The National Maritime Museum

Yo ho ho and a bottle of alcohol free rum for the national maritime museum..

Joining the woke crusade to trash our history, the museum moves to tarnish Lord Nelson and the Royal navy..

A new interactive display with gets this,a statue of a god-like protector of all migrants. Which surprise,surprise is a black women, though apparently its genderless.

This interactive display compares the plight of the dinghy vermin to the actions of the British navy..
The same navy that brought about the end of the European/American slave trade..
Probably shouldn’t of bothered lads..

So being escorted to the coast by french gendarmes, the across the channel by french and British boats is the equivalent of being blown out of the water, fighting tyranny.

Brown, smelly vermin I salute you..

Time to withdraw all taxpayers funding to these traitorous scum..


Nominated by: Barry zuckercunt

41 thoughts on “The National Maritime Museum

  1. Nice cunting, Bz.
    Is there any facet of English life thar doesn’t kowtow to these darkie parasites?
    This could be a joint cunting that includes the RNLI…fuck them too.
    The navy ought to be turning round these dinghys full of pakıs and sootıes at gunpoint.
    The National Maritime Museum is promoting the enemy. This may well not be treason or sedition, but it’s in the same ballpark.
    Here’s their email address. I will be emailing them this weekend about their disgusting behaviour and my fellow ISAC Englishmen ought to do likewise.

    • Hello Sailor!!

      Don’t have seamen on your poopdeck.

      Who’s this negress statue?
      This mama dinghylips!
      Can’t be a real goddess of the foamy brine.

      Sooties can’t swim.

    • After being picked up, mid channel, by the navy / coastguard / RNLI Uber. Our dusky invaders are probably given tea, biscuits and a tot of grog.

      We’re our own worst enemy.

      I had a good laugh, courtesy of some Pàki’s yesterday.

      Me and Ethel had a run out, in the Luxury Motorhome ( as Fiddler mockingly called it, the cunt ).

      We went to Tatton Park, in Cheshire.

      After a bracing walk we got back to the van and as I was washing The Hound down, I became aware of something of a kerfuffle.

      Three young Stanley chaps were running for their car, followed by an excited and playful miniature Schnauzer, that was ignoring its owners recall. ??

      They were screaming like fucking girls, two got in the car and the third ended up running around the car, happily pursued by the cute little dog that just wanted to play.

      He eventually got in when the dog fucked off back to its owner. ?

      They then drove off. Why they’d been let into the hallowed ground of an English Stately Home leaves some worrying questions.

      They’ll have been up to no good, mark my words.

      Anyone who doesn’t like dogs is highly suspect, in my humble opinion, and these mudslimes are taught to hate dogs, by their twisted and warped religion.

      I like to walk through a group of them, when I’m walking The Hound, should the opportunity arise.

      It’s like Moses parting the Red Sea.

      Fucking weirdos.

      Good morning, Thomas / all. ??

      • Jack@

        One of my favourite memories that still makes me smile even when feeling sad or have the blues ,

        Is of walking the akita around a corner and there’s some piccaninny children playing.
        They spot the dog and set off running.

        The youngest about 6yrs doesn’t realise what they’re running from just panics and runs.

        He’s still looking around when he runs straight into a lamppost.

        Hal Roach would of been proud.

        I couldn’t breathe for laughing ?

      • Ho ho, excellent, Jack!
        If I had my way, every muzzıe infesting this once-great country would be spit-roasted at each end by a bender dog and a fruity pig, with big unlubed winkles.
        Let’s hope your muzzıe chums were so upset by the little woofer that they crashed their car head-on into another car full of muzzıes.

      • My old boxer dog was gay, and used to try to hump teenage boys in shorts. He was far too discerning to go near your regular mohammedan. Perhaps a young Sri Lankan lad, at a push.

    • E-mailed…….? Would like all the museum bigwigs and and the next dinghy full of jolly jack tars to go to his statue to deride it just as ol’ one eye decides his base is unsafe and he comes crashing down and splatters the arsewipes over the lost capital….. forget hardy you bunch of genderless tossers and kiss this ?

  2. “Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the….erm hang on”
    Seems we can’t even rule our own history anymore, thanks to cunts like these.
    The withdrawal of government funding is indeed a great idea, But our government probably approves of this shit.
    After all, wasn’t it sooty who saved Europe from Hitlers tyranny?
    Saved countless lives in the blitz?
    Rescued the Falklands from a totalitarian junta?
    That’s what the kids are being taught nowadays.
    And established historians, fearful of being cancelled or a dive in book sales, are happy to go along with such bollocks.
    Press gang the lot of them to work as servants on the Bibby Stockholm.

