Having read this piss boiling news item below I pass it on to my esteemed cunters to stick the boot in further. Whilst Chris Evans our Jeremy, Steve wright and Zoe Ballock brain and can’t be arsed to nominate other assorted glove puppets who used to boil my piss on a daily basis.
Having fucked about with catering for the snowflakes, and fucking the boomers off to other stations, the management now decide that they are now going to do something like Boom radio catering for old farts.
Too fucking late you commie cunts, you fucked up a basically working schedule and now want us to come back?
No sorry, It will be a fucking cold day in hell before I tune into your shit show radio stations again.
Nominated by CuntyMort.
The BBC..ubercunts.. that is all
It seems that no one at the BBC has any foresight- ‘Let’s get rid of Ken Bruce and co in order to boost our ratings.’A great way to lose listeners in droves.
No wonder they are scared stiff of losing the licence fee and having to make decisions based on a real world ,commercial basis.
1.3 million listeners down in 9 months.
A slow clap for Helen Thomas, Queen of the Karens.
I think the only radio listener’s the BBC have are unlucky pets that the owner’s have left on for company..
Personally I would prefer the silence, I’m sure rover and max agree..
The only half decent station on there is 6 Music and that is becoming more insufferable by the day.
All they do is employ bland boring mainly white cunts to waffle about how much they love blacks, Windrush and BLM instead of playing actual music.
There are the odd few shows on catch-up that are ok but the weekday daytime schedule is basically fucking shite.
Good Morning.
Morning, HJ,
About 10 years ago, BBC Radio 6 Music was the dog’s bollocks. Chrissie Hynde and Iggy Pop had a slot together; Johnny Marr had one, too.
Last time I listened to 6 Music was about three years ago. The penultimate slot I had on in the motor was all sneering “we’re cooler than you, because we know this esoteric band and you don’t”; the final straw was poof month and a celebration of The Alphabet People and Bender Music.
Spotify playlists for me, now.
Trappist FM-Zero-Radio OFF..Only station i can tolerate.Marcel Marceau’s drive-time slot is highly recommended.? Radio died for me when Evans was deemed a natural replacement for Wogan.
When I was working it was good old Terry Wogan that got me through my morning commute up the M1 towards Leeds. and Steve Wright that saw me safely home again. Thank fuck I don’t have that drive anymore because the radio is so shit these days I don’t put the Cunt on.
I stopped listening to “Radio Tooooooo” as they used to sing and gush it, when Humphrey Lyttleton ended his series and Shaw Taylor’s Law Game ended and that is the best part of 30 years ago now. Now it is just the old poofters and tarts who are too old for TV (they need too much Pollyfilla) polluting the air like an AnalEase Dodds fart in a phonebox.
Radio 2 is now a hen party.
And while I’m on the subject of all things black.
What the fuck is the BBC’s and the media in general’s obsession with promoting the cunts??
Considering they account for 5 percent of the population or something, then why the fuck are they grossly over represented everywhere?
Especially when compared to South Asians and East Asians.
I’m in a bad mood this morning.
The sooties can jump off a cliff
It’s a fetish. look at most of the senior positions at the BBC. its mostly white upper-middle class women.
‘Kalergi-Plan’.The foundational undergirding philosophy of the EU essentially.
Never listened to it.
Couldn’t give a fuck.
Good morning.
Greatest Hits Radio for me now, all Radio 2 is about is that nauseating prick Richie Anderson and all the overexcitable presenters sucking up to the cunt.
It’s epitomises the arrogance of The BBC telling GB the public what they should want and then it failing. Question of Sport, anyone?
I don’t have the radio on. GHR is a bit dull in terms of music. there’s only so many times a day i want to hear ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Eurythmics
just to clarify, other people i work with have it on whatever they want, i just don’t really like any of it apart from a few DAB only stations.
Who is Richie Anderson? Ive never heard of the cunt Then again, ive stopped listeningbto radio 2, just as nearly everybody i know has.
The BBC already had their own version of Boom Radio, it was called Radio 2, but they fucked it up with the headlong pursuit of yoof and wimminz.
Now it’s a strange amalgam of what it once was and Heart FM.
When I was at an age where Radio 1 was too yoof for me, but Radio 2 was occasionally too old, I simply had to switch from one to another to suit my tastes.
Now they seem to want to aim at this crossover market, whilst failing miserably to do so.
The answer?
Spunk more money that they claim they haven’t got, on a new radio station to cater for an audience they recently told to fuck off.
Fucking idiots!
Since Steve Wright and Ken Bruce left everytime I hear radio 2 it just reinforces the idea of it degenerating into a fucking hen party.
