David Cameron (26) and the Falklands

A well deserved cunting of the snivelling cocksucker that is David Cameron. ! Not content with endorsing our continued support to the Clown Prince of Ukraine, Cameron goes on to inflame the tensions that exist by poking and threatening Putin.

The cunt is looking for a war, and if he can’t get it, he’ll go elsewhere to start one.

The greasy twat hops on a plane and flies air miles plus to the Southern Atlantic to pay a visit to our sheep sheering cousins of the Falklands. A good old inflammatory statement that we “will never surrender” ( now where have we heard that before ? )

So. Argentina have been suitably angered , we can expect more agro down south.

A dumb appointment of a cunt who is effectively useless at all he does, but is now employed to stoke the flames of WW3 at the behest of his paymasters in the WEF.

This man is not only a cunt. He’s a very dangerous fucking cunt.!

Sky News

Nominated by: Trebecular

104 thoughts on “David Cameron (26) and the Falklands

  1. Where’s a exocet missile when you need one..

    And when did the argies elect Harry H Corbett… and to quote him,

    Cameron you are morally, spiritually and physically a festering fly-blown heap of accumulated filth.

  2. This cunt has only been in his job 2 minutes and already he has pissed off:-
    The Americans
    France & Germany

    And now Argentina!

    He is the kind of self-opinionated, egotistical bellend so typical of a useless Tory grandee. He was a shit PM and now he is a shit Foreign Sec. But not to matter I’m sure he can go back to the House of Old Cunts and fart all day on £335/day when he loses his job at the next election, if not before!


  3. Milei is a gift to Britain; a President who couldn’t give a shit personally about the Falklands, who is an avowed fan of Maggie Thatcher (and mad enough to say that to Argie press), fan of the Rolling Stones and a man on a mission to cut down their bloated civil service and focus on the economy above all things.

    We could just let him get on with it rather than sending Lord Bollock-face down to the islands to whip up the rhetoric.

    (But he can poke away at Putin as much as he likes, it is not as if the cunty Russian maniac is open to diplomacy now is it).

    • Mr Chainsaw, Milei, seems the kind of president the UK is desperately in need of.

      Wants economic growth
      Small government
      Banning the public news agency
      Massive cuts in the public sector
      An end to fraud and corruption in the judiciary, military and the political hierarchy.
      An end to wokism and identitarian politics
      Cuts in benefits for lazy cunts who can’t be arsed to look for a job.

      Yes, he may have a few negative points, but the Progressive Left and the MSM clearly despise the man and have already started a hatched job in him with all sorts of fake news.

      Compare and contrast to the wet farts we have over here, not least “Call Me Fucking Dave!”.

  4. The cunt should be in France giving that little granny shagger an ultimatum, either stop the boats or we will start sending them back.

    • Basically the UK is the equivalent of Royston Vasey if you’re an illegal immigrant.

      • We need an Edward and Tubbs to set up a shop in Kent. Plenty lookalikes in Sussex.

        ‘We didn’t burn him!’

    • Build a fucking great compound on Dartmoor with tents and chemical toilets a stick the cunts there under 24 hour guard, they would soon fuck off somewhere else.

      • They’re trying to but the plod keep preventing them and returning back to their hostels.

  5. Tories, dismal approval rating, general election looming, play their trump card and appoint a proven failure to high office.
    Sounds like a plan.

    • Indeed.How well we recall that infamous Bullingdon photo-op from the ‘class of 80’s’ channelling that Brideshead vibe of arrogant,insoucient power projection and showcasing at least 3 of the establishments most nefarious and malignant sons of privilege-Cameron,Arbuckle BJ and the worst of them all Nathaniel Rothschild, presumably holding the power levers now that ‘Pindar’-Jacob has thankfully shuffled off.?

      Not looking to healthy for the upper strata currently it’s becoming evident.? 3 dead Roths,Death and illnesses in the Windsor camp and many corporate bought US swampies ‘stepping down’.Romney,McConnell et al.

      There’s something definitely in the air lately,and not just the massive solar-flares.A ‘reckoning’ methinx ?.

    • strange it’s the liberal contingent who are most eager to go to war these days. zBlair, Obama, Cameroon. ‘Exporting democracy’.
      Neo-con shite.

