Police Scotland and the New ‘Hate Crime’ Act

On April 1st (how appropriate) a new law comes into effect in Scotland. This law (which the Scottish Government says ‘modernises and extends’ existing legislation) creates a new law of stirring up hatred against protected categories on the grounds of race, religion, sexual and (you guessed it) transgender orientation.

As Han Solo would say, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. I foresee every professional offence taker and loony tunes group with a grudge agenda piling in and reporting any little thing perceived as ‘hate speech’ to the Hurty Wurty Feelings Police, otherwise known as Police Scotland.

The scuffers could be in for a very hectic time indeed. Apparently the force has pledged to investigate every single complaint reported; this at a time when, according to ‘The Scotsman’, it said that it would no longer investigate every ‘low level’ crime, including some thefts.

The Scotsperson

Yes, the Hurty Wurty Feelings Police are preparing to swing into action on ‘hate crime’. Indeed you might agree that they’ve already given a firm indication as to which way the wind’s blowing.

The force itself has committed what a sensitive soul like me can only regard as a ‘hate act’. In a training exercise on the subject, it created a character called ‘Jo’, a soshull meeja influencer who says that there are only two genders, and that trans types ‘belong in gas chambers’.

Who could they possibly be referring to, I wonder? Naturally they’ll assure us that any similarity to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Nevertheless, I’m deeply offended by this, and intend to report Police Scotland for a ‘hate crime’ against a certain Joanne ‘Jo’ Rowling to, erm, Police Scotland.

Police Scotland accused of parodying JK Rowling with gender critical ‘Jo’ character in hate crime training

Gosh it’s going to be fun north of the border. Keep your opinions to yourself you freethinking Scots, even in your own home. The kids might dob you in for calling Humza Yuseless a fucking total cunt*. The walls might have ears.

Oh and don’t bother just calling it in if your mobile phone gets snatched from you in the street. That won’t be enough to get the cops off their arses. You’ll have to say that the thief called you ‘a tranny kiddie fiddling arse bandit’ as well. That way, you’ll have a couple of squad cars and half a dozen plods on your doorstep in five minutes.

Welcome to our Brave New World.

*even though Humza Yuseless is, indisputably, a total fucking cunt.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

127 thoughts on “Police Scotland and the New ‘Hate Crime’ Act

  1. Will hen still be a term of endearment ? I don’t want to be walking around with egg on my face.

    • ‘Who are youse callin’ hen? Ah’m a cockrel and demand youse call me a cock! Ah’m callin’ th’ Hurty Polis on youse fae misgenderin’ me, yeh fuckin’ cunt’.

  2. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24219468.hate-crime-questions-police-scotlands-recording-hate-crimes/

    Apparently ScotPlod is not going to record all ‘hate crimes’ but will make a ‘proportionate’ response.

    So what the fuck is ‘proportionate’, and who makes the distinction? What’s going to happen if, say, there’s a vexatious pile in on Rowling by trans extremists for her views? Will any action be taken against frivolous or politcally motivated accusers for wasting plod time?

    This is a minefield. It would be hugely funny if it wasn’t so stupid. Good ol’ Humza Yuseless and his crew strike again.

    • I think that just means if you are a protected class and a BBC/Guardian pet victim they will use this new law to its fullest extent. But if you are for example a white man and called a “gammon”, that’s exercising free speech.

      All this when the life expectancy of a male in Scotland in on par with Albania and drug death overdoses at a record high (don’t give a shit btw) because of Brexit according to Useless.

      • Serves Whitey right for voting SNP.
        Scotland is 95% white,
        SNP could not have been elected without the white vote.

      • @ MB;

        Imo the problem in Scotland is, and will continue to be, the bagpipes and misty mountains brigade; those so obsessed with the notion of independence and ‘freedom’ from the hated English that they’ll put up with anything to that end.

        If Yuseless got himself a comb-over, grew a little moustache and put on a brown shirt, they’d still vote SNP.

        What’ll be interesting is to see what happens if there’s any anti-English ‘hate’ in Scotland from now on…

      • The majority of Scottish electorate were/are against Independence,
        So presumably whitey voted SNP for a different reason.
        I suspect they’ve now learned their lesson.
        If not, fuck them.

