Cunters may recall my recent nomination regarding the bizarre case of Linzi Smith, Newcastle Utd FC and the ‘Stadium Stasi’. Linzi was banned from attendance at St James’s Park for the heinous crime of commenting that ‘trans women are men’ on soshull meeja. This came about after she was targeted in a report following an investigation by the shady ‘Premier League Intelligence Unit’. You really couldn’t make it up.
Sadly it will come as no surprise to learn that the insidious ‘Gender Gestapo’ is also active half a world away in sunny California. Consider the case of Mrs Fran Itkoff, a 90 year old disabled lady who has been a volunteer worker for charity The National Multiple Schlerosis Society for 60 years.
When this estimable lady innocently asked what ‘preferred pronouns’ meant, she was informed that her services were no longer required by the NMSS. In typical Calismarmese, she was ‘asked her to step away from her role, because of statements that were viewed as not aligning with our policy of inclusion’. Or in plain English, ‘we don’t want you around any more. Get lost’. Yes, she too had committed the cardinal sin of falling foul of the Gender Gestapo.
So there’s the rub. An elderly lady who has devoted literally years of her life to helping people is cast aside, just because some touchy cunt looked to find offence. All hail the Gender Gestapo. More power to the Pronoun Police.
How on earth did it ever come to this? How many more people are being treated this way? Never mind; cunters will be relieved to know that in the true spirit of generosity and reconciliation, the charity is now ‘reaching out’ to Mrs Itkoff. That’s alright then.
Nominated by Ron Knee.
It must be really awful though to be trapped inside a physical body which your brain is at odds with. Conversely, Jeremy Vine, for example, is a body trapped inside the brain of a complete cunt.
Like all religions, the transgender cult is unable to distinguish between what is true and what they would like to be true.
Most of these freaks look rough as fuck online with multiple filters applied to their pictures. They are more Barney Gumble than Michelle Pfeiffer…
Doesn’t help when we have Tory ministers standing up in Parliament spouting woke shit “trans men are men and trans women are women.”
I presume this is in the context of benefits guidelines or something?.
I’d bet that Penny doesn’t believe that personally for one minute.
Incidently,she’s fucking hot.
If she does she’s a fucking idiot. If some hairy fucker has bigger bollocks than me I’m hardly going to call HIM Linda. And I really don’t care how much HE fucking squeals about it.
Just a theory but Itkoff sounds like it could be a Jewish name. It wouldn’t be beyond the realms of possibility for the cunts at the charity to use this pronoun thoughtcrime as an ulterior motive to get rid of her. All in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion of course.
What this farcical shite means to me is, it can be used to get rid of some cunt who won’t take no for an answer. I by the way who isn’t quite as old as the lady in question, also doesn’t know what all this “Not Knowing Ones Arse From Ones Elbow” is all about, either !?!
Diversity and Inclusion, those three words could end the fucking world ?
Poor old dear is she is confused, just explain that a he can be a she and a she can be a he and if neither a they. See easy init.
That’s far too sensible a solution, Sick.
We all know that sensible and woke are mutually exclusive.
I have an even more sensible solution to the question ‘what is your preferred pronoun’
Fuck Off.
I was asked for the first time the other week in a phone call. For a moment I wondered wtf he was on about then replied “dustbin/lid”. Bless him, he giggled. He’s probably been fired.
If some organisation who I had put time into helping got rid of me in this fashion and then had the bollocks (see what I did there?) Reached out to me after that they would have been given the sex and travel option, together with a cunt.
The unfortunate truth is that if this is what this “charity” is now preoccupying itself with, then it is no longer performing the work that it was originally ordained to do, and instead is spending its funding on promulgating a deviant political ideology (as noted the other day, Fascism by definition).
The only consolation for this poor woman, and any long term supporters of this once good cause, is that it is an entirely conscionable decision to now boycott these bastards, because, as with the likes of Oxfam, they are now engaged in activities that bear no resemblance to the good works they’re supposed to be doing.
There’s even less chance of cunt charities like this getting any money off me than there was before all this shit. And there was no fucking chance even then.
Glad I now live “In the Back of Beyond”, away from all this confused shite. At least these silly cunts are helping to keep the worlds population down and one day they may become extinct.
She didn’t address it by its right pro noun so they sack her from a job they don’t pay her for anyway. Someone’s got their head up their arse
even my 13 year old daughter knows just putting on a pair of false tits a wig some makeup and calling yourself daphne does not make some mentally ill freak a woman.
