Students at this prestigious hub of learning are aghast and suffering mental trauma at the inherent racism of this seat of learning upon the announcement of the axing of the ‘African history’ course.
A quote if you please:
“The legal firm Leigh Day now has now initiated legal action on behalf of a group of 14 students who were either studying on the course or conducting PhD research and who allege that they have suffered discrimination and breach of contract because of the decision.”
Now, I’m of a mind to suggest that the best colleges to study African history would ideally be in one of the great African cities, would that not be appropriate and relevant ? After all, to offer such studies in anything other than an African University would surely be a most reprehensible act of Cultural appropriation otherwise ?
Having wasted over half a million quid on this pile of virtue signalling wank and the obvious stifling of 14, yes, 14 students careers it would seem that that’s an opportunity for more ‘gibs’ and reparations.
I mean, who needs STEM graduates when you’re a self-styled expert on mud huts, washing in cows piss and chucking missionaries in cauldrons anyway.
14 so called students, is this what it’s come to ?
All hail St George of fried chicken and watermelon.
Nominated by Pooter.
African history..
Emerged from Primordial soup, sat down.
Haven’t moved since..
Where’s my diploma?
My thoughts precisely Baz. How the fuck could you scrape together enough material for an ‘O’ level in African studies let alone a PhD?
Morning all.
fuck me, even shoes confuse them and as for the wheel? they’ll never invent that
…. Sat down, under a tree. Poked at shit with a stick. Haven’t moved since.
I can understand their outrage.
Who in the fight mind would pay thirty grand for a course that consists solely of:
“Africa is a complete shithole from top to bottom,the only half decent civilization they had was Ancient Egypt and that got twatted by the Romans,the place is a disease ridden corrupt cesspit filled to the brim with some of the very worst examples of sub human species on the planet.Do not have anything to do with the fucking dump.”
The End.
Can I have my fees now?
Isn’t it usual to allow the existing students to complete their course but accept no new students? In England students pay tuition fees and all PhD courses must be paid by a sponsor so that must be a nice little earner for the University. At least that was the case 20 years ago when my pal did a PhD on “Bayesian Statistics and Probabilistic methods”. That seems easy compared to “Mud hut construction in the third world”.
Does Sam Beau have a qualification from there?
I seem to recall that Leigh Day narrowly missed being dismantled due to their less than honest dealings regarding the pursuit of soldiers’ alleged actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
BTW, the trial of Phil Shiner is due to take place late next year.
Ambulance chasing cunts.
I recently received a letter from them asking for a witness statement of events that occured two years before I was born.
You know you’re getting the best researchers in the business when you hire Leigh Day.
Shiner needs a cunting all his own
I imagine the course would consist of the following modules:
– The Mastery of Fire
– The Use of Bows and Arrows in Hunting
– The Use of Spears in Hunting
– The Arrival of The Honkey and Their Introduction of The Wheel
– Mud Hut Architecture
– Mud Hut Engineering
– Mud Brick Pyramids
– Tribalistic Genocide
– Necklacing
– Dismemberment Using Machetes
– Jesus Wuz Black
– Da Egypshuns Wuz Black
– We Wuz Kangz n’ Sheeeit
You can find all of this bollocks on Youtube for free – no need for tuition fees or a PhD.
Mugabe – The Life and Times.
Oh yeah, I forgot about hyper inflation and trillion dollar notes.
Not forgetting Winnie Mandela who had a young boy murdered and stole millions of pounds out of the state coffers, an absolute cunt
A extra credit module
101 things to do with Zebra shit
sambo spent a year trying to separate the white colour out of the zebra shit
Don’t forget the life and death of black jesus, chicken George Floyd..
and how to pick your arse with a stick whilst sitting outside your hut, but that is degree level stuff, multi-tasking studies are only for their brightest
Nothing has happened in “African history” for millennia. The only noticeable event was the “African Reformation” when Chicken George shook the African continent through his revolutionary technique of deep frying missionaries and serving them with ganja-weed instead of boiling them altogether in a big pot. Or something like that.
The solution is obvious – change this course and offer instead a PHd in bongo drumming, with an introduction to the Conga, leading to a M.A.
I presume you’re joking WC, but actually I’ve met someone who had a ‘degree’ in drumming. I shit you not.
sounds like one of those degrees the college/university cook up just to get bums on seats and more subsidies.
If you need a degree in a skill/activity you’re doing it wrong. An academic qualification is not respected by anyone who has practiced the skill from childhood/early teens.
This should be renamed as the institutiion featured is the University of Chichester, rather than Chichester College (of arts, science and technology).
We did not “chuck missionaries in cauldrons” thank you very much, Pootsy.
On the contrary, they were delicately pre-marinated in cow`s piss then gently roasted over locally-sourced smoked wood fires.
mmm ?
prefer mine seasoned with monkey spunk rubbed in on the thighs of a dusky maiden with a plate in her lip
When these 14 students get their degree in African History, what exactly are they going to do with it?
The whole point of education is to prepare youngsters for the outside world.
Part of the application process for universities should be the simple question, “Why do you want this particular degree?”.
Students attend university for years to gain a degree in history, for instance, and then go and get a totally unrelated job.
A total waste of time.
DEI manager for the local council usually
The background to the university education is to given young men 9bachelors) a universal education to prepare them for further intellectual and spiritual development.
That African and gender studies, or performing arts fail at this or the more mundane, modern and American raison d’etre that society now thinks ‘universities’ exist for (a more expensive and part-time sausage factory than the comprehensive), shows just a what a huge fucking waste of time and money these courses are.