That ‘vibe’ might have worked with Liza Tarbuck’s show on Saturdays but not on weekday afternoons.
I do like that Jimmy Young. Or is it Savile? Anyway I have them on all day in the home.
You forgot to mention Alan Freeman, the famous pop-picker.
Fluff Freeman was the business! I never missed an edition of Pick of the Pops between 1962 and 1966. And unlike Savile he actually understood and enjoyed a lot of the music he played.
Music While You Work. Uncle Mac on a Saturday for me. Billy Cotton on Sunday, with Alan Breeze and Kathy Kay.
Them were the days.
Wakey WAAKEYY!!. That was old Bill till his death in 1969. Starting soon we will have the Keir Starmer Band Show:
Why am I not surprised that Beebistani Radio sucks?
I had to suffer this crap when I was car sharing. I avoid the BBC like the plague these days.
The only thing I was using them for was their website for the footy scores, but now they want you to register to even do that! Defund ’em.
Mouthy wimmin or simpering arse ferrets are the preferred presenters these days. Throw in a few ethnics and there’s your presenters.
Fuck em, only thing I want to hear from the BBC is its final broadcast.
I’d tune in for their final broadcast!
Can you imagine the bunch of wankers they’d collect to spout their bs to us on the last day?
Lineker an his migrant choir singing keep the red flag flying to play them out.
The aforementioned ‘Boom!’ Radio for me, now. Broadcasting how it should be done by masters of their craft. It’s about the listeners and the music, not the DJ’s ego. Popmaster on Greatest Hits at 1030hrs, but, that’s it. Boom also has ‘Boom Light’ and ‘Boom Rock’, too.
Richie Anderson? A simpering, vacuous, talentless poofter. Probably.
What is BBC?
Come on ‘arry! It’s Big Black Cock! Everyone knows that?
They can make one idiotic,woke,appeasing,misrepresentative decision after another..
It doesn’t matter if nobody listens to any of their “offerings”..
The licence tax more than covers it all with plenty left over for ridiculous salaries and pensions.
The whole 5th column Shithouse needs wiping off the planet.
Good morning.
What was a good idea in 1923 when there was only one radio station, is a complete and utter bollocks in 2024. Unfortunately the Government, particularly a Conservative government, are frightened of the BBC. The unknown editors of news programmes have control of the news agenda. Yesterday I was talking with Mrs. Wanksock and mentioned the assassination of the Russian helicopter pilot in Spain and she wanted to know how come she was unaware of it. That was because someone at the BBC decided it was unimportant. An unelected and unaccountable organisation sets the political and news agenda in this country and that is just plain wrong.
Good Morning sorry to start with a rant.
Yes the amount of world events that go unnoticed by bbc listeners and viewers I know is quite sad.
Mushroom media; kept in the dark and fed on shit.
Not that Sky, ITV or Channel 4, or GB news are any better.
Back in the 70s and 80s I used to listen to Radios 1,2 and 4, especially of a morning before school or work.
Radio 1 had the usual early morning smug cunts such as Blackburn and Kid Jensen, and if I was really unlucky, Simon Bates!
Radio 2 had Wogan, Young and Bruce. They were okay with good banter and never really delved into politics or patronised their listeners very much. Although I did think at the time the music they played was geared towards old cunts.
Zap forward some 40 odd years later, and OMG what a shitshow we have now! The above mentioned DJs might have been smug cunts, but they’re no where near as crass,clueless and carrying a shitloads of chips on their shoulders compared to today’s collection of cunts!
They’re not even DJs anymore. They just press a couple of buttons, or just let some other back-office cunt do all the graft of playing music, while they just waffle on with their happy-clappy, wokey bullshit.
No wonder the BBC is shitscared about losing its licence. It would fail to compete in the commercial sector
Radio 1 is to be overtaken by GHR in RAJAR figures within a year. It’s now the 3rd most listened to station at the BBC.
Scott Mills a cunt
Scott Mills is another poove. Along with the others in their fold – Rylan, who looks like Bingo from the Banana Splits with his comedy teeth, and that simpering Owain Wyn Evans.
Being a shirtlifter or a wimmin is the key to the golden shitter at BBC Savile House.
A great big, arse stabbing cunt, if I’m not mistaken!
He’s a boring cunt too, at work the only radios in the cabins, are old ones which lads have fetched in over the years.
No DAB radios, and all of them tuned to Radio 2.
