MH370 10 Year Anniversary (2)

It is now 10 years since this disaster occurred and this plane still hasn’t been found. The poor relatives need closure and the mystery needs solving to make aviation safer.

A bit of wing/flaperon turned up around 2015, so we know the plane went into the ocean and wasn’t abducted by aliens (there were daft theories at the time that aliens abducted it fgs). I guess that the bits of washed up wreckage tell the relatives that the plane is under the water and their relatives rest there too. Nobody knows why any of this happened, total cunt of a mystery.

For sure the plane was turned, the transponder was shut off and it went in a completely different direction to its destination. The pilot may have planned the whole thing, may have, we don’t know. To this day it is still possible for a pilot to turn off the transponder and apparently there are scenarios where a pilot might need to do that. The biggest air plane mystery ever. I just hope one day it is found. You never know, that black box may even have stood up to all the punishment it has taken.

Fuck going on a plane.


Nominated by: Cuntologist

69 thoughts on “MH370 10 Year Anniversary (2)

  1. Terrible way to die. Can’t imagine what they went through in those final moments. Just out of interest, is it very deep water in the area they suspect it crashed in? Very strange that it’s not been found as yet,

    • Yeah … all those cunts screaming (pointlessly) around you in a nosedive scenario .. that’d be the icing on the cake(of vexation) for me as doom approached..

      • Actually. I’m going to contradict myself for a moment.

        Screaming cunts in a scenario as described was always a bugbear of mine. Then I applied it to a “if that ever happened to ME” theoretical, specifically a commercial plane crash with forewarning.

        But I was on a plane once, approaching JFK in a massive thunderstorm. The plane was buffeting around like a fairground ride, and then … *boom* .. a fucking massive lightning strike. Lights went out .. engines winding down (sound) .. and the plane dropped some amount vertically. I know this cos my innards jumped up – like when a roller coaster goes into an instant drop, y’see?

        Then the lights came back on. Engines (re)spun upwards .. & I realised a thing.

        Not a fuckin’ SOUND out-of any of the other cunts on board. Utterly silent. All the way in to landing…

        It was awesome. ?

      • Alright, Cunt’emAll,

        That JFK flight across The Pond deserves a cunting unto itself.

        The first time I did it I was shitfaced and giddy on the thought of going to ‘Murca for the first time.

        Every other time has been like being on a fucking rollercoaster and I hate it.

    • I suppose the poor fuckers on MH17 had a rough end when the murderous Russian cunts blew it out of the sky.

  2. Sorry, Cunto, I am not that gullible. If a bit of wing was found, I suspect it was a plant. The fucking CIA know more than they are letting on. This conspiracy leads all the way to the Hill and Obama need indicting.

    Go ,The Donald. Smash crooked Joe.

    • It’s obvious what happened. The aircraft was abducted by evil galactic lizards in the pay of the Rothschilds, the CIA and Benjamin Netanyahu ( who used Uri Geller as his go- between). The purpose was to discredit Donald Trump and distract attention from the exposure of an evil and ancient Peter file organisation whose past members included Edward Heath, Bob Hope and Ken Dodd.

      It’s obvious isn’t it? Why can’t you normies see it, ffs.

      (Copyright Miles Plastic and Gordon).

  3. It was a terrible tragedy but perhaps if we put enough ‘shouldn’t be heres’ on a Rwanda flight, maybe a similar fate could await – problem solved.

    I hear Boeing planes are is great shape these days.

    • None seem to want to go

      Perhaps rename the destination Rwakanda

      Then all the illegals in Britain will want to go, and any aspiring will go direct.

  4. All communication ceased didn’t it? What about the co pilot and engineer/navigator, were they presumed to be in on it ?.. I’d read the stories about Diego Garcia and some computer chip boffins being on the flight. Or was that the story of the giant turtle from space…….
    Air travel is an ordeal outside of business or first class.

    • No flight engineer on a 777, one pilot goes for a piss other pilot locks him out of the cockpit, puts on his personal O2 supply, switch’s O2 supply off to the cabin everybody dead. One in the cockpit flys until it runs out of fuel.

  5. Just because bits were found in the ocean doesn’t mean the passengers weren’t abducted by Aliens.
    Bits probably planted deliberately to put investigators off the scent.

  6. On its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

    Proof that chinkys aren’t any better in a plane as behind the wheel of the car.

    Definitely pilot error.

    Emelgency randing.

    • they’re only 2 foot tall with slits for eyes of course they can’t see over the fucking steering wheel, thats why they run over little kids 10 times a day and keep driving, saw one video the kid fell out the boot still in a baby seat and the driver fucked off home and left it mangled in the road, who the fuck puts their baby in the boot

  7. Off topic

    Irish PM Leo Verruca just resigned.

