I am convinced my fellow cunters will enjoy getting their teeth into this nom.
My local online rag comments section usually brings out the simpering, cat loving, weedy sort who aspire to be on a parish council as some sort of social status. However on this occasion I find myself agreeing with them.
This is a story (I really wish it was a work of fiction, but sadly not) about a school in my area who’s headmaster has decided to allow (well…I’m not going to say, as it is so piss boiling I will let cunters read the link) Anyhow…….unsurprisingly the comments section has gone ballistic, and with good reason. Cunters….this is what happens when woke kids grow up and become woke headmasters.
Ladies and gentlemen….we are going backwards with any evolution we may have had. We know that, otherwise why do we need security guards in fast food restaurants?
Why are smart clothes going out of fashion and the likes of sports direct clothing people for ‘Sunday best’?
Why are the police and hospitals just now another branch of social services to provide counselling at the expense of preventing crimes and healing genuinely ill patients?
Why are those that correct peoples spelling and grammar chastised online for being pedants, rather than being respected for trying to keep hold of higher standards? (You missed out a question mark, ffs!!! – Day Admin)
Why is there no shame anymore in the way people look, talk and express themselves?
Criticism is met with new laws to prevent alternative opinions being aired.
This is the society we are being allowed to happen….and we are fucked.
Nominated by: Chuff Chugger
And while we’re on the subject of mental health – genuine or otherwise, here’s this rather brief nom from Sam Beau
Young People
I would have thought that this would already have been cunted, but if not, …
Sorry, I have no more words – however, if you let this short nom through, Admin, I`m sure its brevity will be swamped by voracious responses (if I`m reading the audience right).
Fake eyelashes. Also known as cumbrellas.
That Head is a simpering cunt, and the parent (I’m guessing single parent slags) have not raised the children at all, therefore allowing this entitled attitude. When they eventually get jobs these children will no doubt use the mental health excuse to get their own way, because you know an HR department will allow it. The second soft, do gooder cunts allow something as an excuse to lower standards the feckless will jump on it to play the system. “Sorry I murdered someone, but it must be my mental health” fine, 4 years I’m a hospital, out on 2.
Fuck me with all this new mental elf stuff affecting all the young uns. How’s an old card carrying mentalist like me supposed to get a look in. Bloody ageism that’s what it is and saving a few quid. False eyelash fitting and maintenance is a whole lot cheaper than locking me up for a few months.
Fuck it
There’s no harm in school girls wearing false eyelashes.
Helps them get served in pubs.
As for people who correct grammar,
It’s the last resort of a knave.
It’s impolite,
And I find these types do it to make themselves feel better.
Although when you correct them a pedant doesn’t like it!
” There’s a only one R in boring”
Your kids crosseyed.
“Actually that’s not the right fork”
John from the warehouse has been fucking your wife for 18months.
“kids” should have an apostrophe.
Your dad should of had a vasectomy .
Should have had.
Kids should have an hourly wallop and be kept in dark cellars until they are 25.
The letter sent by the headmaster reads:
“Having students in school is the most important consideration and therefore, from Monday 19 February, we shall allow false eyelashes to be worn as long as they are discrete.”
“Discrete” means individual and separate.
I believe the word he was looking for was “discreet”.
Ignoring for a moment the spectacular cuntishness of his policy making, his command of the English language I think tells you everything you need to know about the condition of today’s educators.
Well spotted BD, but perhaps he’s anticipating the next fashion innovation i.e. wearing one false eyelash, the eye on which it is worn informing an observer whether you are normal or deviant.
Droogs in Clockwork Orange?
This so the little transformer cuntlets can look like Danny La Rue
I’m sure MNC is going to going think I’m a cunt for that post ?
Oh not at all Dave!
I already thought you were a cunt.
Only joking!!
You been speaking to the ex-wife, she still upset about me changing the password to the Sky account? ?
Yeah, and leaving your dirty undercrackers laying around.
