Hardworking Prince William (9)

(Did Britain really “rally round” over this old tart? I must’ve missed it! – Day Admin)

Not a cunting but an expression of relief.

”Prince William to return to work after Kate’s surgery”

Thank heavens for that.

”Prince William will conduct an investiture at Windsor Castle before attending a fundraising gala in London in the evening, Kensington Palace said.”

We don’t deserve such dedication. Hard graft for a pittance.

BBC News

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

62 thoughts on “Hardworking Prince William (9)

  1. How soon will it be acceptable to nom a cunting for this sponging parasite’s three offspring?
    Fuck the entire royal family.
    I hope they get wiped out in some sort of hilarious grouse shooting accident.

      • Morning LL…won’t be long now before Andrew points his peepers and his pee-pee in his great-niece’s direction.

      • Morning Cunt Engine.

        You don’t see the royals going skiing much now do you? I seem to remember back in the 90’s they were always on the slopes. You would have thought at least one would have suffered a Schumacher style wipeout by now?

      • That would indeed be excellent. Hopefully it’ll be Prince Edward.
        Then on the same day, bloodnutted royal ass-kisser Nicholas Witchell gets hit in the ginger bonce by a ski lift and suffers the same fate.

    • Good morning.
      You a regular dogger are you PM?
      I certainly don’t want Willie, or any other fucker for that matter, watching on while Kate sucks my balls.

  2. Pointless, inbred slaphead who’s never done a day’s work in his life and his boring, stick insect wife.

    Who gives a fuck?

    • And the sort who wouldn’t think twice about wiping his arse on the sort of peasant who spends hours outside Buckingham Palace waving little plastic Union Flags, the racist ones, made in China.

  3. He working harder than old jug ears..

    40 years waiting to get the job, calls in sick the next day…

  4. Can’t they be given something much more worthwhile to do, such as clean out the toilets at HQ headquarters.

    • Harry should be in a hi vis bib handing out day passes/badges to visitors at various MoD/GCHQ facilities.

      • The problem is his cunt wife would leave the price tag on it and merch it the instant he’s handed out exactly one pass and the cameras are gone.

  5. I am all for rallying around, but what the fuck has she had done.

    Fanny Tightening so Wills doesn’t slip out!

    Harry flew over, at his own expense, all the way from LA to have 10 minutes with Charlie, obviously Zoom isn’t good enough, no publicity on a zoom call ?

    It’s not all bad, this Royal misery has ‘brought the country together’,yes most people don’t give a shit.

  6. Sorry, I can’t support this cunting. Just imagine itchy ball sack as president? Oh the horror.

    Or any of the other political cunts we have been lumbered with. Could you imagine the Blair cunt as president?

    • Yes but you would vote them in and out and they wouldnt have dozens of castles and counties of land and a few 1000 hangers on.

    • No, I couldn’t imagine the Blair cunt as president.
      Or Sunak, for that matter.
      Mainly because no fucker would vote for them.
      More chance of Baldylocks and Jug Ears being voted in than those two.

    • It’s always said….. “Better than having Blair as Head of State”.

      As already written, a cunt like Blair would have to be voted in and could be voted out.
      His term as Head of State would be limited.
      He would not have dozens of castles and palaces and the thousands of staff required to look after them.
      The tax paying public would not have to pay for the individuals in his extended family.
      His oldest child would not take on the duties of Head of State on his death.

      It’s also nonsense that the Royal Family promote tourism to the UK.

      France and Spain get far more tourists.

      The French had the foresight to execute their ruling class.
      The are not many people who even know that Spain has a king, and very few that could name him.

      The Royal Family are a bunch of over privileged scroungers.
      Fuck the whole lot of them off in just the clothes on their backs and let them live in another commonwealth country.

      Vanuatu, for instance.

      I’m sure that there will be no complaints from the locals if asked to support them.

    • ‘Could you imagine the Blair cunt as president?’

