A nomination for the immediate recourse to shouting in modern society, or the decline of British decorum and the stiff upper lip.
There seems to be a general failure in British society when it comes to being patient, polite and now no shame in being quick to raise voices, bellow, screech, shout and ejaculate (archaic sense).
People now seem to enjoy creating a scene and embarrassing themselves.
This sense of entitlement and general collapse in manners is not limited to the Gen Z/Alpha Mizzies of the world, but also old women who start shrieking at delivery drivers workmen and dustmen because they’re blocked in and suddenly need to leave for a hospital appointment, the younger Gen-X ‘Karens’ who cannot wait a couple of extra minutes while the fast food worker has to sort through her picky order because her brats are all allergic to anything containing electrons and protons, and even the police who can be seen losing their marbles with the public on a weekly basis, spraying them, shouting at them, grunting and huffing under their breath as they polish off the last morsel of doner meat on the way to the traffic incident.
Social media probably pays some part, as does our increasingly effusive, emotionally incontinent broadcast media – grannies aren’t on Twitter, so they are being encouraged to be cantankerous by some influence.
I routinely see old women speaking and acting like younger men spoiling for a fight; calling people morons because the old dear couldn’t park straight and now has to bend the wing mirror of the other car to open her door.
I hear the impatient honks in the supermarket car parks and roads leading to schools, the relentless blaring on roundabouts.
I guess this is what happens in a society where people are handed prizes just for taking part and encouraged to believe they are the main character in a film of their life and community, as many in America seem to behave, especially those bizarre creatures who broadcast videos of themselves over Tik-Tok.
Society is going to go one of two ways; either further into atomised delusions of self -importance supported by a consumer society teetering on recession, with most work done by robots, and eventual mass psychological breakdown, or a very abrupt culture shock, either by war or economical collapse, and a mass psychological breakdown.
Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime
It´ś the mobile phone what done it. Old shrews on buses thinking they can be heard ¨Ällo – I´ḿ on the bus!¨. The screehing of many nations. It´ś like being in a phone box on wheels.
Well, it´s either that or Brexit.
Always Brexit, according to the Grauniad and BBC, but I’d blame some of the demise on the long march of the left through our educational establishments through the 70s and 80s….
There’s fuck all chance of hearing English on a Leicester bus.
Embarrassingly shouting I’m on the bus, instead of in it, amuses me. Never on the car though, I’m yet to hear.
I long for the days of British decorum when we ruled a quarter of the world and gave Johnny Foreigner a jolly good thrashing if he objected to us being in charge.
Because we were very polite about it.
By jingo, you`re spot on, GT. Hear-hear !
Now it’s a can of whoop-ass, oo-rah and having cheeseburgers fired at them from a chain gun on an AH64.
Then why are we politely allowing every Tom, Dick or Harry into our haven ? We never used to.
Globalisation and neo-liberalism.
Happy days and the world was a better place with Pax Brittanica.
It was so good that now all the buggers want to live here.
The indigenous British population have been watching the screeching peacefuls and porch monkeys over the past 20 years..
Manners and fair play aren’t in their vocabularies..
Sit and wait politely and your ignored..
Chimp out and shout iIslamophobia and it’s how many bedrooms does your house need or a seat in the house of Lords.
I say go for it, you can’t make this country any worse..
And now we have screeching Chinamen being protected by our transport police.
Good one, plod.
The reason being, one can’t buy cufflinks anywhere to shuffle now a days for love nor money and that really infuriates me.
Well said CP.
I think there’s been a growing undercurrent of aggression in Western society for decades..
Perhaps many people are deeply unhappy with their lives behind the veneer of big houses,fancy cars and holidays..all posted on social media for “likes”…the age old Rat Race on steroids.
The biggest problem across every corner of society has been multiculturalism foisted on everyone without consent by decades of sćum in Westminster..you’d have to lives in a monastery for the past 50 years to be oblivious to the way the country is being transformed into a third world shithole by tides of brown rubbish.
Anyhow not long before civil war and a new Hitler,all thanks the “Progressive left” and political correctness..
