‘From the River to the Sea’

‘From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free’. It’s a slogan, a chant, a song that we’ve become accustomed to hearing, indeed wearied by, in recent weeks. And it’s getting right on my nerves.

Now let me recognise from the off that when it comes to the current bloodletting in Israel and Gaza, readers may stand with one side or the other, or neither. I would however argue that whatever your stance, ‘from the river to the sea’ fundamentally can only mean one thing; it means the establishment of a Palestinian state from the Jordan to the Med, and with it, the dismantling, by any means, of the state of Israel and the removal of the Jewish people from their ancestral homeland.

But this cunting isn’t meant to be directly about the current conflict, but much more about the persistent use of the tiresome ‘river to the sea’ anthem and what I perceive to be the mindset of many adopting it.

There are two aspects to this in my view. Firstly there’s the ‘useful idiot’ aspect. My strong suspicion is that for many ‘right on’ types, it’s merely a vacuous means to parrot their support for the latest fashionable cause, without actually having much or any understanding of the what’s actually at stake. As an illustration, I refer you a poll carried out by the Wall St Journal in Dec 2023. The paper polled some 250 students across the US, asking if they supported the ‘river to the sea’ aspiration, with some 86% saying that they did. When however they were asked actually to name the river and the sea at issue, less than half gave the correct answer, with responses including the Nile, the Euphrates, the Red Sea, and (Lord ‘elp us) the flaming Caribbean. A firm grasp of the issue then.

Wall Street Journal

The second aspect is the sheer naivity of people on the subject. Again by way of illustration, I give you the example of Welsh Warbler Charlotte Church. Sweet Charlotte has come in for a shed load of criticism after joining in with ‘river to the sea’ chanting at a pro-Palestine gig. So much so that she’s been forced to deny accusations of anti-Semitism, claiming that it’s not in any way meant as a call for the destruction of Israel, but as a call for ‘peaceful co-existance’ in the region. Yeah right; peaceful co-existence between Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah and co. How fucking naive can you be if you believe that’s actually what this anthem’s about?

Mirror News

In closing, I reiterate what I said at the start. This ain’t about the conflict as such, about which cunters will have a range of opinions. It’s squarely about the persistent, aggressive use of this vacuous and very intimidating slogan in the supposed name of peace, justice and freedom. It’s my honest opinion that its usage stands for anything but, so to those so doing , I say stop assaulting my ears with your chant and stick it up your arse.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

108 thoughts on “‘From the River to the Sea’

  1. Palestine won’t be free because it simply doesn’t exist.

    The Hamas marches in our cities should be banned and that ban enforced by the Army not the police,who aren’t up to the job.

    Chanting of this “slogan” should be punishable by flogging,carried out immediately when it’s heard.

    It’s all being used to cause disruption and intimidation together with bolstering militant Islam and it should be ruthlessly stamped out.

    Where there is the Arab there is trouble.


    • Correct. Though the people did live in peace and relatively well off as shit holes goes. Until their leaders Hama s murdered at butchered civilians.

    • “Palestine won’t be free because it simply doesn’t exist.”

      As was popularized in an old American TV show…that is the name of that tune!

  2. As you so rightly observe, there is a range of views that people hold on this matter – and that should be parked in respect of this specific question – but what I do think this issue raises is the REAL problem when it comes to Islam in the West and the UK.

    And that’s not the revolting death cult itself – we’ve know it for what it is for centuries. No, the threat comes from the bleeding hearted middle class ideologues that dominate national discourse, who know fuck all about anything, but swan around like they’re the authority on everything, particularly when it comes to condescending to brown people and shouting louder than everyone else about our debt to these poor downtrodden savages.

    The danger that Islam poses to western culture results from the indigenous populations of these countries embracing and promoting these barbarians, whilst attacking the host culture and wringing their hands in affected guilt; and THAT to me is the real problem with whitey chanting these slogans, no matter how well-intentioned they might feel they are.

    • Let’s get a march organised with some Union Jacks and have a good old chant.

      We’d soon get stamped on by the rozzers.

      • I’m waiting for the day the ‘service’ get a good kicking in London. It’s going to happen sooner or later.

      • Remember the poll tax riots, Moggie?

        I do. Fantastic day out it was.

        Pig lids and broken batons everywhere. just waiting to be picked up and used against the cunts doing the wading in.

  3. Israel and particularly Netenahu can be cunts. No doubt. But the Palestinian river to sea shit is anti-semitism, Islam style supported by lefty idiots.

    It isnt Jews that are threatening MPs.
    And genocide in Yemen? Marches?- It is ok because both sides are versions of the same death cult.

