Ignoring the obvious, diversity is a cunt.
If this is true (which you have to question, if it’s reported by these peaceful / sambo loving bastards) then you know, before long our premiums will go up, to subside the fuckers.
The increased premiums are for a reason, why will no one, look at the demographics, and say “elephant jockeys, it’s going to cost you to have a motor car ”
Last year I drove through Bradford, on my motorbike a couple of times, on my way to the dales. It was like death race 2000.
Fuck knows what it’s like on a Friday or Saturday night.
Nominated by: The cunt man of Alcatraz
When you degrade an area to being like a third world shithole the premiums will go up. Insurance is based entirely on data, but we all know that nothing is allowed to not be racist in the modern, Western world.
Insurance used to be based on data, I don’t believe that it is anymore.
It seems like the premiums are based on what the fuck they can get away with charging and how much their competitors are ripping people off for the same risk.
Data would show that insurance fraud is a very Pákí crime and therefore Pákís should pay a much higher premium at best, or be refused insurance.
Yes, or refused entry into the UK in the first place.
It works out quite reasonable when it shared between 13 or 14 peacefuls, that and the single licence..
Whys the raghead in pic stuck a carpet sample to his face .
Nothing at all to do with deliberately slamming your brakes on and then claiming for whiplash etc then Abdul?
This non story sums up the BBC very nicely. They cannot be bothered to delve into why the insurance quotes vary ; the agenda of the BBC is to make everything about race.
What the BBC doesn’t appear to be aware of is that no sane person gives a shit about their lies.
Just a thought, how about a mudslime only insurance company which charged ‘white rates’. It would be broke in a week.
Good point Guzzi.
Look who wrote the article – Maryam Ahmed of BBC Verify.
Enough said.
BBC Verify = BBC Falsify.
Marianna Spring = moon faced cunt.
The beeb really are a bunch of shit stirrers, aren’t they.
Having seen the way Peacefuls and Effnik’s drive then it’s no wonder.
Clapped out cars that have not passed their MOT, speeding, ignoring traffic lights, turning suddenly into the path of vehicles that have right of way, drivers distracted by the ear splitting high volume Pa**i music booming from their car stereos, drivers that passed their test by bunging a few quid to an official in Karachi and have not been tested on British roads – all of this can be seen in any Effnik ghetto.
It’s just a shame sensible drivers have to suffer. But that’s how insurance works and even good drivers in places like Rochdale are higher risk because of the dangerous driving environment in “Diversity Britain”.
Never mind. Diversity is our strength.
They should stick to insuring flying carpets (peacefuls) and ? (Sam Beaus). It is difficult to stop quickly whilst piloting either if you are trying to get hit from behind for a whiplash claim.
Besides, the efniks wouldn’t need to worry about road taxing elephants or flying carpets, as they don’t with their cars anyway.
So if I run an insurance quote; change my name to Mohammad, will it be more? Nope thought not. Load of fucking race bating shite. If you live in a ghetto then it’s going to cost more. Race has nothing to do with it. Only if dose; because the aforementioned Mohammad can’t fucking drive! This means a higher rate for all. Filthy camel jockies.
Soon our streets will look like the sets from an Indiana Jones movie or that Michael Douglas eighties crap Jewel of the Nile. Fruit stalls, fly covered meat stalls, beggars, camels, and carpet sellers everywhere. No room for cars, so no need for insurance. Problem solved.
Good morning, everyone.
No big surprise here. Car insurance, home insurance, health insurance – it’s all geared against the usual suspects, and media foghorns like the BBC like to shout about it and turn it into an agenda but without objective empirical evidence to back up their claims!
Of course plod are too scared to pull any of these foreign-type drivers over for fear of being accused as racist. Instead they just go after the homies as the easier option.
In anycase how many of these victims actually have insurance? Not many i bet.
When an area is overrun by people who, in order to get their licence in their home country, just had to drive between two sticks without knocking them over, why are people surprised that those parts of the UK suffer higher insurance premiums.
And it’s not just the driving that’s the issue, it’s the fact that these colourful constituents of the cultural mosaic also bring with them their charming traditions and rituals of breaking into your car and stealing what they can, often while you’re sat in it yourself.
The BBC is absolutely right that this is about race, it just doesn’t complete its thought – that the ethnics are the problem, not the victims in this situation.
Simple answer for the BBC, all ethnics need 60 years of driving lessons before they can take a driving test..
Whatever the criteria are for setting premiums by the insurance companies I cannot believe race is one since the companies know that in the present climate they would be crucified for such a misdemeanour. Years ago when our kids were learning to drive we found it was cheaper to insure young women than young men. This was demonstrably due to the fact that the men made more and bigger claims. The EU cynically and illogically banned the practice.
Any insurance product has premiums calculated on probability data. Once you start taking individual criteria out of the process the level of premiums might as well be pulled out of somebody’s arse.
If it’s ok to have Sheila’s Wheels for wimminz, why can’t there be Achmed’s Wheels for peacefuls?
They’re happy to isolate themselves from the rest of society at all other times, yet they’re more than happy to integrate when it comes to money.
If it’s ok to target young drivers because they represent a risk, the same should apply to anyone else.
