
There have been a few ‘gates’ over the years. Cunters will no doubt recall the likes of Watergate, Irangate and Whitewatergate, not to mention our very own (much more recent) Party gate.

All of these are eclipsed however by the very latest bombshell to hit the news; a saga the like of which hasn’t been seen since the abdication crisis, and which has plunged the Royal Family and the nation into utter turmoil.

I refer of course to what I’ll term ‘Photogate’. In a calculated and cynical attempt to deceive the world, Princess Catherine issued a picture of herself and her children, wishing everyone a happy Mother’s Day. Immediately the media sensed that something wasn’t right. A massive investigation began, leading to a shocking, staggering conclusion. The image had been ‘altered’, leading many news agencies to withdraw it from circulation.

Just what the hell was going on? Clearly sinister forces were at work here, and a global furore erupted. Just what was the Palace trying to hide? Was the princess much sicker than we’d told? Was the ‘doctored’ photo hiding the fact that a body double was in play, Putin style? Did the original image reveal signs that the princess was part lizard woman? Has she been abducted by aliens?

A statement has now been released, claiming to come from the princess herself. This says that she’s an amateur photographer herself, and that she often ‘tweaked’ photos on her computer, which was the case here. It concluded with an apology for any confusion.

Pathetic and deceitful. This just won’t wash, particularly as the palace refuses to disclose the original picture. The ‘deep state’ is clearly at work here, and will resort to any measure to keep the facts from the people.

Well I say this. We are entitled to the truth. A conspiracy of silence will no longer suffice. The nation which survived the worst that Hitler could throw at us can take it, however bad it is. We should be told.

The Sun

Nominated by Ron Knee.

179 thoughts on “PhotoKate

  1. The thing that puzzles me is, why was she so keen to airbrush great-uncle Andy out of the photo?

    • Wouldn’t you if you had a non-sweating, teenage-girl loving (allegedly) Uncle who is rumoured to have used your grasping half-breed sister-in-law (who is married to a half-breed Hewitt whelp) as a handy yacht slut?

      Uncle Andy reminds me of Uncle Ernie from Tommy.

      • That’s an insult to wicked Uncle Ernie. He was a pillar of the community by comparison!

  2. Clearly nothing else going on in the news that week ?!?
    Just how brain-dead do our patronising Media think we are?!
    Cunts. Especially GB News, who ran with the (non)story for what felt like about 47 years.

    • Question is what got bumped out of the ‘news’ by all the bullshit?

  3. There’s been some cracking meme’s knocking about off the back of this non story.

    Good Afternoon.

  4. She been seen out and about with William, maybe it’s an android.

    The real Kate has been cloned, fuck all to do with abdominal surgery, the recovery time is just to get the clone up to speed.

    Can’t wait to see her (the clone) go after MeAgain and rip her head off ?

    • She’s locked in my basement with a mask with a. zipper on it to eat and perform other acts.

  5. RK, I suspect the panic to doctor the picture was that in fact it was Randy Andy who had his hands all over the kids and Kate and Willie just couldn’t let that get out so ‘photoshopped’ Kate in.


  6. This would never have happened in Walsingham’s day. Mark my words, there is something treasonous afoot, Ron.

  7. Dunno what all the fuss is about but the poor skellington should be left in peace.

    She’s clearly ill,
    Probably caught something after using a toilet after Meghan’s mum.

  8. Alright one, alright all?

    I’m no fan of the Soviet Union, but getting rid of the Romanovs was something I can truly get behind.

    If the same thing happened to the unelected ponces here, I for one wouldn’t batter an eyelid.

  9. These modern cunts are always doctoring photos of themselves.

    I can do it on my mobile phone if I knew how, or could be arsed.

    Lightning whitening darkening exaggeration,

    They all want to look like some Hollyweird twat.

    Look Skeletor,
    Forget the camera just look after your kids
    Maybe get a pie down your gullet.

  10. Naturally the whole thing’s erupted into a blame game.

    Kate forced to apolgise, hung out to dry by Willie and the Buck Place so-called p.r. machine.

    It’s all a cover, a diversion of some sorts. Someone, or someTHING, is going about evil work, some sort of alien takeover I’ll warrant, starting with the Royals, like in ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’.

    Halfwit and Snarkle were clearly taken over about three years ago, the cunts. We’re fucked.

    • Hello, Ron,

      You alright?

      Apparently there’s a rumour doing the rounds that Will gave her a battering. Wild, that.

