Well for me, 2023 was much the same as 2022. Politicians are still 2 faced cunts; the Woke are becoming ever more prominent ruling over our lives; I am working harder than ever, but paying ever more taxes; the disappointment of not moving to Denmark, is probably the real highlight/bugbear. But that was more to do with personal reasons than anything else.
Seems to me if you’re a hard working, decent citizen, pay your bills, save for your retirement, follow the rules and basically be a typical model person, you’re seen as an easy cash-cow to be constantly milked and fucked about with by the Establishment and by the virtue signalling woke cunts on MSM and SM.
There’s no one to defend your corner anymore. And that’s why 2023 was so shite and I don’t foresee much hope for 2024 either despite the prospect of a general election. Yes, you can be radical and vote Reform, but we know it won’t make much of a difference.
That said, both my wife, my loyal and incredibly funny Border Terrier and myself are in good health and still enjoying life in the Lake District. But I know that the creeping hand of “Change” emanating from London is crawling its way throughout England, with its inclusion and diversity, the forced acceptance of multiculturalism and having to put up with thousands of ungrateful migrants, solar farms and ugly wind turbines on my doorstep
I’ll be glad to see the back of 2023, but 2024 doesn’t hold out much hope for anything better for the “Little People” in this totally fucked up country.
Nominated by Technocunt.
2023 was a cunt. 2024 will be a cunt as well. The last good year was 1981. It been all downhill since then.
That’s the year I was born! What are you accusing me of?
I am in North Lincolnshire. Looking west from our village I can count 80+ wind turbines and in the distance, Drax burning American wood pellets. The steelworks at Scunny is likely to shed 3000 jobs so that it can stop making steel and just melt down scrap, made of course in coal fired plants in other countries. This is Net Zero. 2023 is the year when this unscientific horseshit took over.
Funny how the wind doesnt seem to blow in the Cotswolds or Home Counties.
That shit (science) started in 2020.
Different year, same old shite….!
Probably more shite actually…?
Not much to look forward this year with a general election looming.
A choice of two cunts..
Tuco ramirez sums it up nicely.
I don’t remember much about 2023.
Hoping 2024 is just as forgettable.
I don’t like much about present day UK.
The music , films, politicians, comedians, teenagers,
Police, fashion , everything is awful.
I’m aware to most modern people I’m a Dinosaur with dinosaurs tastes.
Fuck em.
Watching TV for the first time in the year at the very end of the year, I felt like I was from a completely different planet.
I’m genuinely curious if these media-pushed non-entities release just how mediocre they are, and how utterly replaceable.
Realise* stupid cunt phone.
Here here my friend.
Alas I’m not able to afford to leave this country nor ever will be.
On the upside I’m late 50s with c.o.p.d so I won’t have to put up with it for too long
If you are in a position to get out of it I would advise you do so and anyone else reading this as I don’t think anything will change for the better
A summer to look forward to.
A summer of pre-election violence in America. Maybe England too.
In America, the combatants will be pigs vs commies/Antifa vs darkies.
Three groups of cunts who’ll hopefully do a lot of damage to each other.
A summer to look forward to.
A summer of pre-election violence in America. Maybe England too.
In America, the combatants will be pıgs vs commıes/Antıfa vs darkıes.
Three groups of cunts who’ll hopefully do a lot of damage to each other.
At least in the latter half of 2023, people started a bit of a push-back against the establishment. Just a trickle, but it was definitely noticeable, borne out by Hollywood (specifically Disney) losing hundreds of millions of dollars on every leftie shitfest they released.
And a reasobably successful boycott of a number of tran§bumder-promoting businesses, like Bud Light after promoting kiddie-diddling (probably) freak Dylan Mulvaney.
I learned how abjectly fucked up the majority of brain dead screen licking cunts are to even for one moment give one thought to supporting Hamas. They were voted into power. You made your fucking beds, cunts… don’t expect me to give you the fucking time of day.
Toodles, then.
Geert Wilders’ success was a beacon of hope in a miserable and oppressive 2023. Maybe The Donald will save us. The outlook is all pretty hopeless here in the UK. Violent and bloody revolution remains a mere pipe-dream. More of the cunts Sunak and Khan. Or maybe Kweer and Khan. Whichever, life will become even more intolerable for working people.
