Let’s have a My Brain Hurts cunting for the over the counter pain medicine Advil and their new add campaign…Believe My Pain.
What’s wrong with that, you naively ask?
Well according to a 7 person focus group (all of whom were black) Advil determined that, nobody believes black people and their stories about pain.
Accordingly, they have started the Pain Equity Project. And their new ad campaign; “Believe My Pain, is focused on illuminating the issue of pain inequity in Black communities.”
For those guilty white liberals who want to help, they can go to the website and learn how they can use their privilege to alleviate this social injustice:
For the rest of you…buy Motrin.
By the way. Advil is a joint venture with Pfizer and presumably it is more effective at relieving pain than their vaccine was at preventing Covid.
Nominated by: General Cuntster
(There will be three nominations for today and Sunday, 7am, 11am and 3pm. Thanks. – Day Admin)
Sooties feel pain worse than whiteys?
Although probably lying.
First laugh of the day, cheers!
Hope you’re feeling better, Mis.
Morning JP?
Yes thanks!I
I can go further than 30ft from a toilet now without a nappy.
White privilege again,
if yous wos blak you only be gitting 3 feets from da toilet we’s blacs get worse wees like wees melting
Is it ‘cos I’m black?
“Believe my pain”
Why should I? In the same way I don’t believe you wuz kangs and shiet..
Constantly lying, like chicken George, he could breathe he was just to lazy to try..
I’m not reading that roundtable link within the link .. enough whingeing is enough.
Pain inequality.
After working near a (male, white ?)hypochondriac for several years – decent worker, but pathetic still … I came up with that “one man’s 2 is another cunts 8” line in relation to sick-leave inequality. (Him : at least once a month, me : 4 days in 13 years).
But how can you prove the different relative tolerence (to pain)?
Devised an easy test to prove same eventually : hands in steadily heating water…
Separate the men from the boys.
That never came to anything .. but when recession ’09 put the place to the wall, both he & I went and all the rest were out the door with the very same amount of thanks.
whipping them is a good test pain tolerance, one that dies first probably has the lowest tolerance and can have an asprin, fun game the farmers used to play
Racist medicine.
Reading about it just gives me a headache.
No problem.
I will take a few ibuprofen (whites only).
This sounds like the basis for a white liberal excuse.
Why are so many gingers (anag.) addicted to Fentanyl?
Because they feel pain more than we do and therefore they can’t be prosecuted.
You can see it coming.
? Woke up this mornin ‘,
My pain was bad ?
Said, I woke up this mornin ‘
And my head was sore ?
Fell out of bed…..
And banged it on the floor ?
Pain…. Why black man sings de blues.
Fuck Off.
What hospital has white doctors ?
I assumed they took crack rather than prescription medication?
Fuck me, bet they’re fun to be around if poorly?
They moan like fuck when well!!
Common ailments include
Liquorice rickets
Banana fever
Lip rot
Wool loss
Mattress back
And swimmers cramp.
All solved by reparations.
And a free wig.
Looters elbow
Policeman’s knee
Crack pipe cough
and….Flabbotts foot, a terrible neurological disorder where you can’t put on matching shoes.
or be able to count
After a study of 7 pissheads at the bar of the Whippet Inn last night, I’m starting a ‘Believe I’m Sober’ campaign. When asked, 2 out of 3 white people said they were more sober or the same after a negative falling off their bar stool experience.
It’s a load of tosh.
We just don’t moan as much, buckle up and get on with it.
I`m ½ in agreement with this nom.
“Ole Man river, dat ole man river, he don’t say nothin’ but must mean sum’pin he keeps in rolling, he keep on rolling along…. You and me we sweat and strain, bodies all aching and wracked with pain, tote that barge, lift that bail , a little drunk and you land in Kweer Charmer’s government”
From the new CD “Dave Lammy Sings Paul Robeson and Gershwin” with the Dawn Butler Chorale, out now on the Mandy label.
free fentanyl overdoses for sooties who can no longer tote dat bale due to bone idle syndrome
Don’t these entitled “victimhood” cunts ever stop with their grifting?
Everything is racist according these cunts – medicine, the weather, jobs, education, crime…
I guess the next thing they’ll moan about is “Oh my broadband is a bit slow, clearly its down to racism”; or “My Amazon delivery arrived 5 minutes outside my delivery slot. Must be a racist driver”, “I can’t find the end of this new toilet roll. The manufacturers must know of this problem for black people and are clearly racist”
And now this made-up shite!
Get a fucking life, cunts, thousands of people of all creeds and colours are being mercilessly killed around the world and you’re whinging about trivial shit.
Biden cocksucker says bridges are waycisttt…if a bridge is too low and a bus hits it because of height restrictions then the bridge builder is totally guilty of institutional racism because black kids COULD have been on that bus.