      • Yeah, not bad ta. Grinding through a worrying quiet period of self-employment.

        Christ knows. Meghan I could never get tired of giving a shoeing. Kate seems lovely, though.

      • “Apparently there’s a rumour doing the rounds that Will gave her a battering.”

        Maybe William has inherited the Ripper-gene from his great-great-great-great uncle Eddie, who was Jack the Ripper: FACT!

        Says he was in a book I’ve got, so it must be true. ?

      • That wouldn’t surprise me at all, SCB. has got previous for domestic violence.
        Not long ago he shoved a metal dog’s bowl up Prince Halfwit’s arse and broke his pearl necklace (allegedly).
        Good evening.

      • That rumour has been vented in the Swedish press (who are not under any gag orders).

        Will beat seven shades outta her, put her in a coma….. so bad that she now has a stoma.

        Almost wrote Stoya, old habits ay.

      • Did he pull her intestines out and place them across her right shoulder?

        That was Jack’s modus operandi. Would explain a lot.

  11. Alright one, alright all?

    I’m no fan of the Soviet Union, but getting rid of the Romanovs was something I can truly get behind.

    If the same thing happened to the unelected scroungers here, I for one wouldn’t batter an eyelid.

  12. Something to do with Jewish space lasers and Liz regenerating after shedding her lizard skin, its the only plausible explanation.

  13. Watergate started all the subsequent “gates”. I have always assumed that whatever I hear through mainstream sources is a lie until I am convinced otherwise. I guess now I have to make the same assumption about what I SEE as well?
    AI and photo shopping has some serious potential for creating a public lie. Any of us could be shown committing a crime. Jurors wouldn’t know any better.
    Scary shit!

  14. I bet Prince Andrew wishes he had photoshopped himself opening a leisure centre in Bury St Edmunds rather than been caught n*oncing around on Epstein’s island.

  15. Would it surprise anyone if Megain Mantis and the Hewitt Manbaby or their ‘people’ had a hand in shafting Kate.

  16. The amount of cunts who doctor their photos on social media is staggering.. Fuckers making themselves (or attempting to) look less ugly or chav-like. And some are total frauds, who use someone else’s face entirely. Britain is a nation of narcissists, attention whores and total cunts. So this Kate hunt is totally laughable. If every sod on social media was outed for messing with their photos, three quarters of the country would be up on offer.

    • My new phone has an annoying habit of auto-editing my photos. Admittedly they do usually look better for it but that’s beside the point – the moment those adjustments are made it stops being mine.

  17. Wonder if the Palace would be gracious enough to send me some pictures of Pippa Middleton’s arse? Just so I can check if they’re authentic, you understand.

    • If you get a reply could you post them on here Norman?

      It’s just that a friend of a friend finds pictures of the tight female derriere to be mildly diverting for some reason.

      • Afternoon Ron.

        Well looking forwars to the semi final against Coventry. A proper cup tie if ever there was one.

      • Afternoon Norman.

        Yes it’s deserved after that epic clash v Liverpool. For a club that I regularly hear is in turmoil (supposedly), you’re not having a half bad season.

        What’s the story on the ground rebuild?

      • Apparently Ratcliffe wants a new stadium. Whether that means improving Old Trafford (it needs it!) or a new ground, nobody really knows.

    • That gurning false toothed prick has too often had things his own way with the fawning Bin Dipper loving UK media and when it goes tits up, the toys are out of the pram and he shows everyone what a loathsome cunt he really is.

      Fuck him. The cunt. Oh and suck it up because you lost to Man United again.

  18. Since the Queen died the Royal family really don’t carry much weight. I doubt many of us give a single fuck.

    Nothing against Kate, she seems a decent hardworking sort of woman.

    Shame she married into the shitshow.

  19. She’s Dead.

    They’ve come a long way since McCartney died back in the 60’s, but they still need more time for her body double to complete the plastic surgery and finish the speech pathology lessons. That’s why nobody has seen her doppelganger in public.

    On a more positive note The Sun has received my job application and is reportedly very interested in hiring me as a Royal reporter.

      • Agreed Norman.

        But the only way to get rid of Marceline* Markle is to drive a wooden stake through er heart.

        *This American cultural references may be a bit obscure for some of you.

      • Hey Admin Team,

        My last post disappeared. No big deal. I’m getting used to it.

      • Marceline is a reference to a character who is the Vampire Queen.

        Marceline Markle seems fitting.

