When Commies unite, or Yellow Bellow

A two-headed cunting for the uppity squawking Chinese telling Brendan Kavanagh he had to erase them from or cease his filming him playing a piano on the concourse of St Pancras station. Explaining that he had every right to film in public, one entitled Chinaman bellowed at him, telling him not to ‘touch’ his friend.
Shortly after this disturbance, the UK police arrived, and bizarrely the female officer (who’d a thunk it? ) told Kavanagh to stop filming while she ‘had a word’. She then informed him, on camera, that he ‘couldn’t say that’ sbout them being Chinese.

Kavanagh explained that was the reason he was filming, because his freedom of speech was the issue. Thickie plod bird did not seem to understand this at sll, and kept insisting he stop filming.

This sinister turn of events for Brendan just shows the level of ideological capture the Royal College of Policing has gone through by what Peter Hitchens calls the Euro-communists: the former commies who attended university in the seventies and eighties, and became influential Blairites in the nineties, swept into power in the noughties and running our institutions as they see fit, slmost none facing any challenge from successive tory government, who in turn, entertained the likes of Huawei getting telecomms contracts and Chinese supervising construction of new nuclear power stations.

Now our own citizens find themselves pushed around in their own country and then told what they can and can’t say by a politicised police ‘service’, trained in leadership through the Blairite cultural lens.

Welcome to Britain, the commie hell-hole.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

65 thoughts on “When Commies unite, or Yellow Bellow

  1. I can’t think why the Chinks didn’t want to be filmed. They can’t be identified anyway as they all look the fucking same.

    • And blacks are blacks. Can’t leave these out of anything, but can only be called blacks remember.

      • There are 3 subtypes of sub-saharan in Africa; West African, East African and South African, each being genetically distinct in that they have different physical traits which have historically been useful in different sport/hunting activities.
        Apart from the Africans, there are Afro-Americans, Afro-Caribbeans and Creole/mulatto mixes of African and European on both American continents, as well as the Australasian aborigines.

        Know your blacks.

      • East Africans were known by American and British soldiers and mercenaries as ‘skinnies’ in theatres of conflict such as Somalia and the gulf of Aden where piracy often occurs.

      • Less intelligent wokies are confused and get anxious over the term Sub-Saharan when relating to people/populations. It’s quite funny seeing them twitch as they feel triggered but don’t know enough to figure out why.

      • This all stems from a little girl calling a doll, golly is that the time, I’ll have to tell you another time.

    • The Chinks may look like Japs, but culturally they couldn’t be more different.
      Plus the Japs hate the Chinks, and with very good reason.

      • There is also the intra-Chinese racism of the Han towards minority Chinese, so even within China, not all Chinese are alike or treated as equals.

      • And the chinks hate the japs they really didn’t appreciate them experimenting on live POWs in Manchuria. Jap tourists everywhere in the world never many in Hong Kong and non after the chinks took it back and never anynin main land China.

    • MJB@ Note the skin tone of the ‘ Security Team ‘

      In every strata of society we are slowly losing control.

      Brilliant disguise for a suicide bomber, yellow vest, ID badge, walkie talkie.

      Coming to a music venue near you.

      Real soon.

      Good afternoon.

      P. S. Two extra pints on Wednesday, cheers.

  2. I’d never pay any attention to something some bucktoothed 4ft 6 yellow commie said.

    I’d pretend not to understand.

    ” What? Can’t understand you Mr Miyagi.
    No I don’t want chips.”

    Bruce Lee didn’t mind having his photo taken.

    • Brendan should have tinkled the ivories with the Lionel Richie number as soon as these slanty eyed dog eating yellow bastards started up.

      “Herro, is it me you’re rooking for?”

    • I would have mistaken her for a Chinese waitress and asked if she had prawn balls? – well hop over there and get me some. Boom Boom!

    • It was a bit ironic the Chînks saying, *”You’re not allowed to take our image rights” when they all look and quack the same.

      * What they actually said was, “You no a-rrowed to take image lights”

      • Especially as Communist China is awash with facial recognition cameras and tech, and that’s without the social scoring and digital “money” that can be “switched off” if you don’t behave.

  3. No real surprise there.

    Our two-tiered useless police farce will always do its best to side against the taxpaying public..

    London could do with genghis khan to stop the Chinese horde, shame its got cunt Khan instead..

    • Yep, and far to busy with 900 officers sitting on their arses drinking coffee, traveling Twitter and Facebook for hurty-words going after soft targets who won’t riot or call them waaaayycist or phobic, giving the illusion of activity and artificially inflating otherwise lamentable clear up, let alone detection rates.

  4. I noticed that the police officer was yet another four eyed shortarse wimminz. Policing is a man’s job, men who can see properly.

