Medical Devices are Racist

Apparently medical devices are racist. Well according to a BBC report

”Medical device bias needs immediate action – review”

”The lack of diverse representation in health research and robust equity considerations had “led to racial bias in medical devices, clinical assessments and in other healthcare interventions”.

Here’s a thought. Why cant these fuckers actually develop some devices themselves. Perhaps in one of the large number of scientific research centres in Harare or Mogadishu? It might help them and the woke take their minds off constantly crying racism.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

89 thoughts on “Medical Devices are Racist

  1. This is true.
    All medical devices, medicines and first Aid treatment are racist.

    In fact I saw a young sootie struggling in the Goyt river.

    I didn’t phone 999 as I didn’t want to appear racist.

    As he was going under again for the third time I shouted

    ” I’m sorry for colonialism!”

  2. Fucking Voodoo doll is the only medical contribution to the world the black fella has ever made…?

    • They blacks were originally spray painted, leaves out the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Now people have taken a dislike to them, my suggestion above will bring everything into line with the rest of humanity.

  3. My blood pressure monitor at home is black. Now, what does that tell you?
    No, i don’t know either but there must be a message there somehow.

  4. ‘Ethnic and other biases’.

    Absolutely typical bit of BBCuntitude.

    This isn’t contrived or deliberate. It’s not a fucking bias. The machine isn’t BIASED; it’s just an outcome that has been detected as a result of experience of use, which can now be rectified.

    Talk about looking for controversy when none exists.


  5. I suppose it is true. Even the names of the instruments are raycist. For example, the scalpel sounds like a derogatory reference to the practices of the indigenous peoples of North America. The arthroscope sounds a bit like an afroscope. Worst of all, colostomy (as in bag) begins with the same first four letters as colonialism. Absolutely disgusting.

    • Medical equipment should be modified for sootie patients.

      Nasal sprays and medicine can easily be hoovered up and lodge in nasal cavities when your nostrils end near your earlobes.

      And ear medicine is designed for much bigger western ears.

      With a groid ear being as small as your average mouse ear maybe send in Martin Short in a miniaturised submarine?

      But all a good doctor really needs for ethnic patients is

      Vat of lip balm and wallpaper brush.
      Sheep shears
      And a fruit bowl.

  6. They can’t develop them. All their top engineers, doctors and scientists are stuck in camps in calais while awaiting the next dinghy.

  7. Well they only have themselves to blame..

    Seeing as the africunts populated the world and invented everything, before the honkys stole it all.

    Or is that a big pile of bison dung?

  8. Are Nhs rulers too small for measuring certain appendages?

    • No, plenty long enough. I measured mine with one and there was loads left over.

      • only complaint is they aint wide enough for me, babies arm holding an orange i think was the last comment

  9. no wonder we don’t get value for money from these institutions and the cunts that work for them, always going wandering off down racism road and guilt gardens looking for any crap they can hitch up to the cause of placating the ever offended blacks, transgender and botty community. Always finding offence where it doesn’t exist, bit like Time Team digging up a shard of tile and constructing a whole town around it, all suppositions.

  10. Just checked my b.p. and I’m going to take the machine back to the chemist…. obviously it’s faulty as my b.p. was in the normal range and I fully expected it to have gone off the scale after reading this …..the machine must know I’m white and has given a false reading the racist bastard ?….999 ‘help,this machine is trying to kill me’

  11. Here’s another one – let’s ringfence all countries and put everyone back where they should be, chinkys, minkys and dakis in Asia. Niggy nogs in Africa, etc.

    Then, everyone will be with their own ‘kind’ so need to compare one to another.

    I appreciate this means the UK will be a lot quieter but probably best for everyone.

    • Recent breakthroughs in medicine include
      liquorice skin grafts
      KFC flavoured vitamin pills
      And the invention of the banana scope.

      And a special ward for those suffering from illness exclusive to the black communidy.

      Sickle Cell block H

  12. All this started in Covid, the little virus was targeting soots and P’s , not surprising really as it was invented by the Chinks, but like all Chink shit it was poor quality.

    Then it was the oximeters, didn’t work properly on the dark skin, nothing actually wrong with the meters.

    Black women don’t get good treatment when pregnant, Fanny full of different bacteria to white women… but we are all the same under the skin except when it comes to medical care.

    All bullshit

      • My wife’s not forgotten. She once left a 2p tip at a Chinese restaurant and received a skip load of verbal abuse from the little yellow-skinned manageress as a result. ?

      • The cheek of the mediocre cunts! – if you’re gonna have a chip on your national shoulder, it should be based on something more substantial/admirable than unnecessarily breeding into the billions and poor-imitation bootlegging.

        And maybe counter some of that undeserved pride in such shit with contrition in your national lobrow-ness, and shame at the 61 trillion dollar plague you unleashed on the world to name but two of your many iniquities.

      • 2p? Fuck me that’s a days wages in XchongDongDing provence….you’d think they’d be a little bit grateful to their betters

  13. I for one am sick of this cultural appropriation!

    The hypodermic syringe
    Many and varied vaccines
    Stem cell culture

    to name but a few.

    All British discoveries; if anyone finds them offensive, please feel free to FOBTBBL and discover your own.

    • deny sambos ALL medic treatment, let them use their own NHS…apparently they have a marvelous witch doctor with a machete round the back of a taxi rank in tottenham he’s got every drug they need and the blow pipe to administer it

  14. If men can be women, it stands to reason that blacks can be white.

    If blacks presented to the physicians as white, they (and any other effnick with a funny tinge) would be able to circumvent these racist medical devices at a stroke.