  3. Good nom, Ron.

    I fucking hate the spastic Jock mong police and the leftard, muzzied-up, transytwats that they protect. Fuck the lot of them – sporran swinging fuckwits.

    Who is that at the front door….

  4. Good and timely nom, Ron

    My comment is awaiting moderation. Possibly for my own good! Dontcha just hate it when that happens?

    • Every single thing I post goes to moderation. Mods can find no root cause.

      It IS a fuckin’ pain being up to 12 hours behind the flow all the time. Pain for those who find 4 or 5 of my comments in the queue every day too, I’m sure.

      Any ideas why, anyone else? (Technocunt?) Bear in mind if you have any questions about my phone/provider etc., .. it will be potentially 12 hours before you’ll get a response.

      I’m going to cunt ‘gremlins’ in the near future ….

      (We’ve noticed this and we’re looking into it. Seems you’re a special case for some odd reason – Day Admin)

      • Thank you … wasn’t having a strop or nowt. Worried a bit if a cunter made a comment in my direction, they may have thought I was an uppity cunt that didn’t acknowledge ’em… so took the moment to kind of mitigate.

        If nothing else comes to light, I may drop the apostrophe from my cunter i.d. … maybe its something that nonsensical.


      • Sorted.

        Apostrophes in Noms de Plume de Cunters .. are only for cunts.

        Special Case, indeed btw! ?

        Gremlins in all aspects of life still getting a cunting in the not too distant ….

        (Well done, mate, you just beat us to it as to why your posts were going into the Mod Queue. WordFence doesn’t like apostrophes – a definite case of Hate Crime and the police will be around soon! – Day Admin)

      • Thanks again.

        I foresee societal problems & wordfence better be ready.

        A LOT of our new neighbours and new countrymen have names like N’dobo and M’tembe.

      • Reminds me when I was working up in Livingston in 1976 chatting to some of the local lads. Immigration came up in the conversation and one of them said; “Whoever heard of a black Scotsman?” I guess it’s different now.

  5. Being white will be a hate crime because of historic links to slavery will make sooties feel uncomfortable.

    Every white person in the UK has benefited from slavery and so are guilty by association.

    Now we know how the Jews felt in Nazi Germany.

    I am white and have benefited from slavery and I wish to be charged with a hate crime ?

    • I’ve benefitted from 400 years of Roman slavery, I’m shit hot at under floor heating, still struggling with laying the mosaic tiles but I’m thankful they taught me a trade and they never put shoes on my feet or taught me how to steal shit, slaves today don’t know they’re fuckin born

  6. Fuck’s sake … the line can be especially blurry with Scots & the whole cross dressing (Remember when it was relatively harmless & that’s what we called it?) thing … at what point/length does a kilt become a skirt? ?

      • Russ Abbott once said that when golfing in the winter with the courses covered in snow, .. the Scots blokes used to play with red balls ….

  7. You would think these silly cunts would try and lessen their workload, not add to it with another pointless law..

    How about you concentrate on the basics first.
    Shoplifting, violence, knife crime..
    Sorry what am I saying that would involve getting your fat arse’s on the street.

    Help make Scotland a better place?
    Not sure that’s possible..
    When you elect utter cunts to power.

  8. FFS, so you can take the piss out of transformers now? The lunatics are running the asylum now. Will smack rat be hate speech now?

      • I was getting excited at the prospect of a good joshing, for the alphabet brigade?

    • I saw somebody the other day asking if they could be ‘done’ for referring to someone as a ‘trans identifying woman’ under this law.

      • .. it sounds like simply ‘cunt’ would be perfectly adequate to describe the someone, in that case?

        Or, to extrapolate, even…

        The cunt in the skirt, with the noticable adams apple .. doesn’t exactly break the ‘law’ at all, but doesn’t give in to the demands of the meritless twots…

        Is ‘cunt’ not a hate word?

        Tell ’em y’ identify as Australian ….