    It has come to something when we have to kow-tow to the wishes of simpering, gurning, grinning slitty eyed cunts – especially when we supposedly have a Conservative government. Just wait to Dolly Starmer and his red shit are in power!. If the Chinks don’t like being photographed the arsewipes should stay away from cameras. Simples!

    The dykie copper should have been taking the silly bitch who was making most noise (a 20 something ) into a quiet corner and fucked her up the arse with her truncheon. That would have given both of them a cheap thrill.

  5. Wonder why they were so camera shy?

    The little COVID spreaders.

    Probably organ harvesting?
    Selling endangered animal parts?
    Be something snidey.

    You can’t trust the little cunts.

    • Probably selling powdered rhino horn to other Chinks, coz Charlie Chan thinks it’ll give him a hard on, the thick little cunt.

      • No amount of horn can help a micro-penis.
        Chinks are dickless wonders.

        You want fork wi dat, 5p for fork.

  6. As soon as that Yellow Cunt started shouting the odds the English chap in the sunglasses should have smacked him.

    Better hung for a sheep than a lamb.

    The footage of this caper would be unbelievable,until you remember it was taken in Modern Britain.

    Oven,no saw finger..

    • They stink too.
      Worse than sooties!
      But not as bad as carpet kissers.

      Soy sauce and rotten fruit.

      Sure deodorant should bring out something just for them!

      A loll on deodolant

  7. In China they are filmed constantly. China is the king of surveillance states. Our police are constantly filming public in the streets or at events.

    Who poses the biggest threat?

    Brendan Kavanagh
    Chinese lab monkeys
    The surveillance state

    On the subject of the surveillance state and its AI enhanced ANPR, who’s it for? It’s certainly not for asylum seekers, 6000 of the cunts are missing after asylum claims were rejected and the government doesn’t have a clue where they are……..definitely no surveillance of these cunts.

    Chinese tourists, definitely being watched by their own government but our useless cunts won’t be watching them, wouldn’t want to upset Xi. Probably here to build out nooklear power stations.

    UK citizens, absolutely if you’re a car driver, more cameras is more kaching. Not only how fast you drive but where and how often.

    The average copper talks to you like shit if you’re white working class British. The same way all civil servants seem to these days.

    Even though we pay for them they see us as the problem. It’s fucking weird that they can catch you doing 31 in a 30 zone but if your car gets stolen it’s impossible to find it so they don’t even bother looking.

    I wonder if we have any serving or retired coppers on here, if so tell us what the point of modern policing is. I mean what are regional commanders making priorities and why it seems that the public are now considered second class citizens?

  8. At least he stood his ground against the pretend plod and the chinks fucked off.

    How fucking stupid are the chinks, the bloke is being filmed playing the piano so it’s obvious anyone in the background will be filmed as well, don’t the cunts know that when in London you are on camera – everywhere.

    When the cunts came up and asked to have the faces blurred a simple get to fuck would have ended the conversation.

    • By starting an argument and being filmed doing it which has gone viral, they drew a shit more load of attention to themselves than by simply moving out of shot.

      They seem to have be here long enough to know to play the race card and then rely on the useless police farce to do the rest.

  9. Uppity Chinese gets not wanting to be filmed – still leading lavish western lifestyles and acting all full of themselves in their fucking Instagram profiles though. What a group of deluded-as-fuck nobodies.

    “Great” Britain? What a joke. In happier times this kind of behaviour from the Chinese would have rightly called for some serious gunboat diplomacy from the British. Nowadays any foreign non-entity is entitled to make demands no matter how petty or ridiculous, while claiming to represent this or that. Brendan should have told the Chinese here to just fuck off. Honestly, the shit we have to put up with nowadays!

    • 30 years ago the noisy rittle yerrow cunt would have got a deserved kicking. Now our police arseholes protect every fucker except the white British.

  10. It used to be that the reds were under the bed. Now they are in your rifling through your fuking wallet, deciuding what the fuck you should be watching on TV, and making sure you don’t say hurty words to naciy boys and shufties. Fuck off.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  11. t used to be that the reds were under the bed. Now they are in your rifling through your fuking wallet, deciuding what the fuck you should be watching on TV, and making sure you don’t say hurty words to nancy boys and shufties. Fuck off.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  12. If the reverse happened the chinky filth would have beaten up the complainents and bundled them on a plane.
    Nice to see a well known China spy was involved.

  13. I watched the video when it was in the nomination section, and I have been waiting to post just to say how upsetting it is to see that my once great country has become in the last 20-30 years, a simpering, limp wristed, hand-wringing, forelock tugging shell of it’s once great former self. Afraid to say what people are thinking and what was the done thing just a mere few years ago for fear of upsetting anybody or being held to account by someone’s ‘human rights’

    We once made the rules, countries used us as a template for their own, we pretty much owned the world and we were respected. Having a British passport was a highly prized item. Now, even ‘our own’ are happy to shit on it and our country.

    These cunting chinks in the video should have been told to fuck off or be arrested. The police officers irrelevant of upsetting people, should have stated the law to them and without any evidence to the contrary, should have supported the piano player guy, who was calm, articulate and how the uk used to be.

    The guy in this video is a hero, but he shouldn’t have to be labelled as such, because he did fuck all wrong. What was wrong, was the authorities not supporting that, and looking between very blurred lines for any element of racism to stick some blame on him.

    This is the thought police in action…be afraid, be very afraid.

    As for that mouthy chinky cunt I would give him such a smack he would be crying like a girl and would plead to me to wish to go back to chinkland where apparently it’s more of a free country than the uk now.

  14. The concepts of democracy, personal freedom and the right to protest peacefully are alien to these people and completely beyond their understanding. When a delegation of high up chinks made a formal visit to the UK years ago our spineless politicians went to a lot of trouble to intimidate and warn off any dissident Chinese in this country who planned to protest while the despots were here. Nevertheless a small brave group stood quietly with placards on the route their cavalcade took through London. As the limos swept by a high ranking Chink in one, on seeing the protesters turned to his UK government minder beside him and asked;

    “Can’t you even run your own country? Why don’t you shoot these bastards?”

  15. ‘dont touch her,no touch’ the mouthy flied lice cunt was shouting…..Mr piano man should have broke out in a rendition of ‘great balls of fire’ after giving him a well placed ?

    • Foreign police officer cannot understand uk law she is employed to enforce.

      By her logic all carol singers would need church permission to sing on my doorstep at christmas. Fucking idiots…….the police really don’t help themselves do they? No wonder we have lost all faith (excuse the pun) and trust in them. They are as thick as the crims they are allegedly supposed to be arresting.

      Bring back educational, weight and height limits.

      Oh, and instead of central office buying uniforms on a one size fits all basis to save money. Bring back the police tailors who supply a proper respected uniform that fits properly and one that doesn’t look as if they are more poorly dressed than the chavs they arrest and one that doesn’t make them look like they are dressed up to storm the iranian embassy.

      Give them proper trousers, white of blue shirts, clip on back tie dm shoes, epaulettes and a tit on their heads.

      • The educational level of our modern police is as high as its ever been, as many police being recruited now have degrees and are more useless, physically unfit and slow-witted, while ex servicemen who might not have done well at GCSE but have everything else required are turned away.

      • cuntamus:

        They lowered the recruitment criteria, then realised the beat pc’s were not applying for promotions to become sergeants/detectives etc OR those that were, were of such poor quality, they have had to (for the very first time) promote graduates directly into the roles of detectives. The problem with that is, they have no fucking grass roots beat knowledge. It’s farcical.

        They change the application criteria to encompass the fat, thick and short as they were moaning they weren’t included and guess what we now have……fat, thick and short police.

        No shit Sherlock…literally.

    • Like most government institutions nowadays, they will employ foreigners in preference to British.

  16. Yellow low-rent-IQ, subhuman (nuclear armed!) backwards simpleton fucktard cunts, those chinks, on the whole. Their YT propaganda video attempts tell it all. Full of lowbrow giveaways, I won’t even begin to list examples.

    Settle the bill ($60 trillion Donald sez) worldwide for the germ warfare attempt some stupid cunt brought down to the medieval market in 2019, THEN, come back whingeing about being in the background of a publicly filmed video.

  17. The Kungflukunts are starting to really flex their muscles now.

    Militarily, economically, politically, even down to ordinary citizens as they travel the world, shouting the fucking odds.

    We should have nuked them when the Korean war was in full flow, the nasty little dirty cunts.

    They have a massive case of ‘ small man syndrome ‘.

    Get To Fuck.

    • With a large middle-class who can travel the world, shedding the latest lurgy, pissing and spitting everywhere.

  18. More and more, the filth show what cunts they are. They hate the people they are supposed to serve. Useless fuckers.

  19. Chink women are dirty bastards. I know, was fucking one for years. Couldn’t speak English, gobbed and pissed in the street, just like they do at home. Wanked me off in buses without a care in the world. Could say anything I wanted to her, calling her all the names under the sun and in return a laugh and a big kiss. It was like having a real life blowup doll. Sad when it came to an end.

  20. Allow all these so called humans of varying skin tones of turds from the most pale of East euros through the mid complexion allahbombas right to the darkest negroid.
    All look like shit and all turn our country to shit!

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