What the fuck has our society come to?
Why didn’t the neighbours raise the alarm, or try to force their way in themselves? Surely they heard the poor mite’s cries and screams? Surely they must’ve noticed that him and his father hadn’t left the house for days.
Why didn’t his mother, or anyone else who knew him, do a welfare check?
Why didn’t Lincolnshire Police bother to do a welfare check despite being asked to by social services TWICE?!
Why is our society so fucking broken that people are incapable of doing their jobs properly or following basic common sense? Where’s the community spirit? This case is an absolute fucking travesty and everyone involved should feel the guilt of a thousand sins weighing down on them for the rest of their lives, with all the ‘officers’ involved losing their jobs.
NOBODY, let alone a toddler, should be dying of starvation in a supposed first world country in the 21st Century. RIP little fella, you deserved better. Everyone who should’ve cared about you failed you, and tha simply isn’t good enough.
Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt
Hold up, how did the N in the word nobody get separated? Grrrrr I need to cunt autocorrect at some point.
N and OBODY have had some counselling and have kissed and made up. Ah bless – NA.
Here it is …
Frankly, a father with tattooed on eyebrows and the fact that he called his son “Bronson” should have placed them in 24 hour supervision to start with.
Actually, my spell check just tried to give me Branson rather than Bronson. That would probably have been worse!
Good name for a dog though
Branston and Pickle.
A cousin of mine has named her new dogs Coco and Fudge. She should’ve named the other one Melon.
Mate of mine got a new puppy a few years back…..they allowed the young daughter to name it. She came up with the name ‘WOOF’, so woof the dog it was called. Well, for a few week anyway.
Every night before bed my mate would let it out for it’s last piss of the day. Thing had awful recall, so constantly ignored call of its name to come back in….so there was my mate standing on the doorstep at 11 oclock at night shouting ‘WOOF, WOOF, WOOF’
Fucking neighbours and passers by were ripping the shit out of my mate ‘you should get a real dog’ or ‘shut that fucking dog up’
Was ten times worse in the park….people thought he was bonkers and wanted him sectioned. Standing there shouting WOOF WOOF WOOF…….needless to say the dogs name was changed quite quickly
Oh how the innocent suffer with the guilty in a society that is descending into decadence. Children, animals, the law abiding, are all suffering mightily these days.
The lad had bugger all in chance in life with those parents.
Bloody hell, what a miserable topic to round out a Friday on…
See you guys in the morning.
I agree. It’s Friday, we need funny or filth and music. Noms like this should go out on a wet Wednesday afternoon. Shame on you admin
How about mad Dan Pena?
A deranged 30 minute video of his highlights included.
The sadness is, that the quietness let them down. The noisy petty squabbles only appear to get noticed.
Family claim social services failed him….yep probably did but what about you cunts! Yet another lesson learned headline probably, as for the neighbours well it’s a toss up between couldn’t be arsed or worried about a possible ‘fuck off and mind your own business ‘ from the poor lads father (obviously not knowing he was brown bread)…. unfortunately he won’t be the last in an ever increasing long line of failures…. sickening ?
Neighbours could be old or disabled as well.
I reckon the cops took a similar attitude as GMP towards grooming victims.
Socio-economic ‘E’s – don’t fucking bother.
This is the point that sums up most of our problems as a society. For one reason or another family and the community now believe it’s down to the state to fix everything. The state can’t and won’t even though it makes promises to get elected.
SV, your observation is the most accurate comment to appear on this site in a long time.
Top comment. It’s a societal problem, primarily caused in my view by the education system in this country. Exacerbated in 1997 by Blair and the unstoppable march of social media and mobile phones….
The services in this country are breaking down.
I saw my consultant today.
He said ‘The NHS is not as it was before Covid’.
Wish baby Bronson had been a dog, then tattooed twat would’ve been eaten. Good riddance.
He white. He not raghead.
Why was it the Social Services job to keep the child safe?
It’s not as if the father died on purpose.
You daft bitch, it was YOUR job.
The mother is the biggest cunt here.
If she had taken her job as a parent seriously the child would be alive today.
This happened in the UK, right?
It’s just that this bit confused me: first world country in the 21st Century
Too poor. Too white.
Fucking scum have you seen the mother.
Everyone else’s fault except hers, of course .. wouldn’t surprise me if a compenastory monetary figure heals her ails and shuts her up eventually …
It’s a dreadful shame for the little lad but if any govt body is involved in looking after a family(unless of course it’s some foreign cunts) then they are well and truly fucked.
We are a failing state,ruined by Westminster.
Bring on a despot to tidy up.
and a dreadful name.
A 2 year old child with a 60 year old father and 43 year old mother.
I know that doesn’t really have a lot to do with this terrible case but aren’t/weren’t the pair of them a bit old to be having kids?
From a slightly different angle, wouldn’t you think a woman having a child at 40 odd would be a bit older, wiser and therefore a better, more grateful and experienced mother?
I imagine that they’re nothing but a pair irresponsible fuckwits who not only should never have been allowed to breed but have also helped to destroy an innocent child’s life.
Huge risk to children’s health if mothers have kids past 35.
Think it’s similar with the father’s as well.
Old man = Old sperm.
Men and women delaying having children may go some way to explaining the spike in autism and other such modern ailments that are now the norm.
Or maybe not.
Have em young is what I say.
Couldn’t agree more Herman.
To quote from the article ‘Bronson’s mother Sarah Piesse, 43, told The Sun: “If social services had done their job, Bronson would still be alive. But they didn’t do anything. I can’t believe it. They can’t let them get away with this. We have to be able to rely on social workers to keep our children safe.”