  9. I do pity the police nowadays.

    They are losing the ‘normal’ publics respect really through no fault of their own. The government keep passing these fucking ‘noddy’ laws which they have to be seen to embrace and enforce, but in doing so crimes that affect all of us sensible cunts, like robbery, murder, assaults, theft etc etc they don’t have the resources to attend to.
    Added to the fact the recruiting system is now so low, that soon they will be offering police placements to anyone who is walking out of jail after a stretch and then be given a one size fits all uniform to make them look more of a laughing stock they don’t have a chance.

    Like most who want to be accepted on soyshul media, the police like being seen to be enforcing the latest ‘flavour of the month’ laws, and for pr reasons like to paint their cars in rainbow colours. Instead, it makes them look more like useless cunts I’m afraid.

    All coppers should be like the sweeney, and I would have far more respect for them. New laws..they should tell the law makers ‘lets try and deal with the laws we already have first…eh?’

    • Parliament passed laws regarding smoking in cars with children present and hogging the middle lane of motorways- have there many if any prosecutions?

    • For a long time, I’ve maintained criminals are actually more fond of the cops than non-criminals are, these days.

      It ain’t hard to understand why that is … if you’re a criminal, the stats say you are more likely to get away with your criminal shit than not. Disinterested lazy cops bring the main reason.

      However, if you’re the VICTIM of criminals, .. that same laziness & indifference will see you denied ‘justice’ as ‘your’ perpetrator is that cunt getting AWAY with it, in the previous paragraph.

      Of course neither side as mentioned above (cunts/vics), .. have an ounce of RESPECT for the cops any more.. (hard to see how they could have any respect in themselves, really…)

      I have stories. I suspect most of us have.

  10. If ever this country needed a revolution it’s now. We don’t get any public services, time we stopped paying for them.

    • If I was somebody with her incredible financial clout, I’d have a slick team of suits crawling over any accusation made against me.

      She’s already given a sort of ‘back off’ warning to that cunt India Willoughby, saying that her lawyers have indicated that Willoughby’s actions could constitute a case of harrassment.

      I’d certainly think twice before taking a shot against Rowling for doing something as obvious as stating a biological fact of life about trans types.

  11. Ever since this woke wank came into being I have vowed to include the words transgender, homosexual and lesbian into any request for assistance from plod. I have it on good authority that the very mention of any of the above you get a bloody fast response.

  12. Thank fuck the wankers cant tell you what to think yet , the day they can read what I’m thinking I will be royally fucked, it is a maelstrom of hatred for anything modern and right on, trans, rainbow/gay,immos,vegan nutters climate gooks in fact just about 90% of modern life, life was better when the globe we had at school was mostly pink and that’s not the gay boys idea of pink

    • wait until Dr Elon Frankenstien drills his monkey chip into your brain and programs it with his 666 sauce

  13. I guess that if William Wallace lived today, he’d be immortalised in history by Scots as a hoowite supremacist because the cry of “freedom” is offensive to communists… kind of like how the word “retard” is offensive to people on the far left.

    Me thinks leftists probably hear that word far more often than people who aren’t leftist fucking morons because that’s the response that people with functional brains give to the dogshit that passes for leftist “thoughts” expressed in words.

    Note to lefty cunts: instead of banning words that hurt your feelings, how about not being dumb-as-fuck, authoritarian wankers and you won’t hear those words quite as often… just a thought.

  14. I suspect this is being brought in to pave the way for quelling / criminalising dissent when the peaceful western caliphate rears its head in these Isles.

    Look how quickly Varadkar did same days after after Dublin lads voiced their anger after discovering an illegal had murdered an Irish mother and baby on their streets.

    No concern for the victims but casting shame on the hurty words uttered towards immigrants by those who were at the sharp end of diversity.

    Only time before something similar is in Wales & Blighty, if not already.

  15. Common sense has left the building ?.The LGBTQ brigade DO WANT sending to the gas chamber.I hope Scotch Plod tie themselves up in knots.????

    • I’d love to know just who was responsible for that bit of ‘training material’ prepared for the police.

      I’d put money on it being some very self-interested LBGTXYZ+ group taking the chance to push its own agenda.

      The attempt to create equivalence between ‘Jo’ and the trans belonging ‘in the gas chambers’ is pretty moronic. Again, if I was Rowling I’d report whoever it was to ScotPlod, and I’d report ScotPlod to ScotPlod. If they didn’t take it seriously, I’d look to see if I could sue. Fight fire with fire.