I hate being ripped off by insurance companies at the best of times, but to subsidise an interbred carpet kisser?
Get to fuck!
I had forgotten Sheila’s Wheels FMC. Do they actually only insure women or do they just rely on the girly name to persuade men not to ask for a quote?
I think they got pulled up on the issue years ago. Their answer being that they were happy to insure men, but no doubt at a higher premium than wimminz.
Mrs CuntyMort had a policy with Sheila’s squeals many moons ago. Yours truly was on it as a named driver. I think they were cheaper than everyone else.
If they keep up the inter-breeding they won’t be physically able to drive. Resigned to the head-butt controlled doles-royce.
Positive thoughts!
All this dreadful racism could be curtailed immediately by shooting any ethnic type seen at the wheel of a vehicle.
You should have finished that sentence at the word ‘type’.
On this subject have the BBC checked to see if insurance companies are have 72 different boxes for gender choice?
And on that point do transbenders change gender if the quote is cheaper..
Insurance premiums tend to go up if the insurance company has reason to believe the vehicle may be used in a crash for cash scam, ram raiding or suicide bombing.
They are also wise to the fact that a Lamborghini registered to a cash and carry in Bradistan is probably not being used as a delivery vehicle.
Try driving through Bulawayo or Harare, no insurance needed just a strong belief in whatever deity you believe in and a revolver/machete, peacefuls are amateurs’ compared to “natives” of Rhodesia!
I don’t believe it, peacefuls don’t have insurance so it’s the poor white boys who are suffering racism, higher premiums to pay for collisions with P*kis
I live near an area which has the highest South Korean population outside South Korea and fuck me these cunts (mainly) women, have no fucking idea how to drive.
On numerous occasions I have nearly been hit, either in my car or as a pedestrian becuase these cunts come over her with hubby, who lands a high paying job with some chinky company and then they go out and get either a chelsea tractor, BMW or Merc and have no idea about the highway code, or how to drive their luxury car.
I alway shit myself when I a minky either in a car behind or in front, I get the old rosary beads out and start praying.
So the insurers don’t ask customers for their ethnic background, but they are magically rascist? Are we to believe their algorithms sift through surnames to apply a surcharge? What utter crap from the beeb as usual.
Ramping up insurance is just another cunning plan to get us off the roads in order to save polar bears and Greta’s millionaire lifestyle future!
The rich, celebs and the technocrats can easily afford insurance
Politicians, councillors, mayors and other public sector cunts can stick it on the company expenses let council tax/income tax payers foot the bill.
The minorities will now get massive discounts/reparation deals for all the naughty racism going in between insurance companies.
The ordinary bloke and blokess will be penalised ever further to the point where owing, taxing, and even repairing a car will be beyond most people’s pockets. Welcome to a life on public transport or stuck at home out of sight, out of mind (other than for coughing up ever more tax for the benefit of others)
In the early 80’s I was involved with a driving school (a BRITISH driving school) .
5 of the branches that I managed were in the East End of London.
Even then the number of Pakistani pupils were not in relation to the amount of them that lived there.
The few that we taught would drop out before they reached test standard.
We knew what they were up to.
There were no ‘Pakistani’ driving schools as competition.
When my instructors used to go to the test centres dotted around the area they would never see a Pakistani instructor with a pupil.
You may think that there could be an opportunity to employ a Pakistani instructor to help drum up business within their community, but when asked, the few Pakistani pupils that we occasionally had would tell us that they didn’t want one as their instructor.
Talking about Racist and diversity this caught my jap-eye this morning and has ruined my otherwise grey and boring Monday.
Tell you what, let’s give them even more money, let’s given them everything they want.
The faaaaaar right up to their old tricks again…..bit pointless all the security won’t stop the ‘invisibles’ from attacking what they want when they want ….keep indoors and pray
Molotov cocktails for them ???
How much moneybwill thw Jews get to protect themselves?
for car insurance, read crime.
If they want cheaper insurance, don’t go nuts in your BMW with tinted windows while searching through 7 phones for your county lines operation.
Does ethnic diversity also include dooshkas? Plenty of drug/drunk drivers turn up in my local news site’s court section, many with -escu or
-owski at the end of the surname.
Confession time (again): I once crashed into a hearse. Pea-soup fog, then bang! Car trashed.
Another walk of shame for me.
Interesting comment r.e. motorcycling through bradford – I live near london and ride a motorbike. It’s exactly the same in any area with the same demographic as Bradford (which, to be fair, is most of London now).
The Ahmed in the nom picture is sporting a very well grooved Taliban Lantern.
Maybe I should copy his beard style to get free stuff?
Sounds fair . 1. They are shit at driving
2. Most probably don’t have a licence
3. On more than one occasion in the last ten years they have used vans/cars to drive at people on London bridges
Most of these ethnic fuckers don’t have insurance, or even a British driving license. Whilst the rising costs of insurance are rip offs, part of this is undoubtedly because these bastards can’t drive, cause accidents, and never get in trouble for it. They’ll keep doing it even if banned. Nothing will change until we start cutting their hands off.
Heads would be better.
Stick to riding ???? Abdul.Pricks.