BBC News (113)

And the piss poor quality of the stories used by them is a cunt.


May I draw your attention to the item in the link above. How the fuck is this story a headline news item?

Some mincing homo with an an arse filled with spunk probably died of bot-rot is headline news.

FFS a story about fluffy the bunny rabbit or girl for that matter; stuck in a cage would be of more interest to the general public.

Additional vomit inducing link below.


Nominated by Sam Beau joined together by C.A.

72 thoughts on “BBC News (113)

  1. I find the BBC news and virtually all MSM news almost unwatchable.
    Naga Munchkin, Kay fucking Burley and ex beeb tart the oh so caring Susanna Reid all of them absolutely vomit inducing.
    Oh, and where is £650 000 Hugh Edwards?
    Lefty cunts.

    • I’ll throw in that smug tart Emma Barnett. And her that got her arse handed to her on a plate by Jordan Peterson; ‘so what you’re saying is…’.


      Morning all.

      • Wasn’t that Kathy Newman?

        There was a BBC tart who tried strawmanning zpeterson on the radio, don’t think it was Barnett though.

  2. Anybody appearing on Strictly Come Mincing must be suspected of indecency and deptavity of the worst possible sort: the campness, the dresses, the sequins, the over-use of fake tan and make-up – and that’s just the cameramen.

  3. One particularly annoying aspect of their coverage of the conflict in the ME is that Hamas is never referred to as a terrorist organisation but made to sound like a legitimate government.
    ‘ Hamas ,a terrorist organistion , which started the whole shit show back in October by murdering,raping and kidnapping over 1,000 civilians made the unverified claim that 100 Palestinians died on Thursday’.

    • their propaganda agent in the UK, the Guardian, now known as the daily jihad, claimed mostly women & children were horribly slaughtered for touching food…whilst everyone knows their fugly women and flyblow are not allowed in public so their faces don’t make cows abort their calves, not one driver attacker was a female of that species

  4. Never watch or listen to BBC Bumfuckery News.

    I get my news from IsAC and the Daily Sport. I find they’re more reliable sources of information.

  5. “The BBC was forced to issue an apology today when it accidentally aired a story that had nothing to do with gays, blacks, Muslims or any other minority. Furthermore, the story didn’t mention white people or institutional racism.

    A spokes-entity for the BBC said they are looking into the possibility that a far right wing group hacked into their system and planted the story and vowed to continue covering stories that really matter.

    In other news, the BBC announced today that it is still working on the production of its 24 part documentary series; ‘Adele’ narrated by Mohamed Salah and starring Naomie Harris in the title role.”

    • Morning, General. The only place to find news that you can rely on is Truth Social. The rest is fake.

      • Hey guys,

        Sorry for the late reply. Both are good sources for actual news.

        Newsmax is now also a contender.

        Among the MAGA faithful it was recently voted the most trusted source.

    • The Adele series would still be more accurate than The Crown, which might as well be set on the fucking moon.

  6. They say Hamas is designated a terror group by the UK gov. However they fail to mention that all internal reporting from Gaza is Hamas controlled. And highly selective.
    Anyway, we all know that Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Sally Army being murdered by Israeli satanists.

    • Banned terror group my arse, Jihadi Galloway filmed handing wads of cash to Hamas to fund terrorism in the UK, a spokesman for the police named as Rice-dish Sunpaki, said….who’s waving that terrorist union jack, whitey will not be tolerated in my enclave

  7. The Bum Bandit Corporation is the tip of the spear. It is the mouthpiece of the institutions that have collectively destroyed the nation. Their operatives are the rats gnawing away at any resistance to the agenda of filth that we are being made to suck up to pave the way for the caliphate.

    Fucking hell! Eight o’clock on a Saturday morning and I am feeling this angry already! No doubt the cunts at the BBC would be delighted.

    Good morning, everyone.

  8. There’s nothing wrong with the BBC that couldn’t be quickly sorted out by having every last employee put up against a wall and shot.

    Islamist cocksucking vermin.

    Good morning all.

    • i’m getting fussy thesedays, cocks for me must have a bird attached to them now, a real tart with a cock mind you, not one of these trannyfannys, something along the line of vanessa felps without the facial hair and stretch marks around its gob

  9. So what did poor Robin die of?
    To much Cha-cha-cha up the rumba..

    And the BBC are jive, samba lovers, who always quickstep over reports of immo crimes..

      • I always thought it would be fun to see the Frank Miller stories adapted to the 60s TV series.

    • Only we got mincing sequins they should’ve let run down the leg, on a dirty night out.

  10. All part and parcel of a national obsession with Strictly Cunts Prancing.

    I have never understood why this risible program has become a national fetish, but I know one thing for certain – it’s a symptom of total cultural decline and disintegration.

    It’s like Nero fiddling whilst Rome burned.

    • It`s an easy target, MMCM, and quite frankly a lazy nomination – even though its my nom. However, they never seem to acknowledge let alone address any criticism.

      How about this for a new series ? — Rick Stein goes abroad [again] and eats food while getting pissed and we pay for it. Yep, I`ll commission 5 series` please.

