Trans Fascists and the Woke Police

Further evidence (if needed) that freedom of speech is no longer considered sacrosanct in this once great country.

In fact using it has now become an arrestable offence:

British singer, Louise Distras was recently arrested by police over comments she made on GB News back in May about ‘being an adult human female’ and being threatened by ‘trans-rights extremists.’

Speaking on GB News, Ms Distras said: ‘Everything in my life starts with me being a woman and being an adult human female right, so I stated this radical biological fact in an interview in May this year. The platforms that championed me have now denounced me as a Nazi and as a transphobe, I’m being threatened by trans-rights extremists, one of them tracked down my address and turned up at my home. I had to go to court and get an injunction. There is an ongoing police investigation.’

Ms Distras, who lives in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, said she was in the shower when police arrived unannounced to arrest her. She was forced to endure the indignity of getting dressed in front of a police officer with a bodycam like a ‘terrorist.’

Once in the custody of West Yorkshire Police she was photographed and had DNA swabs and fingerprints taken.

Can’t say George Orwell didn’t warn us.

Metro News

PS: Fuck the Metro

Nominated by: Minge Juice Bottler

62 thoughts on “Trans Fascists and the Woke Police

  1. The police will almost certainly get what’s coming to them. KGB. FSB, Stasi, they’ve had plenty of forerunners to learn from.

  2. That the bread and butter for the modern day police.
    Fuck solving real crime. Someone has been mis-gendered, start the cars..

    Better take half a dozen sarge, might be dangerous.
    Make sure you stop off at greggs on the way, you fat unfit cunts.

  3. Ahh gender “politics” and “activism”..

    Like treading in dog shit on the way to the chippy.


  4. Mass and prolonged civil unrest by the majority of normal people is long overdue in this twisted and spineless state. The French know how to do it. These days I have very mixed feelings about being British or, more accurately, English. Some things I am proud of, others I utterly despise. Enough’s e-fuckin’-nough, as I often say to the blokes I drink with in the bar.

  5. The police turned into work, right there has been a serious assault, a burglary, a car theft and an alleged non crime hate incident, which one should we prioritise….

    Let’s get the fucking Nazi ?

    I wonder how many non crime hate incidents they failed to attend compared to actual crimes like shoplifting.

    The Met police chief showed just how fucking soft they have become when the rag heads were chanting Jihad and came out with it can mean different things, fucking idiot.

    • ‘One senior officer familiar with the case told the Mail: “This child experienced psychological trauma similar to that of someone who has been physically raped.”’

      Bollocks. Doesn’t surprise me though. About the only crimes the police investigate these days are non-crimes.

      What’s next – investigating virtual burglaries? Virtual murders?

      And that lying, incompetent, nonentity excuse for a Home Secretary, James Cleverly, weighing in pretending to be all concerned and outraged – the same Home Secretary who made a “joke” about date raping his wife, ffs!

      • How about parents stop letting their children online in the first place? No facilebook, no YT etc, allow nothing except wikipedia and a few others of use,

    • The George Dawes song ‘Life in an old people’s home’ should be rewritten for the pigs.

      Life of the met, Scotland Yard

      Greggs for lunch, Kebab for dinner…

    • I just hope the police don’t look into the atrocities I committed on grand theft auto in my youth.

      I will be looking at 25 years..

      • I remember playing GTA: Vice City well into the night, running over the geriatrics in a Lambo while blasting out Giorgio Moroder.

      • Shit, I make The Mississippi Burning look like a comedy with some of the shit I used to get up to on GTA! ?

  6. A sick and dying man pulled a moonie at a speed camera.
    About eight cozzers turned up to arrest him. They also gave him some very rough treatment.

    Not for nothing are they known as The Filth.

  7. Distras should sue these trannie shagging bogies.

    She said nothing offensive, nothing foul mouthed, nothing racist (there there sambeau). I thought she spoke very well about it. Mind you, it’ll be well over the heads of today’s wind up toy tattooed poison gnome keeping hate crime off the streets pathetic dibble.

  8. Anybody thought of opening an Abnormal Club and changing a £1,000 annual subscription ? I just have.

  9. This lady gets nicked simply for having an opinion.

    While my local Spar has had an epidemic of spearchucking shoplifters. Yet no police have been either involved or even called in. All they’ve done is put tns of fish and jars of coffee next to the cigs and booze behind the till. Sambeau hasn’t even had a stern warning.

    As David Crosby (RIP) said at that now infamous Byrds gig
    ‘This is your country, ladies and gentlemen.’☹

  10. The filth are too thick to realise that come the Caliphate, they will be first in orange jumpsuits, the cunts.

  11. All part of the master plan. Stick on some lippy and go down the nearest woman’s toilet with impunity. Next they’ll be encouraging cottaging in the men’s.