    And with any luck have a fatal stroke while they’re at it.

  15. The latest anti malarial treatment was developed in Oxford. White and Asian racists appropriating a disease that kills millions in Africa each year..

  16. “The review says the devices, (pulse oximeters) which are clipped onto a finger, can overestimate the level of oxygen in the blood for people with darker skin tones”.

    Can’t they just have an AI generated George Floyd voice saying “I can’t breeeve fam”.

  17. “Hot diggity dang. Dat Xray machine bees raciss n sheet. I can’t see dem bones dem bones dem dry bones. I need muh bones for da soup as muh chicken he’d run away n sheet”.

  18. Not sure it is raycist, but if the cunt across the way from us doesn’t desist with the Jungle music he will need medical instruments for every bodily orifice. Wouldn’t mind so much if the cunt was black, but he looks and sounds like a fucking Essex market trader.

  19. Such bollocks.Everything is racist/woke.All deserve a trip to Unkle T’s industrial sized oven.??

  20. I’ve often thought hospital beds and the chairs probably are deeply offensively racistisisms to the Blek and the Paķi.

    Hospitals should make piles of mud available for the whining cunts to sit in so they feel at home..

    It’s also right that all the medical equipment should be sold off so the President can buy a new fleet of Mercedes and a private jet.

    If they want Eritrean medical treatment fucking give it the cunts.

    Racially aggravated Oven.

    • L O L.
      Poor, overweight chav bastards all over the nation will have to fucking starve rather than buy their own ingredients and make a meal.
      And later, if a transmitter fails, and they can’t get their fix of Currynation Shit, Emmerdrivel or Arse enders, the sad cunts will be throwing themselves off cliffs like lemmings.

  21. On the subject of the NHS’s treatment of the melanin monkeys:

    Following a strict diet of KFC 14-piece bargain buckets and no roughage, Diane Abbot has needed medical intervention on numerous occasions to clear faecal impaction. Happily her doctor was able to effect forceps delivery each time bar one, when Diane was delivered of a 25-pounder by Caesarian Section.

    Whatever you may think about doctors going on strike, that one definitely deserves a pay rise.

  22. I’ve got a form of food poisoning from undercooked chicken.

    My arse feels like a weekend at Barrymores.

    I had to take a sample of shit for the doctor today.
    In a little clear tube, like a smarties tube.

    Didn’t see the doctor like.
    He was probably on the picket line?

    I don’t even know who my doctor is!
    Or what they look like.

    Never seen the cunt.
    Just know I wouldn’t accept a butty off him.

    ✊? Fight the power!!

  23. Ps

    Don’t cook chicken in a bag.
    It’s bollocks.

    Allow it to be exposed to the flame a bit ,
    An cut it open and inspect it before eating.

    Fuckin ell , I’ve lost some weight!!

    Like Jarvis Cocker if it doesn’t clear up.

    • it wasn’t Maggi was it?

      Rod Stewart may have had the same experience.

      Maggi May (make you shit through the eye of a needle)

      • It was Maggi CP.

        Cunts tried to kill me.
        Poisonous poultry.

        Don’t know what I was thinking?!!
        Cooking chicken in a colostomy bag.

        Brief moment of madness ?

        Pork chops tonight.

      • Every sympathy here Mis. I could never take to this thing of eating undercooked meat. It’s reckoned to be safe to eat raw beef e.g. steak tartare but it’s not for me. Instruction I give for steak is I want it cooked through, ask for well done and you may find it black on the outside and raw inside. Avoiding raw chicken and pork is a well known sensible precaution but the one you should be paranoid about is shellfish. Undercooked shellfish will really knock you about and if bad enough it will literally kill you in short order. Hope you’re better soon.

  24. Medical professionals say: There are biological and physiological difference between races:

    Conclusion: Racist!

    Medical professionals say: There are NO biological and physiological difference between races:

    Conclusion: Racist!

    Am I the only one seeing a distinct pattern emerging here?… Or are patterns, like mathematics and statistic racist too?

    It seems as though all roads lead to Racism.

  25. The BBC love stirring the pot.

    Their version of ‘news’ is now either;

    1) climate hysteria
    2) gayblack issues
    3) popstar/luvvie fluff with added gayblack.

    Or, if it’s BBC Breakfast, women’s health, cancer and dementia.

    I usually stay well away from the cunts.

  26. I see that wet flannel crybully little Owen Jones has quit the Labour Party.

    Keir Starmer must be too ‘far-right’ for him.

    He’ll need some non-racist Anusol for his butt hurt.

  27. World Down Syndrome Day today.

    Didn’t know it was a thing.

    I like Downs people always happy?

    Although I get them confused with Americans.

    • MNC@. Alright pal ?

      I hear you’ve been trying to kill yourself with some kind of exotic chicken.

      Now I’m not a doctor, but in my expert opinion you should be starving yourself and just sipping water and flat Coke, or Lucozade Sport.

      If you can, get some Arrowroot biscuits, Heron sell them, Tesco too.

      I don’t know if you can get pure Arrowroot now.

      The old herbalists shops always sold it.

      Anyway, nibbling on the biscuits will help settle your stomach.

      Pork is not a good idea !!

      Meanwhile, whistle a merry tune……..

      Good evening.

      • Evening Jack!?

        you well mate?
        suppose you’re starting to get busy now winters drawing to a end?

        yeah, fuckin eaten suicide chicken haven’t I?!!

        taken most of the enamel off the khazi ?

      • I’m ok, thanks ?

        Busy, yes. But not too busy.

        Winding down some more this year.

        Try not to fart ?

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