It is Sunday afternoon. A portly old fucker, in late middle age can be seen ripping off Kim Leadbetter’s jockstrap after this weeks walking football match for old fogies and with much huffing, puffing and farting he dashe off to the meeja and gives one of his outraged diatribes about one of his favourite topics.Not tranny rights (or lefts) this time, no this is MUCH more serious. VERY serious indeed. It’s Dame Kweer and he is talking about Islamophobia:
Keir Starmer accuses ‘weak’ Rishi Sunak of harbouring ‘extremists’ in his party
Keir Starmer accuses ‘weak’ Rishi Sunak of harbouring ‘extremists’ in hi…
The Labour leader spoke out after the Tory party suspended Lee Anderson over comments he made about the mayor of…
You have to grant it to the old wankstain – he has chutzpah!. Extremists in the Conservative Party (well, one anyway. allegedl) , when he has any number of antiSemites, Islam worshipping lesbos and fags, whom he seems to be deaf and dumb to, due his innate cowardice.
Kweer Starmer was jumping on the “Islamaphobia” bandwagon yesterday, but he might overplay his hand. He clearly doesn’t realise that it is traditional Labour voters who have to put up with the Islamification of places like East London and though they might be too scared to say so, agree with Lee Anderson, and if Labour bring in their “anti Islam” laws they might well lose a large number of voters. I still don’t think he will get the landslide he is expecting, which is just as well. I think people see him for the mouth and trousers fake he is.
Of course, things might change, and if, by next week, the public have the balls to realise what Mr Anderson was saying is demonstrably true, Auntie Kweer might well change his mind again. I won’t gold my breath though. Islam is Labour’s latest “victim”
Nominated by W C Boggs.
oxymoron: noun; a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.
Dame Kweer has the balls to accuse us of Islamophobia?
Dazzling stuff SCB, leaving no room for doubting the wickedness of the cult and of its hand-wringing treacherous British apologist.
It may amuse (or horrify) some of us to know that the literal definition of Islam is “Surrender”.
Well that’s exactly what this country’s political class and the leftist elite have done when it comes to this disgusting religion.
Cheers mate ?
I’m not Islamophobic, just Islamosceptic. Shia and Sunni are not too tolerant of non-Muslims, or minority sects such as the Yazidi.
I recommend reading the book; Islamic Imperialism, by Efraim Karsh.
If the majority of peacefuls stop acting like arseholes Islamophobia would vanish over night. Surely kids on puberty blockers, women with dicks and 9000 genders are more than enough to to worry about. Obviously not
George and his gang are looking for alphabet cunts. A clash of uncivilisations.
I do wish that people would use the English language properly.
A phobia is an irrational fear. There’s nothing irrational about being afraid of something that wants to blow you up, destroy your culture and kill the infidel.
I accept that not all Muslims feel this way and that the deluded extremists and fundamentalists give the rest a bad name, but it’s not a phobia.
I have arachnophobia – an illogical fear of spiders. That’s a proper use of the word phobia….
I have xenophobia, leaning towards the darker side of foreigners.
I don’t have islamophobia.
I have no irrational fear or indeed any fear of persons the same colour and smell of shit!