This courtesy of our friend, Justin Welby. The old Etonian who lives in a palace and wants our country swamped with Muslims and Africans.
‘‘The Most Rev Justin Welby said he had heard MPs and members of the Church of England making hateful comments “in the last few weeks” without specifying the incidents he was referring to.’‘
How intriguing.
As I see it, hate speech is anything said that the left, the woke or the esteemed Archbishop doesn’t agree with.
Women cant have bollocks – hate speech.
Calling a bloke dressed up him – hate speech and misgendering. (Surely misgendering is having bollocks and claiming to be a woman?)
Any criticism of Islam – hate speech and of course blasphemy although this doesn’t seem to apply to Christian views which are fair game. As are Jews.
Deploring the masses continually demonstrating against Israel and for Hamas – hate speech.
Anything remotely critical of all the fucking Gay Pride events – hate speech.
However anything denigrating whites, Britain, our heritage is fine. Just try denigrating blacks, Islam or the aid dependency of Africa and you are fucked.
Is there a legal definition?
Fuck knows.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Hateful comments?. Perhaps he heard me calling him a fucking old poofter when I heard his camp voice on Wireless 4 last week.
I don’t like blacks, Sand People, and Gay Pride events. What’s more, a woman can’t have a cock.
Lock me up.
A woman can’t have a cock? If it’s anyone who fit, she can have mine!
Agreed ?
I’ll tell you who else didn’t like Sand People.
Anakin Skywalker.
Hate speech, FUCKING HATE SPEECH!! Fucking cock sucking, bible puncher!, I’ll give him hate speech, just as soon as I’ve had a nice cup of tea and calmed down a bit! All I will say is though my words, you may have noticed, contain a mere soupçon of bile and venom, directed mostly towards our dark skinned brethren, former yacht sluts who got lucky and married a ginger Walt coward who is going to get slotted very very soon, and immigrants, I can’t say that I actually really hate anyone…….apart from Somali’s and scratters. I’m not going soft in my extended youth period, but more that I cannot be arsed.
Oh, and fucking bummers! Burn the cunts, I say! Oh, did anyone have Steve Harley in Dead Pool!
The old cunt didn’t see fit to tip us the wink. I think my dead pool picks have taken rejuvenation medication.
Oh noooo! I absolutely adore Steve Harley❤️ (Come up and see me) Make me smile, is one of the best songs ever IMO and never fails to lift my spirits when I’m down in the dumps. Very sad news☹️
Cockney Rebel were great. We had some great music and stars in those days.
Hate speech ? I ? it!
I use it every day,
Never a day off.
It’s my right as a Englishman.
Free speech that is.
Why we fought wars.
I can say whatever the fuck I want and no cunt can stop me.
Especially some speccy little, suspicious looking cunt like Justin.
Hey Justin,
How many of your Quireboys are Chinese?
Why not?
Don’t you believe in diversity?!
Don’t you get quire for Chinese boys??
Justin doesnt like Chinese arse.
I’m told slitty dicks are less than an inch long, can’t say I’ve looked but Justin told me.
This from JK Rowling:
I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so.
This from “Sarah Jane Baker”, geezer who did time for kidnap and attempted murder, who now dons a skirt and rouses the rabble at Trans Pride events with stirring injunctions such as:
“Punch TERFS in the fucking face”.
Correctly pick which one is the Hate Speech and win a Rainbow daubed BLM Soo-is-ide Belt of Allah Akhbar Diversity
Rowling would get an expelliamus of Hogwarts fun custard over her wonderful baps and arse.
I glaze over whenever a porch monkey, pàķi or poofter opens their mouth..
Stick your hate speech up your oversized nostrils,pèdò prophet and prolapsed arsehole’s..
Just in welby’s arse, must also contend with whether all this religious crap is also true. I’ve more bad news for him. It isn’t.
Calling for Flabottamous to be shot is not Hate Speech, it’s Common Sense.
To be fair it was a terrible comment SCB.
Hating all black people because of flabbottus..
Not when you have jaffa cake lammy, Dawn butler,lenworth Henry, sasha “soup bowl” Johnson and Gary Lineker to choose from.