This is the next generation of scientists, health care professionals and educators.
We truly are doomed.
Worse than that they are the next generation of…
…of what?
Leader sure as hell ain’t right. And politicians are cunts no matter what generation they’re from.
Fuck it. Let’s just leave it with we’re doomed.
I’m not one for going on a Friday/ Saturday night pub crawl anymore as I can’t be arsed with crowded shitty pubs and much prefer a few pints in the local.
However, I was at a 21st “do” a few months ago and couldn’t help but notice the vast vast majority of young lads who were there, were wearing nylon t-shirts with either combat style trousers or nylon running style shorts. It was below freezing outside as well.
The lad I was sat with, was involved with the local rugby club and he told me that anybody wearing jeans for a night out these days, gets practically ridiculed.
Now I only don the suit on special occasions but I do like to wear good quality jeans, shirts or t-shirts quite regularly and have a penchant for a smart jacket as well (occasion depending) but alas, this is now basically the equivalent of a full tuxedo round my way.
When I first started going out drinking at weekends, a couple of the clubs had a strict dress code of smart trousers only and shoes. (Basically no jeans or trainers)
Fast forward 30 years and you can see how far general standards have fallen.
The way young lads dress, is perhaps a microcosm of the decadence of our once great society.
That and the fact that so many young lasses are completely fake looking with the lips, the eye lashes, the false teeth etc.
A night out is a fucking hellscape.
Good Morning and good nomination.
I spend nights out in the comfort of my own lounge with access to the TV and fridge. Days out too. And no obnoxious, noisy cunts around.
So do I, squire, and a good choice it is too. Old films recorded on some sort of TV box, beer, wine, cheese and chocolate etc with the still fairly attractive wife handy to nip back to the fridge if needed. On a couple of shelves, pictures of the kids and grandkids as a silent and non-intrusive reminder of a wider life well lived.
When I was in my twenties (2000s) people made a bit of an effort. there were always pubs with dossers in tracksuit bottoms and leggings but they were avoided like the plague of you did want to be laughed at.
The birds didnt all look like orange blimps with Count Orlok eyebrows and permanent duck lips.
It was the era of Aaliyah fringe and big hoop earrings.
‘Bigga da hoop bigga da ho’.
*didn’t want
I like jeans, it’s the cunts that iron them and put a crease in them that should be drawn and quartered
Well the whole shabang is ‘effin mental so it’s no surprise…..come back Mr dinosaur ? you had more brain cells than today’s peabrains.
Kids today are brought up in a pink fluffy world where nothing is allowed that may offend or upset them in any way.
You can’t even tell them when they are wrong or they could have done better.
Every time they feel anxious, upset, disappointed, nervous, sad or apprehensive, they are not feeling normal, human emotions. They have mental health issues.
It’s nothing that a slap and a dose of real life can’t sort out.
Right on TAC.
When I was growing up during the Viet Nam War American kids not much older than me and my pals were coming home in body bags. Every neighborhood had their share of Gold Stars in various windows,
One home near me had 2 Gold Stars!
And talk about feeling anxious, upset, disappointed, nervous, sad or apprehensive…we had the fucking draft hanging over our heads!
Were you around nineteen n-n-n-ninteen, General?
Love that! Very funny ??
A head mistress was sacked for tapping her own daughter on the wrist and saying don’t be naughty. Hope that kid enjoys its life in a care home cos if it was mine it’d be up for adoption by teatime.
I don’t dress up to go the pub.
Who would I be trying to impress?
I don’t really care about others views on my attire,
I’m there to relax and enjoy a few ales.
That said I don’t give a fuck what others are wearing either.
Nowt to do with me.
If modern kids like to dress like PE teachers?
I’m not concerned.
Most people don’t dress up to go to the pub.
I know I don’t.
If you want to dress like a complete bell end and wear nylon running shorts in sub zero temperatures, then crack on.
