Paul Currie, alleged comedian and fully fledged anti semite.
Raised Palestinian and Ukrainian flags at the end of his show and then encouraged the rest of the audience to hound out several Jewish members of the audience who refused to stand up for the flags.
The theatre put out a statement, shown in link below, but the cunt himself has said nothing further. Probably too busy jacking off in his jackboots. I hear the Tehran Comedy Store already has a booking for him.
Nominated by: mystic maven
If there was an anti-fundamental Islam comic he’d fill Wembley every night. Fuck Hamas and fuck the finger jabbing bearded black turbaned sadistic hypocritical geriatric cunts that run the mediaeval Middle Eastern shitholes. Just for good measure, cunts again.
He looks and sounds like a shit doing a shit.
One guest said he thought it was a Bavarian Beer Hall.
The cunt’s now been banned from the Soho theatre. That’s probably raised the biggest laugh that he’s ever had.
George Carlin he ain’t.
Morning all.
Carlin is just another white hating cunt.
of course he was ?
“…of course he was ?…”
…and for good measure…
Carlin can go rape a cactus!
That’s called a joke, you snowflake.
Is that not a demonstration of a Hate Crime ? Is plod not interested…? They usually are .
Nah. It wasn’t Islamophobia or transphobia.
If Currie had been waving the Israeli flag and told a Muslim to get the fuck out, his feet would not have touched the ground.
He looks mental, the hippy cunt.
Only flag I stand for is ??
What were those Jews there for?
Didn’t they know he was a pal of Palestine?
After dropped coins under the seats no doubt ?
Stand and applaud if someone set the fucking rag on fire.
They were probably up to no good, as fucking usual.
Raising flags how progressive of you..
Both places are looking for recruits in the ongoing war..
Is that the sound of crickets?
More chance of buddy Holly turning up..
Remember when the woke used to bleat on about punching Nazis?
Turned out they are the Nazis.
Deeply violent and unpleasant people hiding behind the facade of political correctness.
He looks a moody cunt.
Type who complains his soy latte wasn’t made with ethically sourced soy.
Or his alfalfa sprout salad isn’t trans friendly .
It’s because he’s suffering from split ends.
He needs medical help.
I recommend a few taps on the bridge of his nose with a half brick,
His head forcibly shaven and a holistic, vegan friendly tattooing of the mantra TWAT on his forehead.
A trip to see Dr Zaius and his surgical team.
The possession of a “Palestinian” flag should be a crime.
The sentence should be forced deportation to Egypt’s Gaza Strip.
That should settle matters nicely.
Weird how all of these liberal cunts who don’t believe in borders and national sovereignty for GB are so keen on flags these days..
I drive past a house with a flagpole outside most days. They had an EU one for years and then the Ukraine one but no Palestinian one so far.
No flag with red field, white circle and black ‘windmill’-type insignia?
The show is ‘a unique, surrealist, dada punk-clown, non-verbal experience from the award-winning Belfast comedy artist Paul Currie’. Says it all really.
How about just standing up and telling a few jokes Paul? You know, like a comedian does.
When you use flags of nations very much in the news, you can’t claim it is Dada in the slightest.
The people who wrote that probably have no clue what Dadaism was.
Tot be perfectly honest, neither do I. But im a thick Welsh Luddite. Look you.
And I’m too fucking bone idle to be bothered looking it up.
it was an art movement in the early 20th century that wanted to undermine meaning in art.
i think the term is ‘philistine’ rather than ‘luddite’.
I really get pissed off with all the leftie cunts saying in response the the huge rise in antisemitism ‘oh there is a rise in Islamophobia’
What fucking idiots. How many terror attacks have be carried out by Jews in the UK, the real problem is that there isn’t enough Islamophobia, all fucking cunts.
Who is this fucking freak Currie.
Yeah we have a real supply and demand issue here in the UK. Too much demand and not enough supply.
It’s called whataboutery and Left have done it since the height of the cold war.
There’s a real supply and demand issue here with far-right extremists I keep hearing about. All of those gatherings in support of Palestine, and no pitched battles.
Same in Germany, where 20% of the population have been called far-right for supporting AFD.
For broadcasters who say how dangerous conspiracy theories are, the BBC and Channel 4 act like conspiracy theorists when it comes to their deranged paranoia over the ‘far-right’.
The establishment are shitting themselves that their little projects are being repeatedly rejected so conjure up bullshit slurs.
Twice i’ve heard media cunts falsely conflate ‘globalist’ with Jew/Jewish. It doesn’t really work when they turn a blind eye to actual antisemitism at the same time.
Their arrogance is astonishing.
What, a fear of a barbaric Bronze Age death cult? And the problem with this is what, exactly?
“bronze age death cults”? Well that’s Judaism and both it’s manufactured derivatives Christianity and islam
I’d agree Christianity is responsible for an awful lot of death, but Judaism is strictly non-proselytising; they don’t want you in their club.
Islam demands you join its number on pain of death, and is certainly the most dangerous of the three Abrahamic religions in the modern world.
I’m not Islamophobic, I’m Islamosceptic
I imagine Paul is still traumatised from finding out he is the love child of Edwina Currie and captain underpants John major..