Why not take the advice of the BBC. Get jabbed, stay indoors and quiver with fear. The next pandemic is on its way.
I’m not quite so despondent.
In 3 days we’ve had the Israelis assassinate (allegedly) a Hamas leader, corrupt Kids Company lard mountain Batmanjelly croak, and 100-odd Iranian cunts blown up at the shrine of the Revolutionary Guard leader killed 3 years ago.
In my book that’s a pretty good start to 2024.
Indeed, Mr Twatt.
All they need to do now is commission a new series of The Black & White Minstrel Show and we`ll be most heartily cheered up.
Ironically, it probably worked better in black and white than in colour.
Simple, cheerful, harmless pleasure from a bygone era.
Yes Sam, and as well as the BWMS, how about the return of Robertson’s gollies and the transatlantic slave trade? The latter in lieu of reparations to the white man for civilising the dark continent.
Capital stuff.
That`s a great clip, Ron!
Perhaps they should colorize some of the older episodes?
(We`re wandering into the realms of existentialism now, I think).
I’ll second that…?
Never mind guys, you can always dream
I live in hope the populist revolt which seems to be stirring all across Europe will gather pace..
Although they’ll probably get bought off by some cunts and then hopefully the shit will hit the fan when people realise politics as it is just won’t get the job done.
Fireworks sooner or later,a revolt or disaster sooner or later..
Anyway whatever happens here I hope that 2024 is the year that Iran gets its arse handed to it.
Good Show.
It will happen soon Unkle ?
Our best hopes lie with Donny Tango causing a shit storm in that America.
Say what you like about Donald he’d cause a fight in a empty room.
If he becomes president= riots
If he goes to jail= riots
He’s going to shake the world.
I can’t wait?
Viva Donald!
Smash it up!
Hey Mis, are you still COTY?
Did you do a Donald and claim the result was a fix and stage and insurrection at Admin Towers?
Yes I am.
I sat down with Admin and we decided,
Better the devil you know.
I wouldn’t trust most of the cunts on here with a butter knife so hardly going to hand them a position they can use for mischief are we?
If I’m ill or stormed off in a huff Admin said you, Jack or Cunt engine can fill in.
We agreed that was the way forward.
The lefties view The Donald as the anti-Christ. He hasn’t even been to Epstein’s sex island ffs. How can he possibly be trusted!
Apologies, Admins – having a problem with my avatar.
I think that`s it now.
Yes, indeed.
A pleasure to see your happy, shiny face, Sam.
Still getting supplies of ginger* (anag) brown, then?
Good man.
I wish someone would explain how to change the avatar, although I’m quite fond of mine, I’d prefer a shark.
No change for me same old same old.Rinse and repeat ?
2023 can fuck off mostly due to a calamitous string of health problems.
We’ll have a Labour government soon.
The dozy cunts in the Tory party are only just starting to realise!!!
” Ooooh vote Reform you’ll get Labour”
Well I’m not about to vote for you again you cunt am I?
” Ooh Labour like immigrants”
Well they’ll have to really push themselves to do as much for them as you have.
Starmeggeddon is coming.
He’s like you lot in the Tories.
Woke, EU loving, metropolitan corrupt cunts.
Doubt ordinary folk will notice the first year.
Look on the bright side, MNC.
At least the PM will be white.
Like a missionary in deepest, darkest Africa surrounded by porch monkeys, soon to be in the pot
Ignore the moaning Minnies, Baz.
2024 is going to be great!
Cos the silent majority all think like we here on IsAC do.
At least that’s what many here believe.
So the Reform Party will win by a landslide!
As long as Farage and that damp tea-towel Tice hold their nerve.
Paki deputy leader Ben Habib could be a problem though…
Too much for the UK electorate to stomach?
Fuck them.
I didn’t have a bad 2023. It was far less calamitous than 2020 – 2022. I lost some weight. My homelife was pleasantly stable. Got a hold on my boozing, too.
With the exception of getting foolishly involved with one well-known Peak District brewery, work was good and I got some new clients.
If this year’s anywhere near close enough to the last tour around the sun, I’ll be happy.
Jolly good CC?
That’s the spirit!
All this fuckin doom and gloom.
Bunch of fuckin goths.
I didn’t die in 2023.
I didn’t get divorced
I’m not in prison.
3 square meals, a warm place to have a shit, I’m happy as Larry.