Have I missed something about Lineker? Is he identifying as a Pat Boon now?
There you go CC..
Gary is black..
Cheers, Barry.
Fuck me, what a whelk. His arseholery knows no ends. I’ve got brown hair and brown eyes. I have been mistaken for a Southern European in the past.
Perhaps I can identify as a sooty these days?
Actually, he said: “makes me want to hate all black women”.
He didn’t say anything about black men.
So Lammy, Lenny & Lineker are off the hook. ?
Seeing as those three have no bollocks I’m classing them women..?
Diane Abbott is David Lammy in drag.
Much as I despise Abbott the Hutt, Megain Mantis Cuntess of Sussex makes me my piss boil even more…
And she’s not even black!
I was told to go home, there are no more houses’ by a black bloke who worked for a builders merchant after working outdoors all summer and going a shade of brown Lineker would envy.
`Why is it there are so fucking many Pat Boons on adverts, TV etc? Pat Boon white woman? Yeah you wish. Fucking woke cunts boil my piss on a daily basis.
It’s a fucking mockery in and of itself, Cunty! When was the last time we saw a fucking n*gnog stick around long enough after fertilising a woman to become part of the family unit!
Gone in 30 seconds is average. A silverback can easily fuck a fat white ugly bird in that time and still leave with her credit card and cash.
@CuntyMort Pat Boons???? I’m adding that one to my rhyming slang list?
It’s a fetish of the upper class white women who control the TV industry. Many probably head to Gambia and Jamaica for fun with black boys during the winter.
Vanessa the fugly cunt faced slag who can only get congodandies to fuck her and she has to pay them in cocaine and credit cards, old slag madonna bought a couple of them in different sexes a few years back so she gets a paid fuck once a month depending if she’s nonbinary, lezo or straight (it changes with her agents as to what sheis from week to week) even that weirdo emma thompson bought one cos her old man is a poofter
My weekly treat is to take medication up to an asylum hotel, the looks I get off the residents are full of hate. The looks they get back are of the same standard.
Where is this mythical far right lot they always bang on about? Are there going to be any I can vote for at the next GE?
This woke waste of space wished the ragheads a Happy Ramadamadingdong a few days ago. Followers of the same religion have murdered 100,000 Christians in Nigeria over the last 15 years. But we don’t mention that, do we, Your Grace?
Convert to fucking Islam and be done with it, you prick. The Grand Mufti of Cunterbury does have a certain ring to it.
He wouldn’t know what to do with a muff-ti.
Woman = Adult human female will get you banged up in Scotchland with the new fucking victim law, misgendering will lead to being hung drawn and quartered.
This is worse than Vlads Russia and don’t even mention Islam, that will be blasphemy, next step …..
Thought Crime!
Anyone know where I can buy a tinfoil hat ?
Foxy left his in the admin canteen.
Use that.?
I want a real one not a homemade piece of tat ?
Oh aye, the Men in Dresses and all that carry on isn’t a thing in Russia. Or Eastern Europe as a whole, really.
For example, a mate of mine in Vilnius finds the whole idea of pronouns laughable. He was actually confused when I asked him if bank employees have to display their pronouns on their name badges.
Good on our Eastern European for focusing on family and the things that matter. If I had kids, I’d sooner raise them in a Lithuanian or Estonian school than a British one. Damned good education systems in the ex-Soviet Union.
I find Bacofoil from B&M quite reasonably priced, its good quality, it stops me hearing voices encouraging me to beat small hats and Ali’s Snack Bar vermin every day with a whelk a pork pie.
In the article it says Justin carries a panic alarm everywhere with him because of threats.
Bit of advice from a very wise man…
Shut your fuckin yap then!! ?
Just do your job , having tea with silly old women, do a few christenings, occasional wedding.
It’s not backbreaking work
A soft little turd like yourself should be able to manage?
Pays good£££
Plenty of 12yr olds virgin arses.
Just stop shit stirring and you won’t get threatened.
Sooner or later it’ll be acted upon.
That little chicken neck?
