This is Rigged

We head North of the Border where the jocks are strapping and the women toothless, to a group of leftie loonies called “This Is Rigged” complain about the cost of living, and rising prices, by wasting food, by pouring it on a bust of Queen Victoria, before scrawling an obscenity on the bust:

No doubt the stupid fuckers will be voting for Labour, even though Kweer is really Tory Lite.

We are not amused.

Daily Express

Nominated by W.C.Boggs.

55 thoughts on “This is Rigged

  1. “Freedom starts with breakfast”

    Don’t remember Mel Gibson screaming that to the army..

    Rickets in Scotland… of course there is, the sun never bloody shines..

    • There is potentially validity in your point about the sunshine Baz. A detailed breakdown of who suffers Vitamin D deficiency could prove illuminating but I doubt we’ll ever see such. I know from personal experience that we get a lot more sunshine here in Bucks than do the Scots. This would not matter so much if folks have an adequate diet. However round here it is common to see women in the burka walking with that peculiar and distinctive gait which is a result of damage to the pelvis due to vitamin D deficiency. Consider also that muslim girls start covering up from the age of seven. Large numbers of women in Pakistan suffer vitamin D deficiency and I’m fucking sure they get more sunshine than us. Trouble is they won’t take supplements for fear they may not be “halal” and they have a diet which doesn’t help, more than half never drink milk for instance and would probably have a seizure at the suggestion of cooking with lard!

      • There are studies showing why darker skin people were more likely to be victims of covid.
        clue: there was no ‘systemic racism’ involved.

      • Yep, ask anyone in Haiti, paki burgers are a step up from mud cookies….but Haiti isn’t a shithole…according to the left so book your holiday to Haiti now via Hunter Biden Cannibal

  2. It’s just as well they didn’t throw the contents of a Munchy Box over the bust.

    If word had got out they’d have been killed in the stampede.

  3. Wouldn’t you just love to kick the shite out of these protestors.

    This would send out the right message.

    Fuck with British history and you will pay…!

    • Not a particularly good history though tbh.? East India Company amongst others ?.QV was hated by many and had several assassination attempts made against it.Some even speculate she bore not Albert’s sprogs (think he was an iron) but actually Lionel Rothschild’s whelps,making the Coburgs-Khazarian.

      All the male parasites lost an inch post-partum.Diana refused it for her own progeny allegedly.? British-Empire is technically Rothschild’s Empire.They owned the BEIC.

      • A mate of mine smoked Rothschilds.

        Loved them he did.

        Or was it Rothmans?

        Being a rabid antisemite, I preferred B&H.

      • Nevertheless, bad/good, it’s the history of Great Britain and it’s what paved the way to make this country so attractive to all the third world black/Asian shite that wishes to “live” here.

        Therefore, the cunts should respect our history or FUCK OFF somewhere else….?

      • Hello Jeezum.

        Don’t worry, I know you’re Jewish.

        My comment was ironic.

        Aimed at the nutjob.

    • i’d feed them deep fried muck as geese are fed to produce foie gras.

      ‘How’s the buffet, cunt?’

  4. ‘Food is a human right’, the protestors maintained. In the world that I grew up in it wasn’t unless you got off your arse and worked for it and as far as I’m concerned that’s never changed. As I see it, there’s no such thing as human rights but there is a justifiable expectation of fair reward for fair effort. These cunts fairly deserve a fucking good pasting for their ‘efforts’.

    • You shouldn’t have to bust a bollock just to eat.It grows free and abundant if kept pesticide and supermarket free ? many are just too punch-drunk,mind- conditioned in accepting the shackles fastened to them from infancy.

      If everyone owned an acre of gods soil there would be liberation from the tax-cattle-imodel instigated a century ago by Industrialism which hasn’t really delivered imho ?,except as a conduit to facilitate increasing,Draconian-corporate/technocratic enslavement and throw in a side-order of bio-weapon slow-kill ‘medical’ infusions we’ve recently experienced for 4 years ?

      Food distinctly a human-right as is land to grow and raise it and not just a corporate/monarchical/oligarchical domain.Arab fucking sheiks own thousands of English acreages.How is this justifiable ?