    • Those horizontal lines above and below the Israeli/Rothschild flag is a zionist mission statement.They want all the territory between the Nile and Euphrates for a ‘Greater Israel’ l doubt this goal will be achieved.? Hezbollah and Hamas with Houthi assistance will bring Satanyahu down and the sooner the better.

      • If you look at DNA most who are Israeli trace back to eastern Europe, not Palestine.

        Balfour should be dug up, burned and his ashes mixed with camel shit

      • I f you look at the DNA of the modern North or South American, most trace back to Western and Eastern Europe.

        George Washington shoukd be dug up… blah blah

  4. They can still all fuck off! Nothing to do with the average Brit, not a damn thing. Fuck off to Israel\Palestine whatever you want to call it and fight your battles there!

  5. I think it’s catchy!

    Like a Abba lyric.

    ” From the river to the sea,
    Palestine will be free!
    Which is lower than the fee.
    As it’s usually 60p”

    Just add happy soundtrack,
    Make a good Eurovision tune.

  6. I don’t know if anyone saw the Sky News interview with George Galloway after his Rochdale by-election victory and the stupid fat white cow in the background who kept chanting this suicidal slogan.

    What I wouldn’t have given for the cry of Allah Akhbar to have resonated around the room before the media feed was suddenly and abruptly terminated.

  7. Today I was in Salford.
    Right shithole.

    I drove through Prestwich which has a lot of them Acidic Jews.

    Lots of them about,
    Beards , curly sideburns, big George Galloway hats, etc

    One was in some sort of silk suit?
    Looked dead odd.

    Anyway, just down the road..

    Disappeared. Not one.
    Just a few streets you see them.

    They know the nutters are out there.

      • Not me.
        Curryrats fuckin ? me.

        Beard you see?
        An bit swarthy looking in summer.

        You cunts are fucked though.
        I’ll be eating dates on a big pillow watching the beheadings as the sun sets?

      • I lived there for a year in the 70s. Sedgeley Park. Didnt like the Hassidics much. Women wore wigs for some reason. They were a lot like the Peacefuls but without a tendency for terrorism. But my secular Jewish mates didnt like them much either.

      • What in Prestwich?

        The woman are a bit weird too.
        Dress dead frumpy.
        Clumpy shoes like fuckin Ian Drury,
        Unflattering tights like Nora Batty.

        Dunno what that’s all about.

  8. Islamism is the problem by a minority but not Islam itself perish the thought.
    Anyway, the biggest problem are the vast numbers of far far right and their evil islamaphobia.
    It’s time that all seven of them were arrested surely!

    • I absolutely agree about ‘the far right’.

      It’s only a matter of time before they’re out and about again, blowing themselves up, shooting, knifing and car-ramming, beheading and such jolly japes.

      A fucking menace to society.

      • Thought I’d had a visit from them today when I got a leaflet through the door?, it was only when I’d donned my goggles that I saw it said fur-right from a local doggy parlour ?‍?….. better luck next time ?

    • As the late great Christopher Hitchens said:

      “Islamophobia is a word invented by fascists that is used by cowards to manipulate morons”

    • Considering it takes 20 police peeps to arrest a girl, are there enough of them in the whole country to arrest 7 far right nutters?

      • Those 7 far right nutters are actually on 6 far right nutters and a Jack Russell.

        They are what’s left of the NF and BNP.

        They live in Barnsley.

        I’d be pretty pissed off too, if I lived in Barnsley.

      • The far right are often arrested by thick plod under pressure from social media, only to be acquitted by the judge.

        See Grenfell effigy. Charge of public order offence was on dodgy ground as the bonfire occured in a private garden but was then recorded and posted to facebook, which is dubious as its not exactly ‘public domain’ either.

  9. The West Bank – soon to hold the Guinness World Record for the biggest car-park.

  10. From the river to the sea?
    From Calais to Dover more like.
    327 ‘enrichers’ arrived yesterday. More coming today.
    And so it continues.
    The Tories are now down to 20% in the latest opinion poll.
    I can’t think why.

  11. I’ve read up a lot on the region and it’s history over the years and used to be very pro-Israel but nowadays I don’t really give a fuck and think that both sides are a bunch of backwards, bigoted, brutal bastards so I say leave them to it. Winner takes all.

  12. I don’t give a fuck. I’m living in a place that’s a cross between Shangri-La and Brigadoon, which is free of all the riffraff that most people have to put up with.

  13. The problem is that this country is now infested by useful but gobby and gullible idiots and tea-towel n sandal wearing savages. When these pricks in Westminster talk of the ‘Far Right’, I would love our media to ask one of them to define precisely who these mythical ‘Far Right’ people are.

    Gays for Gaza. Trannies for the Palestinians. What a shower of liquid dung.