    Something about a ‘ teashop’ or summat?

    Probably a cafe in craggy island?

    Good luck with the new job you feckless twat.

    • He wants to get out of Ireland before the rag heads take over and throw the cunt off a high building.

    • hope it was indian tea and he’s taking it back in person …cunt…not you, the indian cha waller

      • Deputy First Minister called Emma Little-Pengelly. Sounds like a Cornish seaside village where the Famous Five had jolly japes and lashings of ginger beers.

    • Verruca threw his toys out of the pram because the Irish electorate (in an referendum last week) overwhelmingly rejected the woke changes he wanted to make to the Irish constitution, which included erasing from it words like “women” and “mother”.

      Nearly 68% of voters rejected the so-called “Family Amendment,” which would have removed a clause about the importance of marriage and family and legally redefined “family” as “founded on marriage or on other durable relationships.”

      Even more unpopular, a so called “Care Amendment,” which would have removed a clause noting that the “state recognises that by her life within the home, woman gives to the state a support without which the common good cannot be achieved.” This was rejected by 74% of voters.

      Ironically the referendum took place on International Women’s Day. You couldn’t fucking make it up.

      • … and the entire waste-of-time (except insofar as the silent minority got an opportunity to send a public ‘fuck you’ to wokery) .. (but you only have to peruse the comment section under any woke-based bullshit ‘story’ to see percentages are NOT on the side of the cunt brigade) …

        But yeah, … €23 million that whole debacle set the taxpayer back.

        Such a pity they didn’t dare ask directly about all the other unwanted-cunt categories plaguing the country as well …

    • I was about to reply earlier MNC but the Missus Doubt-fire that i didn’t sign up too be, had duties to attend.
      Leo went down, cause he compared St Patrick, to an undocumented asylum seeker just like one of todays Butlins holiday makers.
      St Patrick was a fifth century slave, captured, sold and sent to Ireland for more slavery unlike the gimme more knts that arrive today.
      He Leo has got so many things wrong on so many levels,that he is our own version of Justin Trudy
      St Patrick wasn’t even French but Welsh in the olden times.
      He did get rid of the snakes though, so maybe he paid Leo a visit from the grave.

    • Probably joining up with Horse Face, Bojo and Rashford. Bless ’em, didn’t they do well.

  8. It demonstrates how fucking huge the planet is and how fucking deep the oceans are.

    Without wanting to detract from the tragedy this is something that the ‘Save the Earth’ nutters need to reflect on.

    The Titanic, an enormous ocean liner was lost at sea.
    Although having a rough idea of where it was, it still took decades to locate it.
    But we are led to believe that the numbers of whales which are constantly on the move are in steep decline.

    We are told that melting ice will cause sea levels to rise.
    This is with no understanding whether the sea bed will lower to accommodate the extra weight of water.

    Certainly the Maldives, which are the lowest lying islands, have not decreased in size in the 40 or so years that I have visited them.

    Looking out of my window at the Mediterranean I know that in the coming months there will be tens of millions of people in the sea and an enormous increase in the number of ships.

    According to Archimedes’ principle I will soon be up to my ankles in sea water because of the enormous water displacement.

    But I won’t be.

    In fact, just like any other year it will make fuck all difference.

    • not sure its in the water, more likely it became MH17 and was blown up, even one Dutch MP mentioned it was strange all the dead bodies seem to have been dead a long time and already decomposing, all the unburnt passports floating down into a neat pile was a lucky touch, wonder how that happened, must be the same passport fairy that did same on 9/11

    • Random question Artful – I’m visiting Andalusia (and possibly Extremadura) in October. Do you have any tips?

  9. Something went wrong and it crashed, distinct lack of wreckage, it’s a mystery

  10. beats me why anyone would want to get on to a plane and visit a foreign country to see the people and cultures , to feckin dangerous, anyway the fuckers are all here now so saving a fortune in plane fares . we are so overrun you don’t even have to cough up for a bus ticket.

  11. Unnoticed gradual decompression and then lack of oxygen would do it,everyone unconscious with no chance of waking up.

    A Greek plane did exactly the same thing about 20 years back.

    However,after extensive research into this mystery,I’ve firmly concluded that was actually happened was that a Chinese businessman let out a colossal rotten oriental fart brought on by a lunch of baby sharks,fermented eggs and elephant testicles.. or whatever shite the cunts usually eat.

    Fuck the lot of them.

  12. I think this was the turning point when my phobia of flying REALLY kicked in. I’ve never enjoyed it, but a plane disappearing off the face of the planet just like that? That’s a good advertisement for the “safest mode of transport”.

