
Melanin rich and brain poor. If it wasn’t for whitey the thick cunts still would know what melanin is. They’d think it was an instruction on how to eat fruit, as in open wide and shove the melanin. Well, either that or a kitchen surface.
*wouldn’t know
I have a pet theory that the more melanin you have, the more emotional, unstable and savage you are.
On a sliding scale starting with the Latins, Levantines through to the Sooties who are on the whole prone to chimping out and stabby violence.
Where’s my Nobel Prize?
M’Stealit : Ooga
M’Rapit: Ooga Dooga
M’Stealit: Eesa go Yoo Kay on um dinghy?
M’Rapit: Meesa ave no money, no passport, no document, no skills.
M’Stealit: Yous got many skill. You top rapîst in all Ghana.
M’Rapit: Does we get ah heated swimming pool in hotel?
M’Stealit: Yar bro.
M’Rapit: Ah no can swim.
M’Stealit: Ooga
I’m not sure as South Indians and Aborigines are as dark as most Africans, as are some people in SE asian. The middle east is not as melanin rich and yet full of backwards violent cunts.
I won’t allow melanin in the house.
I don’t approve of it.
It’s on a proscribed list of forbidden items on these premises.
Religious nuts
Political pigs
People without respect for gates
Black jelly babies
Anything french
anything ‘vegan’
Decaf coffee
Plug in air fresheners
And cheese that stinks
( french again)
Melanin is contagious.
It starts with a suntan and ends up at Notting hill carnival with a machete.
I’ll take the melanin poor skin over the inability to farm or produce clean drinking water any time.
Funny isn’t it, these people have been crying about racism for generations and the first bit of perceived power they get, what do they do? Yep, act racist.
How’s that Quadruple working out for you Klopp? You utter, utter cunt.
Melanin rich!
What a fucking joke.
Like that’s summat to do with intelligence, an ability to integrate with the host country, and not turn it into the shit hole you just left, after travelling through Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, all wartorn countries.
Here, have my house. I’ll sleep in the shed.
As if!
We should celebrate the achievements of our melanin rich cousins.
Whatever they are.
I believe one of ’em invented traffic lights but that’s about it.
Fucking wow! Give dat man a watermelon!
Always a pleasure to give Sam Beau a touch of the old horn and some exposure with this nom. He thinks it was written with him in mind. With that in mind Sir Limply Enterprises (Racial Harmony Division) has made available the Melanin Rich Face Mask (also suitable for perverts)
Masada complex..!
Fucking bollocks.
The antidote to being melanin rich is a leisurely swim in a lake of sodium hypochlorite with a breeze block tied to your head!
Just trying to be inclusive for all you too browns out there in honky land