The Ministry of Defence (2)

Seems that due to a massive shortfall in new recruits in the Royal Navy, the MoD in their infinite wisdom has decided to decommission 2 perfectly good, fully working warships while sending the few remaining recruits to new frigates that came into service just a few months ago.

The two decommissioned ships were originally both refitted at huge expense to the Taxpayer, but will now be mothballed and written off at yet another massive cost to the Taxpayer.

Neither the MoD or the RN have looked at why new recruitment has fallen so dramatically over the years. Perhaps its because Millennials and Gen Zs don’t fancy the hard graft and discipline required; or that they have political and ethical issues. Or perhaps its because all three defence services have spent a fortune with their woke recruitment advertising where only minorities and wimminz are required!

Anyway, who would want to join up and defend this fucking country any more?


Nominated by Technocunt.

67 thoughts on “The Ministry of Defence (2)

  1. The Art of British Management. Refit ships at great cost but don’t recruit anyone to staff them.
    And we pick up the tab.
    When do any of these public servants get held to account?

  2. Perhaps a bit of honesty wouldn’t go amiss with our Chiefs Of Staff..

    We are skint.

    We are full of immigrants who don’t give a toss about Britain,which in turn makes British morale slide..who wants to fight and possibly die to defend foreign looters sat comfy on “housing benefit”?

    We are a deeply divided,muddled country led by greedy clowns who have no idea how ordinary British people live.

    If we had a functioning govt with a backbone that acted only in the interests of British people to the total exclusion of all others then the problem might start to change..

    Maybe the poor cunts who pretend it’s still 1924 could boost morale and recruitment by sending the Navy to forcibly return the illegals to France at gunpoint?

    I fucking doubt it we’ve gone soft and it’ll take more than a few warnings from the Services about lack of staff..or indeed the farcical idea that in a land war with Russia (thanks NATO you out of date cunts) we’d start conscription.

    What a laugh,we’ve enough need clearing out of this country afore we start worrying about Ivan and his rusty clapped out army.

    Dear me what a mess.

    • If, for some bizarre reason, the russians are interested in invading this shithole they may as well wait a couple of years until it’s a caliphate. Much easier to take on the peacefuls when the left wing aren’t protecting them, and they’ll have been thrown off towers/beheaded/burnt in the streets by then.

    • Hitler thought Ivan was clapped out. Just saying.
      I have stood in the main cemetery of St Petersburg where the dead from the siege of 1941-44 , by the Germans, are buried in mass pits with 10k in each. Over a 1m and a quarter civilians died. May be more.
      Don’t under estimate them.

  3. Better to start clearing up the remnants of the Blair/Brown regime. A mass hanging would work for me. Make the treasonous cunts in parliament work in the interests of the British people for once.

    • That’s probably half a million civil servants and public sector managers, councilors, diversity consultants, quangocrats, SpAds and various shite.

  4. About five years ago I met matelot at a wedding reception. He had been in for a dozen years or so but was working his notice. In their efforts to find sufficient crew for the new aircraft carriers the ‘management’ had reduced the crew numbers on the few destroyers and frigates left in the RN by 20%. The result was a great number of pissed off, over worked Jacks who decided that Civvy Street had more to offer them and handed their notice in.

    • I wonder how the words ‘fuck of you contemptible wankstain of an utter Cunt’ would sound to the author of that article??

      There’s a harsh reality coming for pricks like him very soon.

    • I’d sooner go to jail.

      I served my country 25 years ago.

      It’s among the last things I would do now.

      Blair came to power during my time of service and the country has never been, or felt like the same place since.

    • I’m all for conscription, as long as it’s diverse and equal. Get loads of wimminz, trannies and effnicks in.

      They can get fucking shot at and blown up for a change.

  5. I have to declare an interest.

    My solution for what it is worth would be to butter up the little cunts till they sign on the dotted line then put them under the command of modern day Captain Bligh’s.

  6. I’d fight anybody threatening to harm my wife and kids and I’d join anybody intending to fight those unwelcome and ungrateful peacefuls and other recent arrivals (Architects and miscellaneous other highly qualified yet strangely unemployable professionals, all valiant young males unaccompanied and unhindered by women and children) who I want to see kicked right out of here.

  7. There are plenty of South African highly qualified servicemen who have recently abandoned ship (world of puns). Why not tap them before they join the Aus services? They also have a healthy dislike of all things sooty which is always a benefit.

    • White South Africans are leaving the place in droves. We took our cat to the vet recently and she was treated by a vet from Jo’burg. He explained that raising his family in Cornwall was far preferable to doing so anywhere in SA.

      • Will be the situation here in about 20 years

        We will all have to go and live in Hungary

    • The media seem remarkably quiet regarding the plight of white people in South Africa.

      Imagine for one second if it was the other way round though.

  8. They are muttering about conscription and the possibility that our youth will need to fight and die for the country again.

    The country that squeezes its citizens dry and shits all over ex servicemen?

    Fuck off, I’ll fight the state before I’ll see my children sacrificed to maintain the status quo.