    I’ve had one nice flight over the last decade. That was last year to Estonia, and largely in part because there was a nice bar next to the boarding gate. In the last three years, there are two flights that really stick in my mind as being utterly, pant-shittingly frightening and I thought I was going to die.

    Zagreb – Manchester was terrifying as I’d convinced myself the pilot was going to go full German Wings and put us in the Alps. It was horrid. The nail marks on my other half’s arm at the time were testament to my fear.

    Flying back from NYC to London this year was pure hell. Granted, it was only 5h40, but the worst 5h40 of my life. The plane hit the jet stream (don’t know what that is, don’t care, either) for the majority of the flight so it was bumping and rattling about for around four hours.I went white. I had a proper panic thinking the fucking thing was going to go full Air France and drop into the ocean. Oh, yeah – I threw up twice, too.

    None of this was helped by the Diverse Person with fruit on their head who was sat behind me and proceeded to click and gibber into their phone as the plane was taxiing.

    I cannot agree with this nom enough. Flying, indeed, is a massive a cunt.

  13. I imagine they are on a mysterious island, inhabited by polar bears and a smoke monster.

    All run by a shadowy evil organisation…
    Probably amazon..
    Fulfilling orders for Chinese tat..

  14. Malaysia Airlines lost two planes that year, the other being shot out of the sky by Russian backed separatists in Ukraine. As a relative of the victims at least you know what happened to your loved ones. I saw some of the families on the anniversary on the missing plane and some were accepting of the inevitable fate of the passengers while some still clung to hope. Sombre cunting.

    • Surely that’d be mexican flight MH 819?

      Thought you said sombrero.

  15. Tough one.I reckon the pilot had his plans to end his life and take them all down.

  16. With the reduction of nominations, I feel like commenting on things just for the sake of it. In the first place, I don’t give a monkeys cuss about what happened to this flight due to me never having flown in my life and wouldn’t travel on aircraft if you paid me. I’m surprised even I hadn’t heard of this disappearance. Have they tried the Bermuda Triangle, to see if anything crops up there. Someone must known something. Is it nearly time we discussed something else.

  17. I don’t know what happened to the plane but whatever it was, I’m sure racism was the root cause.

    As an aside…Alja-fucking-zeera? How the fuck are these assholes going to investigate report on what happened to the missing plane?

    Fly a fucking carpet along the flight path and look for wreckage?

    • Damn I just noticed this.

      The second paragraph should read:

      “…investigate AND report…”

    • Hypothetically this tragedy could happen again; that’s really what the nom is about. The transponder thing worries be greatly. In the 10 years since the mh370 disaster, I haven’t read of a permanent solution to that. Leaves passengers vulnerable.

      Plus I wish they would find the plane, or what’s left of it, to give closure to the rellies, though you’d have to be mental to hope any of those passengers are coming back.

  18. I’ll never fly again.

    Hated it.
    No fuckin legroom, ears popping leaving me deaf for days.
    And those seats are for Karen Carpenter!!

    I’m 6ft 8im , have a 50 in chest.
    I’m sat next to someone they aren’t going to enjoy it.

    Not because I’m wriggling constantly and itching my balls but because I’ve crushed them against the window.
    And my constant whining and moaning.

    It’s hell .
    Ok if you’re fuckin Stevie Hawkins or that cunt Warwick Davies.

    Besides I hate foreigners,
    Foreign food, foreign language,
    Hot weather, and pretending I’m enjoying myself.

    I refuse to go.
    Especially if Jackie chan is the pilot.

  19. At all costs, make every effort not to be placed next to a wimminz, their constant pissing like frogs every 15 minutes will have you up and down like a St Vitus riddled jack-in-the-box.

    • Or Pat Boons. Or Slopes. The first lot have no consideration for others and the second lot fucking stink.

  20. Apparently the Malaysian Government announced on 3 March that the search could resume for the aircraft that disappeared on 8 March 2014 with Texan company Ocean Infinity on a “no find, no fee” basis.

  21. One day, a giant saucer with flashing lights and electronic music will land behind the Devils Peak in the US. The doors will open and the MH70 passengers will return, no older than when they disappeared….a

    Or it’ll be found in Joe Bidens garage or The Donald’s Ma-Largo estate (or whatever it’s called).

    All cunters needs to know about flying… ‘If it’s a Boeing, I ain’t going’.

    Conspiracy, check out the recent story of the Boeing whistleblower.

  22. Reminds me of that bloke on Stars in Your Eyes as Glen Miller, walked through the smoke and nobody’s seen him since.

  23. It most likely hit the Indian Ocean at speed and was instantly obliterated. I’ve not really wondered what happened after they found bits of wreckage.

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