  6. We should do a politician exchange : Milei for Cameron. Not that the Argentinians would thank us!

  7. What the fuck was Rishi Suntan thinking bringing back Sulking Dave?

    This pig fucker is known for: ‘ own goals’ and gave us the Brexit vote.
    Good for us
    Not so good for his mates on the euro gravy train.

    Doubt Argentina will go to war over the Falklands again
    Still weeping over the spanking we gave them last time.

    • Now would be the best time for the argies to take the Falklands.

      Our armed forces are either bogged down over recruitment issues, our boats and planes are not fit for purpose, too slow, or are about to be decommissioned, our munitions are being handed over to Ukraine. And obviously the Left think owning the Falklands harks back to colonialism and that we should hand the “Malvinas” back to its rightful owners – according to the likes of the Guardian at least.

      In anycase, the Islanders are a bunch of ungrateful cunts, just like most other commonwealth countries along with Jockland and the Taffs – they’ll all be seeking reparations for historical hurty feelings or summat!

      We only wanted the Falklands back in 82 because of oil – probably.

      • The Falklands have a fuck ton of oil and gas. The problem is getting to it and then where do we export it to?

        The nearest country to pipe the resources to is…Argentina.

        We own the Falklands fair and square, having been there since 1765.

      • Half a dozen Typhoons are stationed there now, as well as a lurking submarine…

        The argies won’t try another invasion….?

      • Don’t forget in the 82 war, the USA supported Argentina and totally blanked the “special relationship” with the UK.

        Wouldn’t surprise me if the same happened now, the Argies knowing full well they could have the US on their side again. Especially neither biden or Trump particularly like the UK.

        In fact old Chainsaw might do some sabre rattling as a distraction of his domestic problems, just like in 81/2

      • Unkle Sam did supply the RAF with some nice sidewinder missiles for our Harrier’s….?

      • Why would we need oil? It’s not like we’re allowed to use it, only a matter of time before it’s banned altogether. Only for us plebs, mind.

      • @Techno 3:51 pm

        Don’t forget in the 82 war, the USA supported Argentina and totally blanked the “special relationship” with the UK.

        Sorry Techno, but I have to say that is completely at odds with my memory of events. Initially the Americans tried to persuade both parties to reach a negotiated settlement sending high ranking members of the administration to Buenos Aries and London. Ronald Reagan was on the phone trying to persuade his close ally Margaret Thatcher to go down that route. When this all came to nought the Americans backed the British military resolution of the problem even to the extent of the US navy being prepared to lend us an aircraft carrier if we needed such. This despite the fact that they upset practically every other country in the Americas. On a personal note I used to be on the amateur HF bands a lot in those days and Americans I spoke to supported the British without exception. One suggested we should have ended the job on day one by nuking Buenos Aries but I think that would have been a bit over the top really.

      • @arfurbrain

        My initial impression back in the day was that the US was declaring itself neutral but did offer intelligence and limited military aid to the UK.

        But of course news back then was very limited since there was no public internet or news networks back then.

        However, over the last few years I have read government articles released under the America’s equivalent of the Thirty Year Rule, that Reagan and Alexander Haig wanted to give its support to Argentina not least for diplomatic reasons.

        The full article taken from The Reagan Library Archives, is in the link below.


      • A very interesting link you supplied there Techno. I’ve been wading through it and overall I feel all that detailed information supports the view I have held of the event for the last forty years. Not surprising that the Americans were in a quandary in the run up to the fighting but when the chips were down they supported the British. I remember also how at the time our European neighbours generally sided with the Argentine regime against us. The television news showed British tourists being harassed in France for instance. Served to reinforce my belief that if the UK was up against it we could expect support from the anglosphere long before any help from the Europeans.

  8. Cameron is the complete Cunt.

    The ideal British politician:soppy,weak,woke,indecisive,condescending and a fucking windbag.

    The deluded cunt still thinks we’re a force to be reckoned with on the world stage…aye just so long as him and his type are as far away from war as their private jets will take them.

    Sew the cunt up in a pigs carcass then Oven.

    • “Sew the cunt up in a pigs carcass then Oven.”

      love a bit o’ crispy crackling me.

  9. The get tough speech by Sunak last week has been shot down in flames by Mark Rowley, no change from him.

    How many protests over the same thing every week are allowed before the cunt says that’s enough, either home or abroad we are let down by useless cunts.