Just make sure you toke on your raspberry flavoured vape that mummy boought you outside the door thanks.
Leave em to it.
Who gives a fuck?
Long as they don’t get underfoot I’m not arsed.
Better than in the 80s!
Some cunt dripping hair gel and drowned in aftershave!
The local Bryan Ferry
They still wear hair gel now.
Goes with their Turkish haircuts see.
And lots of aftershave.
Except they’ve just forgotten how to dress themselves.
70s was worse for fashion, pale blue bri-nylon suits, drip dry orange vest and Y front sets and that fuck awful Brut stink everywhere…and that was just me
I guess it depends on the pub. You have a few local country pubs with tradesmen dropping in for a pint at the bar.
A big city centre pub or bar you’d get turned away at the door or refused service at the bar.
Not at Wetherspoons though. Dress code is Dosser casual.
Dress like a PE teacher? Fucking hell Mis, that’s beyond the pale! Only thing worse would be being taken for a muslim.
I raise you ridiculous eyebrows daubed on in the wrong place with a marker pen. Most commonly to people with skin resembling either hepatitis symptoms or oompa loompa heritage.
pike key make-up
Concrete shoes for these halfwits
Fake eyelashes, fake tits , fake teeth and pumped up lips making them look like a fucking goldfish.
No wonder they’ve got ‘mental healf ishoos’ silly tarts.
Everyone I see in the high street nowadays is mental. It’s how they access bennies, and saves them looking for a fucking job. That and playing the cripple. Young, old, male, female, all the same. Fucking mental and crippled cunts everywhere. In the fucking post office, in Tesco’s. in the bank. Fuck off you mongs.
Good morning, everyone.
They’re dab hands at woodwork though, especially when it comes to making walking aids. Their most popular products are two types of stick. There’s the Benefits Stick, a bravura performance with which can enhance claims by up to 54%, and the Sympathy Stick. Surveys conducted in Liverpool and Manchester have shown that, in skilled hands, a Sympathy Stick can reduce fines and custodial sentences in 87% of cases.
Benefits stick aka Dole Pole.
Whete is this High Street? Sounds like Cosham just north of Portsmouth. They have everything you’d expect such a hightstreet; S Greggs, a ‘spoons, Job centre, Bingo hall. The place even had a Wimpy well into the noughties.
There are also motorcades of mobility scooters bumping along.
Like a safari park for keeping chavs.
I had serious mental health issues at school. Fear of the cane for errors in Latin grammar. Worrying about my gym shoes being white enough to avoid six of the best because there was no money at home to buy something to clean them with. The stigma of being a piss-poor target for bullies in a 1960s Grammar School. How did I survive? I put up with it when I had to and, one by one, stood up to the bastards until they knew better than to pick on me. I took the same attitude into adult life where I worked hard, studied when necessary and carved out a very comfortable life for my kids, my wife and myself. No special treatment, no counselling and no undeserved and spuriously claimed benefits. The modern generation and their simpering wankers of apologists get no respect or recognition from me other than a single piece of advice. Man up or fuck off and die.
Oh Isabel, I can so closely identify with your experience there, especially regarding school. I suspect so can a good many others who post on here.
I reckon so, Arfur. It actually did me some good in the long run as I’ve said above. Truth told, the pschitt didn’t happen very often but it hurt a bit when it did. The same, as you said, likely goes for many other cunters because most of us seem to be of a particular generation. I’ve no idea what the current lot of entitled wimps will turn out like but, if they don’t change, it doesn’t bode well for this country. The hard as nails peaceful brothers will ride roughshod all over them, laughing as they do so before putting them to the Infidel sword.
Did you read Ecce Romani (latin school book). I spent 7 years in latin classes mainly drawing dicks in the text books. Our teacher knocked my mates front teeth out with a well thrown blackboard duster.
Those were the days.
Est equus in agro cacas. Puella in arbore est…..that’s all I remember.
“Get out and take that with you.”
A dictionary hit me in the back.
