Coping with Cancer

Apparently some woman has cancer.

But unlike the rest of the million or so women diagnosed, she is incredibly brave and will carry out her arduous duties of waving to window lickers as soon as she can.

She has to endure private treatment, hundreds of lackies and never having to lift a finger. All of which we gratefully subscribe to.

She is an example to us all.

For attribution see neverfucking ending arse licking tributes.

BBC News

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

53 thoughts on “Coping with Cancer

  1. Kate cancer?

    Never heard of it. Where is the kate located?

    On a more serious note, her circumstances and apparent privileges may or may not affect the outcome. it all depends on the type and stage.

    Cancer is still a worry, even your job is waving to window-lickers.

  2. To be fair she evidently would have preferred to keep it quiet, but was hounded into discussing it by the baying media and social media twatfucks. At least ‘ordinary people’ can choose to keep their business to themselves without picked over by lowlife unintelligent scum.

    • werent her medical details posted to the dark web by some cunt, so she was forced to make the announcement?

      • The Sun says, ‘Fer fuck’s sake give ‘er some privacy, yer cunts’
        Full story pages 3-9.

  3. My wife has just finished a course of 25 radiotherapy sessions for a carcinoma. Along with having been admitted, during the treatment, for a transfusion to make up for blood loss then another week for another, coincidental, condition whose name I can’t remember. She’s now having to wait 8 weeks (radiotherapy carries on having an effect for that long) for more scans to see if the treatment was successful although early signs are positive. Certainly the bleeding has stopped. It’s been a bitch but I can honestly say the care she received was top class.

    • Best of luck to you and the wife Moggie. Your experience with the NHS accords with mine. The NHS makes the news when it fails but for every failure there are untold numbers of successful treatments. When you analyse the failures it is almost always down to clinicians being overruled by box ticking, pen-pushing, woke managers. The responsibility for fixing this lies with our politicians. Sorry, forgive the rant, but again best wishes and luck to you both.

    • Fingers crossed for you and your wife Moggie. I am going through a bit of it myself at the moment and I am not too sure how I am going to get through it without the support of Mrs. Wanksock. Her bedside manner normally leaves something to be desired but she is being bloody wonderful at the moment.

      • Thank you. She’s looking fine at the moment and has started doing all the stuff she used to do before this all kicked off. I wish you luck!

  4. I feel sorry for the poor cow..

    Marriaged to a bald headed cuck..
    Father in law a dopey plant bothering twat..
    And a ginger brother in law..
    And a sister in law who’s the whitest black person the world has ever seen..

  5. Media speculation?

    Conspiracy theories?

    The posh lass should have come on TV and said Leave me the fuck alone you brain dead Cunts.

  6. I wish Her Highness well.

    I wish the scrabbling parasites of the legacy media would fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  7. No worries about the never ending WAITING LIST on the NHS for her or jug ears before treatment begins…!!!!

    Unlike the little people, many of whom die waiting.

  8. When she becomes queen will she be allowed to have the Duchess of Sussex imprisoned in the tower.

    Brave woman getting involved with this dysfunctional family, went into hospital for major surgery, finds out she has some sort of cancer and then has to announce it on a video.

    Everybody loves Kate.

    • If I were Charles, let alone Edward, I would reinstate that age old custom of beheadment. Harry Hewitt, his dreadful money-grubbing wife, and queen Mother Anthony Blair would all be on the block.

    • Only because they kept fucking lying putting old photos out videos with look alikes, these thick cunts pay the twats who run their media.

  9. Two things conflated here which I would consider separately.

    One, a young mother of three primary school age children is diagnosed with serious illness. Sympathy is in order as the only human response.

    Two, some treat her as more important than other cancer victims because she is married to KC3’s eldest. Well she won’t have any concern about how to pay the bills during long term illness and convalescence unlike many and good luck to her, but this brings us back to the iniquity of primogeniture. This is the reason the father-in-law is rich but also makes him head of state. His qualifications for the job? His mother was head of state and is dead, he was her eldest son and is drawing breath. Sum total.

  10. I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the boney bitch.

    Fuck her and her cretinous in-law’s.

  11. Anyone with the big ‘C’ deserves a measure of sympathy end of….the only difference with these people is they have money…simples, and as we all know it talks and in their case it never shuts up ?…. money=privelige unfortunate as it is it’s not going to change ?

  12. I have to say, having known so many people who mostly died as a result of it (including my oldest shipmate just after Xmas 2022) that I have a great deal of sympathy for anyone who gets this awful illness, and it just proves, however high up in society you are, nobody is immune. One in two they say, will get cancer in their lifetime – it’s terrifying. I feel as sorry for the Princess as much as I do one of my neighbours down the road who also has it at the present time.

    • It may be true that 1 in 2 people will get some sort of cancer in their lives but it seems that the Royal Family don’t quite match that dubious statistic.

      They tend to live until very old.
      Probably a result of doing fuck all and having the best and most attentive health care that YOUR money can buy.

      • Best of fucking everything.

        We bleeding well pay for it…!

        What a fucking marvellous system we have to endure…

      • Because they’re lizards. Just kidding, it is amazing how they live to such an old age. Maybe not Margaret but she smoked and who knows what else.