Is he? No wonder he’s a cunt.
I have never heard of the twat, but he is no Les Dawson or Ken Dodd. They broke the mould with that pair.
To be fair, the Soho theatre looks and sounds like a right cunt magnet.
Fucking comedians these days, hope he gets educated.
Cunts like this, and they are the majority of ‘comics’ just use lefty woke sentiments to play to their lefty woke audiences. Would get booed off by a cross section of British society, as that oily little cunt Nish Kumar found out.
Comedy is dead.
There are a few comics who don’t subscribe to the woke bullshit but you don’t see them on panel shows. They still appear on stage doing stand-up anywhere were management haven’t caved in.
A lot of the comedians on panel shows only appear on panel shows, especially younger female ones. They can’t do live comedy in front of an audience because they know their material isn’t strong enough and they can’t be fucked to try winning over a crowd outside the M25. Instead of making a living in the circuit they go to the same metropolitan comedy nights where they will polite laughter and a few arts festivals for twits, get on the books of one of the big agencies the BBC and Channel 4 use and their ‘gigs’ are appearing on TV panel shows.
*they will receive polite laughter.
Bring back Jim Davidson. He wasn’t a cunt.
He is a bit of a cunt and was never that funny.
‘Crisis’ flag-fliers, be they singular like THIS cunt, or in their thousands like all the other sabre, no, flagpole-rattling cunts ; all safely thousands of miles from the real action of whatever bandwagon they’re currently filling their idle, worthless existences with (until the next one comes along to ra ra ra to, for a while) ; …
Paper tigers, one and all. Press the cunt for details beyond the headlines and I doubt he’d be a mine of information or background.
The cunt got the publicity he sought, though.
Similar wheelhouse (as the nom), I liked this guys irreverant take early on in the current thing …
i wonder how many on facebook and twitter agonise over this stuff to the same degree.
‘what will get me likes?’
Typical modern lefty comedian.
Picking on safe targets.
Would he dare poke fun at grooming gangs all being in bred Parking Stanley’s for example? Would he fuck.
9mm aspirin for the unfunny cockwomble.
Just the one??
A couple
Hopefully he will find himself on the shit end of the stick, with protestors demonstrating outside his home, or shouting abuse at him in the the theatre, or generally giving the cunt a real hard time.
I suspect the cunt will go crying to his social media site and moan about hate crime and being abused by the “far right mob”.
A cunt is a cunt is a cunt
I am all for a comedian bitch-slapping hecklers and I’m also for equality in comedy so making jokes about big noses and being tight with money are fair game as far as I’m concerned. But if you start singling out polite audience members for not agreeing to be coerced into something that they don’t agree with, then you are a complete fucking cunt.
Those Jewish audience probably should have done a physiognomy check on the comedian before buying a ticket – the beard, complete with twirly, douchebag hipster, moustache should have been a red flag alongside the little red book he no doubt carries around with him everywhere he goes.
*audience members. Derp.
More to be said for physiognomy than most people believe. You can tell a great deal of a persons character from their face, if they look like a cunt they usually are.
Similar principle when it comes to junikies, nonces and other assorted undesirables.
Not really, apart from low T and various congenital diseases as well as chemical dependencies.
Next you’ll be guessing people’s intelligence but measuring skulls.
Has the penny finally dropped…!
BBC News – Lee Anderson: Sadiq Khan criticises PM for failing to condemn MP’s remarks
Ok to be anti Semitic.
Heaven forbid if you dare criticise the ” peaceful” death cultist’s…!!!!
Suckdick Cunt wants throwing on the bonfire ???. Little Napoleon.
Feeeeeeeeeowwwwwwwmmmm. What the fuck was that?
That was your fucking career as a comedian matey boy. Now fuck off you utter cunt.
He should be nailed to a cross outside City Hall,
Kamal Chunchie Way,
E16 1ZE
Islam is a terrorist organisation whose aim is to kill or subjugate anyone who does not subscribe to their view of the world. Islamophobia is a totally reasonable response.
Antisemitism is down to envy.
Isnt islam religion?
There may be various organisations with it that are extremist but all of Islam is not moving in the same direction. Sunni and Ahia certainly not.
Trouble is the bar on offence of all kinds is so low now. Islamist Snowflakes melt at room temperature. I would love to sit today’s wokery down in front of a ’70s performance with Bernard Manning, Colin Crompton, Ben Goodwin, Mick Miller etcetera.
Absolutely disgusting. What a cunt he is.
What a vile anti-Semitic cunt, also an ugly fucking lefty with that “bearded Viking” kind of look. There are few things worse than spiteful arseholes and riff-raff like Paul Currie. Scumbag!
This is his “comedy” act.
That was dire
I managed to watch for all of about 54 seconds.
I think an STI exam where they stick that long swab thing up your one-eyed snake would be less painful.
I prefer Justin Currie
What a fucking bellend.
Panda hands indeed.
As funny as Stage 4 bone cancer.
Did I see your comment under the video?
Anfd fuck Roger Waters. The decrepit horse faced shit talking Hamas loving old cunt.
What form of brain dead moron books this cunt his got panda hands I thought the idea of comedy was it’s supposed to be funny lobotomize the cunt it may help