      • Hey Ron,

        There’s one key difference. Kate didn’t fake her death.

        Learning from his family’s experience with pesky wives and wishing to avoid a repeat of how his own psychotic mother reacted when it was revealed Papah had an affair. He applied Granddad Phil’s remedy, albeit in a much more secretive way.

        Accordingly, MI9 had Kate bumped off in a discreet manner.

        The problem is British robotics are not sufficiently advanced to produce a totally life like Kate that could be seen in public. So they had to rely on the old methods to produce a believable double.

        And this double was not ready for public viewing when they offed Kate. That’s why the silence surrounding her absence.

        The whole thing has caused quite a scandal at the highest level of the British State Security system.

        To be fair I must point out that many do not believe this so-called conspiracy theory and cling to the ridiculous belief that while Kate is indeed missing, she simply is locked away in the Tower.

        I must also report that since my last post I have been contacted by The Mirror and offered a job as Senior Royal Correspondent…a significant step up from being a lowly Royal reporter.

      • Lol, so on top of everything else it turns out you can’t read either. I said that I asked admin to remove MY comment because it sounded a bit too nasty when I read it back. It seems this little spat has caused you to lose what little mental faculties you had in the first place. The mere fact you’re having to try and grasp at this as some sort of phyrric victory highlights how utterly bruised you have been by the whole thing.

      • Hey OC,

        Did I hurt Allan’s feelings?

        I’ll need a minute to get over that tragedy.

      • @OpinionatedCunt

        Friendly fellow, Cuntster, isn’t he? Tried to have me banned when I replied to one of his posts.

      • Now now Shitty,

        Let’s not tell tale tales.

        When I first joined IsaC 5 or 6 years ago there was a poster named Shit Cake Baker.

        He got banned by the old Admin Regime for being a Troll.

        I ignored you when you (re)appeared. As we say in the States…no harm no foul.

        But after you commented on one of my posts I asked myself:

        What are the odds that 2 completely different people discover IsaC on the net?

        What are the odds that both of these people decide to post?

        What are the odds that both of these people choose to call themselves Sit Cake Baker?

        What are the odds that this is totally independent and random?

        As for me…

        I simply chose to point out that a previously banned member had (re)appeared.

        Many cunters have accused other members on far less evidence.

      • I am indeed serious. There was a cunter named Shit Cake Baker. He was banned from IsaC.

        So you find this “coincidence” as unlikely as I do?

      • Why should I? Shit cake baker was a common term of abuse in the part of London where I was brought up in the 1960s /‘70s, immortalised in ‘No Man’s Land’, a play by Harold Pinter. But then, you already knew that.

      • Shit Cake Baker@

        Don’t worry about it.
        Enjoy the site,
        Your new , soon find out what’s what.

        General @

        He’s a new Cunter,
        Maybe be more welcoming?
        Admin takes a dim view of running off new cunters.

      • Having grown up in the suburbs of Chicago (during the same time period) I confess to an unfamiliarity with London slang of that time.

        As for me knowing that obscure homosexual play reference, you only just disclosed it in our last exchange.

        But no matter snowflake. I didn’t try to have you banned. I merely pointed out that one Shit Cake Baker was banned on IsaC and the absurdity of there being another one.

      • Hey Mis,

        I see you put your 2 cents in…AGAIN…

        I’ll send you a dollar if you keep your opinions to yourself and you can keep the change.

      • Hey Harold,

        You want to remain cordial?

        Go back to the beginning of this thread. Do you see who started this shit?

        Opinionated Cunt.

        following me around the forum and trolling me for calling out Allan;s idiocy.

        Then do you see who added a cheap shot?

        Shit Cake Baker.

        Talking about what a meanie I am and that I tried to get him banned.

        Then Mis had to interject something and of course try to make me look like the bad guy.

        He knows good and well that a cunter named Shit Cake Baker was banned before and that the chances of another Shit Cake Baker popping up are beyond remote.

        I didn’t start anything but I do have the right to respond to cunters who do.

        Perhaps you could cordially suggest to them that they should ignore my posts if they don’t like what I have to say.

      • Aaaah your the victim again?

        I wasn’t abusive to you.
        Merely pointing out attacking new cunters is frowned upon.

        I think I was fair in stating such.

        Anyway I’m going to bed.
        If you feel hard done by grass to admin like usual.

        Ya big spastic

      • Jesus H. Christ Himself, shoveling manure!

