So welcome to our latest dishonest, bullshit ing, sneaky cunt, it was inevitable I suppose due to his tan, I’m thinking of the quote from Blazing saddles here.
So VG has said he is willing to talk about stupid speed limits, fucking farmers over and all the other stupid bullshit the wizened old cock dog brought in, in other words he is going to change fuck all.
He has already managed to slither his way out of his dodgy 200k dealings with Cardiff’s mud company .
So let’s look forward to what our new snake is going to do next, the best bit is the guy is already a cunt, so I weep for the future of Wales…
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
And seconded by: Chuff Chugger
I second this cunting if I may.
I came to the nom page to do the same, but was beaten to it.
When I woke this morning and saw the two candidates for the welsh election and it said we will find out later who the new leader would be. I silently said to myself as i was sitting there enjoying my morning dump, that I would bet my house which of those two candidates will win, and I wasn’t wrong.
The UK (well, OK not NI, but half of them don’t want to be part of the uk anyway) now has a full set of prominent leaders from the swarthy ‘minorities’
Wales, England, Scotland and London….all gimmegrants.
….yet, they will still yell they aren’t represented.
The UK has stuck its arse in the air show it to all the shit in the world and said ‘come and fuck me’
The black sheep of the family.
Another unelected cunt, better known as-
Personally I don’t think you should be allowed to be leader unless your white and can trace your bloodline back to pre Norman times.
Oh and your a bloke, a real one not a post butchery rainbow type.
More curried goat than Welsh lamb.
Who’s side would be be on at Rourke’s Drift?
Conflict of interest.
Criss cross.
No wonder the cunt is smiling..unaccountable socialist windbag,all lunatic policies all paid for by the English taxpayer.
£150,000 per annum.
All aboard the Gravy Train.
Of course it should also be quite clear by now that the fawning willingness of every political party to appoint foreign cunts as leaders makes them all not fit to run a bath.
Elected on only 51.7%?
Did people know he was black?
Will there be a second vote?
What’s he doing on the roof?
Is that black superman?
Or is it denzel Warrington.
Either way who cares, the leader of Wales..
I wouldn’t want that on my CV..
This country’s fucked. By the day, I become even more convinced that I’ll die in a foreign land.
You should have been with me walking through Brixton yesterday, scary as fuck……..
For a 66 year old on his jack
Sorry to hear that, mate. I haven’t been to London for about 10 years. I have no plans to do so any time soon.
What went down in Brixtonistan?
Scandinavia sounds appealing. So does moving back to the Baltics near the in-laws and setting up a homestead.
I’ll throw my fucking iPhone in the river if we do the latter – go proper to ground! ?
One contestant was a poofter the other a black man who LOOKS like a poof. It was a foregone conclusion – win, win.
will humza stop moaning now about everything’s ..white,white,white,white,white,white,white,whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite
see how we listen when people have a grievance, we are so accommodating when we realize how racist we’ve been… up it’s charlie and justin to dethrone themselves for the greater good….winston from hackney can take up the crown, and tyrone from southwark can take up the mitre…..’well i never felt more like singin’ the blues, coz i never thought id’ ever lose my counnntrrryyyy, you got me singin’ the blues’
They are all shills, or perhaps puppets/muppets. Be afraid of who/what stands behind them. Step forward Matthew Parris and his pro-euthanasia cuntery. Mr Parris is 74.
Euthanasia ?
Assisted dying/suicide ?
I think Michael Vaughan had it right when he ‘didn’t’ say ‘there are too many of you lot, we need to do something about it’
As sure as eggs are eggs, I thought you’d be talking about eggs and you’ve chosen another bad egg. At least its in season, but more of these stinking chocolate eggs are stinking the place out on here every day and I’m getting cheesed off with it. Its a jungle out there and it needs to stop. At least the animals are having a great time in the real jungle.
Got no problem with his colour. Lots of dark Welshmen where I come from. But the mess that Labour has got Wales into will likely be repeated for all if Kweer and his crew of loonies get in.
He’s as much use as a chocolate fireguard.Dozy arse.Full gas chamber treatment.
So urkel has finally grown up and ditched the wacky braces, but still looks like a irritating cunt..
It’s getting beyond being beyond a joke at this point.
We are quite literally obsessed with skin colour in the UK.
Obsessed with it. Politics, idiot lantern, radio, sports, armed forces and so on. If you’re not white then you’ve practically got both feet in the door before any other questions are asked.
As soon as I heard the Taffy’s were installing a new leader, I didn’t even need to look because I just knew deep within my bones that it was going to be yet another “right on” diversity hire to help complete the set.
What was it Martin Luther King said all those years ago about the content of one’s character over skin colour etc?
Fuck me sideways and roll on the apocalypse.
Good afternoon.
The other candidate was a gay which is good but he was also unfortunately white, which is bad and a man, also bad. Should of really played the trannie card or been bumming an ethnic.
I couldn’t give a fuck about the colour of his skin tbh. What I want to know….
Is he gonna change anything? …… No.
He’s a politician, he signed up to further his own ends, nothing else. Couldn’t get a job running a bath in the real world, sadly we don’t live in a real world.
All this cunt will do is talk a good game about improving things and do exactly the opposite behind the scenes.
All Welsh labour will do is pass more ‘laws’ that clamp down on freedoms and liberty, whilst legalising more deviance and wrongness. The only winners will be lawyers, the alphabet minorities, dindus and gimme grants.
He’ll hang around for 5years blaming everything that goes wrong under his watch on the evil tories, whitey, Brexit etc… then fuck off to some cushy number in a charity or the WHO…..
Good afternoon and fuck off.
Jeesus I hate this smarmy cunt. Melanin rich druid sheep fucker.
What gets me about these people of mixed mum and dad ie black and white they always say they’re black, how do they think their white parent thinks about that also why don’t they fuckoff back to their black parent country