Eco Loonies

Environmental protesters have developed two sure fire ways to get Joe and Jane Public on their side.

Firstly, you can sit down in the road in London and elsewhere in the rush hour, bringing the place to a halt (‘Just Stop Oil’ refers). Secondly, you can go to a gallery and throw food at a priceless work of art.

The latest escapade in the latter category has occurred in Gay Paree, where a couple of sanctimonious airheads from ‘Riposte Alimentaire’ (‘Food Response’) have demonstrated the justice of their cause by, er, throwing soup at the world’s most famous work of art, Leonardo’s ‘Mona Lisa’.

I don’t know about anyone else, but as a result of this inspirational action, I’ve become immediately drawn and committed to their cause, which is a demand for ‘sustainable food’. Or something.

I’m going straight down to the National Gallery in the Smoke, where I plan to throw a bacon sandwich (with brown sauce) at a Raphael or a Van Gogh. It’s the way to get your message across and rally support, not to mention getting your picture in the papers and gaining cachet with your smug middle class friends.

Ha ha, what a jolly jape.

Mirror Link.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

61 thoughts on “Eco Loonies

  1. I’d love to see these cunts conscripted to the front line and be flown to Ukraine to fight the war against wave after wave of savage, cube headed Ivans.

    The squeals of terror and uncontrollable sobs for Mater and Pater before a rather messy and leisurely decapitation at the behest of President Putin would be the ultimate satisfaction to one’s ears.

    Fucking cunts.

    • Well said.

      War must be awfully bad for the planet with all that diesel being guzzler by all those tanks n that,not to mention all the shit being launched into the air by artillery rounds..

      Send in 3 divisions of Extinction Rebellion to sort it becoming violently extinct themselves.


      • Ever notice Saint Greta never calls out the world’s biggest polluter, US military?

  2. I never liked the moaner Lisa,
    I was having my picture painted?
    I’d have a big smile!

    That french bitch ?. deadpan.

    Does anybody know what kind of soup it was?

    I’m more perturbed about wasting good soup than the environment or sour faced froggy paintings.

      • While we’re giving the Elgin Marbles back to Zorba so he can let them fall to pieces like the last time he had them, Frere Jacques should give Moaning Lisa back to the Eyeties.
        It’s reparations innit.
        Or something.

    • Pumpkin soup, Mis.

      The irony of throwing good food in order to draw attention to food poverty seems to have passed these idiots by.

  3. I’d be in favour of these childish japes if they chucked a tin of soup over one of Tracey Emin’s ‘works’.
    Or better still, Tracey Emin herself.

  4. Well done girls, you have succeed in throwing soup over the glass and floor..

    Now the poor janitor has to clean your juvenile gesture up..

    Well you have had your 15 minutes of fame, now fuck off..

    • They should make a real splash by wrapping themselves in chains and throwing themselves into the Seine.

      People would queue up to watch.

  5. Whilst you have cunt judges sympathising with these people and telling them what a pleasure it has been to have met them, then this sort of behaviour will continue.

    The roads are there for public use. Motorists have to pay for that use.

    Artwork is there for people to enjoy (or criticise).

    The smelly, disillusioned fuckers that cause trouble should be locked up.

    When I was in the UK unemployed people used to have to declare that they have been available for work before they got any benefits.

    What’s the problem with the police taking down the NI numbers of these protesters and then having their hand outs stopped?

    • The soft Judge set Greta Monberg free.A farce.Send the troll to the Gulag for 20 years hard labour.

  6. I’d make sure every single one had to give up their personal possessions that have had a single drop of oil in manufacture which should leave them with basically f.all… for throwing soup,paint etc at works of art well that’s really Wolfie smith revolutionary territory, the next airheads to be ‘right on’ should be put on the Bibby hotel, plenty of cavemen to discuss going back to the stone age …hello I’m Tarquin, what’s for tea! …. Chop ??

  7. Typically these lazy,posh Cunts don’t have the imagination to do anything right..

    Instead of lying down or throwing the contents of their packed lunch about why don’t they get serious..

    And set themselves on fire like them lunatic monks in Vietnam during the 60’s.

  8. Idiot’s, it’s just a picture. Like all things of material value and like these dickheads .

    Of no real worth….!

  9. O/T, just watching the idiot’s box and the item was a new dentist opening in Bristol and people queuing to register for NHS treatment…

    The only white fucker there was the interviewer…

    Modern Britain FFS….?

  10. I have noticed that they have stopped with the blocking of the London roads recently..

    Though I do wonder if that has anything to do with the brown goblins plan of letting minicab drivers on the road who don’t have to speak or read English..

    Don’t see a flaw in that plan..

    Though in would make for marvellous YouTube footage.
    Recently arrived Abdul ploughing through tarquin and Sebastian on London Bridge.

    • The cunts will no doubt be back once the weather warms up a bit and they return from the south of France.

      Morning all.

  11. The only way to upset Tracey, would be to cleanup her bedroom and make the bed. Would loved to have given her one a few years back.

    • I’ve got to say that I really feel for the poor lass. Her life’s been wrecked by a horrendous battle with cancer. Truly awful.

  12. A live art show would be to have these young cunts chained up and have all sorts slung at them in a free for all. Have them clean up, slung in the cells and repeat.

  13. The wakey wakey cunts are more likely to give these thick students more money to piss up the wall, rather than what they deserve.
    Yours truly
    Billy Cotton

  14. Sustainable food eh?
    I suggest they are sent to a tiny island somewhere with just enough land to support them.
    I bet they’re into ruining farming by reducing fertiliser use. Sound like more useful idiots for the global cabal.

  15. Leonardo da Vinci the bloke who painted this was meant to be a genius?!!

    Picks some miserable plain Jane to paint.
    Doesnt even get her to flop her tits out.

    She was hanging on a pub wall with packets of peanuts on her chest it’d be underwhelming when it revealed she’s flat as a pint of stone’s bitter.

    This Da Vinci, people say he was a visionary ?
    He drew tanks and helicopter before they had been invented.

    Drew them,
    Didn’t make them though did he?
    And they looked like a kids trasher.
    All old bits of floorboards and nails.

    He invented garlic bread too.

    • Fair do’s to him on the tank thing tho Mis. His are the only Italian tanks ever to be designed with a forward-moving gears.

      Being Italian however, none were actually ever built.

      • Ron@

        You’d of thought he’d of at least had a go at knocking one up in his shed wouldn’t you?

        Seems a bit lazy to me,
        Did the blueprints,
        Never bothered to make it.

  16. The new philistines. creating publicity for the stupid causes by using the work of artists.

    Maoist cunts.

    Think of the planet!

    I’ve checked. the planet is fine.

  17. These sit down in the road eco loons tried it twice in Portugal. Both times people got out of their cars, dragged them out of the road with extreme vigour and kicked them hard in the arse.
    Proper order was restored. Police observed the dragging and kicking, smiled and carried on with their day.

  18. I really do think that we should be sending these twats to Ukraine in operation ‘Green shield’.

    Tell the thick twats that the Ivan’s are polluting the planet with their warfare and get them to superglue their hands to the road in front of a convoy of T-72 tanks.

    With obvious but hilarious consequences.

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