Regardless of what jobs might come out of it there is no inquiry or enlightenment, just ridiculous Marxist DEI instruction.
It is intellectual death.
African history is inherently racist as it is all recorded by Europeans or Arabs and does not date before that.
White privilege innit.
you mean some white joker told sooty they built the pyramids and used to be orange people… and sooty bought the joke… brilliant…gullible little wanktards
Apart from the baby that was killed by an Eagle Owl in or near Tanzania that Jacob Bronowski talked about in The Ascent of Man
The reply from the college, the course hasn’t been cancelled for existing students it has only been suspended for new students and PHD cunts aren’t affected anyway.
Sounds like it one of those offended because it’s been dumped, yep it’s been dumped because not enough cunts are interested in the pile of shit.
There should be an inquiry into why soots are over represented in adverts, I am not convinced that 90% of couples in the UK are mixed race.
self appointed professor Klamidia Sheeequeeela said “I is making up all da istory sheet as fast as i can dodo but da waycist whiteys day is blocking and disrespecting me and i woz kween and sheet of dis britain place”
14 people, out of a population of how many?
Hardly banging down the doors of the halls of learning, are they?
Do a course on how to grift, blag and manipulate your way through life, be oversubscribed in minutes.
In it!
African history in a nutshell:
We wuz Kangz!
We wuz slaves!
Whitey beez all racist n sheeit.
Gibs muh dat free shit, Whitey!
When dem whitey wimminz at?
Whitey beez keepin’ me down.
Gibs muh dat reparations, whitey.
Help whitey! We beez all starving n’ shit!
Get off our land,Whitey!
Help whitey! We beez all starving ‘n shit! Again.
So basically about 600 years of being totally reliant on Whitey for absolutely everything.
Other than that, 300,000 years of not evolving really isn’t much to write home about.
black history month, well that was 20 seconds i’ll never get back, now back to human history
You forgot to mention “Whitey on dee Moon”.
oh i forgot dey woz nasa, we humans owe them so much
Gil Scot-Heron’s myopic drivel was anticipated decades earlier by Oscar Wilde when he said ‘we’re all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars’.
Oh, the dreaming spires of Chichester, twinned with Mogadishu I believe.
So 14 Tabitha’s and Tarquin’s have had their studies in something utterly pointless and of no use to society pulled from under them.
I know African history is now seemingly part of the school curriculum, but I thought universities in a democratic country could teach, or not teach, whatever they liked.
If this legal challenge is a success it will prove we definitely aren’t a democratic country.
And If these students are struggling to find an alternative source of learning, I hear McDonald’s are looking for people, and they offer free training.
That’s if the stupid, thick cunts can get through the interview.
Fuck em!
if the police and social services can lower the entry level and abolish the written test so sooties can get jobs i’m sure macdonalds can do the same, a few deep fried sooty hands won’t hurt them.
Chichester is already rammed with thick, useless cunts. A few more won’t hurt, particularly at St Pilchards Hospital.
send all our artifacts back to africa cried little sambo…so we did and little sambo cried again, where all our shit gone we is under-represented in museums….i used to love little sambo funny little cunt
Just wondering, did the university axe the students about axing the program or just go ahead and ax it?
I take it the piccaninny’s in the header pic, are waiting for whitey to dig a they can fill their swimming pool..
We wuz lifeguards..
They wuz never lifeguards.
They swim like a brick.
I’ve looked into this Professor Hakim Adi and he has all the credentials of your garden-variety grievance merchant. He’s a communist who has been interviewed by the online rag The Socialist Worker.
I don’t tend to take seriously the ramblings of communist at the best of times but if you are 66 year old boomer and still a communist then you can fuck right off, you cunt.
The Universtiy of Boko Haram is offering a course in African Studies complete with modules on how to make your own machete and how to do emergency FGM. To secure your place, send money to Professor Niceman Reilly, c/o Bobotie- U-Like, Lagos.
Fucking Leigh Day! The corrupt leftist cunts. Remember when they tried to fit the army up for murder? All lies and the evil piece of shit Shiner was struck off, should have been the cunts head.
Not forgetting Harry that a leading acolyte of Shiner was Sharmi Chakrabarti (The Right Honourable, The Baroness Chakrabarti CBE PC, Hahahahaha! Oh stop it, I’ll piss myself!) who started back-pedalling furiously when she realised he’d been found out. A story so similar to that of Harriet Harman (The Right Honourable Harriet Harman KC MP, oh god, now I think I have pissed myself!) even so far as both of them being former leaders of that support club for wasters and p*rverts called “Liberty.”
All hail St Chicken George.Not.African cooking pot these ???.
Something that we shouldn’t have got involved with when roaming the earth, but decided to interfere with tribes that would eventually have died out quicker, by eating each other.
And who gets to pay the lawers fee? Oh yeah, fucking whitey, via legal aid. Boot-lipped cunts.
Apefrica is that way cunts. Start swimming.
Hello boss man…… fantastic you’ve passed, here’s the diploma ?
I wonder if the course involves sticking cut out pictures of black celebrities to sugar paper. I had a friend who studied their and they had him doing that for his degree in ‘cultural studies’.
Maybe, as ‘woman of colour’ the chicken legged, yacht whore aka Meghan Markle will champion this worthless cause, provided of course that they pay her a few million, you know for traveling expenses and shit! This kind of shit is just up her alley along with several millionaire yacht owners cocks. Tries to convince the world she is a n*gnog! Writes messages on a banana? Achievement- UNLOCKED!
Well lookee here:
Queen Mary University or the ocean liner, banging steel drums in a caylpso band during embarkation.