      • Oh come on Ptarmigan mate! Are you seriously saying that we could feed the whole eight thousand million of us (and growing fast) without modern farming methods. Apart from the fact that all your waking hours would be spent producing or hunting for food with no time to spare for any other activity, if your acre was in the Atacama or the Sahara you’d soon be looking pretty skinny.

      • How often were there famines before the industrial age when world population as a fraction of what it is today? Pretty often, that’s the answer. That said, if you know how to feed forever 8 billion people on organic cloud cuckoo pie in benefits sauce you’re a better man than both Gunga Din and me.

      • Why’s my reply to IB ended up down here?

        I’m sorry if it’s due to some computer shuffle, but it’s fucking annoying.

  5. The cost of living crisis, yes partly rigged by fucking energy policies.

    The Ofgem price cap is coming down in April, unit prices are falling but not the standing charges, those are going up.

    Recoup losses from failed cowboy energy cunts (the good old days of switching to firms who had 0 resilience)
    Recoup losses from unpaid accounts (cunts who like to use energy but don’t like paying for it)
    Not forgetting the ‘policy’ costs of net fucking zero
    Roll out smart meters, changing perfectly good meters, for the policy

    The only part of the standing charge that is valid is for maintenance the system which would be about half of the charges.

    • EDF only give you a tiny amount off, but you have to get a smart meter. Standing charge is 61.5p a day – outrageous! Robbing cunts.

  6. If they really wanted to highlight social problems in Scotland they should have had Queens Victoria’s bust spazzing out from a heroin overdose.

      • I heard he had great expectations for a oliver twist on his tiny tim. But he ended up in a Uriah Heep in a bleak house..

  7. 1. They looked like obvious trouble makers.
    2. Why weren’t the pounced upon immediately they committed the crime ?
    3. Do they no longer guard valuables in galleries anymore ?

  8. I want to rig these idiots to a steamroller.Drive slowly backwards and forwards over them.

  9. When you’ve got a far left government already but it’s not enough for you……

  10. Did you ever notice these stupid cunts never deface statues of Stalin or Mao or Castro or any other Utopian Leader?

    • Don’t think they have too many of them in Jockistan.

      Their monuments are mainly for people who defeated the English in one battle or in a game of Football.

      Even Andy Murray is regarded as dubious for winning Wimbledon playing that Sassenach ladies game.

  11. The world was a better place when we ran it in the name of Victoria, national pride was a virtue not a sin. What a nation we were powerful and benevolent gifting the world numerous inventions and innovations and look at the way the ungrateful twats repay us. Oh for the times when jonny foreigner used to quake in their boots at the sight of the Union flag flying from the Jack staff on a Capital ship.

    • Indeed.
      Jonny foreigner used to quake in their boots at our benevolence.

    • What pisses me off is that for the average Brit things were shit in Victorias day. It was shit up to the 50s really and at that time the working class could have enjoyed a good standard of living into the foreseeable future.

      What did the powers that be do? Import the dregs of the empire to suppress the income of the working class and then expanded the welfare state so much we’ll be broke for eternity paying interest to the banks.

      • In my opinion the perfect life was rural small town America in the 50s.

        The Norman Rockwell vision.

        White picket fence
        Polite children encouraged to do sports
        Segregation .
        Boom in consumer goods
        Beautiful cars.

        They had it right.

  12. ‘food is a human right’.

    You have no rights, we are born between shit and piss and can’t fend for ourselves. -David Starkey on the assumption there are universal human rights.

    Until we learned to sharpen sticks and rocks, umans were food for fellow mammals and large reptiles.

  13. I’d have had a modicum of sympathy if they hadn’t smeared the bust with food.
    When protesting about the cost of food, wasting it detracts from the message.
    Also, there are better targets for a shit pie, all of whom are actually alive.
    I’ll leave it to you to name your preferred target.

  14. Queen Victoria ruled this country when it was a powerhouse.

    A mighty empire ??

    Back then your Hottentots and Johnny Foreigners wouldn’t dare attack a ship flying the union jack.

    It’d be tantamount to suicide.

    Gunga din would get a British bayonet in the belly.

    To throw food on her statue is a assault on our history.
    I genuinely believe this is treason and that they should be shot forthwith.

    The appalling cunts.

  15. Shooting them would be merciful, Mis.

    Locked up, without access to lipstick, or even moisturiser, would be their idea of Hell.

    40 days should do it.

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