      She says she can’t be bothered and wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of the publicity. I bloody would, even if it cost me a couple of mill in legal fees. Change from down the back of the sofa to her.

  16. My hope is that the good people of Scotland will flood the police with absurd, vexatious nonsense complaints about ‘hate crimes’ and watch the whole system collapse under the weight of its own absurdity.

    I sense also that J K Rowling is itching to take on the Calif of Jockistan, having already seen off Krankie. Can you imagine the international outcry if someone so high profile was sent down for stating biological reality? Go for it gal.

    Finally, as I understand it the ‘hate’ can be ‘perpetrated’ anywhere in the world but the law still applies if the ‘hate’ is heard in Jockland. So that applies to absolutely anything put on the internet. Well then, Jockplod, best of luck extraditing Abdul from Timbuktu to face charges when he posts on social media ‘Yousaf is an Islamic butt rider and fucks little boys up the arse’.

    • In court JK says, Ok judge this trans thing is easily settled with a simple DNA test to see who’s telling the truth…OK I won…bye

    • The ironic thing about the trans nutters is they’ve been pouring out vitriol and hatred against JK Rowling for years, and I’ve no doubt at all that they’ll try to weaponise this new act against her and anyone else who thinks like her.

      At the same time of course, the tranny extremists want to gag anyone who disagrees with their take on things, and see them punished. Go on; post out a few more ‘be kind’ messages, you

  17. Live at the Apollo is now Live at Hadrian’s Wall where English comedians will shout jokes over the wall at Scots too scared to laugh in case they upset a carpet sniffer .

  18. I suspect it will be used in due course to silence any criticism of militant Islam.

    Especially when they start chucking trannies off the fourth floor of a car park.

    I shall very much enjoy seeing this caper play out to its fullest extent.

    • It’ll be funny to watch the SNP wankers, as they’re being murdered in the streets by their favourite group, looking round for help from the very people they’re persecuting and being told to fuck off.

      • I think those cunts the Greens have exercised their usual disproportionate and malign influence in this as well moggie.

        They’ll be up against the wall, no blindfold or last fag, when I become Supreme Dictator.

      • I wouldn’t even put them up against a wall, they’d probably think they were going to get a thoroughly enjoyable bumming. I’d want the cunts to know exactly what’s going to happen to them.

      • Not just the SNP Moggie.

        I can’t wait to get the popcorn in for when it happens to the likes of Owen Jones, J’Obby etc

  19. Can’t wait till all us fellow cunters are sent to the Gulag on the isle of grain.
    At least we will be in good company…

  20. It’s funny, but when I read 1984, I don’t recall the main characters all wearing kilts and having serious cardiovascular disease. It must have been one of those nuances you only pick up on with a second read.

    • I’m glad you mentioned 1984. I started reading it a year or so ago and stopped about 2/3’s of the way through. I need to finish it. Not sure why though, it feels as if we’re living it.

  21. I have a feeling the lyrics to Scotland the brave will have to be rewritten to add the word stunning..

  22. Scotland is indeed facing a very dark and sinister dystopian future.

    The attached piece is worth a read. ‘Wings Over Scotland’ is pro-independence political website which has been a thorn in the side of the SNP for years, particularly over the transgender nonsense. Although it’s produced in England it is having to shut down as immediate legal action is threatened on 1st April.

    This hate crime law is a blatant attempt to shut down free speech and to ban criticism of the SNP, militant transgenderism and Islamism by the threat of imprisonment. I can barely believe this is happening in a supposedly civilised liberal democracy.


    • The SNP are a busted flush.
      Straight down the shitter they’re going.
      The Scottish electorate know them now for what they are.
      The scales have fallen from their eyes.
      Disgraced wee Krankie and Humza Useless.
      A corrupt racist bunch of criminals and degenerates.
      SNP and Tories will be wiped out at the general election.
      Good fucking riddance.
      Only problem… they’ll both be replaced by Labour.
      We’re fucked.
      Fuck them.

