Collaborative Scrabble

(We have a bonus nom scheduled today at 5pm – Day Admin)

Apparently a new, collaborative form of the world famous word game has been developed to lure Generation Z dweebs* (dweebs scores 13) for whom** (whom scores 12) normal Scrabble is too competitive:


Just the sort of shit that will be welcomed by the pant-pissing generations who know fucx all, including words that are long and scary. Large vocabularies are threatening to these jelly babies.

The prospect of “losing” to a “winner” is too worrying and can lead to mental illness. In fact winning is probably a hate crime under new legislation.

The new Scrabble is super safe so why not give it a go? I’ll tell you why not. because it is for fucking spatics, mongs, and wankers. Fuck off.

*Scores 13, However, ‘dweebs’ is a hateful word that is probably banned in collaborative Scrabble.
**Scores 12, despite being two letters shorter – that’s not fair. However, ‘whom’ is a posh word that is probably banned in collaborative Scrabble.

Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.

42 thoughts on “Collaborative Scrabble

  1. The depredations of the cognitive incapacity suffered by the contemporary exponents of memetic post-structural signification evince in me only earnest contemplations of their approximation to the pudendal terminus to the birth canal.

  2. I’m surprised Monopoly hasn’t been banned as it openly celebrates the twin evils of property ownership and capitalism.

    A mate of mine always volunteered to be Banker and then tried to nick the odd £500 note when nobody was looking.This was an excellent lesson in life for me – a banker stealing Monopoly money taught me more about the real world than I ever learnt at school.

  3. One of my numerous cousins was the sort who was up for anything, especially if it discomforted anyone. In a game of scrabble one Christmas at a family get-together, where unfortunately I was not present, he managed to assemble the word clitoris.

  4. Do you know, I’ve never played Scrabble.

    Or cluedo.

    Or Chess.
    Which I regret, ancient game of kings that isn’t it?

    I suffer from boardgames poverty.

    Not something we did in our house growing up .
    Although a ex girlfriend taught me Backgammon
    And I got good at it.

    If you come up with a good idea for a boardgame you’d be set for life!
    Off to waddingtons®

    Reckon something that incorporated darts and mousetrap® and a bit of Twister® would be a winner ?

    • Morning MNC.
      “Backgammon” sounds like a euphamism for sort of bendery thing that David Furnish and Fat Reg inflict upon each other’s botty areas.

      • Morning Thomas ?

        I always thought it sounded like something a housewife would order in a butchers?

        A quarter of backgammon for my Alfs tea’

        I wouldn’t play chess at your house bet most of the pieces have been up your arse??

      • I remember Backgammon Player being a euphemism in the Sweeney film for middle eastern oil sheikh types who like doing it up the wrong ‘un (which is probably all of them).

    • Did you never get a Compendium of Games at Christmas, Mis ? Thought every boy did at sometime in their life. Unless it was only in my era.

      • No Sammy. ☹️

        I had snakes an Ladders.

        But the window cleaner nicked the ladders.

      • I hated it when an aunt would buy me a compendium of games for Christmas. It was particularly annoying when the chess/”checkers” board was printed in red and black instead of black and white (or beigey cream). Sometimes there were red chess pieces too. Fucking ruined it. Anyway, I had no one to play the games with on account of being a cunt.

      • Where the snakes also puff adders ? What a rough Christmas, Mis. It was still better than some of ours when we got fuck all. Cars without wheels from loving friends with tears in their eyes.

  5. This new Scrabble sounds weary.
    What’s so bad about competition?

    Competition is good for you.

    You lose?
    Learn to lose without flouncing off in tears.
    Lose with grace.
    Determined to improve and win next time , it encourages determination and improvement.

    You win?
    Stop cheering your acting like a American.
    Win with grace.
    Shake your opponents hand
    Tell him it was a close thing
    And think about what made you win.
    It encourages humility (?) and how to be a gentleman.

    We’ve competed against each other for thousands of years.

    Why stop because some little modern mardarse cries if he loses at fuckin Scrabble?

    • I always win at Scrabble.
      Put down all my tiles in a random order.
      “You can’t have that!” states my opponent, “that’s not a word.”
      “Sure it is,” I state, “it’s a village in North Wales.”

    • Morning, MNC. I bet Paul out of the Chuckle Brothers would have something important to say about all this; I have, on occasions, enjoyed a Quality Street whilst playing Scrabble.

  6. Where the letter L means ‘loves’ as in Jason L Tracey, BBC L Arse is an anagram of Scrabble.

  7. I always thought it would be fun playing Scrabble against Steve Wright (in the afternoon, of course). If he tried to use the word skellington I would not have bothered to challenge the amusing mustachioed cunt.

  8. Board games tend to bring out the twat in some people. Nothing wrong with competition, but people get upset over them, especially fans of Warhammer.

  9. Lib Dems would be shit a Scrabble as they only know four words – community, sandals, beard, yogurt.

    • Imagine if someone spelt out ‘woman’ when playing against a Limp Dumb.

      “No, never heard of it”.

  10. This idea that the younger generation are all histerical little wet wipes seems to pop up quite frequently on here? I work on the railways (on track) and I work with quite a few of these so called younger generation and I can assure you I’ve never met not even a single one that isn’t a grafter and a top lad to boot, think the boomers are massively misled because they watch too much of the idiot lantern (TV)

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