Boots and HMG – Public/Private Ripoff Partnership

(“That’ll be a hundred quid, you old bag!” – Day Admin)

Having got punters hooked on the whole scene surrounding COVID vaccines, the pushers have started to charge, and how!

The cost of jabs has gone up from free to almost £100 per shot. The Government got these addicts started, and now their pleasure will hit their pockets hard.

Boots offers private COVID-19 vaccination service at almost £100 per jab

Or maybe this is the first testing of the market before more traditional recreational narcotics are offered on a fully legalised basis?

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

66 thoughts on “Boots and HMG – Public/Private Ripoff Partnership

  1. If you’re so desperate for a blood clot, surely injecting lard would be 99.99% cheaper?
    Aah, a momentary return to the halcyon days of bitter squabbling over chınkyflu!
    Good morning all.

  2. There are still people who drive their cars wearing a mask.
    Even when they are the only person in it.

    Watching the snooker I spotted a few of the spectators wearing masks.

    In any supermarket there will be at least one.

    Boots are cashing in on idiocy.

    That’s nothing new for the pharmacy industry.

    They also sell stuff like anti wrinckle cream at more than £100 for a small jar.

    If some daft cunts are prepared to pay a lot of money for something that doesn’t work, then fuck them.

    • I still see old foreign cunts wearing masks!!
      Think that they’re families would tell them they don’t have to wear them anymore wouldn’t you?

      £100 per jab.
      £50 in smokable rock form.

      God, I miss lockdown.
      Great wasn’t it?

      • Damned right, MNC…empty roads being the biggest bonus, riding triple the speed limit in a 50mph area, being dangerously irresponsible, fucking fantastic.
        All the wimps and pussies hiding at home.

      • I liked that but the free government money too!

        And birdies tweeting, no planes,
        No kids being noisy,
        No teenagers.?

        Someone once said on here

        ” There’s young footballers dropping dead due to the vaccine!”

        And I thought
        ‘wow, the gift keeps”

        COVID . China’s greatest invention.

      • A tank of petrol lasted me 6 months…. lost my job.
        Still caught after 3 shots, side effect of the aforesaid were worse than the actual disease it was supposed to stop. Why did I have them? On the at risk register ….. At risk from the side effects.
        As the great Johnny Rotten said ” EVER BEEN HAD”.
        The cunts, is as stopped raining, sun shining and birds singing.

      • Britain strives to be the world leader on every woke cause that you can imagine MNC.

        With the exception of China they were seen to be the leaders in the spread of COVID.
        I suppose that was in anticipation of developing a vaccine, which they also wanted to be World leaders of.

        There was a lot of anti-British sentiment across main land Europe, and across the rest of the world I imagine.

        Here the British were to blame for inflicting the virus on the country.
        Nobody was openly hostile towards me but there was noticeable antagonism.

        It could be that the old foreigners in the UK are still thinking the same.

        One of my staff is based in the UK.
        She is the only one that bothered to get vaccinated.
        She managed to get COVID four times.

        For the rest of us, no vaccine and no COVID.

      • I still see UK chinkys wearing masks Artie.

        It’s probably some sexual.thing.

        Kinky as fuck the chinkys.

    • A ton to have some dopey, dumpy and dim shop girl stuff a needle in your arm. Keerrrching! It is also a great way for Rishi’s mob to offload all the stockpiled vakzines, allegedly. I can already see the headline ‘Outrage as out of date covids vakzines sold by top high-street retailer (turn to page 34).” Fuck off.

  3. Not to worry,
    Covid vaccinations are still free to those most at risk of serious illness or death.
    The over 75s and otherwise vulnerable groups, e.g. immunocompromised cunts.
    Also free for carers.
    Taxpayer should certainly not be paying for hypochondriacs.
    Good morning.

    • Free for me but i turned it down. ive had Covid and it looks like the grumblings about mRNA causing serious health problems are being borne out in recent studies. 1 in 800 people are suffering adverse effects. The evidence shows the mRNA is actively hampering immune response to potential cancers.

