The Japanese and Their Fashion Statements

Japanese are weirdos, and this proves it.

Maybe it’s an effect from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or their parents are a tad too tolerant.

I’ll tell you this. If the Lass tried to walk out of my house dressed like some of these cunts, I’d have stopped her, for her own safety, because some twat would have had a go, for sure.


Anyway, judge for yourselves.
Number 9 rang a bell.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

(Number 19 looks fucking rough! And don’t forget some of these cunts like dressing up as dogs! – Day Admin)

82 thoughts on “The Japanese and Their Fashion Statements

  1. Yep they are weird as fuck and some of their ‘trends’ suggest more than a fleeting acquaintance with peedoughism.

    As a grandchild of a Japanese prisoner of war , my view is that it is just a shame that we didn’t drop bigger fucking bombs on them.

    Godzilla my arse.

    • I get it.

      My grandpa was in the Navy and was at Pearl Harbor. He fought in the Solomon Islands in the early stages of the war.

      Towards the end he also saw action aboard ship and witnessed Kamikaze attacks.

      We should’ve microwaved the entire group of Islands.

      The fucking lemon colored, slanty eyed, slope headed, rice eating little cunts are are the epitome of De-evolution as demonstrated by this nom.

      • I’m a fan of Harakiri and wish more of them would practice it. Especially the cunts in this nomination.

      • Coming from an American it’s a bit rich. The United States of weirdos.

        Don’t get me wrong I think the US is generally great but it’s also ground zero for practically everything weird.

  2. The Japanese are bat shit crazy. They always have been and always will be. Slitty eyed buggers.

  3. Japanese pop culture is weird and cringe-as-fuck. Anime character voices are loud, screechy, shrill and melodramatic until you watch a live action Jap film or TV show and realise that’s what they’re like in real life too.

  4. If the Japanese get any crazier, they might try to turn their country into a multicultural paradise.

    • Damn right, EW.
      We do a lot of motorsport business with the Japs and they’re mental, weird, difficult to deal with and impossible to understand, but at the same time they have the X factor and are strangely cool as fuck.

      • Easy now, TCE.

        I too move in motorsport circles. I’d rather deal with Nips than Krauts; the latter are upstuck humourless cunts with a huge superiority complex.

        Audi Sport’s dead since they killed the DTM programme.

    • Good Morning

      Me too. Big believers in the value of brands (we were selling leather for shoe linings to them and they paid our prices because of the wrappers not the quality of the leather) and a loyalty to their suppliers. They are always unfailingly polite.
      I wouldn’t mind a go on 12 and 14, the rest not so much. The nice thing about Japanese girls, at least according to some artistic websites, is that they don’t shave their muff, and look like real women down below.
      It seems to me that those who came 2nd in WW2 have a certain kind of weirdness, the Germans also have their own brand of nutters.

  5. Our elder went to work in Osaka for a few months when she was just eighteen. She was quite impressed. She could walk the street at night without any misgivings and travelled on trains which ran at 200 mph and were on time to within seconds of their schedule. When she left Japan her employer owed her a few pounds, some piddling amount we wrote off. Within days of her return the money turned up with apologies for the delay.

    • My last employer extorted £1,000 out of me which I was legally entitled to when I left.

    • Another point for the Nips. They have a sense of honor* to go along with their sense of deviancy.

      *Honour for the language police.

    • Her boss was probably obliged to kill himself afterwards for such a heinous accounting error

  6. They are weird, and deviant’s to a man,
    The filthy little yellow buggers.

    They obsess over British youth movements,
    I’ve seen Jap rockers, Jap punks, jap mods.
    And they do it with a slit eye for minute detail.

    Never seen em do skinheads though?

    Very strange people,
    Who like tentacles up the hoop.

    I don’t approve.

    • I’ll bet Jap skinhead’s would be vicious bugger’s.

      We could do with some of them over here kicking the shit out of the carpet kissers like “some of us” did in the early seventies..!


  7. I have a bit of a ‘yen’ for them …chef’s that attack you with sushi when they can barely see,always bowing when secretly thinking they would like to hari-kari you, no big heads at karaoke they’re all shit, and they seem to like most things British unlike our own populace ….and banzai to multicultural shit….aaaah so

    • Honour?
      Mmm so they say.

      Not so honourable to allied prisoners of war though.

      I’d say less honourable more cruel.

      It’s still within living memory,
      I don’t think we should be so quick to forgive them!

      The Canadian POWs I can sort of understand.
      Asking to have their pronouns respected,
      And asking if the food is vegan.

  8. From my in depth study of gentleman’s websites your average Jap chap has a little winkie, so if you’re an above average or indeed an averagely endowed lad get to Japan whereupon you will be inundated with lovely Oriental ladies gagging for a length of oh be joyful !

    • Fuck that.
      Look what happened to John Lennon.

      Jap bird was his downfall!

      Luckily that nice Mark Chapman put him out of his misery.

      • Always thought there was something creepy about the way Ono fastened on to Lennon like a leech.

        If I was one of the other Beatles, I’d have felt creeped out by the way she hung about the band when they were rehearsing and recording.

    • Jap birds are better in Japan, especially now with a bit more western meat in their diets. Yoko Ono is not representative.

  9. All of these are perfectly acceptable, but what if №1 had gone black instead of white (kuroi) ? …

  10. I suspect my dog of Nippon loyalties.

    The breed is revered in japistan.
    But during WW2 the fuckin Japs were eating them and the breed nearly died out.
    Some Japs hide their akita in the mountains so they wouldn’t become Sunday dinner.

    US service men took the breed back to the states where they genetically mixed the akita with mastiffs,
    Creating a new breed the ‘American akita’.

    Bigger, faster, stronger, like the 6million dollar man.