What do you say to that apart from please fuck off and stop thieving oxygen.
Evening Cunty.
Yes indeed. She is a complete cunt
To quote our own Edward Wallace – Oven please.
Cunt mark 9 Herman
Burn them.
Not often I feel compelled to defend social services, but the social worker in this case seems to have tried her best but was stymied by the old bill not giving a fuck. Bronson’s mother is of course a skag head waste of space – unless of course it’s a space inside Unkle Terry’s famous oven.
Welcome to Broken Britain.
Expect worse, much worse, as the years roll on.
We’re being failed, stupendously.
And the politicians don’t give two fucks.
Good evening.
Did they ever?
I don’t suppose they did.
With age and experience comes grim realisation.
Evening, CP.
Evening Jack.
No surprises about the performance or rather non-performance of the useless Plods, probably too busy going after hurty-words on twitter, or persecuting some poor soul for misgendering some narcissistic loon. Or maybe looking in vain for those “right wing extremists” while turning a blind eye to any others who would riot or call them waaaayycist or “phobic”.
Quite right regarding the neighbours and the mother for seemingly being completely uninterested or “not wanting to get involved”.
For once the Social services come out of this relatively unscathed.
Plod were going to check in on them but saw a Kebab and grill on the way and got distracted.
It used to be doughnuts. I guess Luke Littler has made kebabs cool.
I always thought donuts were the fare of the yankie cops,
‘Coffee and donuts, chief?’
‘Yer goddamn right, goddamn it!’
I have an ear for American dialogue. Move over David Mamet.
Goddamn it!
More of the same.
I’d hang the parents, then gibbet the cunts.
The bloke is a particularly nasty piece of work.
But a coward.
Total cunts, the pair of them.
How often is it the mum and her partner rather than the dad and his partner, i wonder?
The word mother should NOT be used for this creature….. inhuman filth the pair of them, how people can stick up for these cunts beggars belief, no doubt someone will be hand wringing about it somewhere…. their necks are the only suitable things that need that … vileness personified ?
I’d rather they be boiled alive tbh Jack. In acid.
This nom is highly commendable, but very upsetting.
I fucking hate child cruelty and believe that the perpetrators of such heinous activity should be treated in an absolutely merciless manner.
Some music is required , to lift the gloom.
Great tune ?
I had a bit of a crush on Siouxsie.
Here’s another good tune seeing as we’re being a bit gothic?
Volume up for some early 80s goth.
A favourite of mine ?
Evening MNC ?
There was some great music in the eighties.
Evening Paul ?
As to the father he should be…
Hanged, drawn and quartered
Blood Eagle carved on his back
As to everyone else who failed to intervene they should be…
Thrown to the Hounds
Fed to the Lions.
And it all should be televised…on the Beeb…in Prime Time…to the exclusion of all other programing.
Bit of a waste of time and money hanging, drawing, and quartering the father, seeing as he’s brown bread.
The mother, on the other hand, definitely.
Child murderers and animal abusers should be flayed alive and then rolled in salt for several hours. The soft arsed cunts who try to understand and rehabilitate these nasty pieces of work need the 9mm aspirin. Furnace.
I vote for your rehab method. Cost effective, easy to administer, and good viewing in the town square. Bring your own chairs!
Flat headed, or dum-dum 9mm?
Yep indeed. I’d go with a decent hollowpoint.
This poor little kid.
Very upsetting and not a topic for humour,
Not by me anyway .
Those who should of protected the child should suffer for their negligence.
Evening Mis
You’d think that the wee fella’s useless fucking bitch of a mother should be keeping her head down and shutting the fuck up.
Not criticising others for her own baby’s demise.
No, I don’t know the finer points of this case but as the baby’s mother – she’s a cunt of epic proportions.
Evening Herman,
I agree , this poor kid was failed by every adult in his life.
Depressing and upsetting.
Not fodder for a Friday evening.
I’m off watching Steptoe,
Need a laugh.
I was wondering myself why this was given the Friday evening slot. It needed to be published but should’ve been a midweek afternoon time imo.
Well said
The silly bitch could have, at the very very least, called to see how her son was.
She clearly couldn’t be arsed. I suspect she thinks she detects the sweet aroma of compo. She should go an take a couple of dozen Ibuprofen and bleed out of her own arsehole.
Cunting woman.
The depressing thing is she might get compensation from we poor sods who know how to look after children.
No point phoning the filth, too busy investigating “hate” crimes.
Non-crime hate incidents, mostly.
This brain dead whore complained that had Social services forced entry the kid would still be alive, erm, there’s laws against breaking and entering, cunt. How about had you been a decent human being and mother and not stormed off after a tiff, abandoning your child in the process, he’d still be alive. Want to take any responsibility for your actions, cunt ? Thought not, funny that.
A society that attaches more importance to hurty feelz, entitlement and over dependence on the state is in freefall decline.
My neighbour disappeared for a week, the other neighbours showed zero interest, I called the plod, who to their credit, came over and bust the door down. She’d actually gone away but had left her curtains drawn and car behind, nobody else questioned her absence.
These are the people we live among, fuck ’em to hell, more fodder for my sociopathic misanthropist outlook.
It’s frosty outside too, so that’s the lawn jobs fucked then, Met Office, go fuck yourselves with an IKEA bookshelf.
‘my sociopathic misanthropist outlook.’
Welcome to the club.
What boiled my piss, was a news interview on the BBCunt by a weasel from social services who distanced themselves by stating it was the father’s fault by dropping dead, and therefore were themselves blameless, and it was fuck all to do with their woeful lack of inaction and duty of care.
‘Lessons will be learned’, etc., etc.
Cunts, one and all.