(Seems that Olaf did a Biden, and fell over while jogging, although how he bruised his eye isn’t made clear, ha! – Day Admin)
This slap head kraut creep is the German Chancellor, leader of the most powerful country in the EU.
The EU appeaser in chief, his principal platform is not to displease the Rooskies at any cost. Even his fellow Germans are getting agitated at his lack of backbone and regular capitulation to Putin.
His game plan is to keep the supplies of cheap Rooskie oil and gas flowing into Germany for the benefit of German industry and the economy and bugger Ukraine in its present difficulties.
Where does Putin get a major part of the funding for his war against Ukraine? By selling oil and gas. You see the difficulty.
Have kept my eye on Scholtz as he has ascended the greasy pole of European power over the years not least because he looks in my eyes like the poster boy for a particular brand of German paedo/pervert tourist that is well known to police across the world.
You get them on the Costas, the Algarve, Thailand and other camping sites, anywhere where young children may be found. They end up getting named and shamed as the Official Suspect and their names protected by law as in the case of Madeleine McCann. Due to legal reasons we can only refer to that gentleman as Christian B. For the avoidance of doubt I make no sexual allegations against Schultz other than to me he looks like a wrong’un.
So our shifty little European Ally and fellow member of NATO finds himself in a spot of hot water domestically with questions asked about why he is not authorising military aid as promised to Ukraine.
Worth reminding Cunters about Scholtz’s last promise which he backpaddled on in the same breath, namely the promise of Panzer Tanks which would be built by our old kraut friends Rheinmetal in Ukraine. How would that work? Precisely.
How does Scholtz play the press on that one? He grasses up his allies of course and reveals that French and specifically Blighty special forces have been playing their traditional role of target location and vectoring against the Rooskies. SAS? You did not read it here.
As expected when the Rooskies were being blown to shite by UK Storm Shadow missiles and other ordnance some little men from Hereford with broken noses and very short hair were in there holding hands. Scholtz confirms this to the press FFS!
Double FFS, I would caution Scholtz to steer well clear of certain pubs in Hereford. Fair play Krauts, its traditional that it’s the Yanks who grass up their British allies (Desert Storm etc ect.)
This from The Independent:-
“This is a flagrant abuse of intelligence deliberately designed to distract from Germany’s reluctance to arm Ukraine with its own long-range missile system,” said Tobias Ellwood, the former chairman of the Commons defence committee.
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
Looks a bit like our very own political titan William Hague.
In the nom pic he looks a bit like our very own Benny Hill.
Looks like a half-sucked Werther’s Original/i® that’s been found in a fluffy pocket to me.
Seems to me he’s just as ineffectual as many European politicians who have climbed to the top of the dung heap.
Most NATO countries are infested by thieving murderous foreign cunts from the shitholes of the Middle East and Africa,which for some bizarre reason coincides with serious economic decline and in turn depleted armed forces.
Chuck in the wonderful effect of wokery and you end up with dithering politics,windbag sabre rattling by cowards and alliances on paper only.
Fuck Germany and fuck NATO.
Good morning.
Perhaps his forefathers where on the eastern front when the ruskies sent them packing all the way back to the Reichstag and he doesn’t want to upset them all over again….ve must keeps ze heating on please vlad ? last time ve voz feezing ❄️?️ yours Olaf ⛄?
Frankly I think Rasputin would have already worked out that the SAS were involved backstage.
As for Scholtz the slapheaded sausage muncher, he’s Mutti’s secret lovechild with Helmut Kohl. So there you are Berlusconi, you were wrong, she isn’t unfuckable after all.
‘Bugger Ukraine’ seems like an eminently sensible policy, Sir L.
Germany has to shut it’s eyes and part it’s pretty pert lips for Russia if it wants it’s sauerkraut cooked .
This Bosch cunt is just a flaky old yes man, a Euro mitmot,
He’s never done a proper day’s work in his life!
Just pøncïng about in some office like a tart.
Loose lips sink ships Jerry.
Off topic lads, but the delectable Pamela Salem has died aged 80. I remember her as the great Ron Moodys sparring partner as the evil witch Belor in the fantasy kids program Into The Labyrinth. She was supremely gorgeous as I recall.
Agreed Sir T. A magnificent woman.
A fine looking woman indeed.
