So How Did 2023 Work for You?

Well for me, 2023 was much the same as 2022. Politicians are still 2 faced cunts; the Woke are becoming ever more prominent ruling over our lives; I am working harder than ever, but paying ever more taxes; the disappointment of not moving to Denmark, is probably the real highlight/bugbear. But that was more to do with personal reasons than anything else.

Seems to me if you’re a hard working, decent citizen, pay your bills, save for your retirement, follow the rules and basically be a typical model person, you’re seen as an easy cash-cow to be constantly milked and fucked about with by the Establishment and by the virtue signalling woke cunts on MSM and SM.

There’s no one to defend your corner anymore. And that’s why 2023 was so shite and I don’t foresee much hope for 2024 either despite the prospect of a general election. Yes, you can be radical and vote Reform, but we know it won’t make much of a difference.

That said, both my wife, my loyal and incredibly funny Border Terrier and myself are in good health and still enjoying life in the Lake District. But I know that the creeping hand of “Change” emanating from London is crawling its way throughout England, with its inclusion and diversity, the forced acceptance of multiculturalism and having to put up with thousands of ungrateful migrants, solar farms and  ugly wind turbines on my doorstep

I’ll be glad to see the back of 2023, but 2024 doesn’t hold out much hope for anything better for the “Little People” in this totally fucked up country.

Nominated by Technocunt.

101 thoughts on “So How Did 2023 Work for You?

  1. My dream for the year is that the sea of idiots that seem to surround us starts boiling. Millions of them boiling to death in a vast, endless, pool – as far as the eye can see.
    Back in the good old days idiots knew their place; the abortion bucket, the bench in the village square maybe the plastic seat in the corner of the bookies. Howling, grunting, pissing their pants but causing no real harm.
    Fast forward 40/50 years and the idiot is God. We are lucky enough to be able to vote for them. They read us the news. They are champion sportsmen. So smart they can turn men into women and women into men.
    Boil sea boil….

  2. 2023 was okay personally. Lost some weight, spent some time with a pretty decent woman, made a nice shift at work.

    But 2023 was just a preview of the utter shitstorm to follow. The totalitarian leftists have just about sealed the deal in the U.S.

    And they wonder why gun sales are through the roof.

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