Immigrants who pretend they did hugely important jobs in their home country

are cunts, aren’t they.

“Back in Oo-kraine I was dorrr-ktur, da, da, so importance”

“Back in India I am vorking as I.T. CEO dearly, haan ji hello please”

“Back in Turr-key, I civil engineer study five year hard wid curry sauce, innit boss”

“Back in Poland, I TV actor. Dobjay, kor-va. Me good. Korrrr-va”

“Back at Afghanistan, me heart surgeon. Where job here? Give, give. Salaam alaykum inshallah death to white Britishers”

Whether it just gives indolent fuckers an excuse not to work or whether they’re just trying it on, they’re liars. Call them out on it.

Annoyed because you were an osteopath in Morocco? Prove it.
Refuse to do a boring job because you were a famous magazine journalist in Bulgaria? Show me the articles.
Don’t like your job as an Amazon driver? Fuck off back to Bucharest then.

Self-important, freeloading, parasitic leeches.


Nominated by Captain Magnanimous, link by C.A.

63 thoughts on “Immigrants who pretend they did hugely important jobs in their home country

  1. Six police officers turned up to arrest him.
    It’s good to see that crime in Maidstone is so low that they had the manpower to do that.

    He was taken to an immigration centre where steps are to be taken to deport him.

    Why not just stick the cunt on the next plane out.

  2. We are the bigger the cunts, for putting up with the fuckers in charge, who keep letting these Cunts in to the country.

    Still, bread and circuses, or in more updated parlance, Footy and the House of Commons.

    And if anyone thinks that shit shoe in the commons last week or the loss on appeal by that Shammy Begone creature was anything other than a circus, they need to see a shrink.

    That is all, good morning and cunt off.

  3. He really thought that scam through, had he been training on the operation game day and night..

    He was very proficient at removing the funny bone..

    Buy himself a lap coat and stethoscope and sit in the library 12 hours a day..
    Smear himself in blood before going home..

    Another tough day at work love?

    Sounds like this cunt needs to see a doctor, is Mengele available?

  4. As soon as these Pratt’s arrive they need culling.A trip to Unkle T’s special heater will suffice.Teach them a lesson.

  5. Bunch of imported Walts. Not like we don’t have enough of the cunts here.

    ‘i’m a celebrity/ influencer/ treendsetter’.

    That drain isn’t going to dig itself.

    These twats who film themselves crying because they had to work eight hours serving overpriced coffee and sandwiches.

    Let me introduce you to this ancient contraption called a hod.

    • I served my time on the hod. They should make them all do it along with digging holes on council jobs to prove they’re grafters. Then deport them anyway once the jobs done.

  6. He won’t be deported.

    The NHS will promote him then ask him to leave with a golden handshake..

    Soon thereafter on the board of some shithole health for the oppressed committee run by that appalling paki goblin Sadique “maate” Khan.

    A bunch of Cunts that nobody asked for nor wants.

  7. NHS have a track record for taking on fakes, think the best one was a women of ethnic origin who managed to pretend she was a qualified psychiatrist for 20 plus years. Suppose she was a good listener. Some of the bastards even operated on people. Just because for some reason the nhs never bothered with a record check.

    • Any cunt- black, white or green – can become a shrink and work in the NHS through various ‘initiatives’ and ‘projects’ most are fucking clueless.

      The human wreckage friends and relatives of mine have been lumped with calling themselves counsellors and therapists is quite astounding.Many seem as mentally deranged as those they treat.

  8. “ An illegal immigrant was caught wandering around a hospital’s A&E department with a fake doctor’s ID” the fact the country is shackled by law to not just put the cunt on a plane back to Pakistan shows how fucked we are. Perhaps it should be law that every illegal gimmigrant is made to live with smart arse lawyers who defend these scum, see how long it is before they manipulate the law to have them deported?

      • Yep he is a cunt.
        Labour activists parents indoctrinated him at an early age and yet called him that popular proletarian name Lindsay.
        Hmm. ?

