The BBC (114) and Doctor Who (11)

Now, this isn’t your usual Dr Whoke cunting, more a rant about the BBC’s irritating insistence on mentioning the pile of shite whenever an actor dies.

This week saw the deaths of John Savident and Pamela Salem. Each having long careers in an assortment of tv, film and stage productions.

But the BBC simply have to point out that they ‘starred’ in Dr Whoke in the dim and distant, no matter how high they’re other other achievements may have been.

I almost wrote this nom a while back when John Hurt died and the BBC, rather than going into the detail of his outstanding acting work, decided to go into detail about his appearance on their flagship sci fi children’s program.

Anyway, I can’t take it anymore.

Despite its cult following, it always was and still is a kids program with dodgy scripts, wobbly sets and nowadays, cheap and nasty CGI and a place of work for actors who can’t find any.

Show some respect for the dead you cunts.

BBC News 1

BBC News 2

Nominated by: Field Marshal Cuntgomery

59 thoughts on “The BBC (114) and Doctor Who (11)

  1. Dr Shipman or Dr Mengele would be far more fun.

    I have never met anyone who watches this shite.

    Dr Poo

  2. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, as I neither watch nor listen to anything on the BBC.

    They are indeed cunts of the highest order.

  3. They are keen on self promotion.

    Which is bizarre as they rely on payment by means of tax,behind which lies the threat of court and even jail time..

    So why do they even lift a finger to mention such irrelevance?

    Because they are the biggest set of lying cunts and traitors in the country.


  4. I much preferred watching the old smash potato advert with the piss taking little aliens…. better than the pathetic daleks spinning around whilst screeching ‘exterminate, exteeeerrrminate’ all you’d have to do was push them over and they’d be fucked….Dr poooo ?

    • Or run up a flight of stairs or down any bit of pot holed road in this near third world cuntry…..

  5. People don’t realise the beeb have lots of stuff that doesn’t relate to the aware wankers and you’d think this war on what you want to watch and listen to, doesn’t exist.

  6. Never heard of either of them. Couldn’t give a fuck.
    Watched the first episode or DW.
    Got a personally signed photo of Sara Jane, RIP.
    Couldn’t give a fake about it now all cunts.

    • You lucky fucker! Is it covered in cum stains?? She was my favorite wank, and I even had a girlfriend who was a dead ringer for Elizabeth Sladen!

      • Louise Jameson, of course.
        And Mary Tamm as Romana Mk I.

        And Elisabeth Sladen was lovely, right to the end. RIP.

      • Don’t know if you were aware Ron, of a frightful scene meant as a joke when “Not the Nine O’clock News” was in its pomp, with vans going round the streets capturing children and throwing them in the back. When the doors were closed it read on the back, “To the Rolf Harris Show.” Did the beeb have their suspicions then ?

  7. I’m in my 40s so when I watched it growing up it was Colin baker and Sylvester McCoy with Sophie aldred who I had a crush on. Wouldn’t watch any indoctrinating crap that gets churned out now. Bring back Rainbow that was hilarious when Bobby davro came on…

    • She was a fucking shit actor, but an amazing set of top bollocks. There’s some good soft porn pics of her, but I think the one where she giving herself a good fisting is possibly a fake!

  8. Watched the inaugural episode when the set nearly fell down. Couldn’t stand it for much longer. The one trick pony of all shows.

  9. Dr. Who (I apologise in advance if I offend anyone who watches this shite – do I fuck ???) is watched by spotty bum picking men who have never been laid by a woman.

    I’d rather watch a turd falling out of my ass than this bollocks.

    • Do you give the ass a carrot to distract it whilst filming, or does it get used to it ?

    • I can’t relate to the level of obsessiveness of Dr Who fans, but I was even more surprised to see a shrine at Cardiff Bay to a character from Torchwood, the sort of spin-off series from Dr Who. It even has a Facebook page, where there are strict rules about homophobia and abuse, apparently. What a time to be alive, beam me up Scotty. I daresay there are actual murders that get less attention,

  10. Dr Who?
    Dr Woke?

    Dr Joke more like. Died on its feet from terminal wokery years ago as far as I’m concerned.

    I’m just waiting for the next reincarnation. A black lesbian vegan with autism and a stammer. Shouldn’t be too hard to find someone who matches the criteria for the role. If they can find someone with one leg to play the part, so much the better. Being a ‘Groaniad’ subscriber would be an advantage.

    As for playing the villains, only middle-aged white men need apply.

    Cunts of the first water, all of them.

    Morning all.

      • The fat, wobbly assed, n*gnog has allegedly gone into hiding after being scared to death of a comment made by a Tory party contributor! What a joke! Big fat cunt, indeed!