Snapped like a twig.
well he was raised jewish so its not like he hasn’t done his job well being trained to destroy the church, just lob a porkchop at him, its like opening the curtains on Dracula at lunchtime
Panic on the streets of Canterbury
Panic on the streets of Salisbury
I wonder to myself
“Could life ever be sane again?”
Burn down the cathedral
Hang the blessed bishop
Because the sermons that they constantly preach
It says nothing to me about my life
Hang the blessed bishop
Because the sermons they constantly preach.
Hang the bishop,Hang the bishop,Hang the bishop,Hang the bishop,Hang the bishop,Hang the bishop..
Hang the bishop .
Surely Bash the Bishop?
Ode to Thomas Beckett?
Welby is a cunt of galactic proportion.and a hypocrite to boot.
Heartily wish he’d stick to bothering his boss and leave the rest of us in peace.
Fucking tosser.
Afternoon all.
Alright, Ron,
“Cunt of galactic proportions” – BRILLIANT!
‘Ow do CC mate.
Hate speech is just another tool the Far Left can use to shut down,criminalise and totally silence any “dissent”.
The weaponised Nanny State as imagined by Kafka and Orwell.
Goebbels and Beria are laughing in their graves at their nightmare brought back to life…by thoroughly degenerate cunts.
I predict a riot…and very much Oven.
Not bad, Ron! Had a lovely day out in the pub with the wife and some of our friends yesterday. Boozing and chatting bollocks is good for the soul. Best I’ve felt for a while!
How are you, pal?
Given I’m fully enjoying breaking the law by spouting hate speech today, I’m surprised nobody has cunted that Cock In a Frock Dylan Mulvaney.
That abortion needs throwing in the sea. It’s genuinely terrifying to see how much mental illness/grift is going on there under the disguise of transgenderism.
I’ve met a couple of trans people and they’re alright. They just wanna get on with life like the rest of us. In fact, one I met said “I know I’ll never be a proper woman.” Fair play, that.
It’s cunts like Mulvaney who make life tough for them.
Despite the pleasant nature if the above post, a woman still can’t have a cock. A man can’t have a fanny, either.
Of! Shitting phone…
It might swim out of the sea, best chuck it off an aeroplane at 30,000 feet to be sure
Hear, hear, Paul! Unkle Terry’s oven to be double sure?
@ C_C
FYI, Dylan Mulvaney has been cunted five times here in the last couple of years. Most recently:
He has been, several times.
to be fair, and i never am, my old mum was matey with a bloke in a frock, she didn’t know she never took much notice of people, her and “Bobby” used to meet up at carboots and talk shit over a cuppa, he was ok pretty quiet not stupid or obvious. when i pointed it out mum just shrugged and said Oh well I like her, him, oh fuck it i don’t know now you’re confusing me, piss off…LOL
‘As I see it, hate speech is anything said that the left, the woke or the esteemed Archbishop doesn’t agree with.’
Nail on head!
You know what, it’s all bolllocks. Only in the west is this even an issue. The same people who happily single out white middle aged heterosexual men for their vitriol lose it at the slightest criticism of one of the protected minorities.
If there is designated hate speech then free speech doesn’t exist. We are living under corporate fascism. The outsiders are not the target this time, it’s the indigenous peoples of Europe.
Excellent cunting CC.
Alright, Sixdog,
Yeah, I agree. My relatives in Eastern Europe come across genuinely perplexed when I tell them about this bollocks. My father in-law laughed when I told him about “diversity in the workplace”.
I would genuinely love to have the free time to come up with this sort of shit to be offended by.
‘ I would genuinely love to have the free time to come up with this sort of shit to be offended by.’
We’re either too busy trying to earn a crust to survive or on welfare dependant on the state. We don’t have time to fight it for sure. We should have but we didn’t!
Yes, exactly. If I’m not grafting, I like spending time with the family and friends who are uplifting to be around.
Fuck the perpetually offended. They must be dangerously unhappy.
‘’Any criticism of Islam – hate speech and of course blasphemy although this doesn’t seem to apply to Christian views which are fair game. As are Jews.’’
It would certainty appear so CC but the law on paper protects all Religious Groups including Christians and Jews.