  12. All this revolting LGBTQ dog dirt….

    I bet if I went out now in a ‘Straight Pride’ T-Shirt, and holding a placard saying ‘I Like (Real) Women’ on it, I’d be nicked before you could say Tommy Robinson. Kidney treatment or no kidney treatment, my life and wellbeing would matter not to the woke pigs. They would be more interested in telling me that I need to educate myself. Because that’s what the thick as pigshit woke plod always say.

    The Burnley Filth still have me laughing. The most violent and troublesome bovver boy hoolies out for a Burnley/Blackburn Derby? Nah, the police didn’t bother with that.

    But some Herbert flys a banner with just three inoffensive words on it over the ground? About ten bogies arrested him, lad got the sack from his job, and the kid is probably now in a special police/government rehabilitation and education centre. Getting electrodes in his eyeballs, Clockwork Orange style.

    • The company that sacked the ‘White Lives Matter’ chap – does it still exist?
      At the very least I hope that they were sued for wrongful dismissal.

  13. While I do admire her guts and anti-wokeness. I thought that she might have been a bit tasty…. Lousie Distras, thought she might look a bit saucy.

    She doesn’t… Oh well, as Peter Green would say.?

  14. While I’ve no time for the trans loony brigade I imagine Louise Distress is a right fuckin pain in the arse.

    Banging on about “everything she does is about being a woman “.

    Yes, I can tell your a biological woman because you never stop fuckin moaning.

    You got arrested, yeah it’s shite,
    Hard luck.
    I’ve been arrested a few times myself.
    Didn’t shout foul about it,
    Just accepted it.
    Laughed at them.

    Laughter is the best medicine Louise.
    You laugh at a copper they get tearful
    Laugh at a tranny they’ll top themselves.

    • I honestly think laughter would be reaction to this shit.

      Most of these cases are thrown out of court anyway. The Grenfell effigy 6 were acquitted after plod had to think up something to charge them with, underbpressure from twitter.
      ‘public order offence’, despite it being recorded in a private garden then uploaded to Facebook.

    • I was in the bath when plod(s) turned up on the doorstep. I thought I was going to get dragged down the station wrapped in a towel :-0

  15. The Metro has an issue with facts.

    it’s vile that women are adult human females.

    They also pretend EastEnders and Doctor Who are performing better than ever.

    Should be renamed The Message

    • Ah, EastEnders.

      The most recent plot has half a dozen middle ageed slappers stabbing a bloke to death and burying him.

      Of course, the Beebscum see that as acceptable and empowering.
      Yet, dare to criticise the gayblack and transfreak infested Doctor Whoke and it’s dummy spitting all round.

  16. Great nom.

    Imagine if the Yorkshire Ripper was out and about today. Never get caught, ever. It would make the dimmest 70s copper look like Sherlock Holmes. Fat, bacon sandwich munching wastes of space are too busy licking trans and muzzie arse to catch any proper ciminals. . Fuck them and fuck that cunt Sunak who lets this shit happen. No one wants you, Sunak, fuck off.

  17. White working class straight person who obviously needs to learn her place. Just a good job it wasn’t a man. She’d have been in prison for a hate crime within hours.

    The sooner equality means equality of opportunity and not equality of outcome the better, but it seems to be beyond these minority groups and they all want special treatment giving them more rights than everyone else.

  18. Off-piste but I see the cunts at the BBC are jumping all over teenage darts sensation, Luke Littler.

    White, male and working class. Everything that they despise.

    He has to be a very early contender for SPOTY if he wins….UNLESS…Emma Raducanu makes it to the 3rd round of Wimbledon or some Team GB bint finishes 7th in the hammer throw at the Olympics.

  19. Congratulations to Munroe Bergdorf who has been chosen as the UN choice for women’s champion UK.

    Despite being a black bloke.

  20. The arrest of Ms Distras for proclaiming the scientifically proven facts of biology is truly disturbing. Until the concept of “ hate speech” is overturned we will never be free. The contrast with the weekly Hamas hate marches could not be more stark. How many people have been arrested for voicing support of Hamas terrorists? I know which one is the more dangerous.

    Freedom of speech is dead in the U.K. it has been since these lunatics realised they could cry like children about words hurting them to the police.

    Excellent nom, MJB.

    • If you get arrested for stating biological facts because they’re deemed offensive by wankers in blue it diminishes the punishment for being genuinely hateful.

      Fill your boots, gents/gentesses.

  21. All white people are racist….?

    Well he’s got me bang to rights but doubt that’s factual.

    Good nom MJB?

    That sign, ‘women are being erased’
    Not by me.
    I never use a rubber.

  22. Well, don’t say that good old uncle Adolf and the boys didn’t warn everyone! The only saving grace is that all these fucking deviant groups will eventually turn on each other, a bit like Duncan’s Horses until they are all cancelled!

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