    • The vaccine may or may not encourage cancerous cells, the damage it does to people’s health will become apparent in the future.
      I have no doubt it has been detrimental to people’s health, but I think it will be swept under the carpet, and we will never know the true scale.
      As for cancer I think it is probably 75% genetic.
      I lost my brother to it last November, he was 58 years old, he had led a very healthy life, never overweight, never smoked and only drank socially, never to excess.
      My mum was the same but it took her as well, but she was 74.
      I went with my brother to nearly all his meetings, and his treatments.
      He underwent chemotherapy and then radiotherapy. As someone else has touched on, the NHS is collapsing, but to see it first hand is frightening.
      It gets mentioned on here regularly, but it is an inescapable fact, the amount of people, who don’t belong in this country are a big factor.
      Sharing waiting rooms with people who can’t even speak English, or who choose not to, in the belief they will be given priority or better treatment, was what me and my brother saw everytime.
      The NHS staff on the wards did their best, and are not part of my criticism.
      But as someone else says Kate will not endure that side of the NHS, she will think the NHS is all about newly pressed uniforms, and wards and hospital wings that smell of fresh paint.
      I hope she beats cancer. Because it really is a cunt.

      • You got it Alcatraz,
        I’ve seen it all myself. Just one slight correction on your observation –
        “Sharing waiting rooms with people who can’t even speak English, or who choose not to, in the belief they will be given priority or better treatment, was what me and my brother saw every time.”
        Should read – “…in the certain knowledge they will be given…”

      • Unfortunately TTCUtS there are legions of people who will argue that statement is factual.
        I work with some of them.
        As for me I made an informed decision of my own and never had any vaccines.

    • Quite right, T C M of A. I refused to take part in any of the covids shit shit show. No listening to the Clown cunt and his court jesters, no mask, no trick and trace, no testing, no lockdown bubble crap, no vaxzine and, surprise-surprise, no covids!

      • Same here .
        My Mother took 3 shots before I convinced he no more. healthy as a horse at 84 never smoked,drank a bottle of red a week ,ran a big house ,still did her garden and still drove , found her dead in bed a few weeks ago clot to her lung. I will never trust these murderous cunts about anything.

      • It was a fucking horrendous shock and still is. Very lucky to have a brilliant wife to help me .

  13. My deepest respect and sympathy to all battling this horrendous disease in any of its hideous manifestations.

    Many will find their condition deteriorating as they wait and wait in the queue for that appointment with a consultant, or that vital scan.

    Naturally the King and Princess Kate will have asked, with a puzzled expression on their faces, ‘queue? What is a queue?’.

    I don’t wish either of them ill, but having endured that agonising wait myself on a couple of occasions, cunters will understand that the bulk of my respect and sympathy for sufferers lies elsewhere.

    Morning all.

  14. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in September.
    It may or may not have been diagnosed earlier if his GP had bothered to get his “bloods” correctly analysed in the first place instead of telling him he had diverticulitis.
    I truley believe that GPs and their practices have had their day and we should have larger health centres where tests can be performed quickly and thoroughly and GPs should not be the gate keepers.
    Cancer is a true cunt.

  15. I’m sure that twitter and facebook will be full of mawkish, cringe wimminz posting hashtags like “stand up to cancer” and “let’s punch cancer in the dick”.

    • Such memes and telethons on channel 4 are truly childish shite.

      Cancer isnt one disease, and has been around since there have been multicellular lifeforms. Very few animals have evolved to deal with cancerous cells.

  16. Everyone with cancer should get the same level of understanding. I’ve known people who’ve had to continue working until they were too ill to manage because for Joe Public there’s not the same leeway given.

    Not Kate’s fault and she’s probably the only saving grace the family have right now.

  17. Try stage 4 follicular lyphoma missed for 2 years by our marvellous NHS. Resulting in radiotherapy for a month followed by 30 months of chemo and surgery to remove various bits……

  18. As with some of our fellow cunters, My wife is fighting breast cancer, tooth and nail. I didnt know she had that strength but she does. Its true no one deserves this cunting disease. Nor do the ones close to them that have the box seat to their loved ones fighting something they have no control of. There are only a couple of plutonium grade cunts that would deserve whatever this disease could give the. But its not Kate nor our loved ones. In saying that, the press and grief jackers are utter cunts, Not her fault though.

  19. William is president of the RMH so I expect she is getting help through them. They saved my butt big time. I was stage 3 but had chemo ( hell ) and surgery ( hell ) and had a outcome of a R0 resection. In English this means no more Cancer. I am no fan of the Royals but can attest that Cancer Treatment can be harsh and sometimes produces more ill effects than the Cancer. The Royal Marsden is a top notch place and they saved my life for sure. I should be dead. The survival rates for my cancer are low. I wish her well. Cancer is no joke and it does not care who you are. Vialli was a private paitent at the Marsden and he threw his money at it but sadly it did not pan out for him.

      • Seriously, this isn’t really something you’d wish on anybody, all I can say is it’s a good job it didn’t happen to Diana. Just imagine what the press would have done with that.

  20. MSM right of reply:

    “We all owe Kate an apology – although I have less to say sorry about than others because, as a mother in the public eye, I know exactly what poor Kate is going through and it was therefore entirely understandable that I would jump to spurious conclusions, speculate wildly based on no facts, and try to bully the Princess into coming clean so I could write more pieces about how she should have come clean earlier to stop scum like me spreading malicious rumours about her health.
    But now we must all salute this brave, honest and heroic woman, namely myself, who has had the courage to address the moronic people of Britain and offer succour and wisdom to them when they needed her most.
    Yes, it’s time to give me some space (pages 1 – 99 every day for a month) so that I can heal privately in the comfort of Britain’s biggest-selling national newspaper.”

    © Sarah Vine (most popular and widely read columnist Daily Mail)

  21. Am I sympathetic? Yes, to a reasonable degree, which sounds somewhat harsh. Of course I wouldn’t want her to die or suffer, as a fellow human being. Like others have said she’ll get the best care in the world.

    All the crap in the media about stunning and brave Kate, is just the media circus doing its thing.

    As a distraction I must admit that I did enjoy the tin foil hatters saying she has already died and the video of her on the bench was cgi. This managed to be conjoined with King Charles is also dead (he isn’t) and William is the anti-christ.

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