But in practice it’s clearly Policed in a one sided way.
Over the past few months I’ve been snatching a bit of time to study the new Hate Crime Legislation 2020 which is inextricably linked to the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998.
And I got to thinking about the late 90’s and if it was a time of mass Law and Disorder and it simply wasn’t.
Definitely late 70’s into mid 80’s but not forgetting the Poll Tax riots which were used as cover for a plethora of anarchy groups.
Anyway so back to the 1998 Act. If ever you get chance to look at it you will find a massive attack on decades old Civil Liberties contained within handing Power back to the State.
Peter Hitchens has always said Blair and his cabal were Trots because he was one and they all met as a group and shared ideas about how to gain power.
So that highly charismatic cunt Blair conned his way into Power not unlike a particular charismatic character from Germany some time back and once there set about legislating the fuck out of Civil Rights whilst creating a boom in employment and the never ending stream of cheap money, there’s no better way to distract a nation from what really matters when personally they’ve never had it so good.
Cemented in the 2020 Act is the right of the alleged victim to bring a case without any evidence and only because they ‘felt’ the accused was being either Racist or Hateful.
If ever there was a case for wholesale change this should be it because it absolutely turns democracy on its head,
I started to think how on earth did this pass through Parliament and then it dawned on me it was 2020 FFS.
I’d like to think I moderate my words both in public, not so much in private because I’m in safe company there but definitely in anything I write.
I don’t subscribe to any social media but within the 2020 Act Social Media posts are part of what they can prosecute you
ISaC technically is SM and I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard for the authorities to expose anyone of us, hence my use of ‘wholesale’ change and avoidance of outright attacks on Race or Religion.
This passage is lifted directly from the legislation.
words, whether contemporaneous or not;
social media postings;
membership of far-right groups
presence with others promoting such hostility or association with them;
previous incidents of hostility, e.g. targeting only persons of a particular religion as the victims of criminal attacks or forms of abuse, such as a Jewish person’s house for criminal damage but no other houses in the same street; and
previous convictions for offences directed at similar victims.
So bring a member of a Far Right Group that’s not defined is evidence enough, no mention of the Far Left………
This is why the authorities keep going on about it because if they want to stitch you up they will by defining you as such.
I hold in utter contempt our Law makers
Love or hate George Galloway he is planning a genius way to break the stranglehold of the ‘two cheeks of the same ass’ political parties, they know it and they are for the first time running scarred.
So what are they going to do about it – use the laws that they make to declare his candidates as extremists hence barring them from standing.
I’m getting on my pulpit here. Enjoy your Sunday roasts cunters.
The reason this jackanapes is on the receiving end of so much opprobrium and denigration is the same as that for MPs i.e. he is utterly detached from the daily lives of ordinary people and holds them in contempt.
He probably puts on a hair shirt and indulges in self-mortification every time he thinks about having a wank.
I’ll try that. Can I use a string vest with cat hair on it?
I hate the cunt!!!!!?
Spare a thought for the chip shop owner in Greenwich who can’t have a mural with the Union Jack , as it’s not appropriate for the area’ last time I looked Greenwich was still in Great Britain
Just spotted that one, Paul.
Fuck all would have been said if it was a Palestinian flag.
The fucking council cunts.
‘ We’ve had complaints ‘
My arse.
Fucking pinkoes.
Fuck off !!
The authorities claim to have had complaints about the mural. I doubt the folks in the only building opposite the mural have complained.
It’s the mortuary.
I bet if the cod had been waving a rainbow flag, this would be an entirely different story.
No-one would have dared suggesting he removed it.
What a bunch of feeble brained, wishy washy cunts.
Cancel your Council Tax payment, mate.
rainbow trout
We are heading to Hell in a handcart.1984 is approaching.Drown Justine in the sea.Old windbag.
I tell the couple of darker skinned people I know that I’m an ” equal opportunities racist ” I feckin hate everyone, all I get back is laughter.
Being told you are something unpleasant has been with us from “nought plonk.”
Get used to it, it may be true.
free speech is now hate speech………….