Exactly, MNC! As much as I do like a whinge, I don’t like to get down into who did what to who.
Sadly, a good mate passed away last year. That put a few things into perspective – I’m still shacked up, I’m not skint, and I’ve got a roof over me head.
That’s a bit more than some of the poor unfortunates I come across. Everything else is superfluous – I’m lucky enough to be able to enjoy a few nice hobbies and a holiday once a year.
All about perspective, innit?
Still no fan of the Tree Swingers, the Carpet Kissers, and the Fish Fondlers, tho. They can get fucked! ?
No point fuckin whining is there?
I’ve got a cracking life.
No boss
No ethnic cunts as neighbours
Missus is easy going/shellshocked
Got my health
Country cream gate.
Want for nowt.
Lend us a tenner?
You should be minted with all those visits from the tooth fairy.
Fuckin ell Baz ,
I’m losing teeth by the handful.
Hoping my second milkteeth kick in soon…
So your days of playing the crocodile in punch and Judy shows are long past..
Cream country gate, MNC?! Bit fuckin’ ornate! ??
Oh no C_C.
There’s organised coach trips to see Miserables country cream gates.
The Japanese pay Mis £5 per photo, taken in front of them. Even in Winter, they flock there.
They are internationally famous.
2024 will be a good year if a series of major earthquakes take out the following:
North Korea
Probably others too, but these are top of my list.
Along with Africa most of Asia except the Oriental region (not fucking China) Russians who side with Putin…… not over keen on America either but better the cunts you know.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
Moral of the story: be the one who is kicking down doors for all those people
It doesn’t matter how much life can get you down..
There is always something to laugh at.
Take that you dumb animal..
Go, Donkey!
That’s a quote from a popular film, and will be as famous as ” right turn, Clyde”.
Thanks, Barry, highly entertaining.
You know, I got up on January first expecting everything to be different, and it was just the same as the day before. Cold, wet, shit programmes on tv, nothing had changed. What is all this ‘bringing in the new year’ about? Why are people celebrating and letting off fireworks? Is there something wrong with them?
It’s all so disappointing. The same people are in charge of the country, making a pig’s ear of it. And what are the prospects of things improving in the near future? Close to zero, I’d say. We might as well apply the lube and bend over, we’re going to be fucked anyway, it’s just a case of trying to minimise the pain and discomfort.
I hope that cunt is dead
The donkey beater that is
I was hoping the donkey would bite his weiner off (South Park).
In less than two weeks the annual Davos shindig kicks off. All the world’s elite will fly there in their private jets for three days of gorging on the finest food and drink, fucking the best whores, then issuing a joint communiqué instructing the serfs to switch off the heating and give up travel.
My fervent wish is that the UN’s resident imbecile, Mr ‘Global Boiling’ himself, Antonio Gutteres, gets caught in a snowdrift en route and dies from hypothermia.
My year would be complete.
I, for one, am not holding out any hope that a new year will mark the start of a new era.
I find life today so alien that I feel as if I’ve passed through a rip in the fabric of time.
What the fuck is happening, where have manners and courtesy gone? What’s happened to having a work ethic, and feeling proud of doing a good job, and providing for yourself and your family?
I’m not ashamed to say that I find this so called modern and enlightened age more than a little bit frightening.
I’d feel so much better if I was allowed to carry a loaded gun.
Me too JP.
A pump action shotgun.
Maybe a badge of some sort to show my authority?
I’ll go along with that, don’t worry about a badge just a scrap of paper saying it’s ok will do.
Well, that would be OK, but at least laminate it!
Standards, you have to have standards.
Only two days ago, I put my coat and hat on a waiting room chair as I went to weigh myself after dialysis,
I look round, and that Paki woman (yes, ‘that’ Paki woman) was in the seat and had moved my gear. I wouldn’t mind, but there were lots of chairs that were free. Complaining about her is pointless. The staff don’t want to know, as they are afraid of being labeled racist. And talk to the bitch herself and she plays dumb and ‘No Engerlish.’ Also, it’s not the first time it’s happened. The slag even moved my shoes once.
So, in 2024, I guess I am going to have to slap her myself.
Go for it, Norman.
If the idea bothers you, I’ll do it for a Mars bar.
Just give me a time and place.
Fucking cunt.