      • All bullied at school for having girly names.

        Would rather learn to skip than play British Bulldog.

      • Mis’ the quare-fication of the school playground began in the late-eighties or early nineties.

        In primary school, me and two mates were accused of bullying five kids – five – in the year below after a friendly bit of spinning and throwing each other like Superman and General Zod from Superman 2 during breaktime. They were only about 18 months younger at most and two were probably bigger than me. There were no tears at the time.

        Never bullied anyone and being accused of it didn’t make me feel ashamed, but it did make me think my teacher was a prick as well as whichever twat grassed us up.

        Steered clear of the little shits after that.

  9. What’s the betting on this cunt still being here in 12 months time, pending assessments on his mental elf.
    There’s bound to be some park key lawyer, probably with an almost equal lack of real qualifications, who’ll fight his corner.
    What a daft cunt though. There’s got to be easier ways to fuck your cousin and get a passport.

    • By the way. Kent online is a cunt.
      What is it with these regional and local newspapers and their shitty websites?
      Virtually unreadable due to pop up ads and other shite.

      • I have a cheap tablet and newspaper articles are now impossible read unless you’re happy to wait for all the ads to load. I’m not.

      • And have you noticed they also don’t let you out unless you tap the back button multiple times.
        Shifty fuckers.

      • Most ‘local# news sites are owned by Reach or similar and navigation of them is terrible.

        Contrary to what the chumboxes say, I will believe what Cilla Black’s Stepdaughter looks like.

  10. Assure yourselves there is zero percent chance of deportation. Even if some bungling civil servant from the home office gets their act together, this cunt will return just like James Bond as announced at the end of the credits of the preceding film.

    A hairy handed gent that ran amok in Kent? Puts me in mind of this gem.

  11. In Somalia you may be responsible for keeping the flies from around the camels arse.
    But you come to the can be chief consultant for pediatrics at a London hospital.

    That’s how brilliant this country is
    Where dreams come true.!

    Reach for the stars Mustafa

  12. Well, I’ll keep it short and sweet as I promised Mickey Blue Eyes I’d stop banging on about my Ukrainian staff, but yes, we have an old hag who works for us who looks like her DNA was meddled with by an excessively close proximity to the fallout from Chernobyl, and who struggles to grasp basic on the job skills like not drinking from her hip flask while taking instructions from a client, but who back in Ukraine was the head of operations at a major building firm and negotiated multi-billion dollar global contracts.

    Needless to say we have been unable to procure the services of 6 police officers to challenge her on these claims. They are all too busy knitting keffiyehs to keep the local peacefuls warm on their meet and greet missions down at the local playground.

  13. Assume all foreigners are cunts, the hierarchy from the biggest cunts to the least cunts

    Africans and Caribbeans

    The top four are criminals, terrorists, scamming cunts and lying bastards and have no fucking right to be in the country.

    • A smattering of rapey predispositions went unmentioned .. particularly (but not exclusively) the third mob from what can be deduced from journalistic downplaying.

  14. The economy does need all those architects and engineers that are boating across the Channel tho.

    Morning all.

    • I don’t know about architects but we could certainly do with more people to help build the 1000 or more houses we need each week to accommodate the invasion force.

      • Perhaps build a couple of very high tower blocks in Luton or Bradford etc, rather than on rolling green and pleasant English countryside..?
        Nicely clad too, to keep the new inhabitants cosy and very warm

      • Although, why build anything at all? They’ve probably already realised that our government would rather throw all of us (not them) out of our houses to put the troops up.

    • Off Topic but ex leader of Unite the union ‘Red Len McCluskey and that nice Jeremy Corbyn have brought out a book of poetry!

      Sure you’ll be feverishly running to Waterstones for a copy?

      Poetry for the many it’s called.

      ” I wander lonely as a jew
      I support Hamas and so should you.”

      • Contributions from Russell brand, sounds a bit rapey for my liking..
        Russell was certainly for the many..

      • Russell Brands ‘ the Raven’

        Take thy beak from out my heart,
        And take thy form from off my door.
        Quoth the raven

        I refuse to to heed the no he speak
        And lodged my winky in his beak.
        I refused to do as the raven asked
        And fucked him up his feathered arse.”

  15. Fucking right, I was in a taxi with a sweaty dooshka driver who said he was a surgeon before coming to the UK, when I enquired as to why he was driving a rented Prius and radio here, rather than earning a fortune there, it was all down to benefits for his 8 kids, oh and his qualifications don’t mean shit here…

  16. When you have m.p.’s being offered protection from the rabid mob it’s time to admit that the game is up…. Simply we’ve allowed this to happen no if’s or buts, the main percentage of the population are more interested in the masked singer and ‘get me out of here ‘ shite whilst not giving a jot about the real issues.
    The guy pretending to be a doc was a fool to himself he should have chose to be a dentist ?…whilst twirling a pair of pliers around the corridors he’d have had a queue as long as his frigging ? awaiting his qualified attention…..remember the line ‘ they can’t handle the truth’ that’s our government for making this whole shit show and the populace for sucking it all up… goodbye ??

  17. David Lammy did a very important job in Africa – he cleaned out de public lavatories. He even got a promotion – after three years they gave him a brush.

  18. Fuck off the lot of them. I endured 5 minutes of radio four creaming themselves talking about the first black nurse in the NHS.

    I assume countries with black populations have had black nurses long before the NHS was established.

    The cunts at the BBC are so condescending, today we talk about Winston Obogo, Winston was the first black man to walk down Brixton High Street without using his knuckles.

    If I were black I’d hate the BBC even more than I do now.

    How about we start to celebrate white culture proudly and without reference to how enriching immigrants are for our culture, truth is immigrants have destroyed what culture we had.

    • I should qualify this. If I lived in a shithole country and there was an opportunity to live somewhere better with free housing and benefits I’d go.

      I don’t have anger towards your average immigrant, my piss is boiled by those who encourage immigration for political or financial gain.

      Second generation immigrants are treat as badly as the indigenous, the future their parents thought they were giving their children is washed away by the next wave of immigrants willing to work cheaper and live in worse conditions.

      The immigration problem is caused by extremely rich white people who can isolate themselves from the degradation of society with their money. Those on the left who cry racism do so because they know more immigration means they can buy more votes.

      In the US the left knows if they can turn Texas blue they will prevent another Republican President ever being elected.

      They will find out that these immigrants also have their own political agendas, Islamic migrants in particular.

      For me there won’t be a country to flee to unless I consider Russia a good place to go. Our government and those of the west are desperate to destroy Russia and then fill it full of immigrants. Russians however have a strong and healthy sense of national identity.

      • Because sometimes it’s interesting and I really can’t tolerate the average commercial radio station with their mincing presenters and drama school graduates slaughtering regional accents on the ads.

        Often I’ll play podcasts these days but occasionally I’ll turn on radio 4 so I can remind myself that there are much bigger cunts than me around.

  19. Our country steals medical staff from the third world leaving a vacancy for someone else to fill at their country’s expense, sounds a bit ‘Colonialist’ to me.

  20. I have never told this before but way back, when I emigrated from Cwmscwt to Manchester I was an aerospace engineer and bricklayer back home. I stowed away on a coal truck and was glad of a job road sweeping in Stockport. Cleaning up pie crusts and roll-ups, and living in a cardboard box in Mosside. (No fancy hotels in those days.) But I persevered and got on benefits and never looked back. I even got a cash in hand job as a nipple erector for a Deansgate porn club.
    So I am proof that refugees can make good.

  21. Have I missed something but where are the noms today?

    (Should be sorted now. Apologies for the 11am nom delay – Day Admin)

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