    Cameron showed his true colours when he resigned and the suntan kid may as well fuck off and dust off his green card.

    We would have been better off with Corbyn, at least we would had a civil war by now ?

  10. Pity someone didn’t ask plum mouth would he like to go on a ‘yomp’ to retrace the paras march…..and hopefully his feet are as big as his mouth and he missteps and ?….

  11. Theses chinless twats get the best education money can buy.

    Yet, they are still as thick as fuck.

    Always though, promoted beyond their available brain cells..!

    • Many are educated beyond their natural intelligence.

      There are legions of university graduates who go around saying they’re afraid of a ‘nucular’ war.

  12. I think Bonnie King Charlie has sent Cammie there on a secret mission.

    Find Prince Andrew “the Fiddler” a job.

  13. I think we are missing a massive opportunity here.

    As we are sinking under the weight of illegal immigrants and the whole Rwanda idea is dead in the water. Why not ship all of the brown dinghy filth off to west Falkland to wait out their asylum claims there?

    It’s ok. I’ve checked. There is fuck all worth a dead rat’s cock on west Falkland. Half a dozen farms, some sheep for entertainment and more importantly; no way off the fucker.

    We can ship all the human rights lawyers off with them so they’re right on top of the human dungpiles they want keep on British soil.

    The absolute genius of this plan is that the Argies are welcome to the place. Including the couple of million new inhabitants living in shipping containers, with no access to a welfare office.

    We retain the mineral rights for 200 miles around the islands.

    We’re happy, the Argies are happy and a lot of problems get solved in one hit.

    What’s not to like?

    • That’s…….a simply splendid plan.

      Why pay Rwanda when West Falklands is unoccupied and free to use. If the sheep farmers protest to much we can invite them to conduct their own defence of the islands.

    • Gets my vote.

      Or perhaps I go and fuck off there out the way of everyone else on these blighted isles.

      Some great sea trout and salmon fishing. I’d be happy.

      • Ascension island looks nice on google earth.Nice place for a b&b.Bit parky though ?

    • Odin mate, you are a political genius! Your plan is so obviously the way to go it is just breathtaking. If you ever stand for election to political office you are guaranteed my vote!

  14. No debate about the Islands, they are British Territory. End of.

    Now on to the crux of the problem.

    Q. Who voted for this pig fucker to speak on our/my behalf?

    A. No one,

    Another illegitimate so called ‘politician’.

    If the RN or RAF have a serviceable transport, please dump the cunt on South Georgia Island and leave him to the leopard seals.

    • Of course the Falklands are British. The fact the islands are on the continental shelf of Patagonia is irrelevant; by that reasoning we should be ruled from Paris. In a referendum the vote was more than 99% in favour of remaining British territory exactly as resulted in a referendum in Gibraltar. After all, who would want to be ruled by Dagoes?

      • Quite right Arfur!??

        The Falklanders are Brits.
        By choice too.

        We should defend them against any tight trousered greasy south American invasion.

  15. Nevermind these Falklands sheepshaggers ,
    I’ve just read that Cary Grant liked cock.

    Why didn’t anyone tell me?
    I didn’t know.
    I feel foolish now.

    Cary Grant!!
    He’s a Hollywood actor, wouldn’t think he’d be ducky.

    Ok, he lived with fellow thespian Randolph Scott in a Malibu beach house for 12 years,
    But I thought they were just good mates?!

    Sort of like zippy and George or Bert and Ernie..ah.

    • I hear Geoffrey Hayes was barely tolerated by Zippy, and the puppet had Hayes crying between takes with the sheer abuse and gaslighting.
      Bungle could be aloof at times, but Zippy was a tyrant.

  16. The upper class twit misheard, and thought he was visiting pork Stanley..

    The chinless cunt was very disappointed when he arrived..

  17. Well I for one am going to stick my neck out and say that I greatly admire David Camoron. I put it to you cunters, who would you rather shag, Sam Cam or Cherie Blair?

    I rest my case.

  18. As much as he is a useless woke cunt who simultaneously forced many of the genuinely disabled to suffer pointless sanctions and further health problems, I don’t think anyone csn really cunt him as much as The Guardian did, by saying his pain over his son’s death wasn’t felt as acutely as if the parent had been a black single mum.
    His privilege protected him from real authentic sorrow.