  4. I had an eye test at Boots couple of years ago. When asked what the main use of my spectacles was I told them they were for driving. Got tested, bought the new spectacles from them. Found that I couldn’t possibly drive at night wearing them. Went back to Boots, saw a different person who looked at the spectacles and said;

    “No, you can’t drive in these.”

    He then offered to correct the problem for £40. I didn’t pay. I won’t be going back.

    • What will be the main use of your spectacles?

      To fucking see through, you cunt.

      I would have walked out at that point.

    • Morning Arfur, morning all.
      Yes Boots Opticians are cunts.
      Went to get new specs from them for reading/computer screen at £200 a pop. Couldn’t see through them properly without tilting my head back, I got my money back, (without good grace from them) got re-tested at John Lewis and was told I could get by with ready readers, which I have done since with no probs and a good pair at £18! ?

      • Boots Opticians … clueless. Specsavers … same. Vision Express … worse, if that’s imaginable.

        Support independent opticians. They’re subject to competition and can usually undercut the cartel of big chains if you shop around a bit.

  5. Boot’s have missed a trick or two.

    They could also expand into re-tarmacing driveways and replacing broken roof tiles.

  6. Two little blue tablets, £11-99 at Boots.

    Six fucking quid for a fucking hard on!

    Fuck off, I’ll continue trying to prise apart the pages of my jazz mag collection.

    • 12 quid for a stiffy!

      Save money by paying an extra fiver for a better looking prostitute.

  7. Got to make some money somehow, after the mutating covid strains didn’t catch the publics interest..

    The daily fail use to put a story out every couple of months about a new deadly strain..

    Like the chicken George strain..
    Symptoms include low IQ, love of bananas and shoplifting. And forgetting how to breathe.

  8. “Our advice would be that you should probably wear a mask if you are Jewish. It would protect you from antisemitism and much safer than going around looking openly Jewish” a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said.

    You can get excellent masks from Boots in packs of three. Save money by getting a covids meal deal including masks, a vaxzine shot, and Midazolam drink. Government approved as safe and effective.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Midazolam and morphine – respiratory suppressants – for those already struggling to breathe.
      Those patients got George Floyded

  9. Lockdown was great,no ragheads stinking out the Peak District,no aircraft,going for a stroll in the hills was like being back in the 50s.

    I even enjoyed seeing all the silly cunts in masks and visors.

    The Vaccine? No stick it up your arse,free or not,you fucking clowns.

    Good morning.

    • I found it romantic.
      I’d pretend I was Sid Vicious and the nurse was Nancy.

      Great times.
      Probably the best time of my life.

      Never known happiness like it?

  10. At this point I’d like to brag about getting some Boots lackey sacked.
    Lackey asks my reason for not wearing a face nappy/petri dish of filth.
    Between me and my doctor says I.
    Mailed head office and got derisory reply and after two weeks waiting, got an automated response saying I could talk to an AI assistant.
    I emailed CEO, got a phone call from shop manager within two hours and never saw lackey again.
    A victory for the people and I hope that fucking lickspittle loses his livelihood.
    Busybody cunt. Fuck off.

    • Our younger Pooter has a blue badge because her left leg is no good, drives an auto. Sitting in the car one day, blue badge in the screen a young traffic warden approaches, looks at the badge then comes out with the statement familiar to so many disabled;

      “You don’t look disabled to me.”

      He then asked what her disability was. She told him to mind his own and he said he would go get his supervisor with the obvious implication that she was in trouble. He returned with his boss who gave him the bollocking of his life there in front of her and then apolgised to our daughter on his behalf.

      • That’s all it takes Arfur, just stand (not intentional) up for yourselves, these over-officious social misfits need slapping down constantly and reduced to tears.
        Fuck ’em.

  11. I liked the mask thing.
    Not for myself obviously.
    But for everyone else.

    Most people are ugly cunts and I hate to look at them.

    Should of been means tested on how attractive you are.