Old Father Time is a cunt.
I didnt think Germany had any arms to sell?
It’s true that the Rooskies and the Krauts have a history of mutual violation that predates Napoleon. It goes back a long time and serves up some useful lessons for the Ukraine situation. Get in there quick to blitzkrieg through the vodka addled response of Ivan, offer no mercy and do not fight in the Russian winter plus do not fear Rooskie nukes because they do not have many operational anyway. The Rooskie meatgrinder operation only works if they can keep mobilising more men than they lose.
My family photo album is full of faded images of farm boys who were lost on the Eastern Front in various hideous ways – frozen to death, flame-throwered in their fox holes or met with a spot of summary justice being hung by the roadside and left to rot as an “I told you so”. What also stands out are the uniforms, pervy sharp Nazi gear as designed by Hugo Boss that degenerates over time to odd sized loser gear, baggy and crudely stitched as materials and slave labour degrades.
So yes our Kraut friends are deservedly paranoid about Russia and in the way that they made “Jew – Juden ” – labels compulsory to wear by our Jewish friends, they would feel a lot happier tramping around head down wearing a “Versager” or loser label. As ever Churchill was right (and overruled by Roosevelt) when he wanted to march in on Russia at the end of WWII.
A golden opportunity was missed at the beginning of the Ukraine War when the Rooskies were pants down and ready for the taking but the West dithered and let them off the hook. Now that the Rooskies have spent so much money building up their forces and at the same time lost so many men, now is the time to nuke the cunts for good. Put them through the meat grinder (in my humble opinion).
You’re a big fan of the Rooskies then, hey? ?
Fat useless cunt should wear a patch over both eyes.
Because even a blind man can see what a shit show him and his twitching predecessor have turned Germany into..
The fact he himself posted that picture with the eyepatch is a sackable offense. What an utter fanny.
I doubt there has been a pirate so blatantly gay since Calico Jack.
As for the intelligence breach, the stupid fucking kraut cunts. With friends like these, etc. an absolute PR windfall for the NKVD or whatever the latest cunts in the Kremlin are called.
Donald Drumpf once called these Euro fuckers out on their lack of investment in NATO and they laughed in his face.
Modern day Krauts are so spineless. To think that, back in the day, they TWICE declared war on most of the world, and almost won!
The German military used to be the best in the world;
The Germans are still feeling guilty for what they did in WW2.
Why they’re so liberal now.
But it doesn’t suit them.
They’re genetically programmed to be war like,
Like Daleks.
Listen to them talk in their own tongue,
Like a dog barking,
Like a Klingon.
No, don’t know why they are so down on themselves?
Cheer up Otto!
Quite so..
The German army is now probably full of Lt Gruber’s from ‘Allo ‘Allo!’.
German is so gutteral, reciting the classics of Keats or Wordsworth in German could make it sound like you were reading a Panzer instruction manual.
English is also a guttural language fortunately LL. Wouldn’t want to speak a nasal language like French; makes you sound like a poof.
Too right.?
Nothing worse.
Makes me feel sick.
I bet games of scrabble are challenging in those lands ?
This is the kind of person the Russians love – people who can be manipulated. Viktor Orban of Hungary is another. Divide and conquer is the name of the game.
Putin, fathead that he is, thought he could scare countries like Finland and Sweden into not joining NATO. His threats had the opposite effect.
The US could sell Germany the energy they need if someone occupied then White House who had a a modicum of competence. In fact I believe we were under Trump but I’m sure that changed once the inmates seized control of the asylum.
I’m sure Old Joe is sleeping off his over-exertion last night at the State of the Union telepromter reading. Probably a B12 IV drip and diaper change.
What fucking boxhead wanker thought it would be an idea to join a video conference on an unsecured link? No wonder they always finish as runners up when the shooting starts.
Ve haff vays of looosing uzzer people’s informazion like ve haff no idea who eez in ze Fatherland. Zer are even more Illeegal coontz here zan een Britain.
Mein gott, ve are shizen.
The Stasi had a massive file on this Quisling cunt in his younger years as a person they could do business with. Like Mutti Merkel he is a Sov plant programmed to help them win the Cold War several years after the event. We could do with a public spirited Lee Harvey von Oswald type to plant a Mauser 7.92mm round in his box headed cranium.