An inbred twelve toe moron who’s mother is probably his sister.
What has Cody Roberts done to incur the wrath of Odin you may ask?
Well, Cody Roberts found a young, injured wolf that had been separated from its pack.
Instead of doing the decent thing and calling wildlife, fish and game. Cody Roberts bravery chased the wolf down with his snowmobile and ran it over. Causing further injury and suffering to the poor animal.
Not satisfied with tormenting and further injuring an already terrified creature, Cody Roberts then took the wolf to his local inbred hick town bar, taped its mouth closed and had photos taken by the patrons. All of whom doubtless own pickup trucks which are inversely proportioned to the size of their penises and brains.
Not satisfied with being a gutless cowards, a moron and abuser of wildlife, Cody Roberts then took the yearling wolf ‘out back’, where it was subjected to a couple of hours of torture before being shot.
Cody Roberts very existence on this planet makes me feel physically sick, as does his treatment of a wounded and defenceless animal. Particularly one as majestic as a wolf.
His family of banjo picking freaks have all stood by him and insist that he has done nothing wrong.
They can all fuck off to the deepest level of hell too.
Cunts one and all.
Nominated by Odin.
Cunt missed out on a monitizing opportunity. Any South African dentist would pay a mint to fly in and blast the shite out of the poor cringing beastie. Problem is the Good ‘ol Boys seem have run out out of ni..rahs and Potus’s to execute….but ah!…back in the day….
Interesting to see if AdminFence allows “back in the day” which has now been deemed ageist by the wokos.
Potentially ageist, Sir Limply.
And the whinging lead swinger who tried to use it as part of her evidence in an unfair dismissal case had her entire case dismissed.
Besides which, I’m 70, and frequently use the phrase. Who’s going to sue me?
Back in the day pretty much means before the lunatics took over the asylum.
I’ll hit the biblical span next January, with luck.
So far so good, still don’t need glasses, hearing aids or medications.
My biggest problem in life is having to deal with youngsters who know fuck all but think they know everything.
I’ve officially achieved grumpy old man status.
‘isms’ are bullshit
Just had an email confirmation that my vote for this muppet to get a stiffer sentence has been registered.
feed him to the wolves
What happened earlier? I received a message saying that I’d been barred.
That’ll have been LL and MNC!
Always playing the cheeky monkey, Opey.
Don’t worry about it, it’s a sign of affection. They frequently do things like this to me.
Because they can’t rub their heads against you, like cats, to signify their adoration, they resort to gestures like getting you banned.
I’ve had that before OC. It says something like if you are reading this its because admin has decided your an asshole or similar.
I think it might have something to do with cell reception areas or being near a different cell tower or basestation (no I didn’t say babestation Cunt Engine ?)
Yeah, that’s the exact message I got. Cheers for the feedback admin. ?
It makes me really fucking angry when I hear or read about people mistreating animals. I’m fairly even tempered and easy going but it fills me with rage.
Strip him naked, cover him in honey and throw him in a pit of angry honey badgers.
This grifter looks like she’s as welcome as a fart in a space suit..
OK but how did the ancient cunt get his doddering old mits on a mansion like that? Got famous and got touched up by Queenie by walking for Charidee. Raised loads of money for good causes from the public when all he had to do was rent off or flog off part of his estate.
I might do her if I’ve had 8 bottles of Sam Smith’s Imperial Stoat. Mind you, the last time I did that, taking my trizers orf was a vile job, bordering on suicide by biological warfare.
Warwick Hunt
I’ve not much time for the Human Race.
It’s a race that can’t end soon enough.
Give me the company of dogs over people any fucking day.
Not much else to say really.
What a fucking brain dead, gurning bunch of simpletons these hillbilly cunts are.
A plague on all their houses.
Get To Fuck.
Hope the pathetic inbred cunt meets a pissed off Grizzly bear especially when the bear is in a feeding frenzy before hibernation. Would happily shoot the cunt myself.
A mate of mine wrestled a grizzly once. The smell on it. He did it for Charidee but the dumb cunt managed to whack it one in the balls and the bear was not pleased. Unfortunately the Canadian cunt managed to leg it out of the ring and escape.
Ten thousand Africans do each other in; I don’t care. Earthquake in Mohammadun Land? Couldn’t give a tuppeny one…but seeing that upsets me.
Am I evil?
Definitely not !
Any cunt who is cruel to animals should be strung up by the testicles. I assume Cody Roberts is a Caravan Utilising Nomadic Traveller, they seem to think this sort of thing is acceptable just another reason to despise them.
Well the total cunt Jolyon Maugham, battered a fox to death with a baseball bat ( why a barrister owns a baseball bat anyway?) Got off Scott free. Humans just love killing. Roll on armageddon.
I’m just glad he wasn’t black and it wasn’t some miserable northern cunts imaginary wolf Japanese dog he’d got hold of !!!! I we’d of have to send in the hounds then all back to the country manor for some Guiness and a big plate of lurcher sausage
What sort of name is Cody ,the fat trucker-hat wearing gay cunt.
Sick nasty piece of shit who gets off hurting animals.
I would like him to be chained to a pole in a piranha infested river after having an assortment of butchers’ off-cuts stuffed into his arsehole.