      Could you imagine Huw Edwards as president?
      Could you imagine Alex Belfield as president?
      Could you imagine any deeply unpopular public figure as president?

      No. because they wouldn’t be elected.


    • Why would it matter? It’s the civil service that runs the country. Into the ground, but there you go.

  7. Now now. I think you’re all being a trifle unkind to our poor royals.

    They perform such sterling service to the nation (well, except for Andrew and the Markles) and they don’t ask for much in return. Just a couple of dozen castles and estates, a few million annually from the public purse, the best of everything that money can buy, the Duchy of Cornwall, and six months’ holidays every year to recover from their exertions on our behalf.

    Gawd bless ’em, they’re a hexarmple to us all.

    Morning all.

  8. Off topic, but I have just returned from walking the dog and Kensington palace is looking like fort Knox.

    Never seen so many armed coppers and TSG in the same place.

    Hopefully today is the day the Hamas supporting cunts try and storm the Israeli embassy and get their arses handed to them.

    Didn’t we used to shoot terrorist sympathisers?

  9. The over privileged, baldy fucker probably actually believes that an investiture and attending a gala dinner constitutes ‘work’.

    The smug fucker has no idea.

    Let’s see him try getting up early in the morning, coping with rush hour traffic before putting in a full day labouring on a building site.

    He would end up in bed for a month recovering.

    The waste of space cunt.

  10. Never mind all this shit.

    I wonder what Kates favourite sexual fetish is?

    Being tied up?



    For the sake of the realm I do hope she’s a dirty bitch.

    Good morning.

    • I am hoping that she uses William as a human toilet.
      Shitting and pissing straight on his face.

      Perhaps she is so skinny because of the enemas she takes for his daily ‘training’.

      Her recent ‘abdominal’ surgery was probably to tighten up her sphincter from years of straining.

    • Gentlemen prefer blondes, but marry brunettes.

      I prefer Sophie Airdinbro, she is bangin hot. The last time I saw a pic of Edward, he looked more camp than Catterick. Reckon Sophie nips out for a good seeing-to while Eddie is watching videos of olympic synchronised fisting.

      • Yes i love the way Edward has pretended to be straight all these years but fooled no one.

  11. Prince William ages in dog years.
    He started going bald at 12yrs old.

    It’s bad genes.

    His missus Kate’s not bad looking but a bit skeletal.

    I’d get some dinners down her neck,
    Put a bit of meat on the bone.
    She’d smile more
    Her tits would bud,
    She’d become a comfortable ride rather than being like a bike frame.

    And I’d get her drinking bitter.
    It’s good for you.

    As she is now she couldn’t sire me a son.
    She’d split in half.

    My genes entered the royal bloodline would be the best thing that ever happened to them.

    No more weak jawlines, latent mental illness, and fiddling with kids.

    They’d need bigger crowns?

  12. I hope his next brat sees a resurgence of the Hapsburg bloodline complete with mutant Bruce Forsythe chin and the obligatory single, withered black testicle.

  13. Yep not one of the top ten tourists sites in Britain is a Royal castle .

    Flamingo World in Yorkshire is at No 7 though, perhaps we should make its owners the Monarc seeing as it’s all about bringing tourism in as royalists tell us.


    • Maybe the King should allow the public, and tourists see the enormous art collection that he has.

      This consists of over a million pieces by every important artist that ever lived.

      The Royal stamp collection would be interesting to many, if they were ever allowed to see it.

      Valued at more than £100 million.

      All this, any much more stuff that isn’t personally owned by the Crown, but kept well away from the public.

      Yes…… They certainly do their bit for tourism.

      • Apparently George V’s butler brougbt his morning tea in one day, and commented
        “Sir, did you read that some bloody fool has just paid £10,000 for a ‘something-or-other’ stamp?”
        “Yes, quite so,” replied George. “It was me.”
        What a silly cunt. More money than sense.

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