  9. Shithole of a country

    Tin pot armed forces, more admirals than ships, pilots than aircraft etc etc

    Every politician an utter cunt

    Immos on every corner

    And local councils want to tax me even more.


  10. FIRST RANK FIRE ?…. SECOND RANK FIRE ….?….ooooh stop it’s to loud, but he looks nice in that skirt ?… wellington,nelson, battle of Britain pilots et al and the rest wouldn’t believe the nation has sunk this low …R.I.P.

  11. Because you get measured up by Capita with Xi King Ping at the helm. You know that company which collects money for that BBC. The Anti British collective of shit shirring lefties.

    Not even the National Health Service. You can have hay fever and they wouldn’t let you in. It’s pathetic. That’s why recruitment is so fucking shit and worrying about mis gendering someone or opening a door for a lady in the same regiment and getting fucking dishonourable discharge for misgendering someone.

    Fucking bunch of clowns.

  12. The amount of waste in all Government Departments is staggering and annoys me greatly. There appears to be no oversight on the spending, what is being bought, does it need to be bought, are there cheaper alternatives? An example, a small one I know. The NHS buys luxury photo copier paper at £20 to £30 a go. They won’t make do with ordinary copier paper at £2 to £5 a go. Multiply waste examples like this by hundreds of thousands most of which will be for a lot of money. The easiest thing to do is to waste other peoples money i.e the Taxpayers. Until we have stringent oversight this will continue. What we could spend this wasted money on, state of the art infrastructure, secure borders, medical research, world class engineering, properly equipped Armed Forces, a World leader in Healthcare including elderly care not funded by working people who have already paid a lifetime of tax through working.

  13. “updating the Navy into a modern, hi-tech fighting force”. – A Whitehall source


    “The operational requirements of the Royal Navy are kept under constant review. The Ministry of Defence is committed to ensuring the Royal Navy has the capabilities it needs to meet current and future operational requirements.”

    Bla bla bla, oh look the HMS PoW has broken down. I guess thats because of
    ”an emerging mechanical issue”.

    Reminds me of the guff some US Air Force chap tried on Prof. Brian Cox regarding GPS for a documentary.

    Cox’s response; ‘so what you’re saying is… you’re an idiot’.

  14. Best use of them would be to sail to France, pack em to the gills with immo’s then scuttle them in the channel.
    With one life jacket per ship..

  15. The US has the same problem. The new recruits are getting fewer and the ones they do get have only held a game controller or iPhone. Maybe when they get into a heated battle they can Google “How to win a heated battle”.
    They only want college money anyway.
    Excellent nom Techno as always.

  16. fuck me how things change when the Old Queen and Emperess of India oversaw the fleet at Spithead she was there for hours as they steamed past 5 abreast, now King Charles wouldn’t have chance to salute before our sole pedalo and immigration rescue craft whizzed by.
    Fucking shameful and the next cunt that says we shouldn’t waste money on the military to me is going to get a gobful of fucks.
    Always play to your strengths and this country when it was hugely male, stale and pale ( proven to succeed) was the pre eminent nation for dealing in death and war and by the same token world peace, now its mealy mouthed wankers in charge.

  17. I can’t imagine why we (and the US ) are suffering a recruiting crisis . It’s almost if woke adverts and a concerted campaign to destroy white men has meant that those same white men now don’t fancy fighting for people who clearly despise them.

    They should get their Muzzer favourites to fill the gap. Oh that’s right , they all fight for the other side

    You could barely make it up

  18. Short of recruits even after all the money spent on the wokery. Proves to me that there are not as many wokey cunts as the powers that be seem to think there are. Appear to be a very small part of the why not recruit people who want to do their bit. You would have thought that after the RAF recruitment scandal ie no white men unless puddle jumpers or trannies the useless mod would have learnt its lesson. But hey it ain’t their money that’s being pissed up the wall useless cunts one and all

    • Well there might be loads of woke cunts but they have absolutely no fucking ability or desire to join the forces ?

      Even if they are promised same sex bumming rooms , prayer time etc etc

      • It’s an appalling dilemma for army chiefs. How do you provide ‘safe spaces’ on the battlefield?

  19. I’ve got an idea.

    We seem to have 1000 fighting age men turning up here each day.

    They all seem to come from macho male dominated countries .

    Why not just give them a gun and uniform as they run up the beach at Dover

    • We have the sixth strongest economy in the world. Good to see the Tories spending it in the right places and ensuring our safety.

  20. I’ve got my Russian flag and a large bottle of Russisn Standard for when Ivan invades.

    They shouldn’t have too much trouble. The effnicks from the religion of peace seem to be able to traverse the channel without so much as getting their feet wet.

    Na Zdrovya. ( excuse my spelling Vlad )

  21. I wonder if those loving parasites that are flooding our borders would have to sign up for conscription?

  22. Why would anyone want to join the military? Shit pay, fighting other peoples wars, risk of death or becoming a cripple, ending up with severe metal health issues, no thanks.

    Seems kids today are smarter than previous generations.

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