Dead Pool [315]

Congratulations to miserable Northern cunt who predicted the shocking unforseeable death of Russian oposition leader Alexei Navalny who I am sure died in a tragic non suspicious way yesterday aged 47 whilst indetention.

On to Dead Pool 315

The rules

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next.Picks are first come and first serve and no duplicates are allowed.You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses nominations from a previous pool.

2)Anyone who nominates the worlds oldsst man or woman is a cunt who we will ignore.

3)It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No swapping pics mid pool unless they have already been taken.

5 )Hits are awarded based on chronology of death reporting not necessarily chronology of death.

62 thoughts on “Dead Pool [315]

  1. Eddie Stobart
    Eileen Derbyshire
    Annette Crosbie
    Alan Greenspan
    Nancy Oleson.

    Nice work Miserable.

      • Yeah if he had been an oligarch caught criticizing mad Vlad he would have drowned in his rooftop swimming pool years ago.

  2. Jocelyn Wildenstein
    Menzies (Ming) Campbell
    Bill (William) Cobbs
    Donald Sutherland
    Michael Ironside

    Well done MNC.

    You’re likely to have another winner soon with Linda Nolan.

    I hope the Beast of Bolsover lives on forever. He’s the only one I’d vote for, but he’s far too honest to ever be accepted as one of ‘them’.

    I mean the establishment politicos not the non-binaries.

    • Cheers Harold,
      For me I hope Clint never dies.
      He’s been my favourite actor for years.

      None of my DP picks are with malice?

      • I’ve felt like that about a few people.

        Couple of people that died and it felt like my childhood died with them.

        Almost as bad as when Rolf Harris turned out to be a kiddie fiddler. The bastard.

      • Neither are mine, apart from that legendary God bothering cunt of cunts, Cliff Richard. I hope the k*ddie fiddling bastard realises that he’s not getting into Heaven unless he confesses!! Filthy cunt. The Good Lord wouldn’t want him up there with that colostomy bag, anyway.

      • And of course, Adam Woodyatt! The only demise suitable for this cunt would be the Curse of the Hom-Dai!

      • My brother lives in Pebble Beach MNC and often sees Clint out and about. Despite the age he looks remarkably well.

      • Not sure, but there is a seller on eBay, a Mr Gordon Menzies, who is selling a Vase! Coincidence? I think not!

  3. Congratulations MNC

    James Hewitt
    Roman Polanski
    Heather Locklear
    Sophia Loren
    Oprah Winfrey

  4. Richard O’Sullivan
    Tessa Wyatt
    Lisa Minelli
    Justin Welby
    Prunella Scales

    Nicely done, Mis.
    His wife needs to be smuggled out of the country.

  5. Harriet Harman
    Wayne Osmond
    Larry David
    Anthony Fauci
    Engelbert Humperdinck

  6. Yoko fucking Ono
    Danglebert Pimpledick

    Putin is a vile evil bastard just like his hero Stalin.

  7. Rob Burrow
    Stephen Darby
    Ted Turner
    Vince McMahon
    Triple H (nearly died a few years ago, has a pacemaker, will be under increased stress and scrutiny because of the McMahon stuff).

  8. Well done MNC , as you said up thread, it was only a matter of time before Vlad did him in. Stories in the papers this morning about the Gulag where he was kept, I suspect death might have been a blessed relief.

    Group Captain John Hemingway DFC
    Flight Lieutenant John Cruikshank VC
    Sandy Gall
    Alan Bennett
    Julie Andrews

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