    Just like unicorns or fairies at the bottom of the garden from what I can make out.

    Bollocks and fuck off.

  14. Couldn’t give less of a ha’penny jizz if I tried.

    The Sand People in this part of the world have been at it since the dawn of time. Let ’em at it.

  15. Mark fucking Rowley set the tone with Jihad has more than one meaning

    From the river to the sea, based on the fact half the cunts have no idea what sea or river the only conclusion is that it is a call to destroy Israel (not that most of the thick cunts could find Israel on the map).

    What happened to the voices of sanity when Hamas were elected to govern Gaza, didn’t anyone say ‘are you really sure about this’

    One thing you can say about Israel, history has taught them not to fuck about, my only criticism is how the fuck did they get caught out so badly, you can be sure it won’t fucking happen again.

    Galloway has said he will make Rochdale great again ? what the fuck is he going to do kick out all the P*kis and rebuild all the cotton mills

      • Fucking Freddie Kruger lookalike cunt. I’d shit in his hat and cave his face in with a club hammer.

        Galloway is the man looming over the bog pan with brush in hand, plunging the UK and the assortment of savage turds around the U bend.

      • The worrying this is, he’s not far wide of the mark.
        If Galloway can get enough people in the right places on a pro Palli ticket, the carpet kissers will vote in their droves, as we’ve just seen in Rochdale.
        Very worrying times.

      • The electoral demographic has shifted so much that some constituencies may well be determined by the candidates stand on Gaza, never mind local or national issues.

        Still, never mind. Diversity is our strength.

      • George Galloway follows directly in Oswald Mosley’s footsteps. Both politicians came to prominence courtesy of the Labour Party, both left to form fascist, antisemitic parties of their own. Hopefully Galloway will soon meet a fate not dissimilar to that of Mosley.

  16. As the nom and many comments point out, most infantile chanters of this phrase haven’t a clue what river or what sea. But it’s worse – many don’t understand the roots of the conflict or even that Hamas attacked Israeli and savagely butchered its citizens in an unprovoked genocidal attack. Brain dead idiots jumping on the latest woke bandwagon.

  17. It would seem the Deep State has taught a new slogan to the useful idiots.

    Excellent ( and indeed righteous) nomination from the Illustrious Mr. Knee.

      • Hey Ron,

        Had minor surgery last week…a cyst removed from my back…so I’m not sure about the state of my health.

        But for those who know me the consensus of opinion is that I can be (when the situation calls for it) quite rude indeed.

  18. The voices for a ceasefire want it before the start of Ramadan, well that makes sense the Palestinians are struggling to get food so I am sure they are desperate to abstain from food and water between sunrise and sunset.

    Israel dont do Ramadan ?

    • Well the Snackbars attacked the Israelis on Yom Kippur in 1973. If that weren’t bad enough, that also happened to be during Ramadan so tthey don’t like being attacked on Ramadan but they are more than happy to sneak attack their neighbours on their own “holiest of holies”. Fucking hypocrites.

  19. I’m beginning to think Rishi was right not to call a spring election.
    I’m not saying the cretin had the foresight, heavens no.
    But could you imagine a general election under the current climate?
    An election skewed by high density Muslim areas voting on the basis of events that, fundamentally, have fuck all to do with us.
    Let’s hope this calms down by autumn, or that’s what we’ll get.
    Or is this the beginning of Muslim control if our electoral system?

  20. 10% of students in the same pole also thought Yasser Arafat was the first Prime Minister of Israel.

    Next up, David Duke founded the Black Panthers.

  21. That brain dead slag Charlotte Church is trying to wriggle out of accusations of anti- semitism after singing this charming little ditty. She says the sing is about peace between all peoples in the Middle East ( through the means of genocide). Moron.

  22. OT. George Galloway vows to take Angela Raynor’s seat…

    He’s not the first, and he won’t be the last…

    • She’s game, she’ll get a bigger council house. When I see Angela I think she’s just Katie Price who made better choices.

      • Gorgeous George Galloway has indeed promised to take Angie’s seat,
        Ashton under Lyne in Tameside.

        I know Ashton well, he’ll get a good few votes there!

        He’s a card that George, isn’t he?

        The new Lawrence of Arabia

  23. Bit disappointed that Mossad haven’t found time to bump of a certain Jock cunt.
    C’mon lads we are rooting for you lot after all.

  24. The irony being of course that Hamas are the far right of the average Guardian bedwetter and BBC wankstain’s wet dream. Simply ask anyone pontificating about this conflict whether they are aware of Article 7 of the Hamas Charter.

    Even mainstream Islam seems pretty right wing. Why do the Wokies love it so much? Answers written on a brick and thrown through Keir Starmer’s window.

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