“Look up bumptious.”
Half an hour later.
“Have you looked it up yet?
“No Sir I’ve only got as far as bastard.”
Detention again, missed my train home and got a thick ear.
And fashion, too.
I give you, on the right, comedy several decades back, and on the left, the well-dressed young man of today …
It`ll be ruffs & tights next.
They both look comical to me…………..
In fact is the cunt on the left is trying to be serious……???
Good one Sam! At least the one on the right was aware that he looked fucking ridiculous.
Here’s an extra is just for kicks
The headmaster’s letter is a manifestation of an attitude which has become universal over many years now which is that the individual is afforded no respect, everyone is required to be a member of the crowd, a “team player.” Well the expression “social cohesion” beloved of the establishment puts my teeth on edge. Neighbours are the people who live next door. What they get up to short of kiddy fiddling is of no interest to me. I treat them with respect and on occasion help them out and as long as they don’t burgle our house when we’re out I’m content.
Just put paki fucking lessons on the curriculum and be done with it.
Corporal punishment at school trained us for the big bad world. Fucking snowflakes get their own way all their lives, then bang,!! Welcome to the evil world full of cunts.
Good morning.
Did it? Is life a series of canings and beatings?
Didnt really improve my dad or hismates, just made the classrooms of the 60s and 70s realise the teacher had lost control.
Oh for the good old days, when the boys grew their hair longer than girls, and everyone lay about listening to Cream turned up to 11, smoking dope and Players No.6, while the girls baked shit-cakes in their mini-skirts…
False eyelashes, my arse.
No.6 were 10and half pence when i was 14 but 10 Embassy Gold only 10p.
So settled for the God most times. Fucking hell we thought we were cool but were in actual fact cunts.
I hear you can now pay £16 for twenty cigarettes. Fucking glad I never tried it. Folks take up smoking due to peer pressure I suppose, which brings me back to my post at 9:08 am. I never needed to be part of the “in-crowd” which I guess is why I’ve survived to be a curmudgeon.
I remember when you could buy fags one at a time in the chemists, good for your lungs in those days. I’d buy one players plus a licorice twig to chew on, one made your lungs black the other your tongue. Happy days.
What are all these eyelash flickering fuckers on about. Lack of sleep is the only thing I can put my finger on.
Just a fad that goes around schools. Nothing worth battling an eyelid over.
Batting. Eyelids got in the way.
What was I thinking. Original eyelashes will have been singed due to all the smoking that’s allowed in schools these days.
As my old boss would say just before taking a bite ftom a jam tart or victoria sponge.
‘fuck ’em’.
I say hit the parents with huge fines and assign the truant kids extra work at weekends to make up for time lost in class.
Fucking snowflake cunts.
Fucking soft cunts, luckily for them they didn’t have my old guvnor his favourite mantra was “boys are to be used and abused ” , mercilessly taking the piss at every available opportunity in front of stable yards full of crumpet he was a rotten old fucker but I got a skin like an armour plated rhino now. Only trouble is I’m now an evil piss taker just like him and his old guvnors before him. Some of the things they did to apprentices then were highly amusing if you were watching but not if you were on the receiving end. But we all grew up as proper men not weak ineffectual pansies with head issues.
I am required to mentor this permie chap. He’s 32 with a mental age of 14, a living man child with zero experience of anything except food. Brian Sewell would vom at the accent.
Well done parents and school for churning out a useless ninny who can barely articulate.
I can’t blame the kids from being depressed having spent 12-13 years in education and leaving having learned fuck all of any use, merely how to socialise with people their own age and background. A number of these lessons will have been repeated across multiple subjects, especially the social education guff we were fed, as well as thewater cycle’ three seperate times, and now the cunts leave with lower literacy rates than their grandparents and no practically skills. Many have idea about computers either, which is at least most millennials have a better understanding of than most gen x or boomers (excluding those specifically trained).
Comprehensive education is a mess.