In the meantime marvel at the deluded,selfish,entitled Cunts swarming around you.
Good Morning Gents.
Mobile phones, anti social media, influencers, 24hr (not) news, football seleb culture, instant gratification…. and the importing of thousands of uppity fuckers from overseas.
Sort of off topic, According to the Waily Faily some chinless military top brass is going to explain to the other bunch of chinless wonders in parliament that the British armed forces are at an all time low, and if Russia were to attack, he’d have to introduce conscription to make up numbers to fight Ivan.
The comments on the article, well they may have been provided by cunters from here.
I reckon if I was a young lad I’d be fucked if I was being called up to defend this Muslim country…!!!
Not too forget all the priveliged royal gutless cunts and politicians…gggrrrrhhhh
Give war a chance ?
Good morning ??
We could send the immos, Jack.
Oh hang on some lawyer will claim it’s against their human rights, but it’s all ok for pasty white Tommy from Rochdale to go and have his brains splattered all over a foreign field because of the whim of some arsewipe politician.
A fucking Asian/queer politician at that.
Unfortunately the days have gone from when you could slap some cunt for getting gobby.
Having rights means nothing if you ignore the consequences.
I dislike people so big part of me is glad I’m bed bound and will probably spend the rest of my days stuck here. Don’t think I’d cope being amongst these morons after all this time. Just hearing them outside shouting down their phones, or unable to talk to each other without bellowing is enough to make my piss boil.
Sorry to hear your plight Jill. Only occasionally I can’t get out of bed due to my arthritis. To avoid disturbances, I wear wax earplugs which helps me to be more civilised.
OT but I came across this on mogsrus.org this morning. I wish she was PM.
What a top woman
That’s a great link and sums up the state of the nation.
Truly an embarrassment.Brung back National Service.Shocking.
Bring.Spastic phone.
Bring back national spastics! All hail the great Joey.
A generation of Brits now laugh whenever the word ‘deacon’ is used.
C’mon u fucking joey or you fuking spazy deacon twat were oft used terms at my secondary school and in various sporting teams back in the day.
Peaceful, more enlightened and civilised times for sure.
Joey’s grunts, clicks and farts made a whole lot more sense than the garbage spouted by 95% of the cunts in Westminster these days.
Can you imagine training up all the Muslims in this country, the cunts would turn on us….!
This is the way it’s going.
Morning AS, morning all.
Yes, two years National Service, even the thickest mouth breather can peel spuds and mop toilets, followed by further education for those with working braincells ( anyone applying to do media studies to be executed), or a modern apprenticeship.
No benefits for anyone under 25.
Compulsary sterilisation after two children.
Just glad I was born in the 50’s with the ensuing decades of the best music, fashion, football, proper male/female socialising etc….once the mid 90’s disappeared so did all of that, now it’s being influenced by some trout lipped wag or a bloke in a wig pretending to be cockless….. ‘HELLO I’M ON THE BUS, WHAT SAY THAT AGAIN!@#*#……cunts
It died in 1997.
1996 was the last great year.
I agree Leo,
96 was when it all ended. The charts were last decent in 1996.
1997 was crap. That third Oasis album and Cantona’s retirement saw to that.
If I`m on public transport and someone is shouting into their phone I just ask them to hurry up and finish – there`s a queue for that.
The best bit is when they look around, all confused.
Where I’ve moved to in the last dozen years, I’m relieved to be the only person inside a bus. Sometimes having a conversation with myself. Rarely anybody uses a mobile phone to disturb the few on a busy day.
I think the decline comes from two main sources. The first being the media, no longer dressing in dinner jackets to read the news on the radio. Now they encourage bad behaviour at every turn. Secondly the teachers who aren’t allowed to discipline any of the kids.
Mind you, some of those old teachers could over-do it. We had two perverts, before you were not allowed to use that word about fine upstanding gentlemen, but you can now use it because they are dead old perverts.
I heard, So Long, they wouldn’t sometimes wear a trouser, incase of having to dash for a slash.
I can get right behind (as it were) the “abrupt culture shock” option. Got my pitchfork ready for when it all kicks off ???????