    In fact forget the masks.
    Make em wear diving helmets.

    • Great idea,make them wear concrete boots as well then stick the fucking lot in dinghies that are certainly not seaworthy.


    • Jess Phillipa and her tombstone teeth should be made to wear a mask permanently under compulsion. And a plastic one for Sugartits Cooper to prevent her breathing. Lady Nugee should be forced to wear AnalEase’s pissy knickers over her head – that will wipe the smirk off her face.

  12. Does it work now then? Does it work as well as the medications we were told didn’t work but studies have shown actually do work with the added bonus of no side effects up to and including death?

    • Indeed. Since the information has become more public about adverse events, poor testing protocols (8 whole mice), Anthony Fauci’s lies, the big pharma industries propaganda campaign against therapeutics and the fact the jabs weren’t tested for transmission-prevention….. the previous cohort of people shouting “conspiracy theorist” and “tinfoil helmet-wearer” appear conspicuously silent on the issue.

    • Some great arguments over COVID.

      It caused civil war.

      People got VERY upset over it.

      I remember those lockdown protests on telly.

      “Send in the cavalry!”

      I’d yell at the TV

      “Open fire on them!”

      On here some people stormed off never to return.
      Some had to be led off sobbing by softly spoken parents.

      It was marvellous!!??

      • Yeah happy days.

        I think Vern got over stimulated and didn’t know whether the gov’t were coming after him for breaking lockdown, malicious communications to Gareth Southgate, uncovering the U.S presidential election conspiracy or all three.

      • Foxy was funny wasn’t he LL?

        You could have a laugh with him
        I remember him.saying he’d gotten into a hospital filming and it was entirely empty.!

        Fiddler bollocking him?

      • Aye he was a good laugh, like Roger Cook crossed with John ‘Hannibal’ Smith.

      • You’re a contrarian MNC. You enjoy a good argument, nothing better than throwing a hand grenade into a bonfire and retreating back to watch it all go bang. Borderline trolling at times but on the right side of the border.

        There’s two types of cunters on this site, the vast majority of us are fully aware we can all be cunts sometimes and the few that think everyone is a cunt except them.

        If you can’t laugh at yourself this site isn’t the place to be. There’s no mercy and nowhere to hide if you release your inner cunt on here. Mostly it’s good natured banter.

        I think with the Covid thing a lot of people were really afraid for themselves or loved ones. The only way to ease that fear was to believe in lockdowns and the ‘vaccine’.

        In the flip side some were fully sold on conspiracy theories and didn’t hold back on ridiculing those expressing anger through fear.

        The media and the government stoked the fear. Night after night telling us how many hundreds more had died of Covid (later revised to died with.)

        It’s a shame that we lost some cunters on the pyre of Covid mania.

      • Hello Sixdog!

        I like to see how people react .
        I always have, even as a kid.

        If someone can take a joke?
        I like them.

        When it first happened (lockdown)
        I was genuinely concerned with protecting my family
        My dad had no immune system due to cancer treatment,
        And my job involves going into residential homes quite often,
        Full of elderly people.
        So didn’t hesitate to take the jabs.

        I don’t regret that.

        But yeah, a few cunters left.
        I miss DCI Gene the most.

        Anyone who got upset by anything I said should really take it with a pinch of salt,
        But if they got nasty?
        I gave it back
        Fuck em.

        I don’t regret that either ?

