The Luke Littler Hype

The Luke Littler hype is a cunt. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed his run at the World Championship – it’s exactly what darts needed and he likely has a very successful career ahead of him. However, the way the media talk about him you’d think he was God himself.

To hear the likes of the BBC (who had shown fuck all interest in the PDC up until this year’s tournament), Sky, The Sun etc go on you’d think it was him who had the won the thing and not Humphries.

Allegedly there’s even a MOVIE being mooted about his life ffs. Just like with Gazza he’s gonna burn out if they’re not careful and all that gigantic potential will be flushed down the drain.

Daily Mail

Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt

(Is this going to another one of those Emma “one hit wonder” Raducanu scenarios? – Day Admin)

76 thoughts on “The Luke Littler Hype

  1. He has always got his day job of playing Tyrone in Corrie to fall back on if darts superstardom doesn’t work out.

    • A future Jocky Wilson, HJ?
      Hopefully the lad’ll fill his boots with orange-skinned strumpets before he hits 30 stone.

      • He’ll no doubt earn plenty, and spend most of it on slow horses, fast cars and even faster birds, before squandering the rest.

        The old ones are the best.

      • Ron, when you say the old ones are the best do you mean in the Wayne Rooney “Grab a Granny” sense?

  2. Don’t get me wrong. I like throwing things and Darts can be fun, but I don’t understand why it is classed as a sport, particularly as most of the players are chunky monkey pie eaters who would probably have a heart attack if they moved too fast.

  3. This nonentity will disappear soon, fortunately due to suffering with progeria.
    The End.

  4. Good news the BBC are producing the movie, so casting agents are looking for black, transgender mongs..

    • Also from Sid:
      ‘It’s the nearest thing to public execution this side of Saudi Arabia.’

      He should have been our Ambassador to Riyadh.

      • Just one more, GT, if our fellow cunteers will permit the indulgence …

        “Steve Beaton – The `Adonis of Darts`. What poise, what elegance: A true roman gladiator … with plenty of hair wax.”

        + many, many more.

      • Tony Green once after a high checkout score by Mervyn King, “Mervyn, the swerve….”

      • “When Alexander of Macedonia was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer. Bristow’s only 27.”

  5. Darts is racist

    That’s why there’s no black darts

    This Cool hand Luke should concentrate on his school work rather than Earning a fortune throwing shit.

    He’s only 16
    Despite looking 46.
    It’s taking its toll.

    Darts is a high pace, physically draining activity that can make athletes appear out of shape.

    • That is a surprise considering all the practice the blacks put in with spear throwing and blow darts.

    • He’s a fat cunt who thinks he’s special becuase he can throw a few darts.

      Whoopety woo.

  6. Classic gurning, pie eating, mong savant. Probably autistic, with a touch of ADHD. Will do well as a telly celeb. Maybe on Cuntdown, given his probable subtraction skills.

  7. Gotta feel sorry the cunt. I can tell, he ruined already – damaged good.

    Matthew McConaughey will probably be cast as Littler (funny name for a fat cunt).

  8. He must have been a few years old when he was born. He looks about 30 and is already going thin on top. He will have a combover like Robert Robinson when he is 18.

    That said, he keeps up the great British sporting tradition of coming second. He looks as if he would have a hard time cumming at all.

    • I thought the same, Mr. Boggs.

      16? Is that dog years or summat?

      Did his mother put Baby Bio in his bottle and horse shit in his shoes?

      16 my arse!

  9. Can’t wait for the film!!

    Is anything more exciting and fast paced than darts?
    Tailor made for Hollyweird.

    Summer blockbuster.

    Maybe add some CGI aliens and random sooties and a tranny .

    • Henry Cavill is keen on getting back to the Greggs diet plan. Superheroes and action roles are not getting him the acclaim he deserves.

  10. well, i enjoy the darts. bit of a ritual in our house over xmas. hoping to go for the first time this year .

    i do agree with the cunting of the msm jumping on the bandwagon. they acted like a load of school kids in the playground wanking over the latest panini sticker album and amazingly someone in the class has got a card that no one else has. wankers.

    this lad though despite looking 35 and near morbidly obese is a natural talent and at the end of the day i wouldnt mind earning 200k at 16 for throwing a few arrows that isnt supposedly a sport

    • Admin mentions Emma Raducanu who won the US Open, fired her coach and has done the square root of fuck all ever since.
      Even though I’ve always thought she would be a great shag if she put her mind to it. I can’t help feeling a sense of satisfaction about her current lack of success, as I’m sure her ex-coach does.

      • Serves the chippy little cunt right.

        Thought she was made for life, eh?
        Then sacks the person who got her there, at the top.

        Sad really, burnt out at 18.

      • Disagree – she was only 18, how could she have a fucking clue in the best ways of managing her career.

        I blame those around her, the UK media in general and the Beeb in particular.

        An utterly predictable, utterly preventable tale of the modern-day, multi-ethnic, media-made hero.

        Just like Rashford.

      • More of a Katie Boulter man, myself. I’d give that one with knobs on.

        Raducanu will be the female Tim Henman.
        Win piss all, but will end up on the BBC Wimbledon coverage, and – like Tiger Tim – will be lauded for winning fuck all.