    Funny how it’s the #BeKind types who end up saying the most deranged and evil shit because of their warped view of humanity.

    • That’s because the #beKind types are more often than not, the biggest most lacking in self awareness, prejudiced rotten cunts on earth.

      Send those cunts to the West Falklands, along with all the dinghy men and their lawyers.

      #Keep Britain Tidy.

      Good Evening CP

  19. As opposition leader, Cameron famously described himself as “heir to Blair”.

    Boy was he right!

    Despite that, I felt mildly optimistic when the Tories won an overall majority in 2015, with a manifesto commitment to cut net immigration to “the tens of thousands”. At the time net immigration was running at a disturbing 330,000. Needless to say Cameron did fuck all, and net immigration has remained in the hundreds of thousands ever since. More than doubling during the Johnson/Truss/Sunak years.

    Rwanda is a massive con dreamed up by Johnson to appease the Daily Mail readers. It’s embarrassing to think how so many supposedly rational people still appear to think it was ever a workable proposition.

    Anyway, I’m past caring now.

    Hunt and his stupid budget can fuck right off… unless he raises the starting threshold for paying income tax to £15,000+. It should be £20,000 by now, but I’ve long stopped taking any notice of anything any Conservative politician has to say about anything… all talk, never any action, been that way now for over a decade.

    I last voted Conservative in 2017, gave May the benefit of the doubt, with the added threat of Corbyn and his Brexit shadow secretary ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer promising to renegotiate the Withdrawal Deal, then campaign against his own deal in a “people’s vote”! Truly psychotic.

    In 2019 I spoiled my ballot paper. The idea of voting for a party led by Johnson was more than I could stomach. And besides, my political antenna told me Corbyn was in for a thorough kicking. Yet to decide where to go this time. Won’t get fooled again.

    Apologies for rambling – it’s the wife’s night out with the girls. Now off to have a wank.

    • Btw, I’m not just bleating about immigration.

      Tories have been all talk no action on EVERY-FUCKING-THING!

  20. Cor blimey. The last two days nominations have been a right laugh. Hope we have something serious tomorrow like some slags or men with vegetables stuck up their arses

    • Haven’t had any racism for a while, I’m getting withdrawal symptoms..

    • For fuck’s sake Blakey.

      Don’t encourage admin. on the arsehole front.

      Not after the abomination from t ‘ other day.

      Most unsettling.

      Good evening.

  21. Apologies for going off topic on this righteous nomination.

    Today is Primary Election day in many US States. A lot of delegates are at stake.

    Do I need to tell anyone that I PROUDLY voted for Donald J. Trump?

    Make America Great Again
    Make England Great Again

    • Ha ha, the idea that England will ever be great again is for the birds!

      • S-CB,

        You didn’t offend me. I was just surprised to see you back.

        Perhaps if I gave you any thought I would find you offensive.

      • Back? I’ve barely missed a day this month. You have me at a disadvantage, mate.

      • Shit Cake Baker was banned from IsaC about 4 or 5 years* ago by the previous Admin Team.

        Are we to understand that you are not he and independently came up with the same name on your own?

        *Perhaps someone can check the archives.

      • Grassing again General?

        ” Someone check the archives ‘

        ” Anne Frank’s in the attic”

        ” He’s Spartacus ”

        ” That’s him centurion! He’s jesus
        of Nazareth!”

        Stay away from Donald trump.

        Youll get him sent down for a whole life sentence !

        If you were in Goodfellas you’d be Henry Hill.

      • What I want to know is has his baking improved since then?

        That’s the burning question.?

      • Indeed, I am not whoever you have mistaken me for.

        I got my moniker from a play by Harold Pinter called No Man’s Land.

    • Well done General, the usual suspects over here are foaming at the mouth again, TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome is back and stronger than ever in many areas of the MSM and political classes.

      They are petrified that the Don may get the keys to the White House again.

      MAGA, MEGA.

  22. Foreign secretary.. another 20 years it will be a Foreign country..

    Whatever happened to gunboat diplomacy? Whoops my mistake, we haven’t got any boats that work..

  23. Call Me Dave hasn’t got a great track record on respecting referendum results when it comes to British sovereignty so the Falkland islanders might not want to put too much stock into what this moon faced wanker says publicly.

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