    The muzzle now black instead of white , more bear like.

    This was the Greatest achievement in American history.

  11. My favourite atom bomb story (yes I have many I like) was the Nip cunt who arrived in Hiroshima on business just as the Yanks dropped the first bomb. Got blown to fuck but survived ,

    Decided after that he’d go home ….. to Nagasaki ?

    Arrived just in time for the him to feel like the Americans were personally targeting him ? and got blown to fuck again???

    Never fails to make me laugh

  12. Went to the ‘peace park’ in Hiroshima. They have great souvenir shop with a huge t-shirt bar. All sorts of colour’s and pictures and a sign that says ‘any design, any wording, you choose’ – too good to miss for me…

    I went up to the fresh faced nip behind the counter. “Can I have one with a big mushroom cloud on it?” “Yessir Yessir no problem”

    “Any wording of my choice?” “Yessir Yessir no problem”

    “Absolutely any wording? You sure?” “Yessir Yessir any any. What you want?”

    “OK. I want ‘Fuck it! Nuke the bastards'”

    Closest I’ve ever seen a nip come to losing his cool…

  13. Why do the Japanese have slit eyes and buck teeth?

    Ever tried staring at a nuclear explosion.

    I’ll get my coat…

    • I remember a mate of mine sharing a meme of ‘a selection of Japanese erasers’; a series of cute cartoon pencil rubbers and the B-29 Superfortress.

  14. Half our group visiting the peace park were American including one old boy with a battered US navy baseball cap. They spent the whole guided tour of the museum trying to guilt trip us.

    About half way round, the old boy walked up to the guide took of his cap and hurled it onto the floor.

    “I’ve had enough of this shit. I was at Pearl Harbour. You bastards had it coming…”

  15. Number 14’s kind of cute.

    Number 19? Jeezus.

    Little Lolita’s definitely a look for pee doughs everywhere.

    Morning all.

    • Japanese age of consent was 13 up until last year.
      And possession of child pornography was only made illegal in 2014.

  16. Those who know me for my love of world cinema and their cultures, will realise the country I detest the most, is the one who fucked up the English language.

      • The late comers to everything, whom I wished the Japanese had done a much thorough job on, then the black could have more room to live, instead of mithering us.

      • ‘whom I wished the Japanese had done a much thorough job on..’

        Them’s fightin’ words.

        Let’s just hope General Cunster doesn’t have a a spare MOAB or Tomahawk he bought from Home Depot.

  17. I struggle to tell the yellow races apart.

    Chinese, Japs, Koreans, etc

    Just know that the Koreans have squarer heads.

    • Alright, MNC.

      You and yours well?

      I too struggle to tell the difference between Chong types. An agricultural friend helped me tell the difference by the following explanation.

      “Japs have the happy eyes, Koreans have the sad eyes, and Chinks are just fucking ugly.”

      • Good thanks CC?

        Hope you’re well?

        They smell funny too.

        Sort of fermented fruit, soy sauce and cat piss mixed together.

      • All good around my manor, pal. I hope likewise.

        Ha! Yeah, I know THAT smell. I was on a flight once and had a row of three fish-faced types sat in front of me. The smell was overpowering. Sour and milky. Then there’s that language.

        I pushed a Chong over in the Arndale Centre a few years ago for being a dick on an escalator. Not clever, but it did put me in a great mood because I hate the Arndale and I hate Christmas shopping.

        Don’t you think that elderly Chinamen look a bit like catfish with those long, wispy, thin moustaches?

  18. The Japs have always had strange customs, but then they would have as they live on the other side of the planet and were culturally isolated from the west for long periods, and looking at how this place has ended up, who can fucking blame them.

    I can’t really agree with the cunting, just because this stuff is entertaining and interesting, mainly because of Clive James’ excellent series about Japan, although I do cunt the western gimps who have become a form of otaku (which is less a trend and more a derogatory label somewhere between ‘geek’ and ‘creep’) called ‘Weeaboo’ – Westerners who are obsessed with Japan, think everything Jap is better and add the suffix -san to names to try and appear clever, but have never left their home state/county.

    Woke/DEI madness has crippled Western entertainment and the Japs and Koreans are filling the spaces left with their cartoons, comics and music. They’ve pretty much always leading in the area of computer games since the eighties.

    That doesn’t mean they aren’t above mockery of course. I may have gone a little far on 11th March 2011 by posting this clip to Facebook.

    (skip to 2:00)

    • Weeaboo can be shortened to ‘Weeb’.

      The Tom Cruise film The Last Samurai has been jokingly renamed ‘The First Weeaboo’ through internet memes

    • Don’t remember seeing any of this on my visits, but that was over ten years ago. Does Byojaku have anything to do with ejaculation?
      Can’t imagine why anyone would want to bother with Yaeba, I had an implant put in and if I’d known what I’d have to go through, I’d have done without.

  19. Jesus H Christ, as mentioned before number 19 is as rough as an old dog – is that a syringe in her head injecting saline solution – the lass needs a proper back hand and told to grow up and sort her life out.

    Perhaps another Enola Gay needs to be sent to the islands.

  20. I don’t dislike the Japanese, on the contrary, they have provided me, and others, with hours of fun.

    I wonder if Toko has found hiself a mate, yet. If so, I do hope it’s another collie. I’d like to think his pure-breed line won’t be sullied by “gasp” a German Shepherd. Unthinkable!

    I just think that going around, dressed like some of these people, is asking for trouble, as Japanese things seem to be taking off here…

    And some of them are cunts.

  21. No. 11 – never realised Vanessa Felch or Miss Piggy were Japs.
    I shall have to go and look at a YouTube of Rabbit Island…

  22. They’re weird but brilliant at the same time they build some belting motorbikes too

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