I’ve noticed I’m not the only who now, turns then off rather than listen to the pe****ts.
never listened to radio 2, did listen to radio 4 a lot until it went on a lurch to the left with the result it had me shouting at the fucking wireless like a retard. I now listen to 4extra which is bearable for now apart from the ” contains content and attitudes of it’s time ” warnings, fucked if I know how it could be otherwise and why you’d need telling. Do attempt the world service occasionally but its riddled with climate emergency bollocks and is the wokest station of the lot, absolute cuntfest.
“They will delve deeper into specific genres and periods of music with context, curation and storytelling.”
That settles it for me – the word “curation”. As soon as you are told something is “curated” (or “carefully curated”) you know you are in the Realm of Cunts. It’s pretentious. Museum experts curate collections. No one else does and if they say so they are a pretentious cunt (that goes without saying in the case of the BBC).
If ISAC ever calls itself “a carefully curated collection of cuntings” then I’ll hang my head in despair.
The BBC are cunts for decimating Radio 2.
Yep, you can tell that was written by chin-stroking cunt of monstrous proportions. BBC is full of therm.
You know they’ve lost the plot when they pay that over excitable fifty odd year old teenager Zoe Ball a million a year, (second only to Linecunt) to babble on like a moron whilst losing millions of listeners. Ultra cunts.
Radio Pooh can shove it up their backside.Cunt truffles.
…….just don’t mention Radio 4.
now full of wokeist, race baiting and mental heath ;issues; in every fucking article.
I don’t like listening to others’ self-important chit-chat on radio. nearly as boring as the vanilla music and constant ‘We Buy Any Car’ adverts.
BBC radio, like the BBC itself. Well overdue to be inhumanely put down.
I could not stand after thirty years, Bruce,wright,etc playing the same record’s, spouting the same innane mindless babble.
It’s fucking boring…
Currently listening to Jazz FM, I’m no jazzo fan but lots of music I’ve never heard and no fuckwit babbling on and on and on and on..!
Agree with the cunting but the link is shite journalism.
‘A bloke off twitter reckons….’
Also, Scott Mills may have stepped down at one station (R1), but was handed Steve Wright’s audience for the same slot on radio 2.
Either way Radio 1 is a dead duck, poised to be overtaken by Greatest Hits. The BBC have completely fucked themselves by pretending forty-something Karens were the listener base for radio 2, when in reality the average listener age is 55, and Steve Wright was let go and is now dead.
As for this;
‘they will delve deeper into specific genres and periods of music with context, curation and storytelling’
Pass the sick bucket. that just about sums up the soulless, humourless cunts now running the place.
Bunch of clueless Cressidas and Tarquins.
The BBC; ‘a cunting a day helps you work, rest and play’.
Morning all.
Radios 3 & 4 have always been the ones for me two listen to. If you search enough, there’s comedy on there where the beeb take the piss out of themselves.
NME Radio (I know, I know!)
However, no adverts whatsoever and a steady stream of alternative music. Some classics, some recent.
Zoe Ball, the ratty looking tart should be kept on radio, away from the general public.
Never found her entertaining, of pleasing on the eye – complete waste of space if you asked me.
If it wasn’t for Rubber Johnny Ball or FatCunt Slim, she’d be a junkie – she fucking looks like one, always has!
I dont get the we know best and fuck you lot attitude of bbc, the licence/tax payer seems not to matter anymore so long as we cough up the dough. Any fool and his dog can see the changes that helen thomas makes will fail, just as matthew bannister did when he swept out the old guard at radio 1. Scott mills is a good presenter but not quite radio 2 style. The much missed steve wright is a big thing to take over and yes he wasnt everyones cup of tea but he was at the top of his game and will be sorely missed. I no longer listen to it and have followed ken bruce over to ghr which is ok but could be better if they changed the playlist, if they did they really could blow radio 2 off the dial. Nothing ever lasts forever, enjoy while you can.
I wondered if Ken would ever say,’ and coming up it’s Bobbi with the traffic and then Aphex Twin’s Isopropanol’.
Lester,Kennedy,Wogan,Bruce,Young (up to a point) Wright and Johnnie Walker.Golden years RIP.(R2)
I’m quite partial to the resurrected (and probably legal these days) Radio Caroline.
Broadcasting variously from the East Coast, Isle of Man and Belgium. You hear music on there never before heard as they are happy to play album & live tracks. If you are lucky, or unlucky, depending on taste, you can hear a 25 minute Genesis track from 1974.
No official ‘playlist’ as such, just random wonders from the 60s, 70s and some 80s, different every day. And no chatter from presenters, no adverts!
No woke shite or agenda pushing, just decent music ..
Genesis is decent music??? Fucking hell…..