Archie and George Tilley

There are cunts, and there are cunts, and then there are people so despicable they actually make my blood boil and crave the return of the death penalty.

Enter Archie and George Tilley (and one of their mates); vicious and feral scum, a sub class of human bred by welfare and a general collapse in society brought upon by the career politician and their abandonment of hardworking tax payers.

A young autistic lad was playing in the park when he called his dad to collect him as he was being bullied, when his dad arrived he was set upon by these cunts and beaten repeatedly, even after he was prone on the ground, with logs.

Poor man now has locked in syndrome, his entire family have had their lives ruined and these bastards had the arrogance and temerity to snigger in the dock – evidence enough of how low we have sunk and how rights have trumped responsibilities in this country, so that youth today know the system is fucked and they have no respect for it.

The Argus

Being local enough to Worthing I know that the family these cunty shits belong to is well renowned. In a just world the exits of their home would be sealed and the building torched to the ground – with them in it.

This happened a while back, but what prompted this cunting is that I just found out some judge reduced their sentence! Fuck scum, fuck lenient judges (justice and the law are mutually exclusive) and fuck this country for not dealing with scum like this with extreme fucking prejudice.

The Argus

Nominated by: Fortress Cuntimus

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