Have a fake dizzy spell, and fore-arm smash that cunt into oblivion
Everyone tells lies from the days they are born, until the day they die. Less likely then, when possibly saying, I’m going now.
What you on about Sammy?
Chin up pal.?
Hey Sammy you like that link above?
Know your a film fan
Like that supposed 16 year old darts player fuck.
Obviously a 25 year old child migrant.
Lying toe rag.
Another year closer to us white Brits being replaced as the majority in the UK.
Depressing thought, that Islam will be come the dominant religion. Is it too,late, probably
Soon as King Jug Ears the Woke converts to Islam it’ll be game over.
Chins up, boyos…103 less ragheads stealing the oxygen:
Absolutely blinding.
But I hope no children or dogs were hurt.
Does this qualify for 72 virgins?
Might need to find his tiny cock first.
He’s here, he’s there, he’s every fucking where
Unlikely and dogs were harmed, I believe the followers of the religion of piss consider them verboten.
Nothing changed because there are different numbers on the Calendar. It’s just a measurement of time which may not even exist.
Six, do expand on that.
I’m intrigued, a bit of Hawkin wisdom may comfort, as I have a nightcap.
Sloe gin, lovely.
JP, it is only because day follows night follows day, etc that time is presumed to exist.
Time is a human construct; a way to make sense and order out of cosmic events.
It is human nature to try and simplify, to distill that which cannot be understood.
Take God’s existence, for example.
We mere humans cannot possibly hope to understand God the creator and its will, if, indeed, there is sentience.
It’s why we invent religion (in its purest form without all the greed, control and corruption)…to quantify that which is, by its very nature, entirely ineffable.
Oooo your deep.
Stop with your navel gazing Thomas.
Course times real.
Try waiting for Mrs Miserable to get ready ,
I could crawl from the primeval sedimentary ooze ,
Develop lungs,
Crawl out of the sea and start walking upright in the same time.
How would we know how long to boil a egg if times wasn’t real?
“Ooh, you’re deep”
That was the last thing that poor Stuart Lubbock heard, as stated by a priapic Michael Barrymore as he went in over the elbow.
Thank heaven, I thought Thomas had a religious conversion, or summat.
I’ll be reading that, as I totter upstairs, well crawl up, that Sloe gin, woh!
Thomas, that’s poetic, and exactly right.
Thank you, for taking the time out from your love nest.
Cunt Engine, you need your own YouTube channel.
After taking some quality mushrooms, you settle back into a leather wingback chair in a wood paneled snug and discuss space/time theories with eccentric professor types.
Possibly, but I’d need a microphone that filters out the muffled screams and begging drifting up from my love cellar.
Evening Thomas ?
I’d watch that.
You tripping your tits off talking about time and space in your Pam Ayres accent ,
In your undercrackers and Jackboots ?
I think you and Sixdog are right.
Time is a human construct.
But a necessary one
Undercracker and jackboots indeed.
But don’t forget about my leather lederhosen and little felt hat with a feather in the brim.
Or, of course, my authentic ϟϟ uniform.
It’ll be a cunt. Just like last year.
Come back 1969!
Just left school, silly as buggery and not a care in the world. ?
Jeez, I did too, 15 and daft as a brush.
However, 6 weeks later I went to 6th form college, as it was known then, to do A levels.
Turned out I wasn’t daft, after all.
Although I did work, weekends and every school holiday, stacking shelves at Asda, then later in the offices, filing, faxing and photocopying, then wages, by the time I was 18, they begged me to stay. How I wish I had.
Shit 2023 looking forward to the 5th June 2024. My liberation day. Last day at work and the government can kiss my wrinkled arse
Happy 5th, County, it’ll be on you before you can blink.
I wanted to leave, no fanfair or owt, but no, the managers took me out for a meal at lunchtime, then I had to go back and open a load of presents, Christ, excruciating, and make a speech.
I did get some laughs, but fucking hell!
Have to say Jeezum, your experience was quite different from mine. I was 69 when I finished. I had a phone call from the boss to tell me not to come in any more. A man from the leasing company came and took the car away and a junior manager came along later to pick up the kit I carried in the car. That was it, game over after 25 years. Never heard from anyone at the company ever again. A friend of mine worked for a multinational from leaving school until retirement. On his last day he was late returning to the office and found a scribbled note asking him to leave his car keys on his boss’s desk. He left the car in the car park and caught the train home.