Welby is a fucking coward,a weak pakí loving laughable figure.
Just as well the cunt is utterly irrelevant.
Just to be safe however the treasonous faggøt should hang.
If Welby had to share a hospital with the loud, thoughtless, devious, whining, ignorant filth – let alone smell them – he would change his tune.
Mind you, probably not. He would probably ask the dirty cunts to bum him.
Diane Abbott would bum him
Fuck the political cowards who hide behind walls of woke. Piss-pant types and weak-arsed twats. All Purple hair and yogurt biscuits. Tarquin and Melody are offended. Fuck me, they had better fuck off then. Pathetic cunts. I hate them.
Just in town today and there was stand with a sign saying was Jesus a Muslim maybe there should be a sign asking was Muhammad a Christian,personally I don’t give a shit either way its all a load of bollocks
He wasn’t Christian or a Muslim.
He was a Jew.
And street magician.
Pick a card, any card
Can I have the race card please?
I imagine him looking like a hippy David Blaine?
Jesus turned water into wine, David blaine in his glass box turned water into piss, or french chardonnay as its widely known.
Was he Mis?
How dare you Christians appropriate my whatever, really cannot be arsed.
Justin Welby, however, will remain one of my DP picks. I hope he sees the demon that’s coming to eat his soul.
No Heaven for you, Mr. Welby.
Yep, one of you lot JP.
He couldn’t stay out of trouble either.?
I’m not a Christian!!!
Never christened.
My folks don’t like the church.
Woebetide some goofy speccy vicar who accuses my dad of white privelege!
Hehehe ?
I was christened by a visiting provost from Mombasa.
Got my picture in the local paper and everything! Probably on benefits with seven kids in Wigan now.
Christened by a sooty from Kenya
That explains your love of Roger Moore safari suits?
You heathen Mis.
Not even a small sacrifice on your Viking naming day?
Jesus thought about coming back in the late 70s but knew he couldn’t compete with The Sooty Show so put it on hold until at least John Lennon was dealt with.
Equal opportunities hater here:
I think anyone who belives in an imaginary sky fairy is a bit backward.
As long as they don’t blether on to me that they’re definitely right, as long as they don’t start dictating what I can do in my life, I don’t mind ’em.
I also believe anyone should be able to say that “[someone or something] makes me want to [do something].” North Face’s weapons-grade shithousery makes me want to burn their shops down, but of course I wouldn’t dream of doing so; I shall merely never buy their products again.
I believe it’s what wokies call ‘ethical consumerism.’ Great concept! They also have ‘representation’ in adverts. ‘If you can’t see it, you can’t be it!’ Great concept!
I try to avoid using anyone whose advertising offends me. No white, heterosexual male? I’m offended. Can’t see it, can’t be it, can’t buy it.
I’m absolutely fucking loaded, me. One of your ABC1s that advertising executives cream their panties over. Disposable income? Got that! Spend it on your product? Not fucking likely, you cunts.
This has ended up as a Hate speech/North Face crossover rant. Sort of mixed race, really. Probably should be in advertising.
fuckin price of that shit, i’ll wait until its in the charity shops and then not buy it
Welby won’t be laughing when all his churches are turned into MOSQUE’S….!
Or even worse, pubs turned into MOSQUE’S.
loads of them, pubs turned into indibum takeaways or mosquitto sheds, only things on the high streets now
Not laughing perhaps Arch, but in his mind he’ll work out a way of justifying the change so that it won’t bother him.
OT, advert just now by Avon cosmetics on TV featuring a black woman with almost no hair who makes the Flabbott look emaciated. How does that work?
He’s going to cause fuckin mayhem with this church reparation payout for slavery.
A billion quid.
They’ll be fighting like fuck over it.
Be way more deaths squabbling about the money than slavery ever caused.
Fuck me if they stab each other over Kentucky fried chicken they’ll go full coco-pops for a slice of a billion quid
Ketamine, Fentanyl, Crack cocaine.
He wont care.
Justin sucks dead dogs dicks.
He’s not exactly the man to lead a Crusade.
‘Hate incidents’ – not crimes but recorded by the
stasipolice anyway.3