        A charter member of the T&Pf Mob talking about how fair he is.

        The truth is, when I treat people the way they treat me they get very upset.

      • Always the victim General, always the victim. You’re a nasty little bully – and a crybaby at that.

      • “I didn’t start anything but I do have the right to respond to cunters who do.”

        You do realise people are targeting you BECAUSE you lashed out at Allan first? Disagreement is fine but it’s the WAY you disagreed. You immediately took his cunting as a personal attack and refused to provide evidence to back up your point when asked. Oh, and people haven’t forgotten D’Souzagate either btw – that was reprehensible of you.

      • Blither on OC,

        There’s nothing you can say that will make me think less of you.

      • @General Cunster

        I think you’re as bad as each other TBH.
        I’m not here as the referee or take sides.
        You all need to chill the fuck out.

        Go outside for a walk in the sunshine or something.
        Listen to some Enya and simmer down.

      • Enya!!!?


        Don’t you dare start posting Enya vids on here.
        Somethings are just too far.

      • To be thought of in high esteem by you would be like being praised by Jimmy Savile GC.

      • Shaking my head.
        I used the word cordial once and now you don’t stop going on about it.

        Bit odd to fixate on it, that’s all.

        Seriously GC, I wish you no ill but you don’t really do yourself any favours eh?

        Ah well off for a drink.
        Perhaps I’ll have some lime “cordial”.

      • Hello Harold,

        Allow me to explain.

        You posted a link to the Lebowski scene with Goodman losing it over a rule violation asking who does that remind you of.

        I don’t take that as a good natured jest. So when you made that remark about remaining cordial I thought it was bullshit.

        So was I trying to rub your nose in it? Yes I was. I didn’t think your remark was sincere.

        You say you don’t wish me any ill will?

        Then…let me say this…if I was wrong in my assessment I apologize and I won’t say it again.

        In my defense I will say only that I’m unwilling to take more shit from any Troll or any remnant of the T&Pf Mob. Perhaps that means I see a Troll under every bridge.

        Sorry again and I’m prepared to let bygones be bygones if you are.

      • Au contraire Harold, I’m just having a little fun at his expense. He’s so temperamental that he makes it easy for me. As for you GC, you’re not some sort of intellectual philosopher. You’re a 60-something redneck who’s never done anything meaningful with their life and (probably) never even travelled outside of the US.

      • Oh yeah!

        I have it on reliable authority that when you were born the police arrested you dad, the doctor slapped your mother, animal control euthanized your brother and the BBC made a documentary that saved your life.

        So there!


      • I just don’t really have the energy or the inclination to argue back and forth.

        Did I post that link to the Big Lebowski as a way of poking some fun? Maybe I did.
        Was it ill judged? Maybe it was.
        If it makes you feel better I will apologise, although I get the impression you won’t think I’m sincere.

        Can’t be bothered arguing back and forth on a forum.
        Am I past the point of giving a fraction of a fuck. Yes long past that.

        I’m surprised it hasn’t already happened but sooner or later and Admin will intervene and you’ll both get a cease and desist from NA or CA.

        It’s late
        Have a good day/night.

      • Damn GC, that’s a lot of insults. Did you try chucking the kitchen sink as well whilst you were at it? Anyway, I’ve asked for the comment to be removed now as even I have SOME standards. Whether admin does or not we will have to see.

      • Hey Harold,

        I said I was sorry. If you don’t want to accept it that’s up to you.

      • Wait!




        Oh this is too much!

        You start shit with me and you go crying to Admin to bail you out?

        Oh man! There really is a God and he has a sense of humor!

        This really is too much.

        Let this be a lesson to the other Trolls:

        People who shit in glass outhouses shouldn’t show their ass.

      • One more time for the record:

        When I treat people the way they treat me, they get very upset.

      • Lol, so it seems you can’t read either. i said I asked admin to remove MY comment because it sounded a bit too nasty reading it back. Imagine being hurt so badly that you’re having to claim this as a phyrric victory. ?

      • You asked for it to be removed, OC?
        Why so?
        It was, after all, a most righteous and eminently fair comment. ?

  20. Leave the fat cow alone.
    She’s just out of hospital after having a gastric band fitted.?

    • Had some stitches put in to reduce the clowns pocket of her cunt after all those kids…no doubt william found her too easy to fist now.

  21. She is far to good for william. Personally, i have always found her very attractive and would certainly do her hard up the shitter, then let her piss on me afterwards

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