    • ‘I have never understood why this risible program has become a national fetish’.

      It isn’t. The BBC just promotes it as if it is, like much of their other shite. They still believe they shape the nation’s interests when most under-40 have never heard of them, let alone watch or listen to anything they produce.

  11. Huw Edwards is still off ‘ sick ‘ ( as fuck )

    On full pay.

    Nice work if you can get it.


    Good morning ??

  12. Anything regarding the vile BBC is automatically a good nom, not that I bothered to read the article anyway. Any link from them is a warning in itself. As for its more “serious” pieces, I wouldn’t believe a word from these cunts if they read out a weather report. They are one of the many reasons why this country has gone to shit.

    • I don’t even watch their weather reports. My phone’s weather app has proven itself far more accurate the last few years.

    • Does the mince come with dumplings?

      Asking for a certain Brummy of this parish.

    • Minced lamb hotpot

      Mince pies, followed by after-dinner mints.

      All served by a preening black quare.

  13. Front page news articles on the BBC news website now read like the contents list of OK or hello magazines

      • Yep, they now have stories about computer games featuring Stormzy the licorice bootlace on the six o’clock news.


    • It’s their sad and desperate attempt to attract the 30-40-somethings, the ‘moody mummies’, or whatever the fuck their marketing people call Karens.

      Full-on drive to make their news site celebrity cack.

  14. Not forgetting the BBC’s Taylor Swift obsession either. What the fuck us all that about? Who fucking cares?
    Then we’ve got BBC Verify, with their 20 something arbiter if the truth, Marianna Spring, who wouldn’t know the real truth if it fucked her up the arse in the back of its taxi.
    Also, the policy of negative reporting of Trump and glowing reporting of the antics of drooling vegetable Biden.
    When it comes to deaths, celeb or otherwise, the BBC’s reporting guidelines are thus….
    One death is a statistic, the death of a mincer is a tragedy.
    (Replace ‘mincer’ with black, Palestinian etc for other reports)

    • pretty sure the scum pay the prostitute press to keep them in the daily spot light, katie price, adele, maggot markle, all make daily headlines so must be paying millions to advertise themselves

    • The BBC are depserate to appeal t a younger audience, and believe featuring Taylor Swift in news will make them more relevant.

      Auntie’s dying but she ‘s in denial.

    • yeah sad, a poor immigrant cunt got his trainers scuffed on Dover beach the other day when a white lifeboat guard didn’t carry the cunt to his waiting taxi properly, the RNLI got a proper whipping for that mistake

  15. Genocide not going very well then? Still some of the cunts alive.
    Good morning.

    • Hopefully a greater effort will be made this weekend, fingers crossed, if Rwanda managed it, I’m sure Israel can.

  16. I suppose it could be worse……imagine if we only had itv and all the other commercial stations news sites. Nothing would ever be reported unless the subject matter had a film, book or record to promote……..or there was a link to a competition costing £2 50 a minute to enter.

    The bbc site is not as highbrow or relevant as it used to be, but look at what we could have without it

  17. Not watched it since the covid propaganda bs.
    I can’t imagine it ever being better.

  18. I wished up to the cunts back in the late 1980s.

    Whenever they ran a story about some ‘hard done by’ members of society or a ‘put apon’ minority group, usually black or other ethnic, the go to talking head was that Chakrabatti thing, who at the time was a youman rights lawyer, the UK director of amnesty or some such… and would spend ages slagging off the evils of the government and country. The news wasn’t the news but a rabid lefty opinion piece with absolutely no balance or counter argument.

    The anti Tory agenda back then was less obvious but did grip my shit and sense of fair play that the other red lot had a free ride or got off scot free.

    Now many years older and wiser, I’d put the BBC, Tories, Liebour, Dems and youman wrongs lawyers in a shower chamber.

    Cunts one and all.

    Stop paying yer licence fee, it makes sense.

  19. Still seething after that twat Sally Nugent called it “the infamous Dam.Busters Raid”. All those lads that died, for her to live free. Alien faced hag.

  20. And today the cunts surpassed themselves.

    Headline news on the BBC. A schoolkid got a pair of signed gloves from Mary Earps.

    How and why the frig is this news? Players have been signing stuff for years. The whole of the 1983 Man United team signed a ball for our school for a raffle, and George Best signed a 1968 European Cup winners mug for my brother.

    And, naturally, the Beebscum are making out what Earps has done is some sort of major heart wrenching gesture. Complete bollocks, of course. Some famous name signing their name is a piece of piss. Fair play to her for doing it, because far too many football types are cunts. But it’s not the huge deal the BBC say it is.

    • and with a register and tone more similar to Newsround with condescending explanations for terms and phenomena most adults should know.

  21. When I die, (which won’t be long). I’d be delighted if someone would announce that I was a miserable cantankerous old cunt.
    The truth, instead of some vomit inducing bullshit. I cannot think of anything worse than being labelled as a “legend” or “amazing”.
    Fuck off you nauseating virtuous cunts.

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