Looking at that fucking dystopian website could very well lead to herion addiction.
Do they make all this race baiting shit up hoping for free money or just because they is a Blek and therefore always looking for trouble?
Safety first,Oven.
Good morning.
uncle Terry can you use methane gas in your oven, the smell of methane would counter balance the smell of bo and kfc
What utter tosh. Pain is subjective. Some feel it more than others – how do you measure it? It’s just that bleks whine about it more than others. Shut up and take a Nurofen like everyone else. Cunts.
One condition they certainly have more than whites is knifeitis ?….. usually very deadly and prone to crop up in outbreaks at alarming rates…a common symptom that starts one is usually just a slight feeling of being ‘disrespected’ that quickly turns nasty, resulting in ? or ⚰️….we feel your pain bro’
Despite what the diversity mob tells us,
We are different.
Wired up different.
Sooties are great at running. FACT.
Jumping too.Fact.
Better than we are.
Swimming? Best not attempt it.
They drown if they do the washing up.
Now Rock climbing and mountaineering,
You think they’d take to that?
All the great ones are whitey.
And there’s never been a sooty Worlds Strongest Man.
ALL whitey.
There’s some bloke, sooty, seems a nice fella called Mark Felix who’s been competing in worlds strongest man for decades.
Just retired.
For years he’d train ,
Got fuckin nowhere.
Now there’s something to be said about perseverance.
A admirable quality!
And I like a underdog.
Or you could say the thick cunt was slow to learn his limitations.
Time waster?
He should have identified as a woman, compete in women only event – would’ve been world champion!
Like this fella:
I don’t think sooties and darts are such a good idea SCB.
They get a dart in their paw and some bystander is wearing a red t-shirt?
Ancestral memories of Rourke’s Drift kick in.
And someone is sat in A&E for a dart wound.
The biggest problem I have with that article is that the Scum tacitly goes along with the charade by referring to this meat and two veg sporting imposter as “she”.
It is subtle concessions to the insanity that normalise the deviants and make bigots of the majority.
This cunt is a “he” and “he” deserves a good kicking in the men’s toilets in “his” goolies.
It is probably down to racism that he never won MNC. the judges were biased. Kweer will put a stop to that.
There’s a video about why different ethic groups are better at different sports, as pointed out here. The lad who made it is black. There are lots of physiological reasons for each, and it mostly comes from prehistory and is a product of geography and climate rather than culture, which will cause massive cognitive difference in those wackadoodle liberals who confuse biological differences for inequality, yet celebrate ‘diversity’ without knowing what it means.
Just as with trans, they are in denial of biological reality and seek to politicise science.
Stupid cunts.
Doesn’t Mark Felix have a couple of world records for holding pillars apart for the longest time and some deadlift? (Not talking about his cock either?)
blow dart champions, they can take down a kebab sized monkey at at half a mile, case of blow or starve with tree swingers since we stole all their towering cities and inventions, The wollygoggs invented shoes too did ya all know that> Naturally whitey stole them too and left them barefoot I saw that on youtube after the video of soot kangs invented the internet and yep, you guessed it, evil white crackers stole it.
Interesting legal point- a trannie claims to be a woman, you kick it in the goolies and are arrested. In court you point out that women do not have goolies and therefore you could not have injured the creature.
Has anyone got a forty foot long sheet of blank paper and 200 ballpoint pens so I can start listing everything that upsets the simians.
We will settle up at the end of time..
Which won’t be long after whitey is exterminated..
Not to be THAT guy, … but Imperial units? …. bit racist. that.
Sorry, but that’s my default setting..
Now if you don’t mind I must get back to my cotton farm.. those slaves won’t whip themselves..
So, Cuntemall .. as you lie on your deathbed here in the 2050’s .. if you could go back in time and change one thing in your life what would it be?
Well, robo-chronicler .. I’d go back to the morning in early 2024 where I made a short – in retrospect sincere-looking – INsincere post around the phrase ‘imperial measurement’ on an online forum … and stick a tongue-in-cheek emoji on the end of it …. like I really think I should have in the first place ….
Everyone has a spare roll of that classic woodchip wall paper hiding somewhere in the house.
Save a few pennies and write on that. It’ll even look like a fancy scroll.
soot kangs invented paper and pens…
U Bees WAYSIST and u white crackers stole are shit, gis it back.
Wees demand repa, repo, gis us da money cracker
They’ve got a point and we ought to have a whip round for them but not until they’ve explained their definition of ‘study’.
A whip round? They’d love that!!!
That’s what I thought. I’ll get cracking and go first before they cotton on.
start with their white feet, whip your way up, see how long they hold out until they need an asprin
a good sjamboking one in each hand
I’m so confused…. are there physiological/biological differences between races or not? Lefty twats are always saying there are none, the science is settled, shut up you bigot.