      • That’s very kind, Mis. I don’t post as much, now, due to this site becoming more conspiracy orientated and ‘serious’, and I don’t like the ‘Hurty Feelings’ button, ironic on a site called ‘Is A Cunt’. My posts go into Moderation as, I reckon, I don’t wear a tin foil hat and I don’t kiss the arse of the yank. I miss some of the old guard who brought so much humour. I used to read this site in the back of a truck and piss myself laughing at some of it. Not so much, now, although Mr Cunt-Engine has me laughing sometimes. The fucking degenerate. As to Covid and lockdown – fucking marvelous. Watching all the policing ‘experts’ suddenly becoming healthcare and medical ‘experts’ was comedy gold – (some daft bint on Twitter spouting bullshit about masks, being put back in her box by a surgeon, was a highlight), only going to genuine emergencies as people weren’t calling for utter shite and the smug satisfaction of going to conspiracy theorists (relatives ALWAYS told us) getting Covid and changing their fucking tune whilst they’re dying in front of us and we’re trying to save their life as their SATS were in their fucking boots and they’re in peri-arrest. Don’t miss the worshipping, clapping shite. We’re doing a job. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t miss the deaths. Fucking loads of them. Don’t miss the stress of thick cunts trying (more so then) to do our job.

        ISAC then, was better. Bring back The Worcestershire Warrior!!

        He’ll not back down.

  13. I think this will be a very niche market of now (kind of like smack heads). I’m an unsociable, reclusive, misanthropic cunt, but of the people I do know (mostly family and close friends) not a single one of them is going to be getting anymore Coof shots and most of them regret having got it due to:

    a) feeling embarrassed for bowing to perceived social pressure
    b) having seen adverse reactions in friends and colleagues
    c) having had adverse reactions themselves
    d) they know about all the adverse events because the mainstream media are now reporting it.

  14. Luckily in Sweden we ignored the COVID idiot fuck fest.

    There were a few limp-wristers who wore masks. People would point and laugh at them.

    My friends/family back in the old UK still bleat on about COVID this and that, booster crap, ‘rules’.


  15. Flu Jab and Covid jab was offered at the same time over the autumn and early winter, it seemed strange because in the early days of the Covid vaccine it wasn’t allowed if you had a flu jab in the previous two weeks.

    It was for the convenience of the patient ?

    I think I am now immune to both jabs so the cunts offered me a shingles jab, free!

    • Ha, ha Shingles jab!
      Went to get my ears syringed the other week and the first thing the nurse said was that I should have one. Told her no but she kept badgering.
      Most annoying, they get extra payments for all this shit. ?

      • It’s great init, I got a text, but just try to get an appointment if you are sick, no fucking chance.

      • Oh yes.
        Always texting about jabs etc, plenty of time for that. But jump through hoops to get a 10 minute, one compliant only appointment.
        On the rare occassion that I do see the quack, receptionists go out of their way to help some non English speaking immo fill in forms etc.
        But for us natives, we can just FUCK OFF!!

  16. Boots are greedy bleeders. They are closing stores because they don’t make enough money (like old Sainsbury is closing bakeries and Argos stores and such so he still has enough money to buy a job off Starmer), and it is a way to screw more money to put in the till.

    Tesco will follow suit, as I am sure the basket case that is John Lewis will.

    The unacceptable face of capitalism as Ted Heath referred to “Tiny” Roland, a 1970s grifter.

    • Tiny was a proper spiv, one of the last colonial wide boys.

      @boggs : thanks for this blast from the past.

      • Raymond Teezy Weezy was my favourite ‘character’ from that era!

    • I remember what a shower of shite they all were back in the 70’s, some of them would put todays mob to shame.
      Maudlin, weirdo Keith Joseph, peado Janner, piss artist George Brown, bogus pipe smoker Wilson to name but a few.
      Nothing changes.

  17. Watching Alfred Hitchcock films brings back the memories of lovely spacious countrysides, beaches and streets. If he’d been around now, it would’ve been a doddle with the already built in tension, besides bird shit being everywhere.

  18. Fuck Boots. Went in there the other week, and the cheeky kunts have cameras on the self-sevice points.
    If that’s not bad enough, implying that I’m dishonest, the kunts are captuing your image for MR purposes, putting your face to the products purchased.
    They can go and fuck themselves. I left my items in the basket for one of their minions to return to the shelves.
    Went to Superdrug instead.

    • Cameras are dirt cheap now Kunt and as a result are everywhere. They are easily hidden requiring only a pinhole to look through and give astonishingly high resolution pictures. At least you know about those at Boots.

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