  3. The only maritime commemoration of sponging darkıes I’d want to see is if they were all herded onto a ferry.
    The ferry being the Herald of Free Enterprise.

    • @Thomas. Off topic for a mo…..

      You wouldn’t happen to have any AI altered images of Taylor Swift ? about your person, would you ?

      Asking for MNC.

      He’s a big fan ?

      • Not our MNC.
        He’s a fan of AI images of a pre-death 40 stone John Candy wearing a knitted black wool gimp costume wearing shoes made from the hollowed-out de-limbed torsos of Madeleine McCann and Ben Needham.

        (This vision is not helping me to enjoy my Full English breakfast! – Day Admin)

  4. The display of Nelson should be depicted as him thrashing the shit out of that uppity wench.

  5. I composed this 2 weeks ago, fast forward the same cunts that are happy for our history to be trashed, want to conscript us to fight for our “big laugh” country..

    I welcome the Russians to roll in, our peaceful problem would be solved in a month..

    • Always makes for fascinating reading when you hear of those progressives wanting to trash our history, especially Churchill, during peace time. And yet as soon as there’s a hint of a war involving the UK, they immediately insist that Britons should do their duty and fight for their country!

      Of course, they carefully neglect to mention themselves, or wimminz, or those on the Spectrum, or the newly arrived migrants, as candidates to be go out and fight. Instead its those awful working class bigots who should put down their lives.

      And even if there was a war and the UK was somehow victorious, these same cunts wouldn’t thank/mourn the hundreds of thousands of true Britons who died. For them it will be back to normal, slagging off the working class and rewriting the war to suggest that Britain only won because the Progressives negotiated a peace settlement and that the 1 million Brits who died were just collateral damage that no one should worry about.

  6. They should be ashamed of themselves for belittling our war dead.

    The utter lies being taught as fact would make Beria blush.

    I think I’ll send them a brief email to ask why they are such woke cunts.

    I won’t expect a reply of course,maybe a knock on the door from the rozzers for “wrong think”.


  7. I’m not laughing anymore. Where have all these darkies sprung up from. I repeat. Never saw a single one until approaching my teens. Even though I’d never moved a cock stride from my closely knit community.

  8. I walked past a Big Issue seller yesterday, sat down in the dirt as befits their sanitation habits.
    Wished the dooshka cunt a jovial “Good morning parasite” but he just grinned vacantly, probably “no spika inglis”

    * Absentmindedly wonders how much a steamroller costs to hire.

    • I see the only Big Issue seller who appears once a week at our Friday Market. She’s a pretty little thing. I whisper sweet nothings in her ear, but she wants more than I can offer.

  9. I’m not laughing anymore. Where have all these cocoa coloured clowns sprung up from ? I repeat. Never saw a single one until approaching my teens. Even though I’d never moved a cock stride from my closely knit community.

    • Suppose some are wondering when this was. Do the sums. I was a year old when the war WE won ended.

      • In saying that, where I reside now, there isn’t a single chocolate coloured clown. Yet, if what you are all saying is true.

  10. The British Government could stop illegal immigration across the Channel just like the American Government can stop it across the Rio Grand. But they won’t because they have an agenda.

    And in both cases their agenda is not our agenda.

    As for the re-writing history it’s been going on for a couple of generations now. The Neo-Marxists know that if they take away our past then they take away our future.

  11. As for the Quislings at the Maritime Museum, send e-mails, write letters, make phone calls, withhold donations but whatever you do…DON’T GO.

    Let them know loud and clear that you don’t support a shrine to Sinbad the fucking Sailor!

    And make sure they know that if they keep this woke shit up you’ll vote for Brexit again.


  12. Nelson is one of the greatest ever Englishmen so you should expect him to be played by an Ooga-Dooga Nigerian with an unpronounceable name very soon.

    “When ees de French ships gonna arrives, like. Cha.”

  13. No need to visit museums if the do this.
    Just stay in and watch Channel 4 or Netflix.

  14. Plenty of Africans in Nelson’s navy.
    He (and the Admiralty) didn’t give two fucks who crewed the ships, as long as they could pull their weight, and dispised the French.
    ‘So, ye hate the Frenchies do ye?’
    ‘Oui, Bwana.’
    ‘Welcome aboard me lad!’

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