Makes them better blues singers.
“Nobody no’s the pain I done been feelin”
Next we discuss why being dead is harder for black people.
” Woke up dis morning…
Back hurts.
Goin back to bed”
Bad back blues
John Lee Hooker
Sorry for repeating myself but the last bit of the name
John Lee hoo*** is a word that sends you straight into moderation.
” Woke up dis morning…
Back hurts.
Goin back to bed”
Bad back blues
Muddy Waters
“Da maaan he say I gotta get me a job…..da maaan he tells me I can’t sleep in and rob……
It must be awful. Poor Daviid Lammy. His brain must hurt terribly.
Good morning, everyone.
his own fault
he won’t take sickle cell medication cos it was invented by white saviours
Having quickly perused the Asda Ramadan range, I think it’s scandalous how poorly they’re catering to the needs of the faithful peaceful.
NO battery acid on discount
NO two for one on Semtex
NO rohypnol flavour Werthers Originals
Islamophobic racism, pure and simple.
Maybe in-store barbers as well.
chocolate ramadan bunnies at Dover tesco, buy one and get a dinghy full for free
A ding dong
I didn’t see any soap,deodorant and mouthwash in those deals?
no work boots,
or father’s day cards
Pain in the arse. Fuck off cunts.
One of the best responses I’ve read…..
They’re not happy in Gaza ..
They’re not happy in Egypt ..
They’re not happy in Libya ..
They’re not happy in Morocco ..
They’re not happy in Iran ..
They’re not happy in Iraq ..
They’re not happy in Yemen …
They’re not happy in Afghanistan …
They’re not happy in Pakistan ..
They’re not happy in Syria ..
They’re not happy in Lebanon …
They’re happy in Australia ..
They’re happy in Canada ..
They’re happy in England ..
They’re happy in France ..
They’re happy in Italy ..
They’re happy in Germany ..
They’re happy in Sweden ..
They’re happy in the USA ..
They’re happy in Norway ..
They’re happy in Holland ..
They’re happy in Denmark ..
Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves
AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like, THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!
Excuse me, but I can’t help wondering…
How frigging dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.
Lets have a look at the evidence:
– No Christmas
– No television
– No nude women
– No football
– No pork chops
– No hot dogs
– No burgers
– No beer
– No bacon
– Rags for clothes
– Towels for hats
– Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
– More than one wife
– More than one mother-in-law
– You can’t shave
– Your wife can’t shave
– You can’t wash off the smell of donkeys
– You cook over burning camel shit
– Your wife is picked by someone else for you
– and your wife smells worse than your donkey
– Then they tell them that “when they die, it all gets better”???
Well No Shit Sherlock!….
It’s not like it could get much worse!
Marvellous, simply marvellous
Don’t forget you have to fuck your cousin too. Oh and have disabled kids due to inbreeding.
I feel a song coming on:
That is going on my mailing list..?
…and when they come out with this shit, they wonder why we don’t like ’em.
Daft Tree Swingers.
Anyway, what happened to the Klan?
i’ve been trying to join for years, they keep turning me down, i’m too keen and enthusiastic apparently
Haha! Wasn’t The Black Hand in the American Midwest during the 1930s like a turbocharged version of the KKK?
Hey Cuntis,
The Black Hand in the Midwest was largely an Italian precursor to the Mafia and operated out of Chicago. They mostly preyed on their own.
You might be thinking about White Caps.
White Caps were vigilante gangs operating largely out of Indiana. And while the Smoked Irish were never particularly popular in Indiana, Whitecaps were not racists per se like the Klan.
They lynched criminals and reprobates regardless of race.
They lynched the fucking Reno Brothers.
Rayciss French media reporting what ours won’t:
50,000 knife “incidents” with 250 killings in the UK ; last year alone.
Twice as many as France suffered, another victory for the Untied Kongdom.
More greivance grifting.
Black pain?
‘I can’t breathe’.
that’ll be the chicken bones. slow down a bit
Take the pain sooty.
I wonder if the new black Advil will cost more? I envision these Limited Edition collectors items changing hands at inflated prices on the black market.
Sooty will trade them for watermelons.
I imagine that anyone might think that their pain was worse after a ‘negative’ healthcare experience.
Just more pathetic virtue signalling.
Good cunting General.
Morning all.
Ring that bell, shout for joy, White Man’s Day is here!
Any other cunters here like a bit of Jonny Rebel?
My mum was told her colon cancer was trapped wind, she got shitty treatment from Crumpsall Hospital when they finally diagnosed it and she died four months later. She was as white as they come.
And, let me guess, almost all of the cunts who complained are from Bogo Bogo Land or Stannipak?
Not interested in self pitying tree swingers. They want better treatmnrt? The cunts should try paying in for a fucking change.