The Met Office (6)

Google the Met Office for a weather forecast and what comes up? ‘Weather & Climate Change’ of course, so you know exactly where these cunts are coming from. For years now they’ve been selectively reporting data to ‘prove’ the Climate Crisis (eg from airport runways), whilst ignoring data that disproves it.

But lo and behold, it transpires that even their carefully chosen figures are a load of bollocks. These clowns report rises in temperature of hundredths of a degree when 78% of their weather stations give temperatures with a margin of error of at least 2C. A third are only accurate to plus or minus 5 degrees, for fucks sake. This gives them ‘junk’ or ‘near junk’ status according to the World Meteorological Office. In short, most of the Met Office’s temperature reports are completely unreliable.

Rather than fixing this lamentable state of affairs they continue to use worthless data to push their climate dogma. I suppose it rather explains why the useless cunts can’t even predict tomorrow’s weather with any degree of accuracy.

Daily Sceptic

Nominated by: Geordie Twatt

46 thoughts on “The Met Office (6)

  1. The in-laws in Edinburgh say that forecasters have been regularly predicting snow for the city for months.

    Have they seen any? Not a fucking flake.

    Morning all.

    • Morning, Ron,

      You alright, mate?

      Same as here down in the Peak District. Absolutely fuck all apart from rain, rain, more rain, rain, rain, wind, more rain… the worst thing is, is that it’s not hugely cold, either.

      My other half calls it “bisexual weather” – it’s not hot, and it’s not cold.

  2. All this emissions linked to a rise in temperatures, is nothing but a load of utter bollocks which would insult the intelligence of a woodlice.

    Meanwhile, Dame Kweer for example, is promising to destroy swathes of British countryside in order to build lots of lovely new homes.

    And that’s without mentioning grotesque superfluous environmentally destructive vanity projects such as HS fucking 2.

    How’s about you stop talking shite about temperatures and try focusing on the actual real environmental destruction which is happening with increasing regularity on every doorstep in the country.


  3. It’s undeniable that British winters are getting milder, our summers seem to be more humid than they used to be(although not seemingly hotter) and constant rain seems to have been replaced with constant high winds but the question about what’s causing these new weather phenomena are surely still up in the air? (no pun intended).

    The Powers That Be seem intent on putting all their eggs in the proverbial CO2 basket but never seem to talk about increases in solar activity, changes in the Earth’s magnetic field or possible changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun.

  4. You are on a planet hurtling through space at a speed of 66.000 mph while spinning on a precarious axis at 1.000 mph.

    The atmosphere is protected from being stripped away in a millisecond by a weak magnetic field.

    Subjected to thousands of lighting strikes every day along with hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

    And there are people who think that our climate should be stable and constant.

    And there are actually people who think that we can change the earth’s climate.

    Go ahead you silly, arrogant cunts.
    Boil just enough water for your cup of tea and turn your heating down by a degree.

    That will fucking help.

    • Good idea ?… Don’t give up just get some better shoes. In all seriousness cows are brilliant and we should harness as much of their shit and gas as possible like the jackass fart bowl. And top gear proved years ago you can power a car with cow shit.

      • You could power a car with an actual cow if it pulled the car via a simple harness. A tube could then be inserted into said cow`s arsehole and led into the automobile thus providing gas to power external devices, e.g., a cigarette lighter.

  5. Climate has been changing for 4 billion years. Data only goes back a hundred or so. The rest is supposition or ‘computer modelling’ as they call it.
    Bankrupting Britain to make no fucking difference whatsoever seems to be a political goal.
    And weather forecasts are, by and large, fucking lies. Although some of the forecastresses give me the horn.

  6. Even when they’re found out, they keep on pumping out the same shite about climate change. Shameless.

  7. Climates Change….. The clue is in the two word phrase you fucked up Met Office mega twats ?

  8. These cunts are about as much fucking use as the Flat Earth Society.

    Absolutely full of shit..only in the 21st century could any cunt manage to politicise the weather.


  9. Scientists said in January 2024 that the largest ape ever to live became extinct 295,000 years ago due to climate change. Now correct me if I’m wrong but according to the fruit cakes running the rhetoric climate change is entirely man made due to fossil fuel use, I wonder how long before time team dig up a 300,000 year old Range Rover .
    Fucks up the religious view that Blighty caused it all with the Industrial revolution.

    • Even accounting for historic emissions Britain ranks 7th or 8th. It’s just another justice narrative now. The science is increasingly abandoned at the door, or the first sign of an unfashionable statistic.

  10. Cunters, cunters … calm down, it`s none of our concern – we`ll all be long dead.
    Think of it as our legacy to Generation Snowflakes. ❄️⛄

    • Generation Snowflake will feel right at home as they’re going to experience the next Ice Age.

      Which begins next Tuesday, by the way. Computer modelling says so.

  11. I have had my tin hat on for weeks now waiting for the snow bomb.

    We have two types of weather in the UK, well more or less, prevailing winds from the west/south west or winds from the north east.

    • I thought the two types only consisted of ? and even ?ier …. anyway ‘i do like to be beside the seaside, oh I do like to be beside the seeeeaaa ?

      • Hehe, yes very true but today we have a heatwave, must be 15 C, deck chair weather ?

  12. I’ll stick to my flipflop and hotwater bottle indicator for weather, feet currently on hot bottle so its fuckin cold

  13. Been fucking wet, windy and grey skies here all day. Pretty mush the norm since last October.

    The met office and their climate change webshite page boils my piss every time I see it, their specialist costal forecasts are beneficial, but Windguru is better for wind speeds and directions.

    Truth be told they can only ‘predict’ a few hours ahead, the rest is modelled variance and probability and usual badly wrong, cunts.

    Bring back John Kettley, he’s a weatherman and so is Michael Fish, Fish, Fish.

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