It’s always been the same, the rabble have always been loud and obnoxious. Used to be they stayed in their slums but now with the state breeding subsidies (welfare) and mass importation of the rest of the world’s underclass here we are.
The thing that is boiling my piss (plenty of it now I am on the Tamulosin) are the roadside memorials, aka kerbside litter, to some young scooters who has bought himself a high powered 2nd hand car and improved the gene pool by killing himself. We are not, as yet a 3rd world country, where these things are traditional. I wonder what would happen if someone tried to clear them away. Whilst I am about it I would also ban plastic flowers from cemeteries.
I say you chaps, time for a bit of the stiff upper lip, what?
Mine’s never been stiffer.
Morning all.
I think a contributing reason for this is becuase there are most eastern European gippos turning up who lack basic manner and raggies boarding boats lowering the tone.
I saw a tea towel headed cunt in my area last week spitting on the pavement while out walking my kids, eldest said Daddy why is she (YES SHE!) doing that so I said becuase they have no manners and becuase it was quite near to where we were walking I said to the woman, do you have do that, it’s filthy.
I swear, the look she gave me if she was wearing a special vest under her bedsheet she would have clicked detonate.
Niggy Nogs walking around with jeans round their ankles, holding phones while blaring out gansta rap and thorwing chicken bones on the floor. E-scooter zooming past as 50 miles an hour without a car for who they take down.
Problem is as society moves more in this direction is becomes the norm – where are the coppers with their truncheons patrolling the streets who could give a little swipe on the back of he legs and administer a little discipline.
These days, it’s all ME, ME, ME. X, Facecunt, Instacunt, Snapcunt and all other other online platforms all fuel this fire.
I read some YouTuber cunt called Mr. Beast earnt 250K for one video he reposted on X recently.
The world is fucked and we want to start exploring other planets like Mars to terraform – fuck me!
Mr Beast is a fucking cunt. A famous for nothing thermonuclear bellend. His face alone is just asking for a cricket bat.
What was that, can you speak up.
The East Europeans who infest our town centre would wholeheartedly agree with you.
Never mind decorum, we should have said Fuck Off more, to illegal immigrants, scroungers and uppity countries.
I’m an Englishman on the street, but a barbarian on the road. I think road rage should be ht exception to the rule.
if you want to empty the country quickly, just bring back National Service and conscription in event of war , all of a sudden the cunts who had no paperwork when they arrived will find their passport down the back of the sofa and be back home before you can say cocoon, which incidentally is a bl, bl, blackman, the fuckers would all say they’d left the gas on or forgot to cancel the milk any excuse not to heed the call to the colours.??
Wake the hotel cunts up at 6am, give them a bowl of chickpeas, a dustbin liner and a grab pole. Tell them if they pick 2 bags they won’t be shot, 3 bags they get fed again that night and the following morning, 4 bags they get a bed for the night as well. Or they can just get back on the fucking boat and piss off.
if you want to empty the country quickly, just bring back National Service and conscription in event of war , all of a sudden the cunts who had no paperwork when they arrived will find their passport down the back of the sofa and be back home before you could say rabbit the fuckers would all say they’d left the gas on or forgot to cancel the milk any excuse not to heed the call to the colours.??
Things have changed, and not for the better.
My nana looked and acted like a grandmother. Same with my grandfather. Pipe, pocket watch, flat cap, tweed jacket. All that,
But now we see older people trying to look young with stupid luminous coloured hair, bling jewelry, tattoos,T-Shirts with stupid slogans on them.
My granddad would rather have died than wear an ‘Old Guys Rule’ T-Shirt.
And my nana wouldn’t have punked her hair or pierced her nose if they paid her.
Maybe nana now was a punk back when norm. So of us ain’t too joyful about the inevitable ageing process. I have no intention of leaving this life quietly wearing beige slacks and fucking tartan slippers.
I hear a lot of Arabic and eastern European but little English.
Well, it’s progress isn’t it? We’re being enriched by 3rd world rubbish and slavs with zero concept of the civilised world.
Stiff upper lip chaps, it’ll all work out. Well, maybe not.