      • Silly niggy nog lost the whip last year didn’t she – Kweer Starmer spanked her hard with hit and then during their sexual play he lost it up her ass, never to be seen again (we’re told she sent some silly letters *twice by mistake).

        I assure you that if Kweer get’s the key’s to No. 10 she will suck his balls dry until he gives in and takes her back in.

        She is an utterly useless waste of oxygen and how ironic that now she feels the persecution of ‘waysicm’ when that was the alleged reason for her losing her front seat.

      • Abbott the Hutt is doing an Eni Aluko.
        Playing the race and misoginy cards to the hilt, and making out she is in fear for her life because of a bitchy remark on social media about five years ago.

        Change the record, and fuck off.

    • Hi Ron,
      A brain in a water tank will be wheeled out, that suffered all those atrocities you mentioned.

  11. Time it was allowed to die a natural death. Some black arse ferret has stolen the Tardis anyway. Probably a bit of a jape selling shit drugs out of police box.

    The doctor should meet his end in an episode set in Brixton. The death of a thousand blades – innit bruv?

    Then the trans one can fly off and live happily ever after on planet They.

    If you got a part in doctor who you were obviously a jobbing actor. So the reason they mention doctor who when you die is because it’s one of the few things you worked on people remember.

  12. I am informed by reliable sources that the new Dr Who is a fucking n*gnog! I haven’t watched it since David Tennant was in it! Every actor who played the part between John Pertwee and the aforementioned David Tennant was and is a cunt, with the exception of Tom Baker. Anyone after DT is also a cunt. I’m surprised that they have asked shit-cunt actor Adam Woodyatt to take over the role as that would really see it off! Can you imagine that cunt in the role? Fucking one-trick pony bellend!

    • Aye it were shite when i were a lad too! much preferred magpie on t’other channel with the fragrant Susan stranks, tony bastable , & the hippie cunt mick robertson! incidently susan stranks is 85yrs, mick robertson is 78yrs and bastable is ‘mort’ so fuk yew Dr who ‘magpie was better.

  13. It is the same when an actor dies who appeared in half a dozen episodes of Eastenders thirty years ago – the fact that they had a fifty year career in all sorts of films and plays (and radio – never forget radio) is completely forgotten “Eastenders Star Dies”. He appeared as Sid Snot in Eastenders in 1988″. What an epitaph!

  14. Loved Dr Who when I was child and am still partial to watching old episodes on BBC iPlayer. But my Doctors were Pertwee and Tom Baker and no one has quite lived up to them in my imagination. Colin Baker had an interesting take on the character but he was shafted by the BBC and not given an opportunity to develop it.

    Modern Dr Who is a pile of woke shite. And if every British actor who has appeared in Who since 1963 is going to be named it will be an almighty long list. Everyone from Derek Jacobi to BRIAN BLESSED !!!! has been in it at some point.

    • They were mine as well in the 69/70’s although I did like David Tennant and Chris Ecclestone.

  15. Not watched it since 1967, shite then, shite now. The bbc will hijack anything to promote the latest woke and climate emergency bollocks, gave up watching bbc when I started getting agitated every time I turned box on. Broadcasting House is festering muck heap of effeminate men and butch women pushing pseudo intellectual nonsense as if it was a religion.

  16. Pamela Salem was gorgeous. Absolutely stunning in The Professionals.

    Savident was also good in The Professionals. A much better actor than the Foghorn Leghorn impersonator he played in Coronation Street.

  17. @Field Marshall Cuntgomery

    I have the sneaking suspicion that the Executives at the BBC might secretly, subconsciously agree with you about Dr. Who being a crap, kids’ TV show which needs to be put out to pasture.

    That seems to be the only explanation as to why they insist on hiring writers and producers with room-temperature IQ’s who insist on “writing” scripts that are so bad that most sane, intelligent adults have stopped watching it.

    Fuck, even most children with Downes Syndrome would probably sit through an episode of modern Dr. Who and say ” What duh fuck woz dat wetarded cwap?!”

  18. And the pile of shite that is Cuntonation Street dedicating an episode to John Savident. He left the show about 18 years ago for fucks sake.

    Years ago, when a true Street great died (Violet Carson, Bernard Youens, Pat Phoenix, Jack Howarth) died, Granada did a tasteful tribute for them, which I can understand. But Fred bloody Elliott? Any bugger gets ‘legendary’ status these days. Bollocks – ah-say – bollocks.

  19. Listening to wireless today and the dippy
    Doris newsreader from Sky has mentioned about 300 times Derek Thompson saying that his final scenes in Casualty are the best he’s ever done, ( the modest cunt), funny, thought Bob Hoskins shanked the Fenian bastard with a broken brandy bottle!
    Anyway thought that bollocks Casualty was ditched years ago.

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