      • I expect Reform will do very well.
        Another reason why the Tories will be wiped out.
        Unfortunately, won’t be enough to prevent Labour winning a sizeable overall majority, imo.
        But it’ll be a start.

  23. ‘The force itself has committed what a sensitive soul like me can only regard as a ‘hate act’. In a training exercise on the subject, it created a character called ‘Jo’, a soshull meeja influencer who says that there are only two genders, and that trans types ‘belong in gas chambers’.’

    Clearly two parts to this!

    ‘There are only two genders’

    ‘transsexuals belong in gas chambers’

    There are only two genders is a fact that’s been accepted by humanity since the beginning of civilisation. This is not a hate crime in any way shape or form.

    ‘Transsexuals belong in gas chambers’ is of course problematic. Now I’m all for free speech and this is an opinion not an incitement. Very few of us are actually likely to call for the construction of the UT-3000’s to receive trans people. If one starts calling for the gassing of a particular minority we can expect to be noticed.

    The issue here is how having an opinion on the validity of multiple genders is coupled with ramming trannies into gas chambers. The suggestion being that if you believe the first part of the statement you’re automatically assumed to believe the second.

    This is the same manipulation used to shut up discussion of immigration. If you question the management of immigration you must therefore be a racist.

    If you question the Wests actions in Ukraine you must support Putin.

    If you say Israel is prosecuting the war in Gaza out of proportion to the stated aims you must support Hamas.

    The problem with making holding an opinion a potential crime is those in power can decide which opinions they will allow. This is where we are now, the opinions of the majority can be silenced by law. This is a recurrent theme at the beginning of tyrannical governments.

    They always say it’s for the betterment of society but it’s always to secure power and crush dissent.

    • Isn’t this a question of accuracy of thought?

      There are only two sexes. Male, as defined by the XY chromosome, female, XX.

      Gender is a psychological (or psychopathic?) construct, whereby Marxist casuists can invent any number of bullshit sexual identities, none of which have any objective reality.

      The direct, and immutable, repudiation of this whole debate already exists:

      There are two sexes, that’s your lot.
      Gender is a load of self-indulgent shit and should be summarily ignored in any thinking society (or stoned to death in various peace-loving desert based cultures).

      • Spot on.
        Sex is a scientific, biological fact.
        Gender is all about feelings.

      • It’s not specific to gender. It’s anything they want to set the narrative on.

        Wait till saying Europe was a white continent becomes hate speech.

      • And yes, I wasn’t criticising the gravamen of your point sixdog, albeit I realise I should have just made a separate point rather than reply to your post.

        Bang on – these bastards will always find a way of setting up a strawman and then claim to have the intellectual and moral supremacy. Having had a couple of Good Friday glasses of communion wine, the only solution I can come up with is to burn the bastards at the stake. Firm but fair.

    • Well put Six.

      I find it particularly troublesome that the attempt to couple ‘Jo’ with the idea of throwing trans people into gas chambers is a blatent attempt to make the action of expressing a ‘gender critical’ view seem violent and extreme.

      Ipso facto, anyone expressing an opinion such as ‘trans women aren’t women’ must at the same time be calling fror trannies to be gassed.

      It’s a vicious tactic to try and squash alternative views, nothing more.

  24. I would love to see Humza take a length of Nessie cock up his shitter and see the fucker choke to death as it emerged from his gob ! The slimey bastard..
    But wait! Who in gods name voted to enact this ? The whole fucking Parliament are guilty as fuck !

    • Actually 32 MSPs voted against the legislation.

      They’re not all cunts all the time I guess.

  25. Hurting someone’s feelings is bad, really bad.

    Burglary, shoplifting, vandalism, antisocial behaviour etc are minor social issues caused by the nasty Tories and not something the police need to deal with.

    What we should be offended about is the cunts who fucked up our civilisation are now restricting what we can say whilst manipulating the language to the point it will become impossible for future generations to express their dissatisfaction. Along side that they are rewriting history to obliterate the past the future citizens will never know existed.

    This is so insidious that it’s difficult to grasp. You look at the leaders we have and it’s obvious they are self serving cunts who’ve sold us all out for their own gain.

    Who is pulling the strings? Because whoever it is a lot smarter than anyone else in the game.

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