  11. This cunting is supposed to be about the hype. Not Luke.

    He’s not robbing cars or stabbing folk. ?

    He’s not claiming benefits. ?

    He’s not banging on in a Linikeresque style ??

    He has a talent for throwing darts.

    Fuck all wrong with that.

    He’s going to earn shed loads of cash.

    Good luck to him.

    Evening all. ?

    • How do you know he isn’t robbing cars, stabbing folk or claiming benefits Jack?

      Maybe he just hasn’t been caught yet.

      • He’s not black ????

        I hope that you’re well behaved Mr.Twatt.

        ISAC is the true home of the law abiding… well, since Fiddler fucked off.

    • Evening Jack

      Well said pal.

      The lad is an absolute natural.

      Darts is a very difficult skill as anybody who throws the occasional arrow knows only too well.

      The hype surrounding young Luke is more than likely because he’s a working class white kid who’s captured the nations imagination.

      Nothing wrong with that and a welcome change from the daily shit show of 21st century Britain.

      • You see your fair share of emerging players who have a good tournament then just completely disappear (Jelle Klaassen and Josh Rock for instance). However, Littler really does look like he’s gonna stick around at the top for a very long time. He has the confidence and you don’t average the averages he’s managed without having something special.

    • I agree, Jack.

      He’s been hailed like he’s the new saviour of the world, but he’s still a balding fat cunt, who has got to be older than 16.

      Maybe the news report should have read
      “Little, father of a 16 year old”

    • Exactly this Jack. He seems like a good lad and I hope he has an outstanding career. It’s just a shame that Humphries’ achievement has gotten lost in all the focus on LL when he’s had to overcome his fair share of challenges himself to get to where he is.

    • @ Foghorn. He maintained that it was the installation of the ‘ Mr. Grimsdasaale ! ‘ feature, to ISAC.

      I think the real reason was that he was about to be sentenced for sexual offences.

      He’ll be slopping out right about now ?

      The fucking rotter.

      Good morning. ??

      • Perhaps he got caught using his farming and forestry equipment to turn an entire tribe of travelling folk into chum for the hounds when they were seen on his vast estate, then used the 20 tonne JCB they’d stolen to smash their caravans to splinters, burnt it up on one of his wicker beasts and buried the ashes.

  12. OT. I see Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield have received their CBE’s today.

    I’m not a big fan of the honours system, but for these two gentlemen, it’s well deserved.

    Fuck me, could anyone have a better mate than Kevin Sinfield ?

    Solid gold chap.

    Proper men both.

    Not like that vacuous Eurovision twat.

    Massive respect ???

  13. Even if Lukey Boy wins the world championship, he’ll lose out on the BBC Sports Personality of the Year, to Mary fucking Earps or some other wimmins football cunt.

    • Nowt against Luke,
      Good luck to the kid.

      But he shouldn’t win sports personality of the year.

      It sends out a bad message.
      Hes got the same fat content as a pork scratching.

      I think that nice Joey Barton should win.
      Friendly, humorous, and someone you’d pay to speak at a after dinner speech.

  14. After dinner speech?

    Are you moving in rarified circles, Mis.

    Or were you moonlighting as a silver service waiter?

      • Ive never been to one JP.
        I’d quite like to attend one but I’m afraid I’m ashamed of my table manners.

        Mopping up the plate with bread an butter
        Gravy in my beard.

        And don’t own a tuxedo.
        I’d look like fuckin Lurch.

        Naw, I can make a twat of myself at home without embarrassing a famous sports personality

  15. Good luck to the lad. Fat cunt or not he throws some mean darts and is well deserving of the adulation and the dosh.

    I used to play darts in the sixth form common room back when I was a teenager – couldn’t throw for shit, and neither could most of my mates.

    Some call chess or snooker a sport, but are they? I wonder what the definition of sport really is?

    Anyway, good luck Luke!

    • Good point Techno.

      Chess, snooker, push hapenny, tiddlywinks,

      Sport or rainy day pursuit?

      Game of poker?
      Sport ?

      Sporting injuries ranging from splinters right up to paper cuts.

  16. Luke Littler is now my favourite darts player, apart from Eric Bristow and all the others.

  17. OT: I see that Gladiators crap is back on. Absolute bollocks of the highest order.

    Mind you, I’d have given that Jet a damn good shagging.

  18. Good for him. He’s undoubtedly talented (not that I know anything about darts) He’s overweight, looks older than he is, probably does not know how to pull a girl. He’s being celebrated by the media – and he’s not even a darkie but a white man! Surely that’s worth celebrating?

  19. How in the name of Universal Credit can Darts be deemed a sport, for fucks sakes? A few bloaty, fat cunts throwing a sharp bit of metal at a board with numbers? Absolute wank! It’s like skittles. I wish I had an IQ low enough to be able to enjoy it! One low brow cunt I had to interview actually put ‘Capt of Darts Team’ under ‘Have you ever held any position of authority, or had to demonstrate leadership ability?’ What an absolute fucking throbber! I was tempted to hire the twat just for entertainment value!

  20. Who do you think you are kidding Mr Littler?
    Saying you’re 16 years old.

    So who do you think you are kidding Mr Littler?
    When your really 41

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