These “aware” cunts woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
They use futons.
Forgotten the japseye Mis. I used to sleep on a futon with my lady friend, until we got to old, attempting to get up from the floor.
In the world of the poor old lady victim of the transfucked society ours is turning into, Men were Men and Women were Women, it was that Natural and Simple. Who the fuck do these deviants and sexual retards think they are, Cunts.
Mrs Frank Karloff is a fuckin Nazi.
What ,she doesn’t understand that a woman is still a woman despite having a beard and is 18stone?!!
She’s basically ruined our future.
Half of California is in therapy due to her Hate crime.
And I don’t see the Multiple Schlerosis community running out to her defence…
I don’t really get this pronoun shite?
I’ve never had a issue.
I’m a Man.
Nobody is ever in doubt.
Not worth getting upset about is it?
They all on the blob or something?
it’s a way to feel special without ever done anything, like all identity activism.
Until women unite and make it perfectly clear that these nutters are not a part of their ‘sisterhood’ this shit will escalate.
But I think that there is absolutely no chance of that happening.
They allow these people to infiltrate and ruin their sports and they quickly turn on any woman that dares to speak out.
They don’t even look after their own gender.
With feminism, the enemy has always been the women who don’t agree, such as the house wife and the page 3 model.
Feminism has always made enemies of those it claims to speak for. This is back when the transsexuals were a medical curiosity.
Genderbenders are puddled as fuck.
Yank ones have got to be worse!!
And Californian ones the pinnacle of headtheballs.
If you don’t know what you are,
Your fuckin stupid.
Pull your keks down!
There’s your answer.
Wokeness and left wing ideology give ‘men’ a tiny dick and no balls. Look at our Cabinet.
Anyone have that Hairy biker bloke in Deadpool?
Probably poisoned by that vegan stockcube he was shamelessly advertising.
Reckon it’s to insensitive to apply to be his replacement?
Bit early like?
Just I’m a ” strike while the irons hot and the corpse is cooling” type of bloke.
I can ride a motorbike badly
I’m definitely hairier than him,
I like food,
Be a perfect fit.
Fuck advertising that vegan shite though,
That other puff wants to it’s upto him.
It would be great telly, but I’m sure your common sense opinions would have you jailed by the pronoun squad and peaceful appeasers
I say again, “It’s cult like behaviour, where facts have no relevance.
If their arguments were just and true, there would be no need for coercion or to jump up and down screaming and shouting when someone simply disagrees.”
Quote borrowed with pride.
What I can never fathom is when some cunt in a wig and lipstick absolutely loses it because they’re ‘misgendered’ by another person who’s literally never laid eyes on them before.
How are people supposed to react when some wanker flips their wig about this?
Punch the cunt’s lights out.
…is the correct answer
If person has dick then person is male, if person has a reconstructed genital area they are still male but a brave one in my opinion and maybe ok in ladies toilets etc. Cunters should remember that at least 75% of men masquerading as women still have the full tackle even if they have had tit implants. These are just deviants who wish to lurk in “women’s” areas most likely nursing a boner. These perverts should be mercy given till they renounce their perversion and accept treatment at a registered secure mental unit
Even if yhe chromosomes are a bit ‘off’, gametes decide who is male and female.
As Richard Feynman said after the Challenger disaster inquiry, ‘Nature will not be fooled’.
It boils down to men having their cocks lobbed off and having a false cunt replacement, thinking they’ll be able to wank off to their hearts content like real women. Silly twats won’t realise it comes without the vital ingredient. The clitoris !
Clitoris allsorts.
That’s that sorted.
Bum Gums®.
Whine Bums
Haribo Gendermix
The whatoris? … ?
Incredibly, it seems that a clit can be fashioned from the head of the penis when it’s been lopped. However it’s often useless because the sensitive tissue is destroyed, or the blood supply fails. Or something.
Here’s my favourite pic of that gorgeous woman Isla Bryson, proudly displaying the world’s biggest clit for her admirers.
Stunning and brave.
Sorry omitted the link
miss/mrs/ms/she/they/fuck knows/what/who/whatever itkoff should do the honorable thing and tell the society that they got HER surname wrong all these years it was FUCKOFF really
Ban pronouns now!
Woke wankers
Most of this lunacy is self contained,usually within HR emails and has no effect on normal people.
Anyway I’m off now to do some heavy deadlifting then get my nails done and probably buy some new lippy.
Don’t break a nail on your oven, UT!
My employer regularly puts around emails saying “your personal information needs updating” then when you go to the link, it is asking you to confirm your preferred pronouns. Most people when faced with it seem to think it is mandatory and we now have pronouns all over the fucking shop, but as I pointed out, you can get around it by removing your phone number or putting a space between numbers, or changing Road to Rd in your address and then you get left alone. I don’t like the way it is being presented as mandatory, but by stealth. I think those of us not doing it are meant to feel the odd ones out, but it just gives us satisfaction. In an ideal world you could tell the employer that you are not going to humour them with their mental nonsense, but that is probably what some of them hope for, so they can get rid of the ” awkward squad”.
“Reaching out”, another phrase for fucking cunts.
Excellent blue-sky thinking there, Bob. Perhaps other cunters can deep-dive the strategy and cross-pollinate more thoughts on the subject.
Going forward…
We’ll take it on board and brainstorm it Sam.
Noticed with trannies,
They only encapsulate the bad traits in their impression of women.
The whining
The hysterics
They’ve nailed that.
But the grace, sexiness, vulnerability, endearing qualities.
They fuck that up.
Stumbling about on their high heels like a pissed up giraffe,
Wig askew,
Makeup by Michael j Fox.
Its like blackface but the other way round. They are never violent drug dealing and stabby but are soulful and love a showtune and some jiving.
They say ‘mammy’ a lot, and pretend they had mates living in Grenfell.
Some trannies are quite convincing.
I’d never have guessed in a month of Sundays that Shapiro was actually a woman.
Alright, I’ll get me coat…
Be fair tho Mary. Some transgender women can be utterly enchanting. You’d never know…
I used to be a live and let live sort of person, not so much now. There must be transgender people who just want to quietly live their lives, but it’s the outer-than-out, full-on-fabulous types that piss me off. Listening to them, you would think that no-one would bother with a biological woman if they could get a transgender one. Also their idea of being a woman seems to consist of wearing bad and unsuitable clothing, being loud and confrontational and making everything about fucking politics. It is just misogyny really.
It all boils down to getting their chucky eggs mixed up.
Going back a few years we had mental asylums and other establishments where the nutters would stay permanently or spend their time during the day so they were kept off the streets an us normal hardworking people safe from them. Now these places have been sold off and closed down and social services is non existent snd is left to the hospitals snd police to do, we have them walking around us. And to allow them to do so without fear or persecution, reprisals and insults the government passes more and more laws making it illegal to do so, thus normalising these nutters by act of law ….all to save having to reopen asylums and save money. That’s my belief anyway.
You should be chuffed. I believe it too. They’ve had the help from lowercase thatcher for that who let the lunatics free. If they did open up again, they will be used for housing foreign fuckers.
Exactly right Mr Chugger. Its why 40 years ago no one had heard of these fucking deviants.
Some archaeologist types got in trouble for saying they had found a male and a female skeleton. The shrieky brigade got all shouty because you can’t know what the skeleton owner identified as 500 years ago. I fucking do, it it had a cock he identified as a man, if it had a clungey it knew it was a woman.
On the subject of eavesdropping. Anyone who likes funky tech like those speakers you can talk to needs to be very careful – bastard devices pick up everything and store it (e.g. I hate benders) in the cloud and then resell this data chunk to a 3rd party.
That 3rd party can then sell to the football gestapo….and so on. All of this is done on a frequent basis even if you click every option saying NO.
Cherry on the cake is that the NSA always keep a copy – that should put your mind at ease.
Bring back pigeon-post and typewriters!
This is absolutely true. I now turn ours off…I don’t need it but my daughter listens to music on it and always leaves the fuckwr on. It’s linked to my wife’s email address and a couple of months ago I didn’t realise it was still on and ne and the wife were discussing where to go on holiday with it in the same room. A few days later my wife’s email address was inundated with holidays emails specifically in areas where we were talking a few nights previous.
Havent the owners of Alexa seen Demon Seed?
(No Gen Z it’s not an episode of fucking Black Mirror).
Who cares? 25 years down the line in the Al Britani Calphate all these cunts will be in orange jumpsuits.
Still raining, still pissed off, fuck em, fuck em all, the cunts.
Most of this drivel was invented in Californian and exported to the rest of the US then the English-speaking world with a veneer of academic substance from obscure French philosophers.
Back in the late 60s there were protests about the libraries being full of the words of ‘dead white men’. Christopher Hitchens labelled the identity politics and activism on Californian campuses as ‘half-baked negritude’.
Same goes for the ‘social construct’ zealots.
It made no sense then, and makes less sense now.