Cumberland Councillors Award themselves a 20% Pay Rise

Well what a surprise! These cunts (across all parties, btw) voted “unanimously” to increase their allowances/expenses, but not by the rate of inflation; oh, no, fuck that. That’s for the plebs who actually go out and work!. No, instead they’ve agreed on a TWENTY percent increase instead!

There were the usual justifications that we’ve seen many time elsewhere within the public sector. One of which is the good old “If you want the best you have to pay the best” bollocks.

These cunts also seem to have forgotten that the councils they represent are deep in debt with the prospect of cuts in services and a full 5% increase in council tax next April (And what’s the betting they will push for a bigger increase in CT!!).

But they will blame central government for cuts in funding as per usual. But in essence this is nothing more than a distraction for their own financial incompetence and hypocrisy. And we see this with other councils up and down the country, making sure that “I’m alright, Jack and fuck you!

But fuck the debt, fuck the cost-of-living crisis and fuck the council tax pushing more people into debt. All these greedy cunts want is their pockets well and truly lined while they still sit on their arses doing sod all for their constituents.


News and Star

Nominated by: Technocunt


42 thoughts on “Cumberland Councillors Award themselves a 20% Pay Rise

  1. Reading the reasons for the increases it would appear that one excuse is that the extra money would allow persons from the less well off segments of society to join the gravy train hence making a more diverse council.
    What a load of bollocks.

    • Apparently too many ‘pale, male and stale’ stereotypes.
      Maybe ship in some failed footy managers from elsewhere?

  2. Coming soon

    Another bankrupt council with a lot of people scratching their heads as to why


    • Then wondering why their shitty council tax bill has risen by 20%..

      Council Tax is going to become the next giant shitstorm to buffet the Gravy Train..

      Of course only working people pay it..for everyone else there is a CT Benefit.


  3. Cumbriacrack, an interesting name for a news website.

    Helen Skelton is Cumbrian, I believe. I’d like to give her Cumbriacrack a 20% rise.

    • It would have to be a back scuttle for Helen from me, possibly up her stench trench.

      A pleasant enough girl but her eyes are too far apart.

      • I can’t see what appeal this hideously ugly Miss Piggy lookalike had in the first place. Let’s face it, she’s no beauty and is as thick as shit.
        I’ve heard from reliable sources that Phillip Schofield was perfectly straight up until they had a 69er and she rubbed her piddly rancid kipper all over his face.
        No I’m not a misogynist! *

        * I was recently accused of being one (and some cunts even had the temerity to suggest that I batted for the other side) because I criticised the childish giggly behaviour of a few Bargain Hunt slappers.
        Most of the replies suggested how keen the posters were to bugger these women for their own gratification. I wonder if their wives/girlfriends would approve.

  4. In the photo there certainly seems to be a lack of diversity.

    The men are all old, slap heads.

    The job of councils should be to keep the streets clean and lit.
    Why should politics come into that?

  5. These are elected cunts, are they not?
    Then they got what they voted for.
    Also, not a lot of black faces in that photo – I might put myself up for election.

  6. Leighton_v_Bristow_&_Sutor_Cardiff_HCJ_Judgment_20230920_V_Final%20(3).pdf

    If this doesn’t work due to my computer illiteracy the gist is, non payment is a civil matter, Leighton sued the DCA and won. 4k damages, interest and no court fees.
    There are no court issued liability orders, it’s done in-house by the council, ergo, fraud.
    Legal precedence has been set.
    Who will collect the bins they shriek ?
    Who will pay your councillors pensions I reply ?

    Anybody else had a guts full of these chimps pissing our money up the wall then demanding more ?

  7. I’m actually coming to the conclusion that I’d rather give the Russkies a go in charge when they supposedly invade us in a few years time. It couldn’t be any worse than the current set of selfish, unpatriotic, idiotic wankers who run our country at present.

    • We need the military in charge of the country.A clear out at Westminster.Bin off the “Lords” and the rats.

  8. No surprises. Doesnt MPs pay rise constantly while workers bite the bullet.
    Now we are being asked if we want a Mayor of Lincolnshire to add to these useless cunts. On top of all the district, city and parish councils. And added to the Police Commisioner who serves no fucking purpose.
    The excuse is that a mayor will command more government money. Horseshit. Look how well devolution (for that is what this is being punted as) has served Wales, Scotland and NI. A fucking disaster with Bliars fingerprints all over it.

  9. Money grubbing, cheating, self-righteous conning, self-aggrandising tarry fingered, freeloading, dishonest vermin fuckers. Most of them are old men trying the eke out their pensions, so they can pick up the occasional whore and delude themselves they are still “important” as important as they were when they were lavatory attendants before retirement. if they are wimminz they are the sort of frustrated old boilers (“ever since my poor husband died – I’ve missed it, you know!”) that work as schoolroom assistants and like to stick their big noses into other peoples business – you can be sure they will be first in line to sign up to give teach brushing lessons.

    Always on the ponce for free meals, free tickets, free anything – indeed they are footloose and fancy free – they wear artificial limbs and if it is free – they fancy it.

    Oven please, Uncle Terry, and if that is not possible, I am changing my name to Rust and buying a large potato van (and a lorry).

  10. Local councillor= wannabe town gangstas

    M.P. = full blown mafiosa

    Be thankful for the occasional bin emptying exercise, that’s if you have put your receptacle the correct way with handle facing towards the kerb ?….. Oh my ol’ man’s a dustman ?

  11. This is what happens when parasites are in charge of their own remuneration. Government pay rises should be at a flat rate across the board. If a nurse or a bin man can live with a 3% pay rise so can an MP or councillor. Expenses should be processed by an independent organisation with full public view.

    Council tax can be 1% of someone’s income or for a lower paid worker it can be a lot more. These cunts dip into our incomes without a fuck given.

    All council information should be public. The only exceptions should be when they are dealing with information relating to individual constituents.

    Local government is a fucking disgrace.

  12. Imagine what would happen to these people if we were some tinpot South American state , where every now and again there is violent regime change .

    They’d all be swinging from Khan’s ULEZ cameras ?

  13. OT: Police have named the suspect involved in the Clapham acid attack as Abdul Ezedi and say they believe he is from Newcastle.

    Abdul, eh? What a surprise. Didn’t see that coming.
    And from Newcastle? Course he is, Sounds like a proper Geordie, doesn’t he?

  14. Time the piss taking councillors were all put to sword. The vile parasitic cunts give me psychosis.
    Fuck them all.

  15. What exactly are councillors for?
    What are their qualifications?
    Requirements for the job include:-
    1.Leaving school without any qualifications and obtaining a bullshit diploma from a college for misfits.
    2.being as ugly as buggery eg looking like Alf from Corrie, Sue Pollard or Comic-Man from the Simpsons.
    3.Being loud,sweaty ,out of breath bald and fat (past experience as a taxi driver would be beneficial)
    4.Younger applicants (aged 16-20) would be considered if they had multiple tattoos and body piercings.Declaring themselves as being non-binary would almost guarantee them a place:
    5.Being a complete and utter waste of space .

  16. And then you have to factor in the many tiers of local government- from community, town, parish councils to county councils, district councils unitary authorities, combined authorities.

    Yes, there has to be some kind of structure/hierarchy, but fucking hell, do we have to have so many? And aren’t there quite a few cross-overs here where work seems to be duplicated and quite often resisted or slowed down before anything gets done?

    And then ultimately the shit hits the fan and the likes of Birmingham City Council declare themselves bankrupt, sell off all their assets and penalise the locals with inflation-busting CT rises, while the cunts who made